Without You I Have Nothing Ch. 20


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The roof had been repaired, ceilings were restored and without altering the character of the mansion the building was modernized. The grand old mansion was gaining a new life.

However days were also occupied with meetings. Either company accountants or solicitors demanded their time in finalizing the changed requirements for Blake Pastoral.

At a combined meeting of the family, solicitor and accountant the topic was the direction the company was take. Eric and Andrew, being graziers, wanted to improve the quality of the herd and flock by introducing new high-grade stud bulls and rams. Peter the engineer had his own plans to diversify the business.

His thoughts astonished them, forcing the family to rethink their priorities. The engineer, in Peter, was thinking beyond the farming side of the business and wanted to expand into other fields that would prove just as lucrative. He was looking far into the future.

Peter started tentatively. "I believe my proposals could make Blake Pastoral a world leader meaning we must look beyond the animals and the land."

Looking at each member of the family, he could see the puzzlement in their eyes. Slowly he continued.

"There are two financial areas which always have money and can always generate money -- Government and Education. Therefore I propose..." and he handed each person a page of notes to peruse.

1.On the highest points of Rocky Springs, we build a series of wind turbines to generate electricity to sell back into the grid.

2.We build pigpens at the Forestry end of Rocky Springs to cultivate the European market for pig meat using wild boars.

3.We examine water harvesting, to develop the water resources available to us through the natural springs on both properties. At the same time, we put in place water re-cycling.

4.We convert the shearing shed on Rocky Springs to a motel and conference center using expertise from Melbourne University and the University of Technology Sydney. Possibly a co-operative venture but that is not certain until we investigate further.

5.We extend the shearing shed on Deep Springs to cope with the rise in the number of sheep in the flock.

6.We build a village for our workers -- complete with a cottage hospital.

7.We purchase a tourist coach for the transport of guests and students.

8.We acquire a small helicopter for speedy transport to and from Melbourne or from the local airport or for use on the properties.

9.We establish Blake's Internet Service Provider using satellite communications and extend that service to the nearby town. We will connect local schools and the pupils will have their own terminal.

Patiently Peter waited while they had read his propositions.

After a long period of silence as they tried to digest these proposals Elizabeth asked, "Where will the money come from? This is a massive undertaking. Is it necessary to expand like this? I love our farm and the farm life and these proposals will mean a huge change that I'm not sure we can handle."

Eric took control, aided by Andrew. "Just to run the two properties we will need at least 30 stockmen. Wages, accommodation and food will be a huge commitment without considering the computer work and staff for a village hospital. A motel and lecture rooms are pushing things a long way. Where will we get lecturers?

"A tourist coach would cost over $500,000 and would it get full use?

"A chopper? Peter, the next thing you'll want will be an aircraft carrier for the creek." Eric did not seem impressed.

Andrew chipped in, "Blake Pastoral is to become an ISP provider when Mum and Dad can't spell computer let alone use one." His chuckle and Jennifer's tinkling giggle defused the situation.

Laughing, Jennifer added her comments. "You're mad! We'll be out of water in a week. This place - this motel - will soak up water and no one will want to wash in a shaving mug. Water is a never-ending problem on country properties.

"When I was a girl growing up I wanted to become a pilot and now I have a chance!"

Peter wouldn't allow the others to push his ideas aside. "Income will come from two outside agencies. One is the government in the form of government grants. The other source could be universities if we can sell the idea of advancing green renewable power and water harvesting in partnership with their research and development departments.

"Workers will be no problems as I have lots of friends -- some of whom you met at the Deepavali Party. Amongst them are communication experts and medical personnel. There are also a couple of chopper pilots. They would be delighted to bring their families here and settle.

Without waiting for a comment, grinning, he proceeded, "There is one thing you have not considered in all this." He looked at the startled faces then smiled.

"Security! We are entering an area of gigantic business interests and it will be a dog eat dog situation. Security of the property and the local schools will be important.

More questions flowed and hours later, they agreed to have more meetings to discuss all the proposals.

In the meantime, the accountant was to investigate the feasibility of government grants and university assistance while the solicitor was to investigate the laws regarding electricity generation and water harvesting.

In the weeks following that initial discussion of plans for Blake Pastoral they all met at the accountants to discuss further developments

Jennifer spent nights with Peter, poring over pamphlets and brochures of Singapore, Kuala Lumpur and Penang as the plans for their honeymoon slowly took shape.

It was on such a night that Jennifer made an announcement. The revelation seemed almost an afterthought. However, the twinkle in her eyes said otherwise. "Well Mr. Smarty, ye of all the surprises, when you are booking seats for people to fly to Melbourne, book three seats for the week before the wedding."

Peter's surprised look told it all.

"Susie has agreed to be my Matron of Honor. Karen and Ruth will be my bridesmaids and they are all flying down to support me for the week prior to the wedding. Susie will be organizing a hen's night and we will all be busy -- hair facials, manicures, dresses the lot.

"Stop looking so shocked Peter. Remember I have spies to keep an eye on you at your buck's night, so you'd better behave.

Peter was too bewildered to answer.

When planning the guest list and the reception, both Eric and Andrew were stunned when Peter explained who would be amongst his guests. They were certainly surprised when he asked that they send a number of invitations overseas.

Where Peter had once hoped they could slink away, elope and be themselves, he found himself with Eric and Andrew planning the catering and arranging for 400. Food, drink and photographers had to be organized and most important of all, a venue.

One morning at Deep Springs when breakfast was over Peter drove Jennifer to Rocky Springs.

