All Comments on 'Worse Than A Cheating Wife'

by saddletramp1956

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Kryms1nKryms1nover 2 years ago

Another magnificent story, insofar as your writing style and ability. The subject, of course, is one which most people don’t want to think about, but despite that, your stories are always riveting from beginning to end, in my opinion at least

KalimaxosKalimaxosover 2 years ago

This is what we get by teaching our girls "you can do anything you want."

No princess, no one can do "anything" they want. There are always limits. This is why we have a penile code, law enforcement, and a justice system. That was the end of the public service announcement.

Now... in defense of ugly guys. They can't help it. They... wait for it... "were born this way."

DrtywrdsmithDrtywrdsmithover 2 years ago

Another great read! Thanks ST.

oldsage_1oldsage_1over 2 years ago

Not your best but a good story non the less. I enjoyed it and the price was right! You have spoiled us ST! Every time we see a SaddleTramp story we expect a masterpiece! Hey, no sweat it was a good read, well written and just long enough. Thank you.



Cringo31Cringo31over 2 years ago

Saddletraml dies it again and writes a much better ending to a screwed up story. The previous story had a great premise but went completely off the rails at the end. This ending was so much better.

BlackJackSteeleBlackJackSteeleover 2 years ago

Thanks for bringing this story to a satisfactory conclusion.

servant111servant111over 2 years ago

Congratulations you created an outstanding Arron resolution story to an original that was an open ended simply awful wimp cuckold story. With your typical style your Add on this inserted real testosterone into what was an estrogen dominant environment. You took that utter wimp cuckold who was left contemplating his navel while his slut potato head “wife” was off fucking her second “husband” in her new polymorphic fantasy world. You reached into the saddletramp bag of instant transformations and pulled out a backbone which you deftly have inserted into the awaiting vacancy in that jellyfish cuckold. With that saddletramp “special” complete; said cuckold immediately got stake wood diesel and match’s and not just burned but OBLITERATED the Bitch.

God Saddletramp NOBODY does BTB Arron better than you!!!!!! Of course it’s 5 stars! Only wish we all could chair you around the stadium in triumph!

Mac_LapuMac_Lapuover 2 years ago

It was fun reading it.

Always enjoyed what ST1956 dished out.

Except that Cameron's wife called Ginger. I really disliked that character.

Sadly, she's a superhero now.


I don't get why entitled people are surprised that normal people cannot understand and accept what they do. I guess that is why they're called entitled. Never heard of this behavior before when I grew up in the 80's up until 2014 when I got interested in what is going on with the Millenials in western countries.

ReedRichardsReedRichardsover 2 years ago

This might be Mr Tramp’s world, but no way would anyplace other than Iran give them 7 snd 25 ears. A few months, maybe, but no state is interested in paying to incarcerate people for this stupidity for multiple years.

Chimney SweepChimney Sweepover 2 years ago

Nicely done! Thank you for recovering my fumble and taking it over the goal line.

llyfrllyfrover 2 years ago

weird but good, although i doubt they would end up in jail really a fine probably, depends on their lawyer

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xover 2 years ago

MAYBE, in some strange alternate universe, she could come to him and propose a poly relationship, but NOT after cheating for six months!


I'd still like to know if his parents know what's going on.

Shavedbollox69Shavedbollox69over 2 years ago

Now that's a proper ending right there.


AngelRiderAngelRiderover 2 years ago

Yeah yeah, your world. Whatever. 7 and 25 years? They were barely married so there wasn't even any tax fraud. Give me a break. You need therapy dude.

As for the genetic attraction, that part is definitely plausible. There have been a few cases where it has been suggested that gsa was involved. I am not sold either way but the fact that human mating behavior is assortive would seem to indicate that GSA may exist. Because related individuals did not mature within a familial or extended familial unit, the psychological mechanisms which contribute to sexual aversion between closely related individual never developed. As a result the similar genetics might result in a higher degree of attraction.

As I said, I am not certain either way but I can see how it's plausible.

lover1953lover1953over 2 years ago

It was an okay story until the court sentencing part. No court hands out that kind of still penalty for something that minor. Oh I know, in the ST world all things are possible. LOL.

