Who Done It?


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Well Saturday Jane went shopping for grocery in the morning. In the afternoon she went out again to shop for clothes for the family while I stayed home with the kids. Each time she left I saw Lance drive by the house right on her tail. I guess he was waiting right down the street, as he knew approximately when she would leave.

Both times she was gone for about three hours. I didn't think anything about it, as it all seemed routine to me. She always came back with enough things to make it look like she was gone for that length of time. I even got smart and checked the receipt out to make sure it was for that day. Nothing seemed unusual.

We rented a few movies for us to watch as a family on that weekend. I wanted to watch them in the game room but Jane was afraid to watch them there. She still was having trouble when the kids wanted to go down there. She would try to talk them out of it.

During the week we talked about the shooting when we were alone. I told her it was just some freak thing and wouldn't happen again. But she asked me if I didn't think that it would happen again why was I carrying that gun in the small of my back.

I asked her if she wanted to move. She didn't, she said she had too many friends here but she didn't want to lose me either. I asked her whom she thought shot me and she agreed it was just a freak thing that wouldn't happen in a million years. She knew no one that would want to hurt me. We talked some more about the shooting but not in any real depth.

I was wondering during the week what I could say to her so she would go out on girl's night out but then out of the blue she asked me if it was all right for her to go out that night. I agreed that she needed to get out to calm down after the shooting. Well that was out of the way and I didn't have to figure how to talk her into going out.

During the week I was thinking how I was going to tell the guys what the women were doing on their night out on the town. I know talking to the guys we all loved having the girls go out. The girls all seemed more relaxed. All the guys agreed that the sex with them have increased to. The girls were breaking our rules, big time and it had to be stopped. Maybe it was even to late for some of us.

As I sat in the basement game room on different day I would see the school bus pick up Johnny and Jerry on the next block. It would also drop them back off at five to three every day that they went. I tried to walk up and talk to the boys a few times but by the time I got there they were gone.

I was wondering if Jerry's grandma was doing ok but I seen her out doing her garden work so I knew she was all right. I guess I would have to talk to her about the boys if I wanted to know anything. They are always in the back yard three or four times a week playing some type if games. Sometime more but since I been home they have not been out. I now wonder if they got in trouble home or in school. I have always talked to the boys and I have helped them out quite a few times with their bikes or other equipment.

I was planning on stopping at the bar the girls go to. I remember Lance saying what the bartender name was so I wondered if I could pump him for any information or not. I would go when the girls were not there; I would go during the day.

I came up with a plan of making a fake id for a cop to show people so that I could get more information. With my gun strapped on my side they would hardly look at the id and would assume the id was real. I got on the computer and started to make the fake id up. I knew how Lance acted and I figured I could pull it off.

I made more than twenty ids' and still was not satisfied with any of them. Then I settle on the number fifteen one I had made. I went to the store to get it laminated. I kept looking at it in different angles. I wasn't really satisfied with it but it was going to have to do. I was going to buy a badge but Lance never showed me one, he just flashed his id to me real fast.

I stopped at the post office and took a wanted poster down when no one was looking. From there I stopped at a video store and went inside. I flashed the badge and made sure he saw my gun on my hip. I then showed him the poster and asked if he saw this guy. He looked at it awhile and said, "no I don't think he has ever been in here." I thanked him and got the hell out of there fast. I laughed all the way home. Maybe I will just keep the id after all this is done with.

When I got home I called Lance to see how he made out Thursday night. He said she didn't dance with any guys. She did go to the pay phone to make some calls but he didn't think she make a connection or left a message. He said she called every half-hour but didn't talk to anyone.

I checked the photos we had in the house and made four pictures of girls I knew that went to the bar. I finally cut and pasted them so that it looked well enough to show the bartender to get some answer.

