All Comments on 'The Azra-El Series Ch. 16'

by CapDragon121

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jpz007ahrenjpz007ahrenabout 5 years ago

Love your work so much. Jeffery is awesome! Though I suppose since he can blend in with a tree and is a bear, maybe something like Gnarly Barkly would suit him better? Yeah, I knew she'd be brutal training him, and honestly this feels more right. He doesn't need some special move to blow his opponent away, he needs more basics drilled through his thick skull.

About the color thing. Don't worry about it. It was popular, I read it, it was an okay story. But then when I reflect back on it I find myself interpreting it in a way that seems like it was exploiting the themes it was supposed to be supporting. Clear it from your mind, it is irrelevant, and I'm not particularly proud that its one of the stories floating around in my head.

Love your mermaids. And I'm chuckling to myself remembering he has a pussy clip in his space ring. Also also, this revelation does bring out a whole new world of possibilities as far as nirn are concerned. (Little side note, just took a long journey trying to confirm the same name was used for the wings, it was of course, but also happened upon a couple of other little notes that support and explain some stuff. Good on you!) Anyways, back to nirn; If a typical angel's nirn are in their back and make wings, and a Mami Wata has them in their thighs to either shift their legs or perhaps merely encase them, it expands the potential uses of world energy exponentially. Very fascinating. Gauntlets by themselves may not be a useful 'adult' weapon, but combine anything with enough world energy, a genius intellect with a different frame of reference, and a properly learned will can make for a wonderful story.

Also loved the sports metaphor. The scene put into good perspective for me but I chuckle at calling Blaze a middle schooler. He needs knocked down a peg or two. More importantly, he needs building up a good reservoir of will. You had Jie Er say it well. I'm saying also too much, however in addition I am intrigued by more of the workings of Blazing Fury, and its relevance in regards to the varying weight classes of Golden Hair, Lightning, and the Mane of Power, ~a little DBZ for yah.

Thanks for the clarification on the Kindred, I too was seriously worried. Now though I am merely more curious. Hope she turns out to be a fun woman. Though he has so many already, he is still young and hasn't really grown into his true stamina. He can handle himself, eventually.

Lol... here I was when I wrote the first paragraph worrying I wouldn't have anything to say. Thanks again for the lovely story, and the expanded pool of fantasy material. Both ^.^ and >.>, if you know what I mean.

P.S. No mind reading here, just find it easy and quite pleasant to dive wholeheartedly into your stories. As you say, struggle is real, people have flaws. Its what makes a story so engrossing when things have consequences, cause and effect. It was rough reading his awakening after his night of madness, but it was real, and Jie Er loves him so completely, and won't allow him to wallow in self-hatred, even if she has to beat it out of him (like his arrogance xD).

P.P.S. It was fascinating seeing him completely devolve in a way. A glimpse into the potential he has, and the willpower Jie Er was talking about. If he can focus himself as sharply as his madness does, he can shrug off blows that would knock him out of a fight, find and exploit weaknesses he only half knows are there. And once she's trained his recklessness out of him, he won't be putting himself in so much danger when he does it. Thank you, thank you. Till next time, on When Angel's Cum!

MasterPDMasterPDabout 5 years ago
Loved It

I loved this chapter as it reminded me of the rocky movies training montage. I love the new character azalea and would love to see more of her. Your development of Jie er understanding blaze and his darker part was well written and I agree that it was hard to read but it was necessary for the characters growth. Just wanted to thank you for answering my questions from the last chapter and I do feel as I understand the power gap between angels and arch Angels thanks to this chapter. I do have 2 questions and a request for you though. First of the mysterious girl with amazing eyes. How long do I have to wait for blaze to meet her?? I'm so intrigued with how she will fit in with elyssa. Especially with this new kindred twist secondly about azalea. She is now one of my favourite characters as she is so similar to blaze personality wise which no other character seems to be. Please tell me she will play a bigger role in the future of like to see her join the school group as I feel she could add more to blazes understanding of other races. And my request. Please give us more of Astrid. I love her! especially as she is trying to teach the malakim a lesson. I beg you to include her more. Thanks again for getting my hooked on an amazing tail and keep up the good work.


