
Stories by Elusive_Mind

24.7k 1 1

Introduction: Jacob plays a joke on Cathy the slut.

3.83 10.3k 1 1

Cathy gets off to get even.

3.2 7.5k

As soon as the door shut...

4.56 6.7k

A hotel room and an unsuspecting wife.

3.81 202.4k 47 8 80

The title says it all.

by Elusive_Mind
Group Sex 08/06/2009
3.6 26.9k 6 8

She's accidentally handcuffed and needs help removing them.

4.19 64.8k 17 4 35

Her morning starts with a recap of last night.

4.23 20k 3 7

...on the 8th floor landing.

4.45 24.9k 3 3 6