The Azra-El Series Ch. 13


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"It my mom's. She made me borrow it," she replied, trying to adjust the dress and get comfortable inside it. Corsets were so easy to move around in.

Once she wore her black pumps, Blaze took her arm and led her down to the living room.

Elyssa was already waiting for them in a somewhat conservative white and green frock. She had enough of showing skin for one morning.

Astrid had once again disappeared on them. She was not required at the meeting and she left saying that she would meet them at the party.

"Mum's still getting ready," Ely told them as they sat down on the sofas. "I love your dress, Blaze. I should get something like it as well."

"I can introduce you to Aunt Aggie." He didn't mind Elyssa dressing like him.

It took a little while for Anastasia to appear, wearing a gorgeous navy-blue strapless dress with a high collar black cape, a voluminous petticoat, and a crown braid.

"Shall we leave?" she asked them stately, her more formal persona taking over the light-hearted edge she usually possessed. It only made Blaze feel more anxious, despite her prior assurances.

As they flew on Anastasia's personal carriage, towards the HU building, Blaze looked to the Duchess for her confirmation, but she seemed to be lost in thought.

The HU headquarter consisted of a large Y-shaped central building surrounded by a thick wall of woods. Lush grass, neat shrubs in complex topiaries, colorful flowers, and smaller buildings filled the space in between.

When they entered the lobby of the smaller buildings, Blaze observed that it was divided into two sections - a large auditorium and a smaller hall to the right. A sign outside the hall indicated the location of the meeting.

Noticing Anastasia, the receptionist gave her a small bow and disappeared inside. After a little wait, she came out with a black haired, honey skinned angel in a grey and white suit. She hurried over to the duchess, gave them an Ama and led them into the hall.

The hall was big enough to accommodate a few hundred angels. But currently, it had only had fifty to sixty angels seated in small clusters, snacking at fifteen round tables. On the left wall was a buffet styled line with numerous dishes on food warmers. The tables circled a small stage with a podium in the middle.

Blaze began to feel the weight of eyes upon him as he was led onto the stage.

The grey suited angel cleared her throat, checked around to see the angels had her attention and spoke. "I introduce to you, the honorable Duchess Anastasia Marigold, wielder of Pinaka bow. With her tonight, are her exemplary daughter, Elyssa Marigold, and the youngest righteous fury in the past twelve hundred years.

"She is also one of the only three living righteous furies. I present to you Blaze Er Lokra and her aunt Rebecca Flynn!" she finished with a flourish of a hand towards Blaze. She looked like a native Aranyan and seemed awfully proud of him.

However, the hall remained silent. The gazes focused on him with intensity and Blaze couldn't help but feel like a prized livestock. Suddenly, a couple of claps broke the spell of silence and the other angels followed suit.

The moderator vacated the podium after a glance from Anastasia. Blaze searched in the direction of the first claps and was surprised to find a familiar face smiling back at him. Alice, dressed in a stunning lilac gown, was sitting right in the middle of the hall.

Blaze couldn't believe that he had missed her, but it probably had to do with the aura the angel sitting beside her was projecting. She was unlike any other person he had met before. She felt sagely yet also imposing – two contrasts that he didn't think was possible for a person to have. The angels around her, consciously or sub consciously seemed to be showing deference towards her.

"I've known Blaze Er for the past eight years, mostly as Elyssa's dear friend," Anastasia started. What she said was a brazen lie, but she said it with such calmness that even Blaze was unsure for a moment. "I've known her mother for much longer and consider her a family friend. Over the years, I've come to care for them.

"Now, a lot of you are aware of my stance on certain issues and how I disagree with some of your ideologies," she spoke, looking at three groups in particular. Blaze was surprised that Alice's group was one of them. Wasn't Anastasia an Ophanim as well?

"Rest assured that my stance towards Blazer Er is the same as the one towards my daughter. I will give my all to guide her and help her, but her decisions are her own. That is the only reason why I have allowed for this meeting. You can influence her through your words and ideas, but I hope you won't try anything untoward," she finished emphatically, amazing Blaze that she could convey so much with so few words. "Oh, Blaze's mother is the private sort and I advise you to not bother her if you have hopes for the little one," she added, before giving the angels a suddenly friendly smile and letting the moderator take the podium.

