Sporting Chance


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I stopped my onslaught onto his ass and moved slowly back up his body, gingerly and favoring my left side. It's funny what sex can do to you. In the throes of passion I felt almost no discomfort at all, only slight twinge in my left buttock. No matter. I lay beside him, holding him, my mouth pressed over his, our tongues twisting against each other, our breath labored and short, like men running fast on a track field.

"Can I fuck your ass?" I whispered.

His face was buried in my neck and I felt him nod as he moaned yes into my skin. I reached over and took the lubricant I used for masturbation from the nightstand drawer. Quickly I covered my dick with it and then pushed two fingers into his asshole, both of them covered with lube. Rick was panting for me to fuck him, thrashing beneath me. I pushed his legs open wide above his head and slowly pushed my cock against his asshole. It was tighter than any pussy I'd ever fucked, much tighter, and I shuddered with sexual chill bumps of excitement.

I felt and heard a squishy popping sound as I entered him. As soon as my mushroom tip passed the tightness there was no resistance. I slowly buried my cock in him until my pubes pressed against his ass. Rick wrapped his legs around my back, his heels buried into my ass cheeks as he pushed with force, pulled hard, anything to get my cock deeper into him. I pulled my cock out slowly and pushed it in again. Twice. Three times. A dozen. His hands dug into my back and his teeth bit at my shoulder.

"I've wanted this so long," he groaned. "You just don't know how long, how many times I've jacked off dreaming of this. Fuck me hard, really hard. Oh my god, Jeremy, please fuck me hard."

I sat back, half on my knees as I did as he pleaded and started to pump in and out of his ass like a jackhammer. It was almost as if he had a seizure when his orgasm exploded. His thick cock ejaculated rope after rope of glistening semen across his chest and stomach, glimmering in the moonlight like strings of pearls. His asshole gripped my cock tighter with each shot and then I couldn't hold off any longer. I pulled my cock from his ass and blew my load in his face as he'd done to me.

Rick licked his lips, watching my face in the bright moonlight. I leaned over him and began to lick him clean, keeping the semen in my mouth and then kissing him, feeding it to him bit by bit. I kept it up until I had fed him all of the precious juices that had splattered over his torso and face. The cum in his pubes I ate for myself as I gently cleaned his cock with my mouth. At last I collapsed onto his body, covering him, his face buried in my neck.

I wasn't able to breathe for a full minute or more. I couldn't believe the change that had come over me, as if my whole world was upside down. I don't know how long he held me close in the moonlight, comforting me.

And then I laughed.

"What's so funny?"

"I can't believe how good I feel about what we've just done, about fucking you, Rick."

"About goddamn time," he grunted. "I've done everything but just fall on my knees and beg you to fuck me for months."

"That long, huh?" I grinned.

He hit my shoulder playfully.

"Yeah, that long and I think you knew it, too, and just tortured me to be cruel."

I kissed his lips.

"I promise you I didn't know. I can't explain why I didn't see it and I don't know how I'd have reacted before tonight. One thing's for sure, though, if I'd ever known I'd feel what I'm feeling now in your arms, I'd have fucked you the first week we met."

I kissed his neck, inhaled his scent, soap and clean skin.

"When did you first know, Rick?"

"What do you mean?"

"When did you first know you wanted me?"

"I'm not sure if it wasn't really from the first day when I saw bent over checking the outlets on the lab tables in your new classroom. You were so goddamn cocky and arrogant that I couldn't bear to even look at you but deep down inside I felt a spark. I wanted to beat the hell out of you and I wanted to fuck you. It was crazy the way you were in my head."

"No way; that far back? You asshole! And you treated me like shit for four fucking months longer?"

I bit his arm and he laughed.

"That hurts! Don't take me on, Jeremy, you're still not well."

"Kiss my ass. You didn't seem too worried about my muscles while I was fucking the hell out of you a few minutes ago."

"Sit your ass on my face and I'll kiss it, I'll lick it, I'll have you screaming."

"You sure seem to have a lot of sexual energy for an old man."

"Is that what you think, I'm an old man, huh?"

He rolled on his side and kissed me.

"No, Rick Baker, I think you're just about perfect," I said softly. "I think you're about the most perfect man I've ever known in my life."

He held my head tight in arm and kissed my forehead.