SkubabillSkubabillover 2 years ago

i decided on four stars. I read Chimney Sweep's original story as ST suggested. He is a pretty good writer but I just hated the premise. I was much happier with your conclusion but it just seemed to miss something.

JBEdwardsJBEdwardsover 2 years ago

I, for one, hate it when there are twin brothers in the closet. Or, for that matter, any brothers in the closet! I live in NYC, where closet space is at a premium, and there's simply no room for brothers, or weirdo men, for that matter. Chimney Sweep's story needed a conclusion, and yours is okay. I think Heather needed mental health treatment more than seven years in prison. She's going to need a lot of therapy, and I do mean a lot. So too, will Noah, but he'll be okay eventually. Happy New Year, JBE

AngstIgnoredAngstIgnoredover 2 years ago

You do you, but I really wish you’d get back to writing your own material, instead of trying to save train wreck cuck stories written by other people.

mainer42mainer42over 2 years ago

well written ending to a bad story. Loved the way you spun the tale no nitpicking here as always

Omegaman56Omegaman56over 2 years ago

Another Saddletrampled whore.

MormonJackMormonJackover 2 years ago

Phew... a good ending to an f'd up situation. Thank you, ST! Always creative!

WargamerWargamerover 2 years ago

Another cheater gets the ST1956 treatment and deservedly so.


BigBlueKatBigBlueKatover 2 years ago

This version is better than the original was terrible. Good SuperTreatment!!!

LT56linebackerLT56linebackerover 2 years ago

as usual, GREAT. 5 stars, the Bear approves. More, please, Hoss. Keep writing.


ScorpioJJScorpioJJover 2 years ago

Thank you for fixing that awful original story.

26thNC26thNCover 2 years ago

The great finish that we wanted for this story. Punishments may be just a little harsh, but it's your story to finish. RR, in Iran , they would not have seen prison at all. Steve would have received a promotion in the Quds Force, and the feckless bitch would been stoned. Not the Colorado version of Rocky Mountain High though.

Legio_Patria_NostraLegio_Patria_Nostraover 2 years ago

Dynamite story! Perhaps trinitrotoluene is even closer to the fact! You took a squishy, angst-infused story and repurposed MC into an emergent holder of a Man Card - albeit a probationary one - and set him on the road to growing a pair! The plot devices of 'twins' and 'bigamy' were totally on point!!!


As always, 5++++++++++++++++/5!!!!!

silentsoundsilentsoundover 2 years ago

Whew! That got ugly!


Regguy69Regguy69over 2 years ago

Vast improvement from the original wimp fest.

tralan69ertralan69erover 2 years ago

@sbrooks103xabout 7 hours ago

MAYBE, in some strange alternate universe, she could come to him and propose a poly relationship, but NOT after cheating for six months!

Do you think it would work if she did?


I'd still like to know if his parents know what's going on.

Well Steve, you could write a letter asking Steve about that or maybe just ask him for his parents phone number. I'm sure he would have the time to answer any question, just for something to do. Who knows, you could become pen pals.

tralan69ertralan69erover 2 years ago

Another good story from saddletramp1956.

I like your humor as well. 5*.

Thank you.

servant111servant111over 2 years ago

Just reread this one.... Only extra comment to this great BTB add on is an injunction that wives should walk with great speed over the bridges in life. Only an utter idiot stops, returns, and moves under a Freemont Bridge to have an extended "conversation" with said troll.... Well in this BTB story, the well deserved resolution puts a new meaning on the term "getting stoned...!!"

MarkT63MarkT63over 2 years ago

Wow!!! Dumb slut...

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xover 2 years ago

@tralan69er, "Do you think it would work if she did?" - I have no idea, just that what ever chance there is, is greater than there is after cheating for six months.

maninconnmaninconnover 2 years ago
Nice story!

But 25 and 7 years for bigamy? That might be extreme for a non-violent crime. Maybe community services or probation. However, that’s a small piece of a fine tale. Thank you for writing!

