Submit a Story to Literotica

Submitting a story, audio, interactive fiction, or other work to be published on Literotica is simple, fun, and can be personally rewarding! If you’re over 18 years old and you agree to our Terms of Service, read on.

First, Sign Up for a free Literotica account. If you already have an account on our Bulletin Board, then you can submit your story or other work using the same name and password by logging in here. From your Member Control Panel, you will be able to create your personal profile as well as submit stories, audio, and other works to the site.

Follow our simple How To Publish on Literotica FAQ and soon your story, audio or other work will be available to millions of readers. If you need more help, we’ve got that too.

To help improve your writing, check our big list of Writer’s Resources Articles.

For personalized help with your writing, try the Volunteer Editors Program.

If you’re feeling competitive, you might want to submit to the friendly Literotica Story Contests.

If you have any questions about how to submit, feel free to let us know.

Thanks for your support, and have fun!

For additional story publishing help, please check the Literotica FAQ, the Author Hangout, or contact support. Thank you again for being part of the Literotica Community.