A Gift Amongst Friends Ch. 02


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"I'll probably go downtown with Kelly and her roommate. They are thinking of going to Pipers', and I'm off tomorrow, so I'll probably be out late." The Shady Piper was a pub downtown, popular with the local students, and one of Megan's favorite hangouts. "What about you?"

"Not sure. David is supposed to come over to pick up my camera tonight, but after that I'll wait and see." After that, I don't really care. The important thing was that Megan would be gone out.

"Well, you're welcome to come with us if you want, but I know Piper's isn't really your favorite spot." It was true. Although The Shady Piper was a nice quiet place for a drink, Mandy preferred to go somewhere that she could dance.

"Thanks, but I'll probably pass," Mandy replied politely. She didn't detect anything out of the ordinary with Megan. Maybe I was worried for nothing. I was probably hidden under the sheets, and she was probably so busy getting ready for class that she wouldn't have even noticed. "Anyway, I better go or I'll be late for class." With that, Mandy grabbed her books and left.

The three hour psychology class dragged on forever. Mandy was grateful that the professor posted most of his notes online, because she hardly heard a word that he said that day. Her mind was elsewhere, thinking of cameras and windows...and Megan. I wonder what it's like to be with a woman. Is it really better than a guy, like everyone says? Now those would be some great pictures to give to the guys...

Part of her was worried that the current pictures weren't as sexy as she hoped. Maybe David would laugh at them or think she was a loser for taking them. No, of course he won't. You've seen the way that he looks at you. This will be the greatest day of his life.

The professor mentioned something about the research participation assignment that she needed to complete for the course, but Mandy wasn't really listening. Whatever, I'll just ask Sarah about it later. She looked at the clock in the corner. Will this class ever end? She couldn't recall the last time that she had felt this impatient.

Finally, 5:00pm came and class was over. As Mandy was getting up to go, Sarah stopped her to ask if she wanted to go out drinking later that night. Unlike Megan, Mandy did have class on Fridays, but not until the afternoon. "I don't know," Mandy hastily replied as she tossed her books into her bag. "Call me later—I'm busy until after 10." But before Sarah could get in another word, Mandy was up and out the door.

The rest of her afternoon dragged on. She got home and hung out with Megan for a while. As the two girls discussed upcoming exams, Mandy decided that things were cool with her roommate. Either she didn't see me, or she didn't care. It was a reassuring thought, but it didn't change Mandy's newfound interest in Megan...or, at the very least, Megan's body. Whatever, I have bigger things to focus on. Just a few more hours until David arrives.

Mandy was sitting at her desk, staring up at the camera on her shelf when her phone chimed. Sarah was letting her know that several of her friends would be going to The LoRider around 10pm if she was interested. She wanted to know if they should stop by to get her before they left.

Ugh, 10pm? By the time David leaves, that would only give me like half an hour to shower and get ready. Unless...

"yes come by after 10," she texted back to Sarah. Mandy would almost certainly be hyped up this evening and the alcohol and dancing might be exactly what she needed.

Mandy and Megan went to dinner together and sat with several of their other friends from the dorm. The meal hall was serving spaghetti and meat balls, but Mandy was too excited to eat much. Megan and Kelly talked about their plans for the evening, while Francis complained about an upcoming paper for his political science class. Katrina talked about a volunteer position that she was taking in her research lab, and Mandy tried to sound interested, but her mind was elsewhere. Her eyes were constantly on the clock.

Around 7pm, they all said their goodbyes and went back to their dorm rooms.

After a bit of cleaning up, Megan began getting ready for her night out with Kelly. The Piper wasn't exactly a fancy spot, so it didn't require any dressing up. Still, Mandy tried not to stare too obviously when her roommate went over to the closet to change shirts. She watched from behind as Megan pulled her t-shirt off and threw it in the pile of dirty clothes at the foot of her bed.

Her skin was not quite as pale as Mandy's, but she was definitely not a tanned girl. She stood in front of the closet for a moment in her purple bra while she contemplated what to wear. Mandy took the moment to admire her perfect skin and her perfect figure. Megan had several tattoos, and now Mandy could see the skull and flowers on her bare left shoulder and the band of thorns and daggers on her right arm. Although she couldn't see it now, Mandy knew that Megan also had a mermaid under her jeans on her left thigh.

The yellow tank top that Megan chose to put on still showed off a lot of skin, including both of her upper-body tattoos. After a light addition of make-up, she grabbed her things and left to get Kelly.

I finally have the place to myself. Mandy looked at the clock. She still had 45 minutes left to get ready. She picked up the camera and began flipping through the pictures. She tried to imagine that it was her first time looking at them. She tried to imagine that she was looking at someone else. She tried to imagine that she had just stumbled upon these pictures by accident.

The girl in these pictures looks like a total slut. Satisfied, she put the camera back down and began circling the small room impatiently. She opened up the curtains and looked at the boys' dorm across the courtyard. I wonder if anyone is staring back at me.

Her mind drifted back to the night of her photo shoot. She tried to guess which dorm rooms would have had the clearest view. Her eyes were drawn to one room on the floor above her own where a group of boys were sitting close to the window. It looked like a couple of them were looking back at her, but it was hard to tell in the low light.

