Wolf's Tale


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When her weeping had ended, she drew back, enough to look up at him, her voice choked. "I'm- I'm sorry-"

Do you remember the truth now?

"N-No. I know now all this isn't real. But there's nothing to replace it."

You need to access your own power to free yourself.


There is a way. He drew back, took her hand, found it trembling, took her other, and cupped them both in his own. He stroked the fine, almost-invisible hairs on her forearm, along the grain. It is a primal, intimate power, one humans can access by themselves, or with another. He shifted, drew closer until she felt his breath on her face. He gazed into her eyes, his hands moving up to her hair, her face. Will you let me help you reach it?

Samantha said nothing in reply, suspecting what he meant, and she nodded. Her breath quickened as his muzzle drew close to her neck, licking her skin and sending shivers through her.

He reached up and lightly stroked her cheek, from her hairline down to her jaw, drawing up goose bumps. Samantha's eyes closed, and then opened, her lips moistening, swelling, ever so slightly. What was she doing? Residual guilt ran through, guilt over allowing this... This being, one who claimed intimacy with her, a being she didn't even remember, to touch her like a lover...

You loved my doing this, he told her. But you hate it when I touch your neck. More often than not, you'll bite me when I do.

"I bite you?" she exclaimed softly. Disbelievingly. And yet, she does hate it when her neck is touched... She settled, her head on his chest, every so often her breath catching in her throat, her body trembling, echoes of her earlier catharsis.

His hand dropped to her shoulder, stroking, finding and raising tiny, almost imperceptible hairs along the skin. At this, Samantha sighed and moved slightly, allowing the loop of her nightdress to slip a little more from her shoulder, her hand on his chest, feeling a massive heart beat within. He lifted his head, gently licked wherever he touched.

"Oh…" She tilted her head back, rolling onto her back as he rose up onto one elbow and leaned over her, stroking and licking along her upper arm.

His fingertips moved across to the outer curve of her breast.

Her eyes opened.

May I, Samantha?

Slivers of doubt, apprehension, seemed to prick her, before she nodded.

Slowly, carefully he drew down the top of her dress, exposing the upper potion of her breast to the outline of her aureole; his strokes summoned more goose bumps along Samantha's curves, the inside of her arm.

He leaned in and planted a tight trail of gentle nips along her skin; she felt her nipple tighten beneath her nightdress; Samantha's arm encircled him to his back, gripping the loose skin between his shoulder blades, her breath quickening. "That's- that's-"

Somehow, the material had pulled away from Samantha's breast completely. And somehow, his muzzle found its way towards her nipple, the tip of his tongue darting to flick at the flesh, rhythmically, making Samantha squirm.

His hand moved to encircle the breast he was licking; his other hand moved up to stroke her cheek and hairline. Samantha reached up and clasped his forearm, to help guide him as his extended, parted fingers brushed through her thick hair, reaching her scalp, again and again.

He felt as much heard the moaning she produced - and she started as she felt a stiffening of flesh at his groin, a familiar reaction from her husba- no. His licks moved down to the underside of her breast, to flesh moist with sweat and heat, the tip of his middle finger barely touching Samantha's nipple.

She moaned aloud.

His hand moved to the hem of her dress. Samantha's head spun. "I'm- I'm dizzy- sit up-"

He did; she followed, clinging to him, staring into his ruby eyes, the eyes of a powerful, mysterious force, one still couldn't remember, but one whose love and passion for her she couldn't deny.

Then she pulled him in again, kissing his fur as he drew her nightdress up over her legs and thighs, baring her lower half. His hand moved to stroke her belly, her side, her back, stroking down, down, stopping near the top of her rear end. She moaned against his fur, clinging to him as much from fear as from desire, and he continued to stroke her.

She was moving, moving in her embrace of him – and feeling his erection, a hot, strong staff between his legs, a very human organ. And then she straddled him, her thighs parted, the heat from her sex like a furnace against his, her breasts in his face for him to nip and lick, her arms around his muscular neck, while he slipped his arms under his and continued to stroke her back.

Her nipples tightened against his tongue, and her hands moved up into his hair, gripping him, growling, "Go- Go lower-"

He took the cue, his hands sliding down to her buttocks, cupping the full, fleshy cheeks. She moved her crotch against his, gyrating it wantonly, as his hands moved down, reaching the undercurves, between the cheeks, finding the soft downy strip leading to her rear entrance.

The feelings! So strong and blissful, like that given by a lover of many years! It was all true! "God- Goddess-"

Yes, he murmured in her head. Take those feelings, take that power, and direct it to leaving this place...