"Ahem. I guess that ends the scheduled topics for today. I hope we have not disappointed you as a host and that you've enjoyed your stay at Aranya. Please help yourselves to the snacks, and I am at your service throughout your stay at the Aranyan branch of the Heavenly Union," the poor angel said awkwardly, and followed Anastasia and the rest, off the stage. She hadn't expected the duchess to be so forceful.

Anastasia excused herself from the other three and went to talk to a group of honey skinned angels from Gjeb, as the delegates stood up and began to mingle. She had already told them to wait for the delegates to approach them, so the three of them shyly headed towards the buffet.

Blaze quickly put some snacks on a plate and anxiously waited, quietly observing the angels present. They were a racially and culturally diverse bunch, as expected from a group of delegates comprising of all the nations and societies of Azra-El.

The national delegates wore a diverse range of traditional clothes. Blaze couldn't help but notice a Viking looking ginger haired angel in a short fur clothing, who was in a deep debate with another angel wearing a kokoshnik headdress – a traditional Russian crown.

He also saw a pixie in a green wrap around robe who seemed like someone he knew, but she didn't seem to be too interested in him, just like all the other national delegates.

Finally, from a group whom the other delegates seemed hesitant to approach, two of the three angels rose. The center angel, who seemed to be the oldest of the three, gave a quick glance at the Ophanim bunch and arose with the others.

Blaze observed them as they slowly walked towards him, with a sensual gait that seemed practiced – swaying hips that followed a steady rhythm and didn't skip a beat. They all wore white robes, but they were only similar in color.

The youngest of them, who seemed to be a little older than Elyssa, wore a transparent gauze like gown with intricately knitted white flowers and vines that helped in barely covering her important parts. She was a strawberry blonde with light pink eyes and an expression that was an awful lot like Priscilla's.

The black-haired angel on the right, wearing a sleeveless cowl robe with a pitch-black lining, had a piercing gaze and a cold expression that revealed nothing.

The oldest of the three was the only one that sported a smile – a smile that sent a cold shiver down Blaze's spine. She wore a simple bare backed white halter dress, but only the dress was simple about her.

The two-fifty-something angel made it apparent that she was very dangerous, and not in a forceful way. With golden blonde hair, a perfectly shaped and slightly upturned nose, deep set hazel eyes, and an angular jawline, she was almost a perfect specimen of beauty. Yet, the only emotion she evoked in Blaze was to get away from her as fast as he could.

The younger angel gave a pompous swish of her hand and introduced the eldest, "Cardinal Amanah Tudor." It almost seemed like she half expected Blaze to fall on his knees and worship the cardinal.

Blaze gave her a formal Ama. "It's a pleasure to finally meet you, cardinal. I hope you have received my letter," he said, trying to sound polite. Rebecca and Elyssa silently stood behind him, only able to offer moral support.

The cardinal didn't even offer a nod as she simply gazed at him with her unshifting smile, as if she was trying to make him squirm under her stare. And squirm he would have, if the duchess had not prepared him for it, or if he didn't have the two angels behind him.

"I must say, you're not what I expected, Miss Lokra," she finally spoke, leaving her words for interpretation.

"Nor I you, cardinal," Blaze replied sharply and felt a slight brush of a foot from Elyssa's side. She was standing exceptionally close to him. "I meant that you're much more beautiful than I imagined, cardinal," he quickly added at the cardinal's raised an eyebrow.

The cardinal's expression instantly became jovial, as if she had been truly moved by his words. "Inner beauty is often reflected on the outside, young Blaze. You are good looking yourself, if not in a conventional sense. It is a travesty that you made that promise to your mother.

"The Malakim can mold you into an angel much more virtuous than you have already proven yourself to be. And it is always good to start early. But a promise is a promise. You cannot be a true Malakim without holding true to your promises. I just hope that you'd be able to retain your eligibility to enter the Malakim until you graduate," she said like a wise old grandmother giving advice to her wayward grandchild.

"Thank you, cardinal," Blaze replied, giving her another Ama.

