The Azra-El Series Ch. 14


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As he grabbed her firm butt cheeks and pulled her body to his, Astrid stood on her toes and widened the gap between her thighs, nestling his cock between the folds of her pussy.

Blaze squeezed her ass and pushed his fingers between her cheeks. Feeling her tight hole craving for entry, he wet his middle finger with his saliva and pushed it in. She gasped and wrapped her arms around his neck, while she rubbed herself along his shaft, mashing her breasts over his chest.

An intense desire to push her lower lips onto his cock surged inside her, but she broke the kiss and pushed him away before it could overwhelm her. "Her turn?" she said coyly, pointing to Clio.

Blaze grinned at her and turned to Clio, who nervously shuffled on her feet. He reached for the untorn breast flap and pulled it down to reveal both of her breasts. They were small and perky, just like her pink nipples.

Looking into her hazel eyes, he placed his palms over her breasts and felt their softness, flicking her nipples with the roughness of his thumbs. Clio shivered as she felt small sparks running through her body from her nipples.

Blaze ran his hands down her naked sides and down to her butt. Gripping her butt cheeks, he pulled her towards him. She gave a startled cry, feeling his hardness against her thigh. A predatory grin flashed on his face and he took her left breast into his mouth.

Sucking on her small breasts and perky nipples, his hands gripped and massaged her ass through her tattered clothes. He pulled her skirt up and his fingers crept underneath her panties to dig into the softness of her small ass.

Clio couldn't help but let out a small moan, heat welling between her legs.

"Do you want to take a look at it?" he asked her impishly.

Conflicting emotions arose in her mind as the uncontrollable desire caused her to wonder if she was being charmed. But she didn't feel like her mind was being clouded. Instead, she felt more alive than ever before. She gave a hesitant nod.

Blaze's smile turned to a lustful grin as he imagined her wide and heavy maroon lips wrapping around his cock. He sat down on the couch, spread his legs and leaned against the arm rest. Astrid caught his eyes and gave him a knowing smirk.

Clio felt a rush of fear and anticipation as she gingerly walked towards his hard cock. She leaned on her knees to get a better look at it.

"You might as well sit on your knees. You will be doing a lot more than merely looking at it," he said.

Clio raised a brow at him, but she complied.

It looked strange to her, with its thick veins and swollen head. But something about it and the two oval bags hanging below it created desire in her. She inched a finger forward to touch it and felt it to be warm and hard like a stiff muscle. She remembered Astrid's actions and wrapped her fingers around its girth. It felt full and meaty in her grip, and she subconsciously moved her hand up and down its length.

After a few moments, she removed her hand and leaned her head forward to observe it more closely. Blaze automatically pushed his hips forward and his tip bounced off her upper lip and brushed her nose, coming to rest against her cheek. Clio felt its warmth through her skin and his musky scent evoked a hunger inside her.

"The best way to feel it is with your mouth," Blaze commented innocently, loving the confused look on her beautiful freckled face.

Clio leaned in without even questioning him. She wrapped her thick lips around his head like it was a lollipop and gave it a lick. His scent and flavor woke her up, exciting her and making her mouth water.

She held his length in one hand and started licking and sucking on his head, making loud smacking sounds. Her light red lipstick painting smears across his length.

Blaze couldn't help but wrap his hands around her hair and nudge her down on his cock. Clio glanced up and relented, slowly lowering her lips along his shaft. He let go of her hair when his cock hit the back of her throat and she slowly pulled back, releasing him from her lips with an audible pop.

"Oh! I never tried that!" Astrid exclaimed before Clio could voice her opinion.

"You can come and join her," Blaze replied wryly.

"Move a little," Astrid told Clio, kneeling beside her and pushing against her shoulder.

Clio shuffled aside to give her room and Astrid wasted no time in grasping his cock and taking it into her mouth. Her lips were not as luscious and soft as Clio's, but Blaze had no complaints about her technique. Despite being a blowjob virgin, Astrid's head bobbed up and down his length enthusiastically as she used her cheeks to expertly apply pressure.

She pulled back after a few bobs and tilted his dick towards Clio. "Want to taste it again?" she asked the reporter, as if she was offering a lick of her ice-cream.

Clio, who had been watching Astrid's performance with rapt attention, once again took his prick into her mouth and copied Astrid's movements. She continued until she felt short of breath, before offering his penis back to Astrid.