And then she pulled back, pulled back to reach down and struggle with her nightdress, removing it, watching her own hands, her hair falling down over her breasts. "Fenris- Beloved- I need you- inside-" And, as if to confirm her desire, she reached down between them to grasp his cock, claim it for her own, stroking the length, daubing the pre-come at the slit with her thumb and painting the velvety head fully, until he growled, No- No more-

"Yes," Samantha purred, urgent and sweet and jubilant, lowering herself onto his shaft, her hot, sweet pocket sliding down over him like a coating. She reached out and gripped him tightly. "Yes, more."

They rocked together, his cock sliding deep inside her, then back, until only the head remained, before sliding deep into her again. They clung to each other as if for dear life, their union a declaration, a defiance to the illusion about them.

Samantha felt her feelings rise, and with it a wave of force, like a rapidly-growing storm. This was the witch's power he spoke of - glorious! As glorious as their fucking, as her need to press her naked flesh against his, to let their scents and fluids mingle, to keep this precious, amazing being so close to her, forever.

His hands moved up her back to her shoulder blades, his claws now scratching her, his earlier gentleness eclipsed by a need to reclaim her for himself, a need which fed her own passions.

And suddenly Samantha came, a sharp, sustained pulse around his cock, drawing him along as he gripped her and lost control himself, rapidly, fervently thrusting up into her sex, spurting deep inside her and lengthening, strengthening her own climax. She clung to him for dear life, lost-




Lost in the sensations, they continued to cling to each other on the rug in the relic room, afterwaves of Samantha's orgasm conspiring to steal her breath away as she gasped, "Did it- did it-"

Suddenly Fenris withdrew from her, twisting his massive body to nearly envelop her, as he was struck from behind by a wall of flame which made him howl with agony.

Then it was gone, and he released her and rose, staggering, his fur smouldering, producing a sickening stench. He turned, and Sam looked past him to the corner of the room.

A figure stood there, a huge, humanoid of twisted, distended proportions, of charcoal-black colour and orange-red eyes that blazed with malicious glee. Too late, dog. She and the others have fed me enough. I am free now.

Before I'm through with you, Djinn, Fenris snarled, you will beg to return to your lamp!

And with a roar he launched himself at Al-Dhib, both of them slamming into the wall behind them, shattering it like glass.

Sam dropped into a protective ball as pieces of rubble fell from the ceiling, and then started moving about, checking on the others- Goddess, they were dead, all dead! Drained of their lives by the Djinn!

Then she heard a moan, and moved to its source, slapping his face. "Cole!"

The Russian stirred, gasping, consciousness quickly returning. "Roza- Irina-" He focused on her. "Samantha, what-"

Outside, another roar and blast of fire, and the walls around them cracked and crumbled. "No time to explain, come on-"

At her urging he rose to his feet, looking at the others. "What happened to them?"

"I'm sorry, they're dead."

"What? What the devil-"

Part of the ceiling came down. "Come on!" She grabbed him by the wrist and practically dragged him from the room, as the rest of it collapsed in a roar of rubble and pursuing cloud of dust.

They raced upstairs for the front door, Cole glancing at her. "Do you know you're naked again?"

"Yes, it happens a lot to me."

It was beginning to brighten outside, but there was a closer, stronger light beyond the outer walls of the fortress. Cole diverted to his truck, popping out again seconds later with his longcoat and another pair of trainers. "You go through clothes quicker than my daughter."

Sam remembered what the Djinn had said about Cole's wife and daughter, but pushed it aside. "I'll pay you back somehow." She slipped gratefully into his coat and tied it shut with its belt, before putting on the trainers. "Come on, we have to see if he needs help."


"My lover, he's here."

"He is? I hope he knows we're just good friends."

They fled beyond the fortress walls, to see a battle never before witnessed.

The combatants stood in a sloped-down, open field, the same place where she had summoned Fenris last night. All the weeds and grass were burned away. Fenris and Al-Dhib grappled like titans, Fenris morphing between his lupine and human form rapidly, valiantly claiming advantages from either form whenever they arose, clawing and biting and kicking.

Al-Dhib, however, stood his ground, flames blossoming from his hands and mouth to coil around Fenris, searing him again and again, the cries from both filling the pre-dawn air.

Sam watched helplessly, her heart crying out whenever her lover was injured.

Beside her, Cole watched in utter amazement and disbelief, numbly asking, "Which- which one's your lover?"

"The one with the fur." She kept watching, silently sending him her love and support.

Al-Dhib's mocking voice reached Sam's attuned mind, though he was taunting Fenris. When I am done with you, dog, I shall return to your woman, and give her what she most desires: a real man, to have children with-

Grant me what I most desire, Djinn: let me rip you to pieces!

But even as they continued, Sam could see the problem Fenris faced: Al-Dhib's form was fire and smoke. Even where Fenris tore into him, flames bled out and attacked, moving so fluidly.