Amanah asked him a few more casual questions relating to his personal and academic life, before taking leave.

"Oh, Miss Lokra! Did you know that a Houri senior can issue a combat challenge on behalf of a younger Houri? Agnes here, is anticipating a match against you," she said, suddenly turning back as if she just remembered it.

Uh Oh! Blaze wasn't stupid enough to think that the result of such a fight would go in his favor - yet. "Uh?" was the only response he could give.

"That particular custom has been revoked in the last century, cardinal," Agnes said with a hint of derision.

"Oh. That's such a shame. Nonetheless, I am sure you will get a chance to demonstrate your skills at some point, Agnes," she said and led the group back to their table.

Shit! Blaze felt aghast as he realized he had fallen into the Cardinal's trap. In his letter, he had claimed that he knew everything about the Houri. His reaction had proved otherwise.

"I think it went well for a meeting with the Malakim," Ely tried to comfort him. "Watch out, the Seraphim are coming," she warned, as another group of three angels stepped forward. These angels were also dressed in white, but all of them wore matching robes with a red balance printed on their chests.

What is it supposed to balance, their tits? Blaze wondered as he noticed the scales of the balance were positioned right under their mounds.

The conversation with the Seraphim went a little more smoothly, when compared to the one with Malakim. The Seraphim believed that a true justiciar needed to strictly adhere to the right set of principles and have enough strength to back it up. To them, Blaze had yet to fully prove himself in both aspects. The Seraphim introduced themselves to Blaze and offered a special position amongst their ranks, explaining its benefits.

A couple of other societies followed the Seraphim, with similar spiels. It was only after the fourth society that the Ophanim finally stood up. There were four Ophanim, but the one sitting beside Alice told two of them to stay behind, before walking towards him with the young secretary.

Alice, who usually struck one as a fumbling, inquisitive and slightly awkward, suddenly looked very stunning in her lilac, golden breasted gown, and a chic side parted flowing hair style.

"The Wise One of the Ophanim, Mon Manjushri Yiddam," she introduced the older angel, with a pleasant and reassuring smile. Blaze had to drag his eyes away from her to look at the wise one.

The Malakim had fourteen cardinals, while the Ophanim only had four wise ones. So at least in number, Manjushri ranked over Amanah Tudor.

Manjushri was nowhere as good looking as the cardinal, but she trumped her beauty with other aspects. She wore a simple light violet wrap around and was only around 6'8, yet she posed a larger presence. Her light brown eyes were kind but perceptive, and her light flaxen hair hung freely on her back and shoulders.

"Tell me child, what do you want to be when you grow up?" Manjushri asked, with a slight smile. Though it wasn't a wide smile, it felt genuine. And for once, Blaze did not mind being called a child. He observed her energy aura through his Anja and judged her to be more than three-fifty, older than Aurnia. How much more exactly? He could not fathom. But from any perspective, he was a child in front of the angel.

To her question however, he had no immediate answer. It was such an obvious question for a young angel, but no one else had ever bothered to ask him – even Jie Er. Although, the latter probably didn't because she felt he needed a lot more time to consider such things.

And Blaze hadn't truly considered the question during the short six months he had spent on the planet. He had thought about his origins, his inordinate potential and his relationships, but not what he wanted to be.

On Earth, science had been his poison. Though he was still the ever-curious person he had always been, being only a scientist or an engineer had suddenly lost its appeal.

As he gazed into the pleasant face of Manjushri, he began asking himself a few obvious questions.

Did he want power? Sure. If it was offered to him easily. But he had no interest in a constant struggle for it, and the politics it involved – between the nations, societies and other interest groups. He also didn't care for the responsibilities that came with it. Relegating them to some poor obliging angel like Aahna seemed irresponsible.

Did he want fame? Only if it came by itself.

Did he want money? He was sure in his capacity to make a decent living.

Did he crave for personal strength? Yes, but it wasn't a penultimate goal. Did he need it to fight against the demons? Maybe.

Did he want to be a hero? Maybe, but he was no martyr. He would fight with his life to protect his loved ones – Jie Er, Rebecca and Elyssa, but there was no indication that he was summoned into this world for a special reason. He would fight if he was required to, but he would rather avoid the battlefield if he could.

