A Fucking Investment Ch. 14


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"I came, Cassie. That is one measure. You swallowed some, that is another. You liked it, that is three for three. A good average in the majors." She looked very pleased with herself.

"Go take a shower. I want to return the favor."

For a moment she sat before me, breasts wavering in the fluttering flaps of her unbuttoned blouse. Finally her face registered my words. "You want to...do that to me?"

"Return the favor. You have no cock so it is different. I want to see if you can come with a man's mouth on your pussy. Some women can't."

"I don't know if I can. Gordon, he didn't like it much."

"We'll find out. Then, then Mrs. Angorra, I am going to fuck you."

Those words got through to her.

She smiled widely then. "So that means I kiss okay?"

"You need a lot of practice. You need to be able to kiss while you are coming. With a man between your legs, while you are on your back. You need to kiss me while I fuck you. That takes practice." I murmured.

"Oh, oh my!" She whispered back. She got to her feet and tottered into the back bedroom.

"Holy mother of god!" Victoria murmured, coming towards me. But my phone rang. Goddamn, she had her eyes on my cock and I thought I was going to get a proper cocksucking.

I answered it despite the panting women before me.

"Mr. Gale? This is Aurora Hines. I wanted to call you and tell you that we should set a time limit, after which you are disqualified and all contracts are voided."

"Hello to you too, Aurora." I said.

Victoria's eyes got wide because the name was new and unfamiliar. I had skipped her, Kiko and Yvette in my recitation of my conquests, no, of my acquisitions like works of art for a collection, pussy for my American Harem.

"Did you hear me?"

"I heard. I am not sure you are in any position to be making the rules. Did you know I have converted little Kiko?" I wanted to put her off and I succeeded.

"Fuck you, Joshua Gale."

"Is that an offer? No? Look, I know that was slightly underhanded. Let me make it up to you. Suppose, that to finalize each woman, I bring them to your house and they lick you till you come? How about that?"

Victoria's face froze.

Aurora was silent.

I waited.

Still no response.

Victoria did not move or twitch an inch.

"All of them?" Aurora asked.

"Everyone of them. When I have the contracts, I'll have them go down on you, that should be a nice way to firm up their commitment. And you'll know it is not just a piece of paper but each is my proper piece. What do you think?"

After a long pause, during which I could hear her panting, Mrs. Hines snorted, "If you insist. Call first, to be sure I am, er, available."

"How about tonight. Now, I mean, in a few minutes."

Victoria swallowed heavily.

"If you must." Aurora said. "I won't say no. Who?"

"Surprise. Surprise." I muttered and hung up.

"You aren't talking about me, are you?" Victoria asked.

"Should I be?" I returned.

She glared at me.

"When Miss Cassie appears, we are going for a little walk. You may come if you like."

"Thank you, I think I'll stay here." Victoria stared at the fourth beer in her hand.

Cassie appeared.

She wore precisely nothing. Her body appeared like a wedge with tits. It amazed me that she could go through life without ending up on her back Monday, Wednesday, and Friday every week of every year and twice on Saturday and Sunday.

I got up. She turned and preceded me into the depth of her house, to the master bedroom. She walked to the bed and sat down. I selected a door and found the master bath, went to the opposite door and found the walk-in closet. I found another sheer dress. I took it off the hanger. I handed this to her. "Put this on."

"I thought you were going to return the favor." She whispered. "I, I think I want you to."

I dropped the dress beside her. "Open your legs." She did. "Now lay back. Relax. I am going to eat you but you may not come."

"May not? You mean, I can't? Like you are commanding me not to?"

I smiled. This woman was a different sort of submissive than Jennifer. I shook my head. "Just relax." I knelt between her knees and pushed them wider.

Cassie moaned.

I ran my hands up her lean legs.

Cassie moaned.

I pushed her legs much wider, gripped them and pulled her ass to the edge of the bed.

Cassie moaned.

I bent between them, panting over her furrow.

Cassie moaned. Her head flopped back and forth. Her hands were out to her sides, palms pressing tightly down on the bed.

I licked her pussy.

Cassie screamed. Her body bucked. She thrashed, her knees pushed against my upper arms, trying to go closed. I kissed each leg, side to side, getting closer and closer to her pussy. She had a dank, sharp smell that clearly indicated arousal.

When my lips touched her pussy, Cassie exploded. She screamed, she shook, her body twitched and bucked, all from the lightest of kisses.