BeBopper99BeBopper99over 2 years ago

5***** The Tramp scores a LW touchdown again! The cucky wimpy original story turns into a manly righteous story. The incest angle is a hoot and possibly a LW first. Write On!

njlaurennjlaurenover 2 years ago

OK story, but even with the ST twist, of the incest angle, it was just okay. I know only too well how hard it is to finish someone else's story&I give people credit for doing that, but this one packed the ST oomph.

johsunjohsunover 2 years ago

Good twist about them being siblings. I'd heard about that attraction thing before somewhere. I'm glad you wrote this sequel, I hadn't read the first story before, but if I had I would've been upset that the ending just left things hanging. Sometimes I don't mind that, but for some reason that one left me no room to think up what might have happened, and you did a great job.

BlueEyd2BlueEyd2over 2 years ago

Tremendously better ending. The DNA twist was a bizarre twist, especially with that 'theory' of the sex attration between twins. The jail sentence for intentional bigamy was harsh, but ... Overall, nice job

Fredred55Fredred55over 2 years ago


Saddle Tramp you’ve outdone it again. You took an average story and crushed a new twisted ending. Well done. 5++*

GuyfromShadesGuyfromShadesover 2 years ago

Good follow up. I liked your twists. Keep up the good writing.

Demosthenes384bcDemosthenes384bcover 2 years ago

Great save to a story that was on fire! I have to agree that the sentences were over the top, but then you forewarned us about your interpretation of the law...and are know, on occasion, to go over the top. 5*

BSreaderBSreaderover 2 years ago
An interesting

Finish to a messed up story. Why this poly crap keeps popping up really disgusting.

inka2222inka2222over 2 years ago

Great save! The original story was awful, but at least now I don't detest its existence on Internet since it gave birth to this one.

RanDog025RanDog025over 2 years ago

I didn't like the original wimp cuck story by ChimneySweep but this one was right up my alley! Thank you for making a bad story great. Love all your stories! 5 BIG FAT STARS for this one.

Craig1878Craig1878over 2 years ago

And that's what we call the Saddletramp effect...... Well done sir!

ChopinesqueChopinesqueover 2 years ago

Bigamy. Flames. Neatly resolved. IF, just for the sake of discussion, everyone learned about the brother-sister relation, would not the bigamous marriage have been dissolved automatically by operation of the law, and so the prison sentence and felony conviction have been moot or something? Also IF, when Heather found out, what if she had had a change of heart? I know, BTB anyway, right?

Rancher46Rancher46over 2 years ago

What a great conclusion to this story, Saddletramp1956 did an excellent job in this BTB conclusion to Chimneysweeps original story which portrayed poor Noah as a weak cuck. Heather and Steve got exactly what the deserved with the jail time. Another great story from Saddletramp1956, Well Done 5 stars

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

You can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear, but you gave it a damn good try. The problem was Heather's ignorance of the law, and of normal human values and decency. Heather's lawyer probably should have pleaded insanity, at least temporary. So "maybe" the fraternal twin allure might give Heather some argument with betraying her husband, but the bigamy shows Heather is not just too immoral and unethical to be his wife, she's Too Stupid. Why would anyone want her to be the mother of their children? Cause she's a good fuck? Yeah, let that be your primary qualification for a wife and mother. And you don't even have to let me know how that works out for you, I already do.

Again, not a bad salvage job, but you really didn't have much to work with. Thanks for the effort.

WillowghbyWillowghbyover 2 years ago
My Comments

ST, nice, well written, short conclusion to the original unfinished story. Definitely OTT in typical ST style.

Chimney Sweep, truly magnanimous compliment to ST for picking up the open ended pieces you left. Truly an adult reaction.

Kalimaxos, really? Is it Freudian or memorex? "Penile Code?" Anyway, you got a big chuckle out of me with that observation.

Keep 'em comin'.

SDN1955SDN1955over 2 years ago

Just came here after reading Chimneysweep’s revised edition of the story posted on Christmas Day. In Sweep’s version, sad to say, the three main characters a (Noah, Heather and Steve) are all absolute morons. Tramp’s version at least moves Noah and Steve out of the moron category, though Heather remains firmly in that camp. So, this is an improvement, but, jeez, Tramp had to pretty much stretch credibility to get there.

