Wild Flower Ch. 04


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"Don't come any closer." The guard who was on his knees near his boss shouted to the people. They immediately stopped when they heard what had just happened. "We need a lot of air. Please."

The assistant looked at her boss, taking his hand in hers. She didn't even know when the tears in her eyes came rushing. She was just surprised those tears were there. "What's happening to him?"

"He's got a pulse," The guard said after checking. "I need to take him to a doctor." He looked at the assistant. "Call his husband and tell him what had happened."

The assistant quickly took out her phone and called the husband. The guard on the other hand carefully picked Angelo in his arms and rushed him to the car. Then as if he was going insane, he drove off with Angelo's personal assistant.

"What's going?" The workers asked each other. "Why did our boss faint like that?"

There were so many questions ringing in each of their minds, questions that they knew they weren't gonna get answers too no matter what they did. They only had to wait to find out to get those answers. Even though their boss was horrible and bitter, they were really hoping nothing bad would happen to him.


Angelo slowly opened his eyes and his vision blurred for a second. He was welcomed by a small headache which he couldn't handle. He couldn't feel dizzy anymore but he could still feel the effects of that dizziness.

When Angelo's vision cleared and he moved his eyes around, he realized that he was in his mansion and his room. Everything was really clear. As he moved his eyes, he found his husband seated on the bed holding his hands tightly. He was putting his face on Angelo's hand passionately, making Angelo feel really happy. He couldn't help but smile brightly at his husband.

Angelo tried to move but he felt a little weak. He wanted to hold his husband... he wanted to kiss him... he wanted him to make love to him... he wanted to feel his body closer to him. He wanted to just tell him that he loved. But he just watched and smiled. For a second back his office, he had thought it was the end for him. He still couldn't believe that he had passed out at his office and in the presence of his workers too.

Angelo took a deep breath. "Baby?" He called softly.

Gabriel felt like he was having a dream but when he heard Angelo's voice, he quickly got his face up and looked in the direction of his husband. He saw him, right there... he was smiling brightly at him. Gabriel's heart started pounding in his chest and he felt tears building in his eyes.

"Baby?" Gabriel moved slightly closer to him. "You are finally awake. You don't know how scared I was when I was told that you had passed out in your company." He pressed several kisses on his hand, holding his hand closer to his face. "You have no idea."

A tear dropped to Gabriel's cheeks. When Angelo saw that tear, he moved his hand weakly and rubbed the tear from his husband's face. He smiled brighter at him and enjoyed it a lot when his husband took his hand again and kissed it like the last thing he was gonna do on this earth.

"Please. Don't be scared at all. I really think I am fine. I have no idea what had happened to me but... I am sure that is never going to happen again." He promised, smiling brightly at his husband. "You shouldn't worry about a thing."

"I can't help it, my love." Gabriel sighed gloomily. "I love you so much and I...I got really scared when I heard about what had just happened to you. Are you alright now? Do you feel..."

"How did I even get here?"

"The guard brought you here." Gabriel said softly. "And the doctor is here and he had just..."

Just then the door to the room opened widely and a handsome looking doctor came right in. Angelo had seen the doctor at times with Gabriel so he trusted him to tell him about what was going on with him. He was a tall blonde doctor with good looks and blue eyes.

"Hey!" The doctor said happily, sitting on the bed. "You are finally awake. How are you doing right now?"

"I feel a little weak," Angelo said softly, rubbing on top of his husband's hand. "How long have I been out and what's wrong with me? Why did I pass out at my company today?"

The doctor chuckled softly. "It is really nothing to worry about." He assured. "Our scan and examination shows that there is nothing wrong with you."

"What?" Gabriel exclaimed. "Does this mean that my Angelo will be fine?"

"Yes!" The doctor reassured with a beautiful smile. "I think it might just have been a fever kicking in and that's why you fainted. But other than that, I think you are really just fine. The weakness is because you haven't had any proper food in your stomach for five hours since you had passed out. It is really going to be fine. Just eat something okay?"

"I will make sure he does that." Gabriel promised him.

"Okay. For the mean time, I will give you some medicine. I also recommend rest for a few days."

Angelo looked at the doctor. "Oh no, I don't think I will..."