"Oh my god!" Cassie gasped. "I came! Just like that!"

I got to my feet. "Enough about you. We have an errand to run. Put the dress on."

She sat up, weaving like the beer had gone to her head. "It is sheer. No bra? No panties?"

I nodded, then shook my head. She looked confused. "Just that. Nothing else."

"But, anyone looking will see my, see my pussy and my tits."

"Not just anyone. Rachael." I whispered.

"Oh shit! You're right!" Cassie stood up and shrugged the dress over her body. It hid nothing, accenting her form, her tits, the dark hair over her pussy that looked vaguely like the Batman emblem. "Shoes?"

I nodded. "Flats. We're walking to my house. Do you have work tomorrow?"

She shrugged. "Not if I don't want to. They need me and I...oh fuck, what do you care!"

She got shoes and followed me back to the living room. I went to the front door and opened it. "Keys? Does it lock behind us?"

Cassie nodded and brought them to me. "Your house now."

I put her keys in my pants pocket then stopped. I had not had her sign the papers. It was a formality but an important one. We returned to the rickety kitchen table and looked them over and signed them. She wrote her sexual requests on the back. She handed it to me to review. I did.

"I'll get you a copy. You need to understand that I may not do this for you. I will find people who want these things and I will include you. These things and others, though you have a pretty comprehensive list. I am not all that weird. I just like women. Lots of women. You will be one. I, I like seeing a woman enjoy sex, see her face twisted with pleasure. You need to be willing to give pleasure to another woman."

Cassie immediately looked at Victoria who literally stepped back a step, as though Cassie's gaze had a physical impact on her. Cassie looked back at me. "I came. So fast, when, when you touched me with your tongue...is that normal?"

"You have been thinking about this all day, maybe longer. You have teased yourself into a state of arousal that nearly anything could complete. I was the lucky one. It, at least I don't think it will be as easy next time but women, you women are different and some need a dozen men to come and other's need a kiss on the ear. We'll figure out what sort of woman you are. I'll need to know so I can sell you to someone who wants exactly that."

She shuddered. "Sell me? Jesus." She looked at Victoria. "You buying or selling."

Victoria grinned crookedly which on her perfect face looked like Renaissance art. She shrugged. The effect of the motion on her breasts made Cassie blush and I got hard. Harder.

I gathered up the various pages of the contract. "I'll get you copies. This is a cash card. You'll have money in the amount on the contract after I fuck you. Whenever that turns out to be."

"Soon, I hope. I want to go shopping." Cassie laughed and snorted like a pig. "Sorry. I couldn't resist. I, you're right. I am horny as a two-peckered billy goat." She moved over to me, stretched up and kissed me on the cheek, coating that side of my body with her body. "Shit. Now you own me, you can fuck me whenever you like. I suppose the fun of the pursuit is gone, right? A dozen up and down and off you go, what?" She slid into a passable British accent.

I kissed her forehead and walked away from her to the front door and out. She followed. In the evening sun, the dress nearly disappeared. It had out-sized daisys on it and the sheer fabric that held them together disappeared in the golden light, leaving the impression that she walked with me nude but for a scattering of white flowers.

I headed for my house. Behind me, Victoria trailed us.

I approached my house, rounding the entrance through the drive gate and up towards the front door.

I saw Eve Covington at the door, punching the chime.

"I'm not home." I called.

Eve turned around to look at me. She watched me with veiled eyes as I approached, inspecting first Cassie and then Victoria till we stood in a semicircle around her.

"I would like a few minutes, privately."

I nodded and reached past her to open the door.

"I would have thought your house girl would have opened it before now." Eve said. She sounded peevish.

"Gone." I said, shouldering past her into the house. Eve followed, then Cassie with Victoria closing the door.

"What can I do for you, Mrs. Covington?"

"In private, I said." She looked meaningfully at Victoria with her baleful gaze with only a glance at Cassie.

"My office, then. I have some paperwork to do."

Eve did not wait for me to finish but drifted into the office and sat down.

"Shit, that cold bitch scares the shit out of me." Cassie whispered.

"I can see why you want her." Victoria said, also in a low voice. I presumed she was talking to me.

"You girls relax. I'll only be a minute. Mustn't keep Mrs. Hines waiting." I left them to their own devices and went into my office and shut the door. I ignored Eve, sitting at my desk, pulling up Kiko's contract. When I was certain I had all her provisions right and the figures from Crowley's team, I sent it to the printer.