"I love you, Jeremy. But you know that already," he whispered.

"I know."

We lay beside each nose to nose, quiet, staring into each other eyes.


"So what?" I snickered.

"Do you love me?"

I ran my hand through his blond curls.

"I think I should wait nine goddamn months to answer that question. Just like you, July to April; damn, would have ever told me if I hadn't busted my ass on the tennis court?"

He threw his head back and I felt the laugh from deep within his chest.

"Can't you give me a hint? Are you really going to make me wait?"

"Let's see here. Maybe. Depends on how much I like it when you fuck MY ass."

"So it all hinges on my fucking skills? Do I get handicap points for being twenty years older than you?"

"I thought you were a math teacher, dumbo. Forty two minus thirty four doesn't equal twenty, Baker, just shut up and show me what you got before I chicken out."

His laugh was so soft I could barely hear it.

"So we're back to Baker, are we?"

I kissed his lips gently.

"Look, Rick, this is all new to me. Five days ago I might have killed you if you'd tried to suck my dick. You've had all this time to jack off and fantasize about me and,"

"And you've never felt anything for me at all, right? Except professional courtesy."

I could hear the hurt in his voice.

"Maybe I'd better go home."

He sat up to leave and I pushed him down. His fist flew up and I grabbed it with all my strength. As he struggled I fell on his fist and kissed it, my tongue trailing through his knuckles. I felt the anger go from him.

"I'm not saying I DON'T love you or that I DON'T care for you, it's just that goddamn it, Rick, you haven't even fucked me yet and you're expecting too much."

"I'm too old for you."

I could hear disguised merriment in his voice.

"Don't start acting like a bitchy female now or I WILL kick your ass out of bed."

"Are we having our first lover's quarrel?"

I blew bubbles on his stomach like we were kids and he went wild laughing.

"Stop! Stop!"

"So you're ticklish. Anywhere else?"

I grabbed his foot and blew bubbles in the arch. I thought he was going to kick me off the bed. While he was lost in laughter I lay down beside him, my face next to his.

"You listen to me, Rick Baker, and hear me good, you hear?"

He was still laughing.

"There's no one else and I doubt there will be and I'll confess that I've jacked of to my own fantasies of you since I caught you jacking off in the gym. I'm just not ready to shop for bridesmaids dresses yet. Maybe I'll jump on the table in the lunchroom and scream I love you as loud as I can at your retirement party."

He leaned into my neck and kissed it.

"I'll take that," he whispered. "All I really wanted to hear was that I'm not just a casual fuck for you."

I grabbed his head and pulled his lips to mine.

"You're not."

We kissed passionately until we fell asleep exhausted. I awoke during the night to find my body cuddled in his arms, his leg thrown over mine. My face was nuzzled into his armpit and with the soft curls of his underarm pressed against my cheek.

The next time I awoke it was to the smell of eggs and bacon. I shrugged on my robe and hobbled carefully to the kitchen. One more day, maybe two and I wouldn't need the crutches at all. Rick was dressed in his tee shirt and shorts, putting the breakfast on the table. He looked up at me as I walked in the door.

"Good morning, sunshine. You were passed out when I got out of bed this morning. How're you feeling?"


I opened my robe and showed him my naked body with my erection throbbing.

"You prefer eggs to this?" I grinned.

He walked over and grabbed my cock and jacked it a couple of times.

"You know better."

Rick pushed me against the counter, knelt down and sucked my cock into his mouth. He began a deep hum from within him as he sucked me and my asshole clenched. I put my hands on his head, twirling the curls through my fingers. I'd never had anyone suck me as he did, never felt the vibrations of sound. He masturbated me with his hand, sucking his fingers into his mouth with my cock. Just when I thought it couldn't possibly get any better, he slipped his middle finger into my asshole and within seconds had found my prostate.

My legs were trembling, not from pain but from the incredible fireworks going off in my body. Rick eased me to the floor and continued to fuck me with his finger as he sucked me. The cold of the tile floor felt good because my body was in flames. I held his head gently between my thighs, my feet on his back. Then my asshole clenched his finger like a vise and my cock exploded into his mouth. I pulled his hair and my thighs tightened against his head, trapping him.