Did he enjoy fighting? Yes and no.

Did he enjoy being better than others? Yes, but only if it was a true contest.

Did he crave for knowledge? YES!

"I want to be good at everything," he suddenly answered. Though he felt a little immature with his answer, he continued. "At fighting, in science, in philosophy, in warfare, and at love. I want to learn and know everything!" he finished with passion. It was a naive statement, but in that moment, it was his ultimate desire. Moreover, he had four hundred years or more to accomplish it.

Manjushri laughed freely and without an ounce of condescension.

"And why do you desire such an insurmountable accomplishment?"

"A little because I want to feel awesome, but mostly because I want to understand the world. From all perspectives. From the weakest of beings to the strongest. From the vilest of beings to the most righteous. From the point of view of regular people, merchants, soldiers, generals and Queens. I want to understand and make sense of the world,"

"And what would you do with such an understanding?"

"I don't know, but I am sure I will when I reach such a stage,"

Manjushri gave him a deep appraising look as her smile slightly widened. She was impressed- more than she had been prepared for.

"I am happy to have met you, little Fury. I want to always see the flame inside of you blazing with the same fury that I've witnessed today. You will have my well wishes whether you decide to join the Ophanim or not, as long as your desire doesn't change.

One last question. Did you just decide on this goal when I asked you the question?"


Manjushri laughed. "You are an interesting one, child. I hope you reach your dreams. But I must warn you, it is not an easy task. It will be harder than becoming a Deva and you may not find the answers you're looking for,"

"I know."

"Good. Till we meet again, little one," she replied with a slight bow.

Blaze responded with a sincere Ama and the two Ophanim walked back to their seats.


"I thought she was here to recruit you," Elyssa said, after the two angels were out of their earshot. Manjushri hadn't even mentioned the topic. "But I guess even the righteous fury isn't exempt from their age limit."

"How do the Ophanim have any candidates left if they don't recruit till 150, and angels can't easily switch between the societies?" he questioned.

"They have an implicit agreement with the others. Ophanim is the only society angels can switch to without being given a hard time by their original societies. In return, the Ophanim doesn't actively recruit angels until they are 150. But I thought Mon Manjushri's presence indicated otherwise. I guess I was wrong."

"And, not everyone joins a society before a hundred and fifty. I haven't," Rebecca added softly.


"You look surprised, Ms. Alice," Manjushri commented as they sat down with the others.

"If I may speak my mind, wise one," Alice asked politely.

"Of course, Alice. That's what Fiora and I like about you."

"Min Fiora implied that you might want to woo Ms. Blaze into the Ophanim. Honestly, that is what I thought you were here for. Though I doubt anyone would've imagined you to come in person."

"One of the reasons for my presence is in fact Ms. Blaze. But I wouldn't make or even allow her to join the Ophanim if she isn't suitable. The folly of older angels is the presumption of their own wisdom and the open acknowledgement of a younger angel's naivety.

"However, young ones are moldable, Ms. Alice, and there is nothing wrong with a little overt guidance in the right direction. If Ms. Blaze had seemed impressionable in the slightest way, I would have immediately tried to get her into the Ophanim.

"But it seems Fiora's judgment is true. Ms. Blaze has a strong character. I doubt we need to worry about her being taken by the Malakim or the Seraphim, and her inclinations suggest she is more suited for the Ophanim or the Elohim. Besides, we know more about her than any other society. We can always use that knowledge when the need arises," Manjushri explained, her eyes lost in thought.

"You gained all that from one question?" Alice asked, more in wonder than disbelief.

"I've lived a long life, Ms. Alice, and I've seen a lot of young angels. If I am allowed to boast, I will say that I can more or less judge a young angel through their body language, their attitude towards others, and through the hidden meanings behind their words. But tell me Ms. Alice, what would you have answered if you had been put in her shoes at her age? Would you have tried to impress me, answer me honestly, with whatever comes to your mind in that moment, or be composed enough to actually think over what you want?"


After the Ophanim, the remaining societies also introduced themselves to Blaze. Though his interest was piqued by the Elohim, none of the conversations he had with the other societies stood out in his mind.