"All right, Mrs. Sawyer, what can I do for you."

Eve mutely held out the letter Crowley had arranged. "We are out of time." She said. "You must decide."

"What does it say?" I said, being coy, but she didn't know that, at least that was my reasonable assumption.

"It says we have to come up with two-hundred thousand dollars in two days or we will be turned out into the street." She said. "You must decide. Will you accept our offer of help or are you going to force us to leave Holdingsfield?"

Despite knowing she was bluffing, I felt the lurch in my stomach, the precise reaction she wished for and saw on my face. A slim smile touched her lips, even her eyes and then vanished like perfume in a fart.

"Two days? Ask me then. This is not an easy choice and dressed like that, you do not make it easy." She wore a beige pants suit, a chiffon blouse and jacket, all blending perfectly with her honey-colored hair.

"I am asking you now."

"You are asking me to be rude to my guests."

"Who is the woman? You cannot be rude to a rube. The other, I don't know her."

"She is shopping. Nice of you to come by."

Eve did not move. "Shopping?" She arched an eyebrow.

"Perhaps for you. I know I can sell you immediately. All you have to do is bend over my desk and invite me in."

Eve rose and walked to the door. She put a hand on the handle the turned to look at me. "Can I assume you will give us an answer soon?"

"Leave the letter. Perhaps I can buy you some time."

Eve regarded me for a moment, the way a cat looks at TV. She let the letter slip out of her fingers and flutter to the floor. She opened the door and walked out. The front door slammed shut before I picked up the letter, reviewed it to make sure it said what I thought it did and laid it on my desk. I walked out and gestured at Cassie to come with me. I snapped my fingers and returned to get Kiko's contract from the printer.

"Where are we going?"

"You are going to make a down payment."

She gleeped and swallowed hard, like she had a boiled egg stuck in her throat, or my cock.

She followed me to Aurora's house. Victoria trailed behind but arrived before the door opened to my banging on it with the huge door knocker.

"This woman scares the shit of me." Cassie whispered. "Too."

The door opened. Yvette lounged against it, like she was trying to wipe body paint off on it instead of using the usual staining rag. "Oo, company." She purred. She stepped back, pulling the door wide. "Won't you all come in."

I led my entourage into the Hines house. I arrived before Aurora could mount her little throne. Not to be caught out of character, she turned and looked up at us all.

"Oh my, who do we have here? Cassiopeia, isn't it?" She wore dark glasses still, her mammoth tits filling the stretched white tee shirt. "Oh, I don't believe we have met." She said, regarding Victoria.

"Yes, Cassie. She signed with me this evening and I have Kiko's contract."

"Kiko!" Aurora screamed. "Kiko, your new owner is here to collect you."

"Oh no, I am not taking her away. She will be a down payment to you. Nothing will change unless you piss her off. She can come stay at my house any time you piss her off.

Kiko appeared, dressed in dark blue shirt and bottoms. She hugged the lintel at one of the entrances to the gloomy great room.

I held out the folder with her contract. "Here is your contract, Kiko. Look it over and see if you have any questions."

She looked at Aurora, her eyes tight slits. "You told her." She growled. Her American voice giving a bold face lie to her oriental appearance. "Now I'm fucked."

Aurora laughed. "Oh my dear, do you think I would let go of a mouth as talented as yours? Not likely. I bargained hard and you will remain here with me, doing my bidding as long as you like. You, you know you want to stay here." Aurora's voice rasped. She looked at me. "Mr. Gale has agreed to have his signees attend me. I think you will be first."

Kiko had been flipping through the pages of her contract, she looked up, her gaze jerking back and forth between Mrs. Hines and me. "What are you talking about?" She asked.

"You need to go down on Mrs. Hines for us. Just to settle the disposition of your contract." I said in a soft, low voice.

"Oh? Is this something new? Or just special treatment for the Japanese girl?"

"Everyone will attend Mrs. Hines. I'll, I will have them all..."

"They'll all eat me." Aurora growled. She looked over at Cassie. "Even you." She smiled then.

At that moment a new, unfamiliar woman drifted into the room. She moved over to stand beside Yvette. "Is this Mr. Gale?"

"Good guess, genius." Kiko muttered. "Only man in the room and unable to escape the piercing powers of your deductive reasoning."

"Kiko, be nice."