It was getting dark outside, and with her overhead light on, Mandy's silhouette would be quite prominent in the window. Do it, a voice urged inside of her. Undress for them like you did last week. Expose yourself to them and give them another show to remember.

She bit her lip and resisted the temptation, stepping away from the window instead. With only 30 minutes left until David was supposed to arrive, she began putting her plan into action.

"hey dave," she texted, "text me when ur on ur way here. i might be getting reddy to go out and want to make sure im here"

After David responded that it wouldn't be a problem, Mandy grabbed her towel and headed for the shower...

Half an hour had passed and she was back in her room when she heard a knock at the door. She looked through the peephole, and sure enough, David stood out in the hall, alone.

"Oh shit," Mandy said loudly, hoping for her voice to carry into the hall. Got to make him think he caught me unprepared. "Just give me a second."

"Do you want me to come back?" David's muffled voice replied through the door. He had several other friends in the building, so Mandy knew it wouldn't have been much trouble for him to waste a few minutes.

"No, it's okay. Just give me a second." A moment later, she unlocked the door and opened it a crack. Mandy leaned her face into the opening, with her body positioned behind the door. "Hey, sorry about that," she greeted him. "I just got out of the shower and haven't gotten dressed yet." She leaned a little further and to tease him with a glimpse of her bare shoulder. "I'm in a towel, so I won't be inviting you in," she explained with a laugh.

"That's okay. Sorry if I came at a bad time."

"No, it's not your fault. I'm just running late." She ran her fingers through her wet hair, pushing it back behind her ear. She felt vulnerable behind the door, even though she knew that nothing was exposed. "Sarah and I are going to The LoRider later. You wanna come?" I think Jacob and Ashley are going. Mike will probably go if you and Jacob do."

"Yeah, maybe. Give me a call when you guys are heading down."

"Sure. Just wait here while I get the camera," Mandy instructed as she closed the door... but she did not close it completely. She had lived in this dorm for nearly a year, and she knew that the doors in most rooms had a tendency of drifting open if they were not shut completely. Her room was no exception.

She turned her back on the door and walked over towards her desk to fetch the camera. Her mind flooded with images of the door slowly creeping open behind her, but she could not check to be certain. That would ruin her plan. She imagined David watching innocently from the hallway while she sauntered around in her towel, oblivious.

Don't hesitate or he'll know it was planned. She got to her desk and pretended to search for the camera, all the while keeping her back on the door. She wondered whether it had opened at all. The sound of her neighbor's music seemed to be getting gradually louder, suggesting that her plan had worked, but she wasn't sure. Perhaps her act was all for nothing.

Still, she continued with her pretend search. As she bent over to look in one of her drawers, she could feel her terry cloth wrapping rise along her thighs ever so slightly. She could feel the cool air on her buttocks as her ass cheeks peeked out from below the towel. But as quickly as the peek came, it disappeared as she stood back up and began searching the upper shelves.

By now, she figured that the door must have drifted at least halfway open, leaving her completely unobstructed.

Mandy spotted the camera on the top shelf. She reached one arm up high to grab it and set her other hand on her desk to steady herself. This should be a good view. Her body stretched outwards as she leaned forward on her toes. Once again, she felt the towel rise, farther than before. She felt the material rise at least midway up her ass as she reached out as far as she could. She took in a deep breath as butterflies spread throughout her stomach. She was exposing herself to her friend, and as far as he knew, she was oblivious.

As her body stretched, she felt the towel loosen around her chest. Part of her wanted it to fall. She wanted him to see her completely exposed and vulnerable, but she thought better of it. He will see everything once he gets the camera, she reminded herself.

The familiar sound of her neighbor's door closing made her jump as her fingers clasped the camera. As she stepped back from the desk, Mandy felt her left foot catch on her chair.

It all happened in an instant. She stumbled back, certain that she would fall to the floor. Her left hand clung instinctively to her expensive camera while the right arm swung desperately for something to grab.

Her body started to fall just as her right arm found her roommate's desk behind her, and she slammed into it instead. The sudden motion caused her towel to unravel as she tried to regain her balance.

She felt like a helpless observer as the loose cloth slipped down her body. Time seemed to slow down as she felt the friction of the towel falling loosely over her breasts. Her left arm pulled in quickly, frantically hoping to catch it.

However, her attempt was too late. Her right breast slipped out first, followed quickly by the left. Without her breasts to hold it up, the towel fell to her feet unhindered.

Naked, lying back over Megan's desk, Mandy took a moment to catch her breath. She wasn't hurt, but the fall had knocked the wind out of her. That certainly wasn't part of the plan. She looked over towards the door and saw that it was wide open. Staring back at her from the hall were David and her neighbor from two doors down, Andrew.

"Are you okay?" David asked, sounding genuinely concerned, but Mandy could see that he wasn't looking at her eyes.

Andrew watched silently from behind. Mandy had only ever spoken to him a few times, and he made no effort to hide his gaze. She could feel their eyes drinking in her bare flesh.