AA82ndAAAA82ndAAover 2 years ago

I have some suggestions.....First Heather's charactervshould have been named Moon Beam. 2. I liked the charges however the sentance was no happening. (25 years) really....Maybe 2-5 tops. 3, Why would anyone who knew the nonsense Heather talked to Noah about ask if he could get past this? Maybe Linda needed a "I'm not stupid test"? Saddletramp took an ubderdeveloped story...characters wise and made it an above average read.

Diecast1Diecast1over 2 years ago

Like the story. AAAA++++

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

There is one thing that stands out in this and many other stories that brings a question to my mind. I have no idea if its a fact in reality, but in these stories, most wives and mothers want the male to put the cheating by the wife "behind them" and remain married. Is this a fact in reality, or only in these stories?

Schwanze1Schwanze1about 2 years ago

Magnificently over the top. I feel sorry for Chimney Sweep. Got schooled.

Rayjag1980Rayjag1980about 2 years ago

A vast improvement over original story. Sorry, but the original had MC as a shallow idiot. This was much better, only thing the sibling had me shaking my head and laughing it was so far fetched.

robdh51robdh51about 2 years ago

Anonymousabout 1 month ago

There is one thing that stands out in this and many other stories that brings a question to my mind. I have no idea if its a fact in reality, but in these stories, most wives and mothers want the male to put the cheating by the wife "behind them" and remain married. Is this a fact in reality, or only in these stories?

I know of 3 cases of infidelity where both the wives and mothers (both hers and his) were adamant that it really meant nothing, just a mistake, and the husbands should over look the "problems" and reconcile. In all 3 cases both the husbands and the fathers (both sides again) said "HELL NO". In 1 case the arguments also led to her mother and father divorcing too.

robdh51robdh51about 2 years ago

Oh, I forgot. Much better ending than the original. Gave it 5 stars.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

As usual, saddletramp takes a flaming pile of Cuck pigshit, and gives it a decent ending.

Thank you sir, for your efforts. 5 stars!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Ok. This is just a comment on the other commenters questioning the mothers( both sets) , who told the husband he should “ get over” the cheating.

Here is my experience. Blood is thicker than water. My own parents, ( who I didn’t always get along with that great) always had my back. There is no way, my mother or father would have taken my wife’s side, if she cheated on me. If I did something wrong, they would have talked to me in private, but still would have had my back. Any set of parents who raise a child from birth to 18 years plus, would want that person to grow up happy and have a good life. Any parent who did not back their son in this situation, has mental issues of their own.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

I really like thi ending. Thanks for writing it.


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Yes there are definitely different levels of loathsome to the one that trusts you most.

WillowghbyWillowghbyalmost 2 years ago
I Reread And

...had yet another laugh when I found the comment "Penile System." I am still chuckling! What a delightful malaprop.

Forgive me, I am still chuckling.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

How does one take a stinking mess of garbage and excrement and turn it into a reasonable story?

Simple, give it to a truly great author, and watch him work magic!!!

Thanks saddletramp1956. I got the rotten smell out of my head, and learned a lesson.

Once an author proves to be sick audience, stay away or get sick.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

An intriguing ending to a most screwed up "relationship." Not really my kinda story, but as I have mentioned in previous commentaries, I am going thru all of your stories - including spin offs, etc. - this one does evoke dark-side emotions in me. Great job, Author!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Enjoyed the story, however, in the penultimate paragraph you wrote,’the two of us were able to relate to each other’, a pun or just a poor choice of words?