"Uuunnnnnnnnhhhh, uuunnnnnnnnhhhh, uuunnnnnnnnhhhh, uuunnnnnnnnhhhh, oh, my god, Rick, Rick, don't stop, don't stop."

He continued to fuck me with his finger as his tongue swirled over my glans, already becoming incredibly sensitive after ejaculation. I could feel him swallow my cum as he swallowed my dick, deep throating me until finally my erection was gone. I lay exhausted on the cool tiles as Rick lay down beside, still fully clothed. He kissed my nose and grinned.

"Ready for some bacon and eggs, now?"

I held him tightly, kissed his lips, and sat up.

"I think so, big boy. Help me up," I laughed.

"Will do, take my arm."

We talked about his farm over breakfast and all the things that needed to be done before spring was gone. I didn't know he had a tractor and planted over three acres in crops. We talked about anything except what had happened yesterday.

"Want some more or are you done?"

"I'm stuffed like a cow. Rick, it was delicious. Too bad you can't do this for us every morning."

"I know but that's the way it is," he sighed. "Now, let's get you into the bathroom. You're going to shave and then I'm going to give you a bath."

His eyes were dancing with fun.

"I'm ready when you are."

I shaved while Rick sat on the toilet seat and watched me.

"I can't believe how thick your beard is, Jeremy. Man, it would take me two weeks to grow what you've grown in four days and it'd never be as thick as yours.

"Yeah, well it came with the body and I can't turn it in for a new model," I joked.

Rick couldn't stop looking at my naked body. I'd watched him as I shaved and now that we were intimate he didn't care if I saw him looking. I didn't care if he looked; it seemed like all I want to do was look at him, too. He stared openly, lustfully.

"You see something you want?" I teased.

"Oh, yeah, I want the whole thing," he grinned.

"You can have it anytime you want, day or night."

He leaned over and kissed my thigh. His hand gently twisted my body so my ass was in his face. I felt his warm breath as he gently planted wet kisses across it.

"You've got the sexiest ass I've ever seen," he said huskily.

"That's yours too, Rick, all yours."

I couldn't believe myself, the way I was talking. A week ago I would have stomped him into the ground if he'd come on to me. His tongue left wet marks as it travelled across my buttocks and he gently pulled at the hair with his teeth.

"You're done shaving, let's get you into the tub."

He was flushed and I could see his erection pushing against his shorts.

"Why don't you lose those clothes, big boy?"

He stripped and helped me into the tub.

"What, no shower?"

"No," he breathed hoarsely. "I'm going to give you a bath."

He helped me to sit down and the tub began to fill. He grinned and poured something into the water and bubbles formed immediately.

"What's this, lover? Do I stink so bad I need to be perfumed?"

He leaned over and kissed my lips.

"No, I like the way you smell, it's just that I found some of Victoria's bubble bath and I wanted to bathe you in style."

"In style, huh?" I laughed. "If you tell anyone I took a bubble bath, Baker, I'll kill you. "

"Really? I think they'd be more interested in the fact that I gave you a bubble bath than that you had taken one."

"It smells like powder."

"It's called Baby Powder Bubbles. What would you expect? Victoria was a woman. Anyway, we can stand to smell like baby powder for a few hours."

We both laughed as stepped into the tub with me.

"I'm glad that Victoria decided to remodel her bathroom and get this huge tub."

"What, did she have men crawl into the tub with her, too?"

"She wouldn't have turned them down but no, she used a bath chair and he needed a bigger tub to use it comfortably. I offered to put in a full shower but she said no."

"YOU put it in?"

"Yeah. Well, I had help. Sarah ran the restaurant for a week during the summer so Harold and I could do some work on the house."

"I find out more and more about your talents every day."

"Yep," he grinned. "Now give me your foot."

I lifted my foot and he carefully washed it, then kissed it, sucking on each toe. It was like an electric current hit me, his warm lips on my skin.

"I could get used to this, you know," I moaned.

"I hope so."

Over the next hour we bathed each other and it was an incredible sexual experience. We both ejaculated into the tub water as we explored each other. He got on his knees and I probed his ass with my fingers and suds, then licked it and kissed it as he'd done to mine. I played with his cock, sucked it, sucked his balls, and kissed his body all over, sucked his nipples, nibbled his ear lobes. Finally he reached over the side of the tub for my tube of lubricant.