The two of them repeatedly took turns swallowing his cock before they both decided to run their lips on either side of his shaft. He couldn't help but groan as he stared down at the two angels kissing their way down his length and the hot caress of their wet tongues spread Clio's lipstick over his cock.

When they reached his base, Clio's tongue glided back up, while Astrid proceeded further down. She enclosed her lips around his left nut and felt its shape with her tongue, lightly rolling it around. Liking the feel of it, she widened her mouth, swallowing the other one.

The heat and wetness of Astrid's mouth made him feel like his balls were immersed in a hot bath and it drove him crazy as Clio's mouth once swallowed his cock.

"Shit!" he cried as he lost control.

Astrid felt his balls pulse in her mouth and noticing the tug of his body, she let his balls pull free.

Blaze burst into Clio's mouth. Surprised by the sudden wetness against the roof of her mouth, she pulled away from Blaze's shaft. It popped from her mouth, shooting hot spurts of cum all over her freckled face. Her mouth lay open, gasping as the hot liquid hit her skin. Thankfully, she'd instinctively closed her eyes.

"I am sorry. I couldn't control myself," Blaze said, even though he didn't feel sorry when he looked at Clio's face.

Clio simply felt confused at his sudden discharge, but Astrid wasn't. She flicked her finger across Clio's cheek, picking up some of his essence and sucking it into her mouth.

"Hmm... Tastes like apple sauce," she said. Clio nodded in agreement as she finally let herself taste him.

"I guess you need a moment?" Astrid remarked at a panting Blaze.

Blaze raised a brow in surprise. "You noticed?"

"Yeah. Your organ always shrinks after you ejaculate. I think it's like one of those old energy rifles. After it fires a shot, you need to charge it again," she replied.

Blaze laughed at the strange analogy and turned to Clio. "Sorry, I need a few minutes before I can go again." His resting period was lower than when he was human, but it still required some time.

"You know..." he pondered, as an idea came to his perverted mind as he gazed at the disheveled bee in front of him. "The stinger of your costume doesn't really do justice to your image," he said, pulling out his Txiki needle.

"Hey! What are you planning!?" Clio shrieked and leaned away from him in trepidation.

"Grab her Astrid!" he said in a sinister voice.

Astrid's eyes widened in surprise, but she jumped on Clio who let out a cry of alarm as she was tackled to the ground.

Blaze burst out laughing at the two meagerly clothed angels wrestling on the ground. Noticing his mirth, they paused their struggle.

"I was just kidding," he said to them and looked at Astrid. "And that's your punishment for not helping me before," he said with a smirk.

Clio frowned but Astrid's laughter filled the room. "I guess I deserved that."

"But I do plan on making you a proper bee!" Blaze grinned at Clio, waving his needle at her. "I promise it will feel good."

Clio's eyes widened as she realized the intent behind Blaze's words, but she could only nod in confirmation. It seemed like she had taken a plunge into a quagmire that only pulled her deeper.

"Good! Can you turn around and show me your butt?" he asked her. He had once felt self-conscious about saying such things, but now it didn't even bother him.

Clio hesitantly turned around and got on all fours to present her petite ass to Blaze. He immediately fell to his knees behind her and pressed on the small of her back to arch her body down and push her butt up.

"Can you kiss her, Astrid?" he asked as he raised Clio's skirt and pulled down her black panties to her knees.

Astrid only considered it for a second. "No. I don't think I'd like that. In fact, I never liked the idea of kissing someone on the lips before I met you," she replied.

Her words surprised Blaze. Astrid had been very oral with him. She was passionate in her kisses, let alone everything else she did with her mouth and tongue. Maybe she is straight? Blaze had presumed that the sexuality of the angels was very fluid, considering that most of them seemed to be fine with pleasuring each other.

Astrid grabbed a pillow from the divan and placed it in front of Clio. "Lie down on this. It will be more comfortable," she told her, before moving behind Blaze.

She wrapped her arms his neck and pressed her body against his back as she leaned in to his ear. "I love kissing you though," she whispered huskily. She licked his ear and took his earlobe between her lips and began to suck on it.

He relished the sensation for a moment before he turned his attention to the sight before him. Unlike her upper lips, Clio's vagina was a thin straight line of pink, and her asshole deep between the hills of o her butt cheeks.