"He will." Gabriel promised, kissing on the top of his hand. "I will also make sure of that."


The doctor left some medicines for Angelo and then left after checking him up to see if he was doing absolutely fine. He said he was doing great and he should be feeling fine in a day and that was if he rested and refrained from doing all those heavy jobs.

"Don't worry," He smiled softly at his husband. "I will be really fine. There is nothing to worry about. It was probably just a fever that was kicking in."

"I know." Gabriel sighed, kissing on his sweet hands. "But I am your husband and it is my duty to worry about you. I will take really good care of you." He smiled and then planted a soft kiss on Angelo's mouth. They kissed softly, enjoying each other's lips and the feel of those hot lips on each other.

"Thank you for being here for me." Angelo said after tearing from Gabriel's mouth. "I really appreciate it my love."

"If I am not here then who do you expect to be here?" He chuckled nervously. "Of course, I will follow you everywhere you go."

Angelo smiled brightly and then tried to get up but his strength left him. He just lay on the bed and chatted with his husband before there was a knock on the door. When they told the person to come inside, it was Alicia and she had a great smile on her face when she saw him. She was carrying a big tray where there was a huge food warmer and some hot soup in a beautiful pure white bowl.

"Hey!" Alicia said in her sweet voice which Angelo found to be really irritating. "Angelo, you have no idea how you have made me feel to see you up."

"Why?" He asked a little harsh. "Did you expect me to sleep forever?"

"No!" Alicia nodded, not losing the smile on her face. "I am just happy that's all. I was really worried about you and I kept on praying to God for him to get you up sooner." He rolled his eyes. "Anyway, I hope you are fine. I made you some food but first you have to have some soup to make you feel better, my..."

"Alicia, please..." Angelo frowned, feeling his head hurt a bit. "I really don't have time for this no sense. If you are really worried about me like the way you said you are then please, just get out of here. You are only making my condition worse." He said harshly, surprising his husband. "Please. Just get out of here."

"What about the..."

"I am here." Gabriel chuckled softly. "I will make sure that he takes everything that you've brought here. You don't have to worry about anything else."

Alicia moved her eyes to Gabriel, smiling even brighter. "Thank you so much, Gabriel. You are simply the best." She moved her eyes to the Angelo who didn't even seem to care about anything else. "I will check up on you later."

Hearing Alicia speak, Angelo groaned weakly. All that he was praying for was for her to just leave him alone. Was that too much to ask, he thought as he moved his eyes away from the woman? Alicia squeezed his shoulder softly and left the room.

"Angelo..." Gabriel said with a gloomy sigh. "You could have been a little nicer to the woman. She was really worried about you. I mean, you should have seen the woman when she saw the state you were in. I think you should have even..."

"Please, Gabriel..." He took a really deep sigh. "I don't have time to talk about Alicia. Can you please pass me my phone and..."

"What for?" Gabriel asked as a frown appeared on his gorgeous face. "You have just woken up and you are already..."

"I wanna call my companies and..."

"No!" Gabriel shook his head, staring deep into his husband's face. "In case you didn't hear anything about what the doctor said, you are not supposed to..."

"You don't really expect me to just sit idle, do you?" He chuckled softly. "There is just so much work for me to do and I cannot avoid..."

"I am sorry," Gabriel shook his head. "But you are not gonna get out of this house or this compound. I will not allow you to stress yourself."


"No, Angelo..." He said, raising his voice slightly. "I have made up my mind and that's all, okay?"

Angelo looked at his husband and took sigh of relief. "Okay..." He acted as if he had given up. "I will do that for you."

"Good!" Gabriel smiled brightly, bringing closer the huge tray of food. "Now you are gonna eat something to get some of that strength back."

Angelo couldn't argue with that. He nodded softly. Gabriel helped him sit up by putting a number of pillows on the headboard where he leaned. Then his crazy husband started giving him the soup which was incredibly delicious. He had the entire bowl and then had some food until his entire stomach was full. The food was just too delicious and it made him feel really happy and he felt some strength come back in him.

"Thank you." Angelo said happily. "Thank you so much for..."

"How many times will I tell you to please stop with your appreciation?" Gabriel asked. "I am your husband and it is my duty. I love you."