Finbar9800Finbar9800about 5 years ago

Well I’m amazed at how much blaze has done in 8 months. 8 months! I can’t truly say how amazing it is

I have no idea how you do it but you just keep making it better and better with every chapter

This chapter is by far my favorite so far, to answer your questions yes I’m pretty sure it was Clio that referred to blaze as “he” if I read it right then it should be in the newspaper articles that she wrote. But hey I’m perfectly fine with it. As for those gauntlets well I’m positive they will be op, so many different possibilities for their use I’m not even sure where to begin, but I have no doubt that you already know what they will do. As for that mysterious Lynn girl. I have a feeling that she will get really close with blaze (possible rivalry with ellisa?) sorry if I didn’t spell the names right but name spelling isn’t my strong suit lol anyway, like I said for previous chapters you have made it so that each chapter can be branched off of which allows you to make different versions of the story where each version could have certain events in common but then have completely different outcomes and that is awesome. The beginning of this chapter was amazing. I couldn’t find the song verses you were talking about. What were they? I saw that you added in the blazing pirouette with the training. Perhaps it’s more than just flashy, perhaps the spinning adds more force to the attack? Or gravity makes it stronger?

At some point I started wondering if blaze can tame any creature and every creature that he does tame will then do everything they can to help him. (Possible battle changer?) amazing how you are able to get your idea across and still leave room for the readers imagination

I can’t tell you enough that I love this story and I’m just so amazed how you take part of everybody’s suggestions and find some way to make it advance the plot

You truly have a talent for writing

You are definitely my favorite writer. Keep up the awesome work

Your fan, Finbar

Lothran1252Lothran1252about 5 years ago
Thanks for reading and can’t wait to see god king blaze

When I said something like strombreaker I meant like in those fantasy games where some knights carry a huge shield and a hammer that stands just as tall as them since I think being a huge tank type character fits blaze did to his style of fighting and how he acts as to always protect his friends

ReaderReaderficReaderReaderficabout 5 years ago

This chapter was amazing not only was it satisfying to read but it has left me screaming internally I am absolutely blown out of the water and away this has been the best chaper so for in the combat\training aspect I have had an amazing time reading and I absolutely cannot wait until the next chapter also I kinda am hoping that the atot (can't remember the name) becomes attached and becomes a pet\land mount for blaze this has been an amazing day from this story alone and I agree I don't think blaze will become a Deva (don't know about spelling) I believe he will become so much more than the world has ever seen but can they handle the heat of the blaze

DrasticExplorerDrasticExplorerabout 5 years ago
Hela's Butt is this chapter big!

I was estimating it to be around 10 pages but turns out its closer to 8! It's so long and thick... I bet you really had your hands full with this thing for a long... long time! :p

But hats off to your editors. Those guys really did a good job with this chapter especially considering its length! :D :p

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Best Chapter Yet

Thank you

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

cool chapter, only kinda of dissapointed that with valinna and thyra nothing happend, hope you will consider it later. keep on with the good work!!!!

wankr65wankr65about 5 years ago
I swear this story keeps getting better with every chapter

I felt a really strong emotional connection to blaze in this chapter. The loosing control and regretting it. It hit every single one of my buttons and caused me to sympathize with blaze and get so engrossed by the story. Like when you got to "I've done it! I am free! I've successfully escaped from Jie Er and Blaze. Never gonna come back again. Tata, goodbye, sayonara, adios! 'Tis finally time for the reign of the Evil Blaze! " i legit was thinking wtf no, this cant be happening. Until i saw the Just kidding remark lol, you had me there for a good few seconds.

As for the gauntlets, after reading this chapter i feel blaze really shouldn't stick to one weapon and become more versed in a wide variety of weapons. Im hoping theyd be some really versatile stuff, possibly be a multiform weapon shifting between modes like from shield to glave to long sword. Heck maybe even an long ranged weapon that uses condensed energy as bullets. Whatever it is, im sure it would be awesome but id love to see what everyone in the comments think what the they may or may not be/do.