"Wet this for me please," he asked Astrid giving her the Txiki needle. Astrid took the weapon and flopped down on her butt to diligently suck on the needle's rounded handle.

While waiting, he worked on Clio's ass, spreading her butt cheeks and going down on her without hesitation, running his tongue over her puckered ass before lightly pushing in, trying to loosen her clenched muscles.

"I thought you'd put it in my vagina," Clio asked nervously. She had a slightly raspy boyish voice, which matched with her figure.

"Your vagina is reserved for my cock," he answered before pushing his tongue back inside. Her body shivered when he pushed a wet thumb into her ass. Gripping her legs to steady her, he slowly pumped his finger in and out of her tight ass. But before he could build up the pace, Astrid handed him the now sopping wet needle.

Clio felt the soft, cold, and rounded end as Blaze placed it against her ass. He brushed and rotated the knobby wood around her tight hole before slowly pushing it in. Slowly, Clio's anus swallowed the needle as her back arched in unexpected pleasure that would've been inconceivable to her before this encounter.

"Ahhh!" she cried as Blaze pushed it into her depths. Her anus stretched over the wider portion of the handle before wrapping around its thickness as he pushed a few inches of the handle into her.

Clio subconsciously wiggled her butt and the needle swayed with it. Blaze adjusted her skirt, top, and the antenna headband of her bee costume. "Stay like that for a moment," he said as he and Astrid got up to view her.

Clio looked nothing like a real bee, but sexually she posed the perfect visual.

"Give me your camera," Astrid suddenly asked Clio.

"What!? No!"

"Don't be such a carnike. It's your camera. You will have the picture once you develop it. I just want to save this image," she said with flourish of her hand.

Clio sighed and threw her space ring at Astrid, who went through it and pulled out a large box camera and a stand. She took a moment to set it up, before covering herself and the camera with a black cloak. "Say buzz!"

A tiny helpless smile sprouted on Clio's face as she turned her head towards the camera, rolled her eyes, and said buzz. A quick flash and a loud snap of shutters captured the moment.

"Leave the camera there. I need a picture of Ms. Blaze later," she said as Astrid stood back up. "Don't worry, it will be fully clothed," she added to Blaze.

Once again feeling the swell of his member, Blaze walked up to Clio and gave her a hand. She took it and began to reach around to pull out the needle.

"Don't!" Blaze said with a little pull.

Clio raised a brow at him but got up to her feet without complaint and stepped out of her panties. The feel of the polished wood between her cheeks wasn't unpleasant. Blaze pulled her to him and looked up into her eyes. He put his hand under her light-yellow hair and wrapped it around her neck to pull her face towards him.

"Mmmph," her surprise was muffled by the feel of his lips on hers.

Her eyes widened as he boldly took her lips between his and started sucking on them. She couldn't help but open her mouth to his searching tongue.

He relished her cherry flavor as he rolled his tongue over hers, drawing her closer with his hands kneading her ass and fingers digging into the supple flesh of her small but soft butt. He took the needle in his hand and gently tugged on it. She moaned against his mouth, mashing her lips against him as she felt the pleasure of her ass and body being taken. She is ready.

Blaze pulled away from her and sat down on the couch. He leaned back and invited her with a finger. "Come. It's time," he commanded while he stared at her thin straight slit.

Clio gulped and hesitated, but Astrid gave her a push from behind. She stumbled over to him and Blaze caught her by the arm. "Climb on me," he said, giving a gentle pull.

Biting her lower lip, Clio slowly climbed onto the couch and over his thighs, feeling his skin as she stood on her knees. Fear and anticipation filled her, and she felt the wetness of her lower lips.

Blaze gazed up into her eyes filled with trepidation and placed his hands over her hips, softly caressing her. "If you want it, you need to put it in yourself," he grinned at her.

Clio's lips quivered as she looked at his member. "W-What?"

"You heard me."

"Why don't you do it yourself, like you did to Ms. Astrid?"

"Because I said so."

Clio bit her lip again before steeling herself and grabbing his prick. She moved up on his thighs and slowly brought his member to her lower lips. A jolt of pleasure shot across her body as his tip touched her skin.

She brushed his member across her lips a few times before lining it with her hole. She intuitively seemed to know where it was supposed to go.