What was worse, time was on Al-Dhib's side: the sun would be rising soon, and Fenris would have to flee - though she knew he wouldn't, even if it meant his death. "We have to help him!"

"I would love to, Samantha, but I doubt the fire extinguisher in my cab will help."

Fire extinguisher... "Come on!"

They raced back to his truck as she explained her plan, took out what they needed and returned to the scene of the battle, Sam's back protesting at the weight she was carrying despite Cole taking the brunt of it. Huffing and puffing, she managed to gasp, "Are you- are you good with that thing?"

The Russian set his side of the large silver-coloured gas canister down, and then drew out his pistol. I am cowboy. Cowboys never miss."

The dead ones obviously did, she thought glumly, pushing it aside as she bent down and shifted the canister, ignoring its chilled surface as Cole joined her, aiming it in the direction of the battle, and then letting it roll down the slope.

Cole rose to his feet and aimed, as the canister gathered momentum, the metal clanging in protest whenever it hit a rock along the way. Sam prayed it wouldn't puncture before it reached its target, or lose speed. And when it was almost there, she cried out, with her thoughts as well as her words, "Beloved! Trust me and get away! Now!"

Cole fired rapidly, each shot striking the canister in several places, making the liquid nitrogen within escape violently, spraying everywhere - mostly on Al-Dhib, as a white, thick cloud of rapidly-evaporating gas, boiling away in the relatively-hot temperatures of the world outside.

Sam watched, scanning the area around it. "Fenris!"

Yes, Samantha...

Beaming, she cried, "He's okay!" and raced down the slope, with Cole catching up behind her as the blew away, leaving Fenris standing there, bloodied, burnt, straining to stay aloft as he stared at the Djinn.

Or rather, what was left of it. Sam and Cole skidded to a halt as they, too, gazed at it: an almost-pitiful, half-petrified figure, its essence suffused with the supercooled liquid, its frozen, steaming surface cracking as it attempted to move, to escape the approaching Fenris, pieces of it dropping off and blowing away like ashes from a fire.

Sam stepped back again, taking Cole with her but not her eyes as Fenris growled and swung his fist out, striking the side of Al-Dhib's head, the impact snapping it right off its neck. The head spun off, bouncing and splitting into several more pieces, as what was left of the Djinn collapsed, into shards, or smoke which wisped away.

Cole clasped a hand on Sam's shoulder. "Good idea."

"Actually, it wasn't quite what I had in mind," she admitted softly. "I thought the canister would explode and put out his fire like they do with oil rigs."

"You watch too many movies."

The three survivors stood in the silence for a moment, and then Fenris limped away. The pieces will need to be disposed of, put into containers and buried, kept separate so that what's left can't reform.

Sam caught up with her, taking him by the arm. "Beloved, you were magnificent!" Then she saw his wounds. "Goddess... let me help you-"

No need, as you know. He stopped where he was, and dropped to his knees, his chest heaving. I will be going soon, and will lick my wounds then.

She dropped down as well, facing him, holding onto him, pressing close. "I know. I wish- I just wish-"

Please, enough about wishes today. He turned his head to look at an apprehensive Cole. You, watch over her in my absence, or I will return and-

"And nothing, you lug," she chided, looking over at Cole. "He's just being protective."

Cole nodded, smiling. "I would too, in his place."

Grateful for his understanding, she returned to Fenris, kissing his muzzle. "Once again, you've saved me. You're making a habit of it."

As are you, saving me. He coughed. Samantha, before I go, I must say something.

"Can't it wait until tonight?"

No. He gazed into her eyes, his hands reaching up to touch her hair. I saw how happy you were, in your wish, with children, with a human husband-

"Beloved, no-"

Yes. Should you wish to leave me, to find a real Wolf Lord-

Sam grasped his muzzle with both hands, fighting back the tears welling up in her eyes. "Listen to me, you big furry idiot. You are my Wolf Lord. You are my husband, my lover, my partner, my friend." She stopped fighting the tears now, let them flow free down her cheeks. "And I couldn't wish for anything more."

Yes you could. He licked the tears from her face.

"Maybe," she admitted. "But then we humans can be idiots too."

True – but you do have your uses. He took her in his arms. I will be back tonight, Beloved.

"Get yourself fixed up," she advised him with a whisper. "I'll want to celebrate our victory."

She closed her eyes, holding onto him until she felt him vanish from her arms.

"God in Heaven," Cole murmured, shaking his head slightly. "Such tales to tell..." He looked to her. "And questions to ask."

She nodded in agreement, rising and looking at the pieces of Al-Dhib, which were already smoking in the growing light and warmth of the approaching dawn. "And work to do. A lot of work."