"Come here," he whispered. "I want you to sit on my lap and I'm going to fuck you here in the tub."

"The lubricant is water soluble, you know."

"I know, but I'm going to squirt enough in you to last until I get inside you and once your hole is fully open it won't matter. Besides," he grinned, "I'm not going to last forever and I want to take this to the bed later."

I bent over as he squirted what seemed like half the tube into me and then he covered his cock in it.

"Now sit on my lap, baby."

I knelt over him and I used the sides of the tub to help me as I slowly lowered myself onto his beer can with skin. Even with all of the lubricant I had to go slowly and it was painful at first.

"Take it easy, baby."

He licked my nipples as I slowly descended onto his cock. Gradually the pain went away and then there was this incredible feeling of being full and it felt good. I sat down fully and leaned into him to kiss him. This was a wonderful way to fuck and I done it countless times with women. Now I was in the female role and I understood how it felt. Rick cradled my face in his hands as he kissed me, kissed my neck, and held me close as he began to pump into me. I did as women I'd fucked did, I lifted my body and rode up and down on his throbbing penis, sliding it in and out of my asshole. My body flushed with heat and I threw my head back and whimpered as my body trembled. Rick put his arms around me, pulling me to him.

"It's never been like this before for me, Jeremy," he whispered. "This is the best it's ever been."

I knew he needed an answer, he needed to know that I wanted him as much as he wanted me.

"Good," I laughed softly. "That way I don't have to worry about you looking at other men."


I felt the fire in my loins and my muscle tightened on his cock like a vise. Within seconds I was spurting semen on both of us as my asshole clenched with each shot. Rick pulled me to him and kissed me hard as his cock emptied into me. I felt the heat of his cum as it shot into me with each throb. At last finished, I sat on his lap, his diminishing cock still in me, and we looked into each other's eyes, boring into our souls.

"Get on your knees."

"There's more?"

"There's more."

I had no idea what was next but Rick sucked his cum out of my asshole and then fed it to me with his tongue. At last we got out of the tub, both wrinkled like prunes, and we dried each other. He put me in my bed and kissed my lips.

"I can't tell you how wonderful that was to me, Jeremy. I hate to break the mood but I need to go home, feed the dog, get the newspaper out of the driveway, and check on things in general. The good reverend definitely will notice on his way back home from church if I haven't picked the paper up out of the drive."

"What about your truck?"

"I park it in the back in a garage so he never knows if it's there or not. We've just got to be careful because people around here are nosy as hell and I can assure you somebody noticed I stayed last night. We'll get away with it occasionally, particularly when it snows but everyone knows I've got a dog to take care of and that I'd never leave Danny to fend for himself. Never."

I started to speak and he put his finger over my lips.

"Don't say it. I'll be back this afternoon and we'll figure all of this out, Jeremy."

I watched as he dressed and left. For the first time I felt an emptiness within me that he was gone. I missed him already and he'd only been for a few minutes. The feeling scared me; I'd never needed anyone since I became an adult. He made me feel good inside and I knew I required him in my life. I wanted him. I wanted Rick Baker so much I could barely breathe.

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AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

The worst thing about this story is the sequel that was obviously intended never got posted. I want to see how they try to keep their relationship a secret and how they get found out (because clearly they do), I want to see Jeremy come to terms with himself and tell Rick he loves him, I want to know what happens with the investigation. I love this story but being left hanging just kills me!

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Thanks for this wonderful love story. Excellent writing. I wish there is a part 2. I've just discovered you and will continue checking out your stories.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Absolutely brilliant!!!!! Bring on more!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Loved this. Read it a few times now. Still my favourite story. Hope there is a sequel

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Love your writing style! Such great stories!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Too much text irrelevant to an erotic story; no one wants to hear about some wanky military bro and his douchey dad.. Not hot

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Although the story is long, I really enjoyed tge detail. Thanks for writing this exciting and interesting story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Holy shit that was the best thing I’ve read on here. They are so adorable! Hope there’s a follow up story!

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Great story with genuine characters that were well developed and added to the plot. I thought this was very real. Being from a small southern town and gay, their fears and concerns are legit. Glad they found each other. Thanks for the writing, Will read more of your work.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

That. Was. Wonderful! Love your style...beautiful writing...full of feeling. Totally enjoyed what you shared...thank you!!! ❤

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