"Take it slowly," Blaze advised her as she gently lowered herself onto him.

He watched as her lips parted and swallowed his tip under their wet folds. Her walls clamped hard against his cock as she felt her own virginity fight against his intrusion.

"Ease yourself in," he told her as she looked into his eyes for more advice.

Despite the protest of her inner muscles, the pleasure she felt by his mere tip made her want all of him. Placing a hand on his chest she rose up again before easing herself back down.

She made repeated attempts and with each turn, her barrier widened, and his length slowly entered her. Finally, she felt him stretch her entrance enough to push inside, and with a sudden surge of lust she sat herself down on his full length.

Electricity coursed through Blaze's mind and body as he felt his entirety immersed in her hot wet depths. He sat upright, wrapped his arms around her narrow waist and pulled her to himself, lodging his face between her breasts.

"Aaaaahhhh" Clio screamed as her body arched and went taut as it released itself. Her mind went blank in the orgasm that followed and the only thing she felt was his heat and the wetness she released on him.

Blaze squeezed her butt cheeks and started gently rotating her hips over his.

"That was ecstatic," she told him in awe, once she came back to her senses.

Blaze responded by taking her hands and placing them on his shoulder. He leaned back, put his hands behind his head and grinned at her. "Up and down. I know you want more," he told her with a smirk.

"mmh. I didn't think this would feel so good," Clio moaned, grinding her groin over his balls.

"Oh, I think you did. That's why you watched us for so long. I think you wanted me inside you from the start. Don't you think so, Astrid?"

Clio didn't want to respond, but her voice and body betrayed her. She moaned as she rose up, slowly dragging his cock out of her. She relished every inch of him before she sat back down with a thump.

A burst of pleasure wracked through her senses and she finally understood what Astrid had meant. Her mind had not been overtaken, but the pleasure was so intense that her will couldn't resist wanting more. She rose up and slammed back on him again.

Spurred by her own action and result, Clio slowly increased her speed and was soon riding his cock as her cries of ecstasy filled the room.

Astrid, who had been sitting on the carpet with folded legs and watching them fuck, crawled towards them and grasped the needle sticking out of Clio's butt. Feeling her grip, Clio stopped bouncing and looked back.

Astrid gently pulled the stick out of Clio's hole and rubbed it across her juices flowing around Blaze's cock to lubricate it. "Next time, I want to try it in my butt," she said, and Blaze had to lean around Clio to look at Astrid.

The smoldering look of desire she gave him, though he was currently inside another beautiful angel, lit his body and mind on fire. He gave her an imperceptible nod as he gazed into her eyes and shoved his hips into Clio.

Understanding what she was supposed to do, Clio rose up over Blaze's member and Astrid positioned the handle beneath her puckered hole. Clio held onto Blaze's shoulders as she lowered herself over the two rods.

One was much narrower than the other, but they both filled her up. Her ass clamped around the toy even more tightly, having to make room for the cock inside her cunt, enveloping her body in a blanket of pure bliss. She felt her body grow weak in the pleasure and she fell on Blaze, wrapping her arms around his head. She was too tall to reach for his lips without bending her body, so she offered him her breasts instead.

"So, how does it feel to have both of your holes filled? You want more?" Astrid asked teasingly.

"I don't know!" Clio gasped. She couldn't deny the answers that came to her mind.

As Blaze sucked on her nipple, she ground herself into his stomach and groin, while Astrid pulled the needle in and out of her butt, trying to keep in sync with her.

Finally, the pleasure sparked in her brain and the pit of her stomach and she screamed in release. Blaze wrapped his arms around her in a bear hug and let himself go as they flooded each other.

Blaze felt her orgasm flood over him as she shuddered, just as Clio felt his thick hot essence strike her walls with force and fill her womb.

As the orgasm subsided, Clio slid down his body and rested her head over his shoulder as she panted in exhaustion. Completely satiated, Blaze gently caressed her hair and narrow back.

"My turn?" Astrid asked softly when Blaze glanced at her.

"Er... I don't think I can go on anymore tonight, Astrid," he said. He had cum at least four times in less than two hours. And anymore would be pushing himself without pleasure.

Astrid looked a little disappointed, but she seemed to understand. She stood up and got onto the couch, pushing Clio to give her room. The three of them lay in each other's arms for a few minutes before Clio finally regained strength in her body.