The Azra-El Series Ch. 14


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"Ely! Do we have a way to contact Astrid? It's urgent," he asked her, pulling at her top.

"Er... I think so. Why?"

Blaze explained his idea and she looked around in her space ring for a moment before she brought out a jade stone. "This one connects to Saket's central messaging system. I will ask them to get us in touch with her."

The VP rang twenty minutes later, and Blaze grabbed it from Elyssa.

"ASTRID!" he almost screamed into the VP. "I need to get into contact with Clio. Can she come here by tonight? I've got a good scoop for her."

"What's this about?" Astrid asked lazily. They could hear the sounds of silverware and it was apparent she was eating.

"I've had an angelic Quetzal named Sky as a pet for the past three months. I need Clio's help and I am sure she would love to be the first one to write about him. Can you talk to her and send her to Tir as soon as you can?"

Astrid's silverware made an audible clunk as she dropped them on her plate.

"Are you serious?


"Okay, I will go meet her and make sure she gets there by the evening."

"Thank you, Astrid! Please make sure Clio gets here. I will talk to you later," Blaze finished.


Q & A (I am running out of questions here. Rance?)

Q. How smart are the angels?

A. I consider the angels to be more intelligent than humans. For comparison, let's say the average IQ of a human is 100, then that of the angels is 120 or 125. They also have much longer lifespans requiring a better memory capacity.

Q. If they are smarter, why are they technologically more backward?

A. Smaller populations.

Q. How does Saket's central messaging system work?

A. Kinda like the old telegraph service. Voice Projectors are a limited resource, so Saket has a center that connects with towns, nobles and other important persons. So, one can call the center and request to be connected to another person for a small fee. A VP is then taken to that person.

Q. So what do dragons eat?

A. Stars. Yes, Phil and Betty are potentially my food, but now I've grown attached to them. Dammit. This is why mama said not to play with my food.

We don't eat all stars though, and never the ones with life or potential for life. We only eat stars to prolong our life span. The lifespan of dragons depends on the number/quality of stars they eat, but most chose to whittle away and disappear after a few billion years. They get bored of living.

Q. My mom and dad?

A. I've no idea where they are. I got lost a hundred million years ago. They maybe traipsing along the galaxies in search of me or maybe they're just taking a long nap, hoping I'd return on my own. You can never tell with dragons. I haven't seen my older brother since I was only a million years old. They say he went out to explore on his own, but I am not too sure now. Maybe he is just as lost as I am. He is almost a billion years old now. Mum is 2.5 billion and Dad is 2.6 billion. I am 222 million.

Response to Comments

Rance: Where have you disappeared? Don't tell me that Momo let you into Azra-El. Those poor angels. What will happen to them?

ReaderReaderFic: Tattoos. That should be a thing :P. The Vaikunheim may take some time to make another appearance.

Birdisthword: Thanks for all your other comments to Bird. I've read them all and I sent a reply through lit. Maybe you didn't get it. I am glad you think so highly of my work.

QuantumTruth: Haha. The only dragon for now is me :P. Thank you for your review.

Wank65: Haha, I think this chapter will make you ship Blaze and Astrid even more. But Blaze and Elyssa's is the final carrier that is yet to be built :P.

BC: Blaze has already explained about himself to his new family and Elyssa. I would imagine the first reaction most angels would have about humans is what we have towards chimps. Shorter lifespans and not as intelligent. But you're right, the interactions would become interesting -- Individually, a human may not appear too capable to the angels but as a collective they'd be surprised by how much the humans can accomplish.

Finbar: Thank you for praise, mate. It was super uplifting. I can keep getting better because of comments like yours 😊.

Jie Er, Rebecca and Ely all know about Blaze's previous life and I reckon he's told them a lot about Earth, even if their conversations don't appear in the novel. Do they believe him? -- To a certain extent. Though they may harbor doubts arising from his curious hatching. They also may not 'respect' humans enough, as they are so short lived. What would you think when you hear of an intelligent species of dogs or monkeys that only live for 20 years? You may be surprised by their huge populations and the amount of stuff they build, but you may think they cannot be as 'aware'/learned as you are. Anyway, that was a random philosophical tangent.
Discussing culture shock sounds interesting. I will think of ways to add it somewhere.
As for technology discussion -- I am waiting for the right moment to do it.

Dhrew: Gah! No more dancing for me :P, even if I had a lot of fun writing them. I am glad you enjoyed the dance scenes.
I think you're a little incorrect. Blaze has no interest in banging 'Grannies' -- this came up before -- Once, when he met the mayor of Varan. He is perfectly fine with Milfs -- Fiora and Caludis are both Milfs, even if they don't look like it. Even Jie Er could technically be a young Milf to Blaze. It depends on your definition.
The problem with Azrael is that Gilfs look like Milfs and Blaze will have a 'hard' time reconciling with that. Think of it as a character quirk.
Aurnia and Manjushri are well over 300 -- that is equivalent to a sixty or seventy-year-old human. Their physical appearance may not look like it, but their energy aura definitely does. Though Blaze has not used his Anja enough, Angels do 'see' with their Anja as well.
I personally don't have an issue with most sexual prefs. I am a big fan of 'younger' milfs.
Tournament: It's a parallel tournament for under 60's (not the one Ely is going to take part in). Priscilla is 50 and though she isn't the strongest of her age, she is pretty good. However, Blaze is definitely under prepared for the tournament. That's why he doesn't really want to join it. But he may not be able to avoid it. (No random power ups and he will have around 8 months to prepare.) The tourney is at the end of the school year.