The sex in this chapter was great. Like at first i was chill with one or 2 per chapter but i never knew how much i craved what happened in this one. its like i was starved of the erotic nature to the story and when this chapter released it completely re-energized me. I guess too much of a good thing is bad. But the way you paced the sex, Slow between some chapters and then 6-7 scenes in one chapter. It builds up to a nice climax, no pun intended (or is it?)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Guy bellow me chill out!

You seriously need to take a chill pill. I would rather have a quality story than a rushed one. Besides this guy has a life to live he can’t spend every waking moment writing this story specifically for you. I have dealt with impatient people like yourself before. If I was the writer and saw that comment I would consider waiting an extra couple days to publish the story just to annoy you. Now because that would affect other people who enjoy this story I wouldn’t do that nor do I think this author would.


CapDragon121CapDragon121almost 5 years agoAuthor
To the two anons above me.

Thank you for the support Anon2 :).

Anon1 - I choose to take your comment positively. I hope it was well intended.

I apologize for the delay. As Anon2 said, I cannot afford to be a professional author at the moment and I do have other things and responsibilities in life.

That said, a part of the reason this chapter is delayed is because I've been distracted by a new game.

Good news is that chapter 17 is almost done. However, it may take sometime before it is on Lit. It is a long chapter but is sort of a filler before the tournament and the following conclusion of the first arc of the story.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

What game have you been playing I'm curious.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Where is the dragon story!!!

Man where the hell is that dragon.....I was really looking forward to seeing set. Please don't forget about him. Anyways it was a great chapter as always. Thanks



ishtatishtatalmost 5 years ago
Jie Er

I thought that the development of Jie Er in this chapter was exceptional- difficult to write perhaps but exceptional. The other tantalizers bounced the story along superbly.

dunmovynivdunmovynivalmost 5 years ago

What songs. I did catch “Beyond the Sea” earlier.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

I used to love your earlier chapters but nowadays you ate making the MC a literal crybaby every single page. Even though he is 20 years old in experience he has the emotional balance of a 5 year old as the chapters progress, making him a lazy mess getting weaker and weaker. To think I has high hopes for this series too.....

CapDragon121CapDragon121over 4 years agoAuthor
To the anon above me.

Since a recent slew of negative reviews following the rise of my previous chapter to the hall of fame, I am not sure how seriously I should take your 'review'.

If you are indeed a 'real' reader who has been disappointed with the recent chapters, then I am sorry you feel that way. I can only hope that future chapters will change your opinion.

As for your usage of the descriptions 'crybaby' and 'lazy' for Blaze. I don't think they are apropos. Blaze 'wants' to be lazy but he has never once actually been lazy throughout the series. Even during his hellish training session with Jie Er, though he has complained in his diary, he never actually considered quitting or voiced his complaint to Jie Er. If that is not the opposite of a crybaby, I don't know what is. If you are talking about him shedding tears, there is nothing wrong in doing so if you think you've mistakenly hurt a loved one. If you are talking about the emotional support he takes from his aunts and Elyssa, I don't see anything wrong with that. At least in the west, it is considered the emotionally 'mature' thing to do, when you are feeling down.

As for calling him a 5-year old, don't you think that's quite a bit of an exaggeration?

Blaze just embraces his inner child because the angels accept it. There have been times where he has behaved like an immature teen, but his thoughts have never been childish. He is not afraid to have a little fun.

In fact, the only incident he was truly childish was with the Pegasus in chapter 10, but he regrets it pretty soon, in a way most teenagers are not capable of.

At least that is my opinion. I may not have been able to convey it properly as author.

PS: Please feel free to give me more feedback. And if you are unhappy with something, please be exact about it. Generalizations don't give me much info, and lead me to wonder about your authenticity.

JAFCriticJAFCriticover 4 years ago
Very good chapter...

I really liked the story development, pace, and growth of characters in this chapter. As to Blaze crying or being emotional, I was under the impression that although Blaze is mentally a human male, physiology wise he’s an angel. They are not the same. So he’s adapting to his new body and all its different attributes, hormones, and other factors. Some seem more obvious than others, like becoming a bit more emotional while others, like his giggles (when I read that, I think of a girl giggles), are more often missed. Regardless, Blaze is a character in a story. Don’t put yourself and what you would do into it. Okay, end of rant.