Sam explained everything; to his credit, he believed her - of course, it helped having seen what he'd seen. She put some more clothes on, and then with Cole and some gloves, storage boxes and other tools collected the pieces and took them into separate locations within the ruined city.

Most of the fortress had collapsed following the beginning of the battle; the bodies of Matrov and his team were fully buried, irrecoverable.

"I will say it was an accident," Cole announced resignedly. "Such is state of affairs of my country that I doubt if they can afford to come out and collect their belongings, let alone recover bodies and perform autopsies."

"Yes." Her mind had gone blank, silently apologising to each and every one who had died. She knew that she hadn't been responsible, not really, but she remained sorry that they had been added to the number of innocent victims caught up in what appeared to be a growing war between forces they could not comprehend. If there was any consolation to be had, then they died as blissful as Sam had been.

She could still feel Freya and Loki in her arms...

At some point, they stopped and ate, keeping themselves fuelled, saying nothing, sharing a bond. By afternoon, they had gathered the group's paperwork and belongings and loaded up Cole's truck. She was tired, wanted a nap, but kept herself going. There was still some unfinished business. "Cole... I'm sorry about what the Djinn put you through."

He paused, his back to her for a moment. "I put myself through it, Samantha. Living in past. Roza left me, took Irina." Now he faced her. "I don't blame her. I had problems with drink."

"I'm sorry."

"Me too. I'm sober now, dry for four years. Of course, four years too late to keep them with me. Maybe Cowboy Cole needs to put away guns and hat and wishes and be just Kolya Aranovich again?"

"Maybe." She leaned in and kissed his cheek. "I like both."

He nodded, looking about once more. "It's time to leave this place to the wolves."

"Back to Moscow?"

He glanced at the setting sun. "Will be too dark." He smiled at her. "Belarus border closer, I think. Maybe over it?"

"Spaseeba." She kissed him again.

"Enough of that, I have met your boyfriend, he seems jealous type."

They climbed into his rig, and he indicated the sleeping space behind him. "Have a nap, you worked hard today."

She was too tired to argue, and lay in the sleeping compartment, in the dark, the engine vibrations running through her.

She tried to picture the human Fenris, their children, but they slipped from her mind. Which was as it should be; wishes and dreams should be like smoke, not things that should be grasped.

She drifted off to sleep, feeling a warm, furry body appear against her, protecting.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

Read all 5 of your stories! They're amazing please continue!! I know it has been years but please conclude this story! I'm begging you

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Thank you ...

... for these magic tales and for taking the trouble to sign off. Too many authors just stop, leaving readers to wonder whether they are alive or dead, will return or not.

You say real life will take you elsewhere, BUT

"O Powerful Fenris, son of Loki and Angrboda, I, your consort, conjure thee on this night and at this hour here, to order firmed affairs with thee-"

At some time, in some life, you have a summon to answer.


DshannonDshannonover 10 years agoAuthor
I am the Author of these tales:

And I thank each and every one of you so very much for your wonderful comments, not to mention taking the time to read my stories in the first place.

I would love to keep writing these, but Real Life beckons me elsewhere, and I will say that there will be no more...

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Are there any more? I hope so.

Is there any more chapters to come for this story? If Wolf's Tale was the very last chapter, could you please leave a comment to tell us so? It would be so much easier if Authors here on Lit. finished their stories with THE END. That way we'd know. :)

JhyrJhyralmost 12 years ago

Come on, Dshannon....... write us another one.

It's been over three years!


lusherlusherover 12 years ago
sad to think this is your last Fenris story

You've created a rich, believable world with amazingly real characters that are a cut above the paper-thin creations littering the fantasy genre. You're an exceptional writer telling a story I've grown to genuinely care about, and even though many years have passed since you first started, I hope you'll return to it. I'll never forget Fenris and Samantha, or stop wondering about how their story concludes...

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
I love ur stories!

I absolutely love your stories and I am definitely looking forward to the next one! Please make it soon!!!! Thnks

allimbaallimbaover 13 years ago
I love your stories!

I love love love your stories. I hope you continue to write them!

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

please write more.

DarkRose87DarkRose87over 13 years ago

You know what hon, you never sense to amaze with these wolf stories of yours ;) I am really looking forward to the next one. Thanks for posting them :)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago

loved it!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Totally love the series!!!!

I really really hope there is more to this series! Keep up with the great work!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Love it!!!

A heartbreaking wish and yet that wish stays in the back of the mind of many that can't get a child of their own.

Very fitting names to use, on the children. ^~^

I do hope there will be another part where her wish come true with fenris or a child they adopt and grasp their wonderful world.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago
Didn't see that coming...

Then again, who did? Loved it:)

scaperdeagescaperdeageabout 15 years ago

I never thought there would be another addition to this series and yet here it is. Excellent read. I hope to see another in the future!

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