When I got to the bar I went to the end of the bar away from the other three people that was in the bar. I flashed my gun well so he got a good look at it. Then I show the id and asked if he was the night bartender. I found out he was the owner. He told me the night guy didn't come in for two more hours. I told him I would be back. He asked me for a name and I gave him Captain Keene. I figured I would out rank Lt. Lance Jackson what the hell why not.

I came back later and Al was already tending bar. Mac yelled from his office that I was the guy looking for him. I reached for my id and he told me he didn't need it. He said I would scare more people out of his place with it so he didn't want to see that happen.

We talked for awhile and I let him do most of the talking. Her told me the girls were good for his business. He said he also works on commission and they built it up. He only wished they wold come in another night to. Al told me he gets different groups of women all the time but they seem to break up after a while when hubby or boyfriends ends it or the women see the light.

I showed him the pictures and he said they where part of the Thursday night group. He went on to say none of them went out in the parking lot last night that he knew about but it was a busy night so he couldn't be sure. He did tell me one guy was to drunk so they had to throw that guy out last night.

I asked him if he knew most of the guys.

"Oh yes I know 99% of them. If a guy scores he is back in bragging to the bar and ever one else that will listen to him."

I asked him for names and he gave me names and place of business for all the guys he knew that hung with her group.

He said, "if you're looking for real good suspect I would look after the lawyer I gave you. He had charges against him one time for trying to drug a girl. Being a lawyer he got the charges dropped or beat them I hear. That is when he started to hang here. He used to spend his time at the Spinning Wheel. But I hear they told him to hit the road after the drug charge."

"When I heard about the Spinning Wheel thing I had a talk with him and he has always been good here but I just don't trust him. Shit I gave all this information to the other Detective don't you guys talk to each other."

"Well I'm his boss and I'm just checking up on some of his cases as he is on probation and it's my job to do his evaluation."

I thanked him and got the hell out of there."

We had another normal weekend. Three other couples came over for a cookout while having a few beers. Looking at the guys I wonder when I would tell them about their wife's and what the out come would be. Would it in end up in divorce court or with a family consoler's help could we all survive.

I wanted to talk to Jane about the whole thing but I knew I had to wait a few more days or even weeks. The best thing was to give Lance Jackson a few more days on the case. I think he was headed in the right direction. I had to know who shot me. It was driving me crazy not knowing. Every time there is a knock on the door or a car going by the house to fast I reach for my glock. Damn if I'm not careful I will end up shooting a family member.

I waited for Friday before I called Lance. I had to see what he found out last night with the girl if anything. Well what he told me was now he had a suspect but not enough to get a warrant on him to search his house. He said no judge would have his house searched on such flimsy evidence.

"Well did my wife get to talk to the guy this time or did she go outside with him. Tell me what's going on, say some god damn thing to help me."

"Well like I said this guy is are prime suspect. He fits all the profile. He is the type to drug a girl and rape her if she wasn't willing to perform for him. He has done it in the past and he is the type to continue it. They didn't dance, she wouldn't dance with him it seemed she was mad as hell with him and was in his face all night. They say she screamed at him a few times. Well finally he left real early with out finishing his first drink. She went to the bathroom as soon as he left crying her eyes out."

"Well do you think she confronted him with the shooting maybe?"

"Yes that's what the other Detective thinks. He thinks he was the one she was calling last week when she was upset. He thinks that he didn't show up or answer her calls that week."

"So how do we get enough on him to get a warrant against him to search his house."

"Well I'm working on it. Give me time to talk to a few people. I will put what I got together and go to the district attorney and see if he will arrest him or at least get me a warrant to search his house. If only I had a bullet or a casing."

The weekend went slow. I had a lot on my mind and was getting no answer so I just sat back and waited on Lance.

Monday morning I left the house right after Jane left. I dove over to where the lawyer lived and parked out of sight to watch his house. I was parked at a gas station convenience store and was drinking coffee waiting on him. He lived on old country route 3 in a house about ten years old. His house was a good hundred feet off the road. I could see mounts of dirt way back by his garage, guess he was having someone landscape his yard for him.

