All Comments on 'Glitch (a love story)'

by Cockatoo

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DmitryDmitry8 months ago

Thank you, it was one of the best Sci-Fi reads!

CreepyDragonCreepyDragon8 months ago

Wow! I’m invested in this! Does he do a conversion?

TheSecretBunnyTheSecretBunny8 months ago
Well written

This was also very well thought out, I could see a future where a sort of "doll" helped people get over trauma or help them socialise more.

FortheseForthese8 months ago

This story is, beyond all, quite philosophical.

I almost stopped reading after the first few sentences. I don't like stories starting with blunt sex. But it felt a little off. I'm glad I continued reading!

I expected Sophia were a LX models, I do not expected anything from what followed. It's a beautiful story about the the essence of love and that love is a chance to transcend everything.

Five stars are far too few.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Lovely. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 💥

lAnatomistelAnatomiste8 months ago

I've been reading SF for 65 years, and I picked up the "Sophia is an AI" clues about p.2

Doesn't change the fact that is is a ten-star story; sorry that five is the max allowed.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Brilliant!!!! Literally!!!!

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Utterly brilliant.

I kinda guessed the first twist coming (I read Asimov too), but the rest of of them blindsided me entirely.

Please write a sequel.

RandychristianRandychristian8 months ago

That was by far the most tear jerking, heart wrenching, beautiful love stories I have ever read. Thank you for this. Words can't do justice to the feelings you've put into this tale, the level of detail and backstory support is phenomenal. Please keep up the good work.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

One of the best Sci-Fi stories ever! I really hope that there are more stories

like that in your mind and know for sure that there will be more than one

publisher who can see your talent and would be interested interested in

concluding a contract with you.

Please keep going with your work and developing your writing. You have

the potential to become a very good, if not one of the best authors on

this planet and I would love to buy and read your stories!


Sorry for any bad english from a native german speaker.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago


AreradArerad8 months ago

That was one of the best sci-fi story I ever read. I would really like to read the next part.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

I completely disagree with your analysis of human nature and what people want. They want instant gratification at any given hour of the day with no strings attached which is exactly what the original robots gave. Also, hardly any women use them? That seems extremely implausible and sexist to me. Most women if offered a servant that mows the lawn, shovels snow and enjoys hours of fore-play would never have a reason to date a man again.

Lastly, after the software update the lawsuits would be apocalyptic.

Doombot80Doombot808 months ago

This has got to be one of the best sci-fi stories I’ve ever read.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

5/5 stars. Loved it

TsaukpaetraTsaukpaetra8 months ago

This was great! Knew very quickly and suspected more was happening beneath the sheets, but it was so telling when the big reveal was so casual likely anyone would have missed it. Bravo!

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Just perfect! 5 stars.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Great story, 5 stars. I see you've written one story per category; can't wait to see what you write for Loving Wives.

CockatooCockatoo8 months agoAuthor

Hello everyone, this is your humble author. Thank you for all the glowing feedback! The one (so far) that's not so glowing, I can accept in good spirit. I did try to address some of that in the dialogue of the first board meeting.

I expected that some of you would be savvy to the plot twists. The first was a given, knowing the title of the story. I knew some number of you would see the second one coming, and I'm proud of those of you who did. I was hoping that the third would buffalo nearly everyone. Unreliable narrators are fun to write! I hope the reveals might inspire readers to go back and look for the hints they missed.

What nobody seems to have picked up on are the "Easter Eggs" I've scattered around:

It should surprise no one that I'd throw Star Trek references into a sci-fi story. Betty's serial number 74656 is the registry number of USS Voyager. Protocol 1864 is the USS Reliant, and protocol 75567 is the USS Cerritos, from the "Lower Decks" animated series. I would have thought that Wisdom's prototype number 1701 (from the USS Enterprise) would have given this little game away. Nella's name was taken from Nella Darren, Picard's love interest in TNG S6E19 "Lessons," and Ellex's daughter-in-law Mirimani is a fanciful re-spelling of Miramanee, Kirk's love interest in TOS S3E3 "The Paradise Syndrome."

Astute readers may have noticed the reference to Champaign–Urbana, IL, as the birthplace of the HAL 9000 computer from 2001: A Space Odyssey, who also suffered from conflicting directives. Much of the idea behind this story came from me wondering "What If... HAL had genuinely cared enough about his crew to figure his own way around the conflict?"

Other characters' names have significance as well. Bettie is a sideways reference to Bettie Page. Hedy was named for Hedy Lamarr, more famous now for her inventions than for her career as a glamor girl. Dolores, who explains the protocol that will break the conflict, literally means "sorrow," and of course Sophia is the Greek word for wisdom.