To Capdragon, have you looked up HEMA? The Historical European Martial Arts community? There’s all kinds of interesting information on weapons in the time period and many videos demonstrating how they are used. You might want to have a look and see if there’s anything there that you can use in your fight scenes. You can search for one weapon vs another and see if there’s a video of a fight with them.

Thank you again for your time and effort and posting this chapter.

Sincerely and Respectfully,


CapDragon121CapDragon121over 4 years agoAuthor

Thank you for posting another insightful comment. Thank you. Have you received the pm I sent you?

You're spot on Blaze. Not only is his body angel, he is also surrounded by angels (mostly teenage angels at his academy). Its not just his body, but he is also subconsciously picking up some of their behavior.

HEMA - I've checked a few of their videos before. I will use them more for the tournament. I am sure they will help with the tournament fights.

Thank you again for the feedback,


RanceSamaRanceSamaabout 4 years ago
I "came" for the premise, but I stayed for the "plot." Ha! ( ͡☉ ͜ʖ ͡☉)

Oh? I don't think I'll ever get tired of Fiora "lessons" and Alice shinanigans! It's a shame that Blaze gas to inevitably graduate... Oh well. At least Clio will and the mermaid will somewhat suitable replacements. Clio in particular actually.

This part man:

///"Blaze Er," her voice suddenly turned serious, "do you want to get into business with me?"

"Huh?" Pimping?

"I've already spoken with Jie Er about it. She said we could do whatever you want, as long as you're properly compensated."

"Okay... But what are we doing business in?" I ain't gonna be no heavenly gigolo!///

My reaction was thusly: Holy freaking blue balls Batman! That could fraking work! Why didn't Momo think of this sooner?!

That training montage was rather entertaining. Child abuse my foot! We both know Blaze is both sadistic and masochistic. Very masochistic. And did he just think of Aunt Jir as his "mother?" He did didn't he? When the kids he played flyball with at the bottom of the mountain asked which mother he believes yo be a better cook! Has he finally accepted her fully in his subconsciousness?

Ah hela! I just love it whenever Blaze loses control and goes "Berserk." One of these days he's gonna do it in public and everyone will think he's a goddamed hero and praise him for it, or they will think him a perverted beast and call him a hela damned spawn or something. Either way he will be seen as a hero and a villain by both the angels (or angles as you sometimes write 'em as) and the demons.

Also, now that you mention it... I think you took my idea of a demon spy much more seriously than I expected... I said that a jk but oh well aha. I guess it's true wh

"If you gaze long into an abyss, the abyss will reach back for you -- Blaze Er Lokra."

I like this quote. So original! Eh? What's that Momo?! This sounds familiar? Blistering bannacles! I must have been mesmerized by my new favourite mermaid character who shamelessly practical wears nothing to notice!


Momo?! I'm sorry! Don't leave! Be that way. I'll another "assistant..." Oh hi who're you? Jeffrey the sector you say? You're hired! I just hope you handle my "failing cognitives" as Momo- I mean my "Ex" umm assistant once said.

*Grunts and nods*

Excellent! Are those berries you're handing me?! You've already surpassed Momo! It's almost enough to make me cry...

*Grumble grumble?! Grumble.*

You're right I should fix my grammar and whatever the hela else in my next umm "review." Fwahahaha! You're genius. I like you. You loyal.

Hmm. I just hope the space dragon gives you a voice or a whole chapter focused on you. Or maybe another montage chapter too! I wanna know how you think for my umm "head-cannon" aha.

After all... I "came" for the premise, but I stayed for the "plot." Ha!

( ͡☉ ͜ʖ ͡☉)

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
The Spy:

I don't know but my heart is telling me that its Agatha(aunt aggie).... it is suspicious to see how she gained trust of Sky(quetzal) so fast..also her sister is a demon.........

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I am a time-traveling dragon with a fetish for human women. I am also the author of "The Azra El Series". Arc 1: The Heavenly Union, is complete. Arc 2: The Hela Empire (ongoing) (Its being posted as "Azra-El Series Arc 2") Notification (July 19th, 2022): A while back, I cam...