He left the house driving a four door, white Ford at eight thirty and stopped at the same place I was at to get coffee. He left and I followed him to his work. He walked in his work place office a few minutes to nine.

I told Jane I had to help a guy with a problem that night so I was able to follow him home at night to. He left work at five and drove right home. At eight he came out again and drove to a hotel where he worked that bar looking for women. Well now I knew what his routine was.

Tuesday I asked Lance how he made out with the warrant and what did the district attorney had to say. He said he never talked to him. Lance looked at all the evidence and said he had no bullet, no casing, so he had no reason to search the guys house. He knew the guys had guns in the house because they were registered with the city. No one gave a description of the guy who shot me because no one saw him. The only thing Lance had was the guy fit a profile of some one who would do something like this. Lance told me he was filing it in his cold case files but he was still keeping an eye on him.

I was not a happy camper but I knew Lance was right about this. I had even bought a metal detector and have been going over my grounds to find a bullet or a casing and have found nothing. I found a ton of flip tops from beer cans and roofing nails but nothing like a bullet casing.

Wednesday I borrowed Joe's white four doors Ford and waited for the lawyer to go to work. I gave him a half-hour after he left and I pulled into his driveway and parked where he normally parks. I had a suit coat like he had and a hat. If anyone saw me they would think it was he. I walked over to his house and all the doors were locked up.

As I went to the back yard by the barn where I found a sawhorse which some one converted it into a gun-rest stand to shoot from. There was about fifty casing lying right there on the ground. I sighted to see where he was shooting and found the spot. It was where he had the dirt pile. He was using it for a backstop for the bullets. In back of his target were five to ten sandbags in a wood frame also to catch the bullets.

I took my pocketknife out and dug into the sandbag. I came away with five find-spend bullets. I went back to where the casing where and picked up three of them putting them in my pocket. Then I got the hell out of there.

On the drive back to exchange the car I though well we got the bastard now Det Lance Jackson. You wanted evidence like bullets and casing well I got them now. After the car exchange I stopped for a beer and a roast-beef sandwich at the local watering hole. I was happier than a pig in shit. I'll teach him to fuck my wife. I was sitting there watching the different people in the bar while I just smiled from ear to ear.

When I got home I made some coffee while I examined the casing and the bullets. The bullet had me worried as there was no damage to it, the shell casing looked good as they had been sitting out side for awhile. I knew I could get by with the casing. I didn't think the bullet would fly if I told them I found it to.

As I sat in the den I looked out the back yard. That's it I would get Johnny and Jerry to say they found the casing and just put it in there pocket not saying anything to anyone, hell yes that will fly why not. I just had to get in touch with the two of them.

Now the bullet was another story. Shit this guy was a lawyer and he already beat a few raps on him. I would need all the evidence I could get on him to convict him. I'll teach the guy to touch my wife. How could I damage the bullet and still save the rifling to match it up to his gun. I had to remember it hit a metal post it had to have damage on it. Well I'll forget the bullet for now and just use the casing. I will put the bullet on hold and think about it.

Well my next move was to talk to my wife and get all the information she had. I had to get the truth out of her. The best thing was sent the kids to the grand parents for the weekend. That way I could talk to Jane and get all the information from her with out the kids around,

I went on the Internet and searched crime stuff about the casing and the bullet. The more I looked at the bullets I knew I had to forget about the bullet and just go with the casing. But then I had five bullets to work on to see if I could damage them just enough to make it look like they hit something. Hell with five to work on I should have a chance to do it. Now that I think of it I could always go back and get more bullets to work on. I will start on them in a few days as I was to key up to work on them now. I couldn't leave tool marks on the bullet where it could be traced back to me.

With the kids away from the house we went out to dinner alone. We had a great time dinning and dancing. The sex that night was terrific and we both enjoyed the night.