Down the wide corridor, they walked to the rear of their future home.

Knowing the interior decorators had installed their special office furniture, Jennifer was not the least surprised to hear Peter's announcement. "I've commandeered a room as my office. If it doesn't suit your plans I'll move elsewhere, but please allow me to work close to you."

He opened a door.

"I know this is the room you wanted for your office, your private place and I'll only enter when invited." Taking her hand, he led her back into the corridor. "Come to my office which I've had furnished. We need to discuss the future.

"We've been so busy - you with the wedding and your job with the Insurance Company and me with the workshop in Sydney - that we really haven't had time to consider what we plan doing.

"I definitely need to hear your ideas. What do you want out of this marriage, because frankly I'm terrified of looking after you successfully? I'm so scared of failing."

Taking Peter's hand, Jennifer led him across to the leather sofa making him sit. While perched on his lap she put her arm around his shoulders.

He eased back eyes closed, knowing his priorities for life were already set. There was only one priority in his mind, Jennifer and his much-anticipated family.

Silently he contemplated the future. I'll cherish our children and make their life as secure as possible. What else will matter? My family, and with God's blessing this woman, whom I love so much, will be their mother on whom we shall all lean.

Slowly Jennifer made her ideas known. "Peter, I want children but not yet. I wouldn't like to give up my law career and to be truthful I'd love to continue and advance my studies. Would this worry you? However, before I continue, what are your plans? Now it's your turn."

"My love, I want children but as you say not yet. We're establishing the foundations for their lives and if the groundwork is secure and stable then their lives will be happy and, God willing, long and fruitful."

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AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago

and I just left a comment on the previous chapter that the story was starting to improve. Now this chapter comes along and is pretty spastic. oh well. I guess the element of surprise - what ridiculousness will be in this chpt today or will it be relatively normal? - is what keeps me reading.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
Permission requested

May I have permission to use this as an example in my paper on Senile Dementia?

Thanking you in anticipation

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
To anonymous in Perth

Which publishers did you have in mind, DC or Marvel? One thing that the story revealed, it seems no one of literary skills was ever sentenced to be deported to Australia

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago

Are you trying to catch Hollywood’s attention with this soap opera? At least do some R E S E A R CH (I am typing it slowly so that you can follow) before springing this masterpiece on us. Your characters seem to have been taken straight out a fairy tale. The plot is like a diamond, hidden deep underground. You want to write, fine but start slowly, not this 20 chapter epic. I saw some of the comments and decided to see what all the fuss is about and after reading some chapters, a phrase from one of my professors suddenly sprang to mind "a morbid fascination of the horrible"

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago

20 chapters that could be condensed into 2, maybe then it will have more appeal, at the moment this is a sterling example of how not to write unless you are paid by the word

TheDandyTheDandyover 16 years ago
Oh the agony of addictive reading...

I'm quite amused at the negative comments coming through after reading 20 chapters. It seems that those intent upon brandishing their infantile criticisms for your writing has them addicted to reading every single chapter. Wow. Talk about a paradox!

I've enjoyed the story and only have one criticism which I trust will be taken constructively. Some of the chapters could have been combined into one for a longer read. Your attention to typographics and grammar are better than most writers. For that, I'm truly appreciative as such attention to detail only adds to the pleasure of reading.

Definitely looking forward to the continuing saga...

hedi6789hedi6789over 16 years ago

BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD!!!!!!!! I just can't say it often enough....

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
I agree with Perth Australia

At last we can read a story without having to result to the paper towels to clean up the mess. Other writers create these short hit wonders in order to cover up their inability to write about real characters. Like the last commenter I congratulate JA Scooter on his story. The characters are definitely real and the attention to detail has the reader totally engrossed where he feels he is living the story with them. At times my heart is racing with excitement and then rage. At times I read with a tear in my eye as my heart is ripped apart with the feelings of a child experiencing what Peter did in his younger years. JA Scooter, I see you are of aging years which makes me see that you have lived life in full. To be able to put pen to paper and develop a story like this is only to be applauded. I have enjoyed the story so far and as with the previous commenter I feel there is a lot more to come. Ignore the simple people who cannot think beyond what lies below the waist. I do agree that there could be some tightening up of the story in places but please if you have a sequeal to this or another story in mind do not hesitate to go ahead with it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
Intelligence at last

Mr JA Scooter, you have had me enthralled from the beginning. I wasn't going to submit a comment until the book ends but with all the criticism you are receiving from the apparent morons who can only read unrealistic stories with cardboard characters, doing things that, if they were to happen in the real world, our lives would be very sad to say the least. I know there is a lot more drama and intrigue to come and I am literally sitting on the edge of my seat waiting for the next chapter and I also know that when the final chapter arrives and has been read it will leave a very big hole in my life that it has ended. I have been able to feel the characters and almost their lives with them. Frustrating? Yes. Irrational? Yes. Fun? Yes. Dramatic? Yes with more to come I suspect. Thank you Mr JA Scooter and I hope that someone in the publishing business is reading this story as I am sure that with some tightening up in the story line it could be a best seller and possibly a movie.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
put to rest

its time this was put to rest now, the first chapters were interesting but not anymore. With this I just skimmed through it as somehwere between 16 and this one I lost interest

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago

Is'nt there something else you can do like stamp collecting maybe?

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago

With the preliminary work in place, I am sure the "Mr Toad" will try and put a spanner in the works. Oh, won't he be surprised. John B.

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