"I love you too." They both kissed softly on the lips.

Angelo felt warm and really happy. He knew that his husband really loved him. He just wanted to feel more of him. He still couldn't believe he had a man like Gabriel in his life, a man he really loved and trusted so much.

"Baby..." Angelo called softly.

"Yes, my love." Gabriel answered.

"Will you sleep beside me?" He asked softly. "I wanna feel your arms wrapped around me. Please."

"Yes!" Gabriel said happily.

Gabriel removed the tray and all the plates, putting them on the floor. Then he slowly slipped under the covers and spooned Angelo, lying behind him. He wrapped his arms tightly around him, bringing him closer to his body. He planted kisses on his neck and just enjoyed his lovely moment with him.

"Is that better?" Gabriel asked his baby.

"It is more than better." Angelo chuckled softly. "Now I definitely know that I will get better soon for you, my love."

"I can't wait."

Gabriel pulled Angelo closer to him, holding him tightly. He secured him in his arms without any intention of letting him go for any reason. Angelo was happy and he was extremely warm. Gabriel's arms around him felt so wonderful that it didn't take him long before he felt his eyes getting heavy. He buried his head deeper into Gabriel's chest and closed his eyes, rubbing on those gorgeous arms around his waist. Then he drifted off to dream land.


The elevator door opened and Angelo came out with his husband. It was morning already and the two had never left the bedroom since that time they had slept together. They had their dinner in bed and now were out.

Angelo was feeling a little fine after taking his medicine and he had insisted that he walks on his own but his crazy husband wouldn't allow that. He had told him that he would be by his side. He was holding him tightly, closer to his body. Angelo felt lucky, really lucky that he had such a husband.

"Hey, careful." Gabriel said softly, leading Angelo to the living room.

"What?" Angelo chuckled softly, looking at his serious husband. "I told you that I am fine. I think I can walk on my own. You don't have to stress yourself because of me, my love."

"No! I won't hear that okay?" Gabriel sounded with warning in his voice. "I am your husband and I need to take care of you because it is also my duty. I love you so much and I won't let you walk on your own okay, not today."

"Alright," Angelo simply gave up on his husband. "You can do what you want but just don't stress yourself."

Gabriel smiled and slowly led Angelo to the living room where they both sat on the couch together. Gabriel didn't want to move his hands away from his gorgeous baby. Angelo smiled and then laid his head on his husband's lap. His husband started playing with his hair, passing his sweet hands in them. It was just magnificent.

Just then, Alicia came in the living and she stood right in front of the two of them. Gabriel smiled at her while Angelo showed her nothing but a blank face. He wasn't ready to talk to her because she was irritating him.

"How are you this morning?" Alicia said with the most beautiful smile. "I hope you are feeling okay?"

Angelo rolled his eyes. "I am feeling fine. Thank you very much." His voice sounded a little harsh.

"That's good. You will get better okay." She leaned and rubbed on his hands. "You will be back on your feet real soon."

Angelo nodded his head angrily, looking deep in his husband's eyes.

"Of course," Gabriel chuckled happily. "With caring and happy people like you, my love is getting better already. He will be back in action before we even realize it."

"Yes!" Alicia smiled brightly. "I will pray for it too. I am not used to seeing him sick so..."

Before Alicia could even finish that sentence, she heard the door bell ringing. She chuckled, squeezed Angelo's hand and then excused herself to go check who was at that door. As soon as the door opened, Jack came rushing to the living room and he was looking really worried.

"Hey, Jack!" Gabriel greeted happily.

"Hey!" He had his eyes on his friend. "What's really going on here?" He sat next to Angelo, taking his hands in his. "I heard you were sick and I came rushing as soon as I could. How are you feeling right now and..."

"Jack..." Angelo moved from his husband's lap and sat properly on the couch, smiling at his best friend. "All of you are really worried for nothing. I am absolutely fine. I just passed out at the office and..."

"Just passed out?" Jack gasped, showing affection for his friend. "Do you really expect me not to get worried?"

"Jack! I am absolutely fine. The doctor said it was nothing." He reassured. "I still feel a little weak but I am sure that by the end of the day, I will be really fine. You don't have to worry about anything else." He rubbed on his best friend's hands sweetly. "You know the way I am. Nothing can ever bring me down."