Next morning I made the breakfast. When we finished we did the dishes and I told her I wanted to talk to her about her girl nights out and her friends. Jane didn't look to good when I mention that. Her face became pale and she was having trouble breathing. We got our coffee and headed for the den to talk.

"Jane some one took a shot at me. They wanted me dead. I think you have the answers to the problem. I want you to tell me the whole truth about you girls when you go out at night."

"If you remember us guys told you girls to go out and to unwind and have fun. We didn't care if you danced with guys but we did set down some rules for all of you to follow. Well I know now that all the rules were broken so I think it's time for the girls night out come to a end."

"Yes Joe, Thursday was my last night going out with the girls and all the girls talked it over and we all decided to disband the group."

"Ok good now start telling me all about what was going on and how the rules got so bend out of shape. I want to know everything. I know some parts from Det. Lance Jackson but I want to hear your version of it."

Well this is where all the crying and sobbing started. She just said over and over again how sorry she was and how stupid she has been. I gave her a box of Kleenex and got us some more coffee. Then I told her to start her story and don't leave anything out to save me from getting hurt which made her cry all over again.

"Well when we started it was a lot of fun for us to be out with out our husbands and to let our hair down. I guess for the first two months we drank a little too much. We then stopped drinking so much so we just enjoyed the music and the dancing."

"Well we knew all the guys were looking for a quick piece of ass but we knew they were not getting it from any of us. The guys were fresh and tried to play with the boobs or squeeze the ass. Well some of the guys we let do it and others we put a quick stop to it."

"The guys all had the same lines but some of them we believed what they had to say. It was things I wanted to hear from you. I over did it with a few guys and let them feel me up pretty good. I would let them feel and rub my ass. Some I even let feel my tits inside the bra."

"It was like in high school or when I first dated you. It was very exciting. I just got carried away with it. The guys would say things to me that I wanted you to say but you never have. Well not lately anyway. Well with the drinks, I let the talk from them go to my head. Then when we had a fight and mad at each other I went over board. I'm so sorry Joe.

"Then I let the lawyer Dana Wilcox get me aroused up a little to much. Well it wasn't a little it was way out of hand. It was when I was fighting with you the last time. I don't know what we were fighting about I just know neither of us was talking to the other.

I figured I would neck with him like I did with guys in high school in his car. We kissed and felt each other up. He played with my tits and pussy while I play with his cock. Then we went back inside.

The next time things got way out of hand. I was horny as hell from drinking and really mad at you but just mainly horny. We screwed in his car once. When we went back in, I felt so bad I would not talk or dance with him or with no one else. That was the week before you got shot."

"I don't know how, but he called me at home and at the office. He wanted me to go to a hotel room with him the next time we went out. He said we could slip away for a few hours and no one would even miss us. Well I told him to fuck off just in them words too. The last call I told him if he called me again I would tell my husband and you would kick the shit out of him."

"Well you got shot two days later. After awhile I was thinking it was Dana that shot you. I even confronted him with it at the bar. He said why would he shoot him. He said women were too easy come by why should he shoot someone. He said women were a dime a dozen at all the bars in town and for me to fuck off and leave him alone if I wasn't going to the motel with him."

"I screamed at him to get out. He had the gull to ask me once more about the motel and I screamed at him again and he left. That's when I talked to the girls about not going out anymore and they all agreed to it. Why would he kill you? I would me in morning and he wouldn't be getting anything from me. It just doesn't make sense to me. I'm sure he didn't shoot you."

I didn't think he shot me but he was going to get nailed for it for fucking my wife. I knew right then and there that I was going to put all the blame on him and let's see him get out of it.

"So you don't think he was the one who shot me then?" I asked her.

"No I don't think he did it. I know he has all kinds of girls. He is the type to hurt women and berate girls but would never try to hurt a guy in case it backfires and he might get hurt. Dana is a lover not a fighter. He told me he was home with his partner preparing for a case. Dana said they were there from six to two in the morning working on the case for the next morning. He said just ask his partner."