Mandy jumped from the desk and bent over to pick up the towel. Her face turned a bright shade of red as she tried desperately to cover herself with her arms and turn her body away from the boys' hungry eyes. "Oh my god," she cried, humiliated. She fumbled with the towel and held the loose garment to her chest in a vain attempt to hide her body. "I can't believe that just happened!" She had played the scenario over a million times in her mind, but this hadn't gone as planned at all.

With an arm pressed across her chest and an elbow held down to pin the towel in the place, Mandy fumbled her way towards the door and the speechless boys. Her left breast still hung exposed as she forcefully shoved the camera into David's hand.

"Here, take it. I'll call you later about the LoRider." She didn't wait for a response as she closed the door in his face. This time she made sure that it was closed completely, locking it to be safe. Her back was a bit sore from the tumble, but otherwise Mandy was merely shaken.

With her privacy restored, she let the towel drop and headed towards the mirror. There was a small red mark where she had hit the desk, but she doubted it was bad enough to leave a bruise. She also checked Megan's desk to make sure that she hadn't broken anything during her tumble. Luckily, the computer tower was stored under the desk and the monitor was pushed back out of harm's way.

With that taken care of, she gave herself a moment to finally exhale. Fuck! What a fucking disaster! It must have only lasted a few seconds, and their view would have been limited from the side, but she had not meant to show David so much, and she definitely hadn't expected for Andrew to walk by.

And now David had the camera with the naked pictures as well. That had been the plan all along, hadn't it? Now those pictures are going to look pretty suspicious. It's either going to look like I did it on purpose or like I'm some vapid clumsy slut. But isn't that what I wanted?

Why did I give him those pictures? It was such a stupid mistake to do this. She considered calling him and asking him to bring the camera back, but then she would need to come up with an explanation. Her heart pounded in her chest as she tried to find an escape from her situation.

She thought about the way that David and Andrew had been staring at her, lying there naked and vulnerable. Why do you keep fighting it? You're defeated because that's what you wanted. You even hesitated for a moment before you covered yourself up. Don't think they didn't notice that. She looked at the closed curtains and remembered the same feeling she had felt last week: exposed...humiliated...degraded...and excited.

It's not like you're hurting anything. It's your body and you can show it off if you want to. She tried to rationalize her behavior as some sort of feminine empowerment, but that seemed like a stretch.

Mandy walked over to the window, still naked, and peaked through the curtains. It was quite dark out now, and the group of boys was still hanging out in the dorm room across the courtyard. Most other rooms were dark.

You're turning yourself into a slut and letting guys use you. Is that really what you want? Again, she remembered her dream from the previous night. Her fantasy was speeding out of control. This had all started because she thought the idea of an accidental flash might be exciting. Now she was exposing herself on a regular basis, and she wasn't even sure of how many people had witnessed her acts of exhibitionism. Moreover, she was worried about where this path might lead her. The more I show them, the more they want. The words echoed in her head. I need to stop this.

She stared out the window, wondering how she would put things back to normal. David was probably going to be jerking off to her photos before the evening was out, she would need to face her neighbor again at some point in the hallway, and the boys across the courtyard were probably watching her window regularly, waiting for her next show.

A shiver ran down her spine as the latter thought lingered in her mind. It's either going to look like I did it on purpose or like I'm some vapid clumsy slut.

Fuck it, she thought as she flung the curtains open. I want to play the vapid clumsy slut for just a little bit longer.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

Oh, my... Chapter two! Thank you for continuing Mandy's story! Now I'm curious about David and Andrew's interaction with Mandy after that unexpected exhibition. Excited for Chapter three!


AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
good job

Your Mandy character is entrancing. Please show us more of her- - development as a compulsive exhibitionist and reluctant submissive slut (in some circles 'slut' is a good name, such as here on literotica). Goog job.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
loved this

I remember wearing the towel with my hands occupied, hoping it would fall while also hoping it wouldn't.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

Really wanna know how this develops?

What happened with Andrew after this?

Did anyone see Mandy at the window?

What was David's further reaction, to the fall and the pics? Did he include the other friends in the group? Did he hold it over Mandy?


AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
Great story style!

Love the inner dialog and her inner self pushing her to go farther. Keep it up!!!

RecHikerRecHikerabout 12 years ago
Another Great Chapter!

I love how you are taking your time to get to know the characters in this story. Also the twist with Mandy actually exposing herself in person as well as her intention to let David see her on the camera. I'm looking forward to the next chapter to see how Mandy finds other ways to expose herself.


InsufficientInsufficientabout 12 years agoAuthor

Thanks again for the positive feedback! I hope to get a few more chapters out of this story, but I've been pretty busy with work. I'm also hoping the writing will improve as the story progresses. My background is in technical writing, so this is my first attempt at narrative storytelling. I've still got a long way to go, I know!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

Please for the love of god continue writing. I loved the first two chapters

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
Great series

Just saw the second chapter and read them both - amazing stories. Hot, alluring, and leaving us wanting more with the cliffhanger at the end of chapter. Looking forward to seeing what happens to Mandy and her would-be watchers.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago


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