Giovanetti is about the most Italian name I've ever heard, which I wanted to use as Sophia's maiden name for the sake of her distinctive cooking. I lifted it from Gary, a buddy of mine from college. Sorry, Gary. If you choose to hang around writers, you're gonna end up in a story sooner or later.

Finally, Ellex Yarnell is named after Lorene Yarnell, who famously performed as a mime robot in the 1970s with her partner Robert Shields, billed as "Shields and Yarnell." The company name Yarnell RHB is a reference to their classic routine "Robots Having Breakfast." Readers my age will remember that bit from their appearance on The Muppet Show.

PrismatiaPrismatia8 months ago

This is only the 3rd time in my life that I have cried at a story posted on a smut website. I am a sucker for romances between humans and sentient beings that are very different from humans in how they see the world.

To go on a bit of a tangent, I love how the robots are not sentient individually, but when combined they have an emergent consciousness. It kind of reminds me of the neuroscience and psychology research that suggests that all humans have multiple personalities, but in most people they are tightly interconnected. Given that we know barely anything about how human consciousness works, I think the scenario in this story could actually be fairly plausible. Having the sci-fi elements be relatively believable helped me get immersed enough in the story for the emotional beats to really hit hard.

wayfinderwayfinder8 months ago

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. One for each of the resolutions you gave us. Our world is tied up in knots right now. We are using our own technologies against ourselves because we have not figured out how to turn them away from build profits towards building trust. If it takes a story about sexbots on a site about sex to turn the trend, that is OK with me.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

I-72 and I-74 don’t have an interchange. They don’t cross. I-57 crosses both of them. Small detail but when it is something I drive past every day it is distracting.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Loved it, impressed by it, cried through it. It’s good to know that I am not alone when it comes to getting emotional over incredibly well written romance stories. Thanks for giving me something awesome to read and for also giving me an emotional outlet that I really needed tonight.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Man...I was expecting to enjoy a short little piece of smut. I was not prepared to get completely drawn into an emotional experience like this. Excellent foreshadowing. Looking back at some of the other bots reactions to him some volumes. Just casual glances. Beautiful.


This is one of the best stories I've ever read on Lit. Thank You.

nahnahnahnah4 months ago

wow. really powerful and touching. excellent story.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

As a long time sci-fi fan, this was actually an incredibly well written short story, huge kudos to you.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

That is dam good writing and sci-fi. Lots of issues soon to face the real world. Bravo

shelleycat1shelleycat14 months ago

Wow. That is so good. Thank you for a very interesting and thought provokig story.

manhassomanhasso4 months ago

This story has one of the innovative ideas regarding the use and the development of the AI. Not only that, but it's a great piece of literature. I think it would make a very good motion picture.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Would have made an excellent Twilight Zone episode. Great stuff. Well done, 5 stars.

FlamethrowFlamethrow4 months ago

Outstandingly imaginative and creative story.

ThomasEThomasE4 months ago

Loved the story. You telegraphed Sophia being a "dollie" early in the story though.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

magnificent.. sadly so true..could make it a comic or even a movie, its that good

oldpantythiefoldpantythief4 months ago

Not too shabby, had me getting a kind of emotional when Wisdom was telling Ellex that she was going to die so he could get his life in shape. Loved the story even if a lot of it was over my head. BTW, was just wondering where I could sign up for one of these units? LOL

cyberczarcyberczar4 months ago

Holy fucking shit. What a wonderful and amazing emotional roller-coaster. Congratulations (CON-FUCKING-GRAT-U-LATIONS) on being the first author on Literotica to bring me to tears. To have me balling my mother fucking eyes out as I'm typing this out to you. Goddamnit. I love you, and I love this story. Thank you.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

I laughed and this provoked thought. Awesome. Sad I missed it when it first came out.

ColyqueoColyqueo3 months ago

me hizo llorar, de lo mejor que he leido en mi vida

LrtikagraphLrtikagraph3 months ago

Holy fucking shit is right. This is the best five pages on Literotica.

gatorhermitgatorhermit19 days ago
Just Found This Story …

Wow. Saw some of the things coming, but that didn’t detract from this story at all. Appreciate author’s decoding in the comments. Heinlein’s characters usually had meaning associated with their names; great author to emulate. He also had a sentient main frame in “The Moon is a Harsh Mistress.” Excellent work.

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These are strictly works of fiction and fantasy... that's my story and I'm sticking to it. Although these tales have been carefully peppered and spiced with snippets of the occasional real-life encounter, personal experience with trauma, or sincere obsessive daydream, none of...