The Literotica Author Support Forum is a community-powered discussion board where registered Literotica members can post questions, answers, advice, and observations about being a published Literotica author. The board is frequented by many longtime and popular Literotica writers - so it’s a great place to learn about the perks, quirks, tips, and tricks of publishing your work for millions of Literotica readers.
We highly recommend that you browse the forum, then do a keyword search before you post a thread so that you aren’t asking a common question that’s already been answered. Like other forum on the internet, regulars would prefer to spend their valuable time answering unique and well thought out questions, rather than rehashing the same simple issues that can easily be found in the Literotica FAQ.
Please check the sticky threads at the top of the Literotica Author Support Forum when you first visit, as they often contain useful information and answers to questions that might come up while browsing the forum.
The Literotica Author Support Forum is a public message board, so please do not post any private information or personally identifying information. If you need private help, either use the forum “Conversations” feature, or Contact Support.