Theother1gater: Why does AzraEl look like Australia? That was the first question I had for myself when I drew it. I answered it in my Q&A in earlier chapters. It just turned out that way. I am not an Australian. But ironically, my editor is :P. However, the similarities of AzraEl end with the shape. The continent is larger than Asia and is the northern hemisphere (thus climate will look different than Australia's). Even the shape is only similar on depictions of a flat map. It gets much narrower towards the poles.

Ahren: How do you like the real side of Miss Tango?

Q. How do you train bees?
A. With a stinger.

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zorb1970zorb1970about 3 years ago

Re; your Q&A session :being smarter doe not mean better IQ scores or being technologically more advanced. Dolphins and humans?

oxygen5011oxygen5011about 4 years ago
Fucking awesome

It's only getting better i liked Astrid's character much more

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Side characters are getting better

The last few chapters have started to provide some background and motivations for the side characters that make them much more appealing. The erotic scenes are orders of magnitude better with characters that have personalities. The latest scene with Astrid and Clio was by far the best yet. Looking forward to the eventual ship with Elyssa, as she is clearly his equal in the long run. Keep it up!

RanceSamaRanceSamaabout 5 years ago
Watch "The Breath of Creation (Aurelion Sol Lore)" on YouTube Since you're a Dragon too. I so sure you are AURELION SOL

Clipped from :

Damn Targonians! But they could never trick you though, O AUTHOR mine. XD

Ha! Blaze fucked a Malakim, albeit unwittingly! I confess, I was secretly hoping he would fuck a Malakim member into submission so that they can be nice to him. But this is good *"compensation"* lol!

Oh, that poor reporter. It only takes one look at that dick and then you're under it's spell. I speculate that it must be a pheromone thing. This rental.inds me of the story on Manga Rock called "Parallel Paradise" and on Manhwa hentai called "Pheromone Holic" as well as "The Good Manager" too.

Okay, you already knew this was coming. I mean... how couldn't you? Will you promise to make a summer swimsuit chapter for this upcoming summer? And while we're at it, can you also do an Easter version chapter featuring Carnikes being Carnikes? Heck, go all out and make an Easter spot involving Carnikes. You could have a twisted version of the Easter egg hunt where angels have to hunt for their equivalent of Easter eggs in a Carnike nest! Heck have all the Carnikes dressed as rabied killer Easter bunnies! Kukuku XD

Aww, Door is so kawaii when she is mad. I just wanna let her head because of that. I know! Blaze-kun, per Siof's head for me will ya, aye? If I were Blaze I would take EVERY opportunity to raffle Siof's hair! It's so pettable!

Thank you for listening, O, marv ones ye sexy space star dragon Aurelion Sol you, aye!

"You guys have nothing to fear," he shouted back at them. "At least for another twenty years." I am so dead! XD

My reaction to this was: "See you twenty year... or less"

┬┴┤o ͜ʖ ͡o)

"A small crowd of angles awaited his arrival along with Jie Er"

Aye, AUTHOR, so are "angles" the cousins of "angels" or something? Is this an actual typo or did you actually invented a new "angel" subspecies known as "angles" hmm?

Argh! I feel like that thing you said about reporters putting you on a pedestal and then knocking you off of it for a sensational story coverage. What a sucky feeling... MOMO, give me a hug! (That's better....)

Wait... Holy shiz! Since Clio thought Blaze was some sort of succubus (or incubus in his case) does that mean the THOT by he hatched from was a demon egg? So then, by this logic, Blaze is an abandoned demon baby, or rather, he reincarnated inside one. Or better yet, the baby was (is?) a half-angel/demon and that's why Blaze exhibits traits, attributes and aspects of both races. What if Blaze is a nephilim!?! This would explain everything!

So hypothetically speaking, by this logic, if Blaze were to for whatever reason venture out into demon territory willingly or otherwise, the there is a chance that he will find his real asshole parents, or at least one of them. So this reasoning, both his parents could be an angel and a demon who're both living in their respective territories. Conversely, then could all be hiding out in the same territory, be it angel, demon or pixie territory...

Now for some of my weird head cannon... You have been warned. Abandon all hope all ye who enter here...

Shiver me timbers MOMO! I think I may be on to something 'ere! "Super Privage Invastigator Detective MOMO! I ask of you... Will you help me get to the bottom of this?"

"Elementary my dear, elementary!"

"...MOMO you can speak!?"

"...Nah! My dear boi! I merely a manifestation of your malfunction and failing higher cognitives."


*sigh* "You're going crazy and losing your mind, my dear boi"

"...Well why didn't you just say so?! And why are you dressed as an Easter Bunny lewd nurse for? Is that your umm... Fetish?"