"To that dyke? She has made me eat her more often than I've had breakfast. She does love the tongue." Her voice was nasty but her expression held nothing but lust. Kiko had kinks the mind knew nothing of.

"How about the cock?" I asked.

The woman's lip curled. "Cock." She said, making it sound like a curse. Then I realized she was naming me. I guess that did make it a curse. "You are not equipped to please me." She whispered.

"Elaine?" Aurora said, her voice held an overtone I could not decrypt.

"Helene. Helene, in this moment." The woman hissed.

Aurora shrugged. She turned to the little throne in the room and climbed up to sit on it. She looked down at me. She looked to the side and then flicked a lever and her legs opened and spread. She grinned at me. "You said." She mumbled and lay back, wiggling her sumptuous ass into the seat of the contraption.

While it looked uncomfortable, she found a position and relaxed into it, laying back and closing her eyes.

I was in a room with, let's see, five no six women. My cock got very hard. We stood there, in the late afternoon gloom—the room had no windows with direct access to the outside—looking back and forth at each other. Well, the women looked at each other and I looked at them. Even Mrs. Grayson did not seem to notice me. Cassie, however, stared at Mrs. Hines.

Mrs. Hines wore a long red-brown straight skirt that hugged her generous hips and draped over her short legs. Standing, it covered her to her ankles but propped up to be eaten as she was, it hitched up nearly to her knees. Her white tee clasped her tits, bare beneath it, the black, dark mounds with the darker aureoles clearly evident. She lifted her head, looking around. "Well?" She said, chagrin in her voice. "Well? Kiko. I think you have some sharing to do."

The black woman giggled, incongruous with her otherwise regal presence. "Come share your tongue and make me come. I think the others needs some inspiration."

My mind came to grips with what was about to happen. According to...Kiko? Mrs. Hines' pussy gave off an aroma that aroused other women when she came. If true...? The possibilities swirled around me. I shook myself, feeling little fly-wings growing out of my shoulders with a certain heedlessness to the webbing, invisible to the eye, but present about this woman nonetheless.

"Kiko." I said, asserting myself. "Make her come."

Kiko gripped the contract. "I haven't signed. Yet. You cannot order me around. Yet. I need a pen." Her voice trembled a bit. Whether from excitement, anticipation, or fear I could not determine, having less experience with the slip of a girl than such judgments required. I'd been inside her but I had not as yet gotten inside her.

Mrs. Grayson, her little purse still slung around her shoulders, opened it and took out a slender silver shaft and walked it over to the side table where Kiko stood. She extended the pen to Kiko.

Kiko looked the woman up and down with that most curious form of female aggression, made more profound when she licked her lips. Mrs. Grayson, not to be outdone, remained, towering over the shorter woman, waiting for her to use the pen and return it.

Kiko finally turned to the table, found the note tabs I had put on the document and signed and signed till all was completed. She turned back to the room, extended the pen to Mrs. Grayson and smiled at me. "Now, you tell me what to do who to do and how to do it." She lay the contract on the table, waiting.

Mrs. Grayson stepped away, like a drunk between two gunslingers squaring off in a crowded saloon. Helene moved over to Yvette, slipped an arm possessively around the other woman's waist. When Yvette acknowledged her by turning her head, Helene kissed her soundly on the mouth. Yvette's arms swung behind her, so she appeared to be limp in the other woman's clutches, opened her mouth and they engaged in a loud, slurping kiss.

"Kiko...." Mrs. Hines began but I interrupted her.

"Kiko, Mrs. Hines is waiting."

Kiko had been watching the two women kissing and she was not the only one. Cassie stared at them with a mixture of lust, envy, and out and out horror. Mrs. Grayson, having stowed the pen, stood with her back against the door frame, a hand at her aristocratic throat.

Kiko shook free of the trance that held her and moved towards the little throne. Mrs. Hines, watching her approach, settled back and waited, legs opened but draped with her skirt. Cassie panted, understanding what was about to happen but only in part.

Kiko halted between Aurora's spread legs and lifted up the hem of the straight skirt. Aurora wiggled her ass, settling in for what was about to occur. Kiko folded the skirt back to the black woman's knees, then to mid-thigh and then to her waist. Aurora wore nothing but some new fuzz at her crotch. Kiko bent between the woman's legs and kissed the bulge of one thigh then moved to the opposite position and kissed there. Back and forth, back and forth like a stuttering pendulum, she alternated from leg to leg, her lips making a dotted line on each, delicate little kisses.