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago


Wolfgang1955Wolfgang1955over 1 year ago

Not a big revenge guy. Living a good life is better.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Thank fucking goodness for Saddletramp! I was still seething over Chimney Sweep's wishy-washy MC in the original story when I found ST's sequel. I knew immediately that Noah was going to have a hefty dose of intelligence and resolve injected into him and be made to grow a pair instead of stomping his feet and yelling like a namby-pamby schoolboy. The result? Justice, Saddletramp style!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I really liked this one, as it was more believable than the original, and had a proper ending. I gave it 5 stars, as it was a fun to read story, that was just about the right length, as it told the story in a minimalist way (without a lot of repeating like the original did). Thank You ST for fixing the original pile of dog crap, and giving us a story that was a pleasure to read.

jflindersjflindersover 1 year ago

I really thing that continuations should be somewhat true to the original so am not crazy when they change the circumstances or characters. The cheaters in the original deserve to have revenge pour down on them, but not for lawbreaking that doesn't exist in the original story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Some comments complain about the incest charge in this story because it wasn't in the original story but the bigamy charge was the first problem I thought about in the original story. Maybe Saddletramp was trying to give Heather a way out of the stupidity mode.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago


AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

So quickly these dumb cucks find another woman!!

Linda is a bitch

maxx308maxx308about 1 year ago

Much better than the original story, thank you.

OlgreyfoxOlgreyfoxabout 1 year ago

Thank you so much for pulling the original story out of the garbage land fill.

NudeInMaineNudeInMaineabout 1 year ago

I don’t understand the animosity toward Linda by commentators.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Linda is another bitch skank like her adopted daughter

davezqdavezq12 months ago

This one is really complicated. Some of the time I was rooting for heather-/kind of made sense from her point of view, if I didn’t think too hard anout the lying, plotting and sloppy seconds. She could have done many more honorable things when she realized her fascination with Steve and before she jumped into bed 🛌 with him. Hope she learns something from her 7 years besides wanting revenge on Noah

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Lunacy on a grand scale.

RanDog025RanDog0259 months ago

Another 5 BIG ONES!

nestorb30nestorb307 months ago

Ok your world and all, but people who rob banks, commit murder or manslaughter don't get 25 years

Otherwise a better ending for the original

Thanks for writing

doctrptdoctrpt7 months ago

Your version made the original better, burt it is hard to believr that anyone can be this deluded.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Nice twist but it wasn't really needed. You couldn't have made it worse as when you're buried in shit one more shovel full isn't going to make a difference. Also suggesting that there is an actual sibbling attraction syndrome just makes it feels like it wasn't her fault ... But it's not the fact that she had an attraction to someone, it's the way she carried on the affair, bigamously got married and then tried to sell a poly relationship that's the problem.

OOAAOOAA7 months ago

Great story!!!

CookiecreamyCookiecreamy7 months ago

Fantastic finish to a sordid story. I liked how you added the "twin" twist. It could have survived on the bigamy issue, but now it's even better.

Great job!

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

You definitely made a questionable storyline better. Well done!!!

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Classic Saddletramp style sequel. Big improvement too. Although seven years in prison for the wife seems a bit much for bigamy in this scenario. Just too batshit crazy. 7 years remand to a state mental institution would be more realistics. The guy - Steve- was the real sicko given incest restrictions in legal marriages atop the bigamy. Wonder whether that would be fraud somehow too since he knew about the genetic relationship and she didn't? What-ever..... an improvement on the Chimneysweep original.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

I feel like Charlie Brown and Lucy with the football. I always read one of your stories hoping just once I see something good about and the next thing I know I flat on my back swearing yet again never to read anything from you again. Even a story that begs to be a BTB and you fail to deliver. Really 7 years and 25 years? Have to turn to incest? You have done, yet again, a great disservice to the base story if you even read it.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

The Charlie Brown and Lucy person below is clearly not a fan of ST56. What happened, did you have an underprivileged childhood or have you been forced to undergo sense of humour bypass surgery? This is another great romp from one of the best authors on this site and goes a long way towards clearing up the mess left behind by Chimney Sweep's original. Long live ST!


AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

A short fun read. 5 stars.

Bill S.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Great story! Especially after reading the ‘prequel’ .

A fun tale.

Bill S.

Harvey8910Harvey89104 months ago

This was a much better story than the original. ST was very clever in making Steve and Heather biological twins. That was an interesting twist to the story. 5 stars. Good job!!!!

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Enjoying life one day at a time... I write for fun and for entertainment. Please note that any statements by characters in my stories do not necessarily reflect the views of opinions of the author. Please feel free to follow me on Twitter at @saddletramp1951 or contact me d...