*sighing intensifies* "...Since I am a quasi-figment of your malfunctioning cognitives, I thusly a representative reflection of your exotic star of mind. That is to say this is no mere hyperbolic insinuating, except to say that this is all a contract representative of your current, relatively speaking, of your deteriorating imagination..."

"...Bullshit! I have no idea what you just said MOMO, but I am calling bullshit on all that BS. Clearly your original creator has programmed you to mess me. Yeah that's it! That's gotta be it. Hahahaha! I am on to you AUTHOR! You must be using Blaze to affect me too... Wait, doesn't that mean it's already too late for me...?"

*Sigh* " Let's just agreed to disagree, no?" *Suspicious look intensifies*

NARRATOR: "Join us next time on the next episode of FAKE NEWS uhh I mean FAKE REVIEWS! Will MOMO get the upper hand and confuse this poor READER and the guise of a legitimate professional under the employ of the AUTHOR?! Or will this READER get the upper hand and regain their sanity before they start believing the insane is sane!?! Well fuck me sideways! I can't wait to find out what happens next time either hahahaha! Talk about a cliffhanger, eh? I am on an Easter Bunny Carnike... Ciao!"

Hope restored to all ye who entered here!

Serious question though. Are your Otters sentient? What I mean is, are they as smart as how humans perceive Dolphins to be smart? If so then Splash is gonna be up some sly shinanigans!

And at long last! Sky is forced into the spotlight (somehow, I feel like you introduced Slash just to make Sky go into the public eye. Maybe it's a government conspiracy. What if Splash was sent to you the demons in order to spy on and get Blaze into trouble for owning Sky?! A HELA Empire conspiracy I tell ya lad, a conspiracy!)

Yay! Clio is coming back! And how is he gonna pay Astrid and Clio back for rescuing him from this Splash induced (Probably, definitely, Hela related conspiracy?) Will they ask for sexual favours from him? Another threesome maybe? Kukuku!

And is the HELA Empire aware of what's going on in Aranya either through spies or otherwise? Will they make a move? Will Blaze get kidnapped? Will Splash reveal her true colours as a HELA EMPIRE spy!? Will Blaze be vindicated or condemned further? Will Sky live or die?

Damn! The plot thickens!

Regardless, I am just glad my favourite fantasy headmistress is back. Fiora and Astrid best waifus btw.

I am gonna call it right so in the future you can't say I didn't tell you so... Jie Dr is the leader of the angels but in secret. I mean c'mon. She fits the dark and mysterious but secretly powerful individual with secret privileges kinda character nigh perfectly. So I am telling you thusly.

Hmm, did I miss anything else...?

Oh yeah, I didn't think it was possible but you imagery somehow keeps getting better. I was so immersed in the ahem "plot" that I got carried away and umm... Yeah I'll leave it that.

Let's just say I don't regret reading this story. I will never look at a smut story with actual "plot" the same way again. You sir space dragon have raised the bar. I doubt I will never get find another space star dragon AUTHOR who I've seen for to nickname as "AURELION SOL" ever again.

Thank you for bearing through my "Madness Enhancement EX" and for your patience in reading this far.

As they say in some country (probably in Russia, but believe it or not I heard Black Widow, the Avenger, say it in one of the animated series): "Till we meet again..."

Okay, now I am REALLY worried that I missed something... Mayb I should hire an editor and a reviewer to check through my reviews from now on...? Nahhhhh! I am probably overreacting, hehehe!


When will this end?

Could it be? Am I desperately trying to meet some mysterious hereunto unknown maximum word quota? Surely not... I hope?

Oh yeah I just googled it (does Azra-el have their own version of Google?) and I got this: "Day Vedanya" or "until we meet again" or so Google tells me. I shoulda asked MOMO...

No more drink-reviewing in the future maybe? Naaaahhhhhh! Because that would be too easy wouldn't it?

Oh yeah? How can you eat stars if you are AURELION SOL the creator of stars? Aren't those stars also parts of your body? Don't you also feel pain when stars die?

Alright for realz this time. I am about press the freaking button. Why is it so hard to publish this review dammit? Just 2 taps...

Okay here goes something...

Although I can't help but feel I am forgetting something very significant...

Oi! MOMO!? Don't touch that or you will publish this rev-...!!!

James7594James7594about 5 years ago
Another masterpiece of a chapter!

You haven't changed a bit, have you? You still have a way to keep us readers captive with a riveting tale of twists and turns, joy and sorrow, anger and regret. You still keep giving us a story to invest our emotions in while modulating the mood as necessary. Every bit of your story flows so smoothly from one point to another. The way they deal with the reporter to the smut. The transition from class to the story of Splash. The bonding of the two pets he is forced to leave to how they overcome that. The terror of Sky being taken away to a smidgen of hope because of a plan they hastily forced at the start of the chapter. Things are so well connected so far that you are always well aware of how incredible the universe is built. Yes, I can safely say that as of right now, this is the most spellbinding story I have going for me and I really am happy to see a relatively regular updates from you!

PS: I am sure this is a real story that you witnessed during your journey across universe. What fascinated you to our humble solar system to share such a magnificent story with us mortal humans?

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