"Yes!" Jack nodded. "I know nothing can bring you down but we are talking about..."

"I am fine." He rolled his eyes, taking a deep breath. "You don't have to worry about anything. I was even supposed to go to work but..." He took a quick glance at his husband, smiling as bright as he could. "...someone couldn't allow me at all."

"Yes!" Gabriel said with a soft chuckle. "I will take care of you until you are completely fine. You know very well how much I love and how I was when I heard that you had passed out of the office. I think you've been stressing yourself so much at work."

"Gabriel is right," Jack agreed. "You have been working too much and this is probably the cause of you passing out. I suggest you get a leave or..."

"No!" Angelo chuckled softly, looking at his best friend. "Are you kidding me or something?"

"No!" Gabriel said softly, wrapping his arm around Angelo's neck. "I think he is right. Why don't you and I..."

"I can't abandon my work." Angelo said in a really serious tone. "My work is really important and you know I can't leave that work to anyone else because..."

"You don't trust anyone to do that work." Jack chimed in. "I know that but you should try and stay at home for a few days before finally going back. You really need to rest and retain your energy back. Please." He rubbed on the tip of his hand. "Do this for all of us and we will not be as worried as we are right now."

"Of course," he couldn't help but smile happily. "You have nothing to worry about."

"Thank you."

Angelo chuckled at his friend and then laid his head on his husband's chest. He felt cozy when his husband wrapped his arms around him, securing him in his arms. He was really happy and he couldn't help but feel that everything was gonna be alright. Gabriel's chest was his haven and he loved it a whole lot.


That day, Angelo was really happy to have spent his time with two of the people that he loved so much. They went out for him to get some air and stayed by the pool side, sitting on the pool chairs. They just talked to each other and enjoyed their time together. Everything was superb and it was wonderful.

That day he felt like he was getting better and better. He even had a great time with his husband that night as they made slow sweet love with each other. He was feeling like himself once again and everything was just the way it was supposed to be.

The next day, Angelo felt better and he even played a bit with his husband. They had a great too. But on the third day, he was feeling a little dizzy and his head was hurting terribly. He felt a little weak and his entire body felt as if it was about to give up. He was just really happy that his husband was by his side.

What Angelo couldn't understand was how he was at times feeling well and at times feeling really weak that he needed to sit down. Things were changing and at times he used to wake up in the night sweating terribly. He could feel something was wrong. The doctor came to examine him and he even went to the hospital but all they told him was that... he was absolutely fine. That nothing was wrong with him and he would be fine. But Angelo didn't see any change in his body at all. He was still feeling the same way and he felt really sick at times. He was just happy that his husband was always by his side and helped him out whenever he needed him.

Things were really bothering him and he used to think a lot about what was wrong with him. At times he was having sharp headaches... at others he was having really high fever... he was having bad dreams... waking up sweaty... having stomach aches, severe ones. But he was still taking the medicine which had been administered to him. The only thing he couldn't get off his mind was work. He was missing his work like crazy and he didn't know what was really happening at his companies. He was sure that so many things had lugged behind without his presence.

But what could he do when he was in no state to stay for a day without having a problem? He just couldn't do a thing anymore. Whenever he even tried to read for a long time, he got a sharp headache which made his head pulse.

Angelo was definitely not a happy boy. A week passed and he was still the same. He tried three doctors in that one week but they all told him the same thing. He couldn't understand how they were not finding any problem with him because he could feel that something was definitely wrong with him.

A week turned to two and his condition was not improving at all. Things got worse with his worry about work. He had no idea what was happening at his companies and his husband couldn't even let him make a call.

One thing Angelo was happy about was that his husband and his best friend took really good care of him. He knew they were simply the best and with them by his side, he knew he was gonna get back on his feet and he was gonna be totally alright.


Two weeks later

Angelo and Gabriel were seated on the couch, watching a really interesting soap opera which had them both glued. Angelo was seated between Gabriel's legs with his head pressed on his chest. He was feeling better but he knew that didn't assure him anything as it would be back and he would be feeling worse once again. Angelo was putting on a beautiful yellow skinny jean which was tight on him, green t-shirt and he had his hair loosened.
