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He walked around shaking hands calling everyone by name and asking about personal concerns or addressing theirs. After making the rounds he excused himself and walked inside and looked around.

Taylor saw them both and waved to them indicating they should come over.

The first thing they noticed was Mr. Chiggles sitting in the chair with the name 'Taylor Farris' on it.

"Daddy. Look! It's Mr. Chiggles!" Shay said as she ran to the chair.

Taylor bent down and asked for a hug and after holding Shay for several seconds told the girl, "You were right! I wasn't lonely at all last night."

"I told you so," Shay said as though it was no surprise.

She stood up and offered Burke a hug. He accepted it and although they only hugged for a second, the feel of human contact was very pleasant. That he also caught the scent of a very nice perfume and that the person hugging him was very attractive were added bonuses.

"So no school for a couple weeks?" Taylor said.

"Right. We kind of shut down city hall for a week or so, too, so I'm really looking forward to spending time with my BFF," Burke said.

"That's me," Shay informed her. "And my daddy is my BFF. And Mr. Chiggles is your BFF, right?"

"Why yes he is!" Taylor told her.

She looked at Burke and asked if they were planning on going anywhere or doing anything special.

"No, just hanging out together. That's all the excitement we need, right, Punkin'?"

"Right!" she said.

Burke realized he hadn't seen Anne and decided to ask about her.

"Oh. Well, we had bit of a misunderstanding last night and Anne is back in New York."

"I hope it wasn't over her comment," Burke said now very concerned.

"No, that was just the proverbial straw that broke the camel's back. It was a long time coming. I just needed to recalibrate my moral compass," Taylor said hoping that was a sufficient explanation.

Letting it go Burke asked, "So are you shooting right through Christmas?"

"Oh, no. We'll stop two days prior then come back right after the New Year. I think the 3rd is out first day back on set."

"Oh, okay. That'll be a nice break. I'm sure you'll enjoy getting back to civilization," he told her with a smile.

"Hmmm. You're not the first person to refer to New York as civilization," she replied.

"Is that a problem?" Burke asked hoping he hadn't offended her.

"No. Not at all. It's just that I'm not so sure this place isn't actually more...civilized."

"Diamond Rock is an acquired taste. That's for sure," he told her. "But for us, it's home and as they say, there's no place like home."

"No. No, there isn't, huh?" Taylor said.

Just then an older man called her name and she said, "That's the director. I really gotta run."

"Oh, sure. We just wanted to stop in and say hi."

"I'm really glad you did, Burke," she said sincerely. "Shay? I'll see you later, okay?"

"Okay. You can come over and have dinner with us tonight," she said to the surprise of her father.

"Honey, Miss Taylor is working," he said hoping to satisfy both of them.

"I am working but we won't be all that late today. I...I wouldn't mind spending time with you again unless, of course, I'm driving you crazy."

"Hardly," Burke told her. "No, we'd love to have you join us. I just didn't want you to think you had to spend your evening with the likes of us."

As she got ready to walk away she said with a smile, "I like spending time with the likes of you."

"I'm not much of a cook. I just wanted to warn you," he told her.

"I used to enjoy cooking. Maybe I could help you get dinner ready."

"Well, if you don't mind, I'd like that very much."

"I don't mind at all. I'll stop by as soon as we're done here, if that's okay," she said.

"It's very okay," Burke assured her as she headed off.

"Bye, Miss Taylor!" Shay called out.

"Bye, sweetheart! See you tonight."

"See you tonight!" Shay said as she waved goodbye.

"She's very nice, Daddy," Shay said as they walked to his office where he had a few more things to tie up before he could leave.

"Yes, she is, isn't she?" he agreed.

It was just after seven when the bus pulled in and Taylor came straight to the house and apologized several times for being so late.

"It's no problem," Burke let her know. "I kind of got things started, but now I'm not so sure this was such a great idea."

Taylor looked at the mess on the kitchen counter and laughed.

"Oh, my goodness. Did a bomb hit your kitchen or something?" she teased.

"Yeah. It looks pretty hopeless, doesn't it?" Burke said as he ran his hand up and down the back of his head.

"We could try one of the many restaurants or diners in town," she said with a raised eyebrow.

"If it keeps me from cooking, sign me up," Burke said.

"Shay, honey? Get your coat. We're going out to eat."

"We are?" Shay said with disbelief.

"Yes, you're getting a one-night reprieve from my cooking."

"What's a preeve?" Shay asked.

"'s a good thing," her dad told her. "Now go grab your coat."

As they walked up to the bar and grill Taylor said, "Oh, okay. This is the place with the new karaoke machine, isn't it?"

"Hey. It's like they say, 'You never get a second chance to make a good impression'."

He opened the door for her then said, "So I'm pullin' out all the stops!"

Taylor laughed and thanked him as she and Shay went in first.

"Evening, Mayor!" someone said.

"Hey, Tommy!" he called back.

That turned into him going around to every table and saying hello. Everyone was friendly, but all of them wanted to be introduced to the beautiful 'Hollywood actress.'

Taylor handled it the way she'd done so many times before. She dutifully smiled, signed a few autographs, and wished each person a good evening. But this time she didn't feel the way she normally did. She felt more like she was among friends than fans and that felt very nice.

As they ordered Taylor said, "This place is very cozy."

"We like it," Burke said. "And it's Friday night. It could get plenty wild in here."

Taylor covered her mouth when she laughed.

"I'm sure it gets downright crazy," she said trying to imagine what people did at a karaoke bar... and grill.

Taylor was pleasantly surprised at how good the food was and was sipping on a glass of white wine when someone said, "Hey, Burke! How about a song?"

"Uh, oh," Burke said trying to duck knowing it was no use.

"Go on!" Taylor said. "I wanna hear a little...what was the guy's name?"

"Tim McGraw," he said as people started calling his name.

"Go sing, Daddy!" Shay said with a sweet smile.

That was it. Burke stood up and got a loud round of cheers and applause.

He went over to the karaoke machine and took a look.

"Red? How do you fire this thing up?" he asked the owner.

A man with very red hair walked over, flipped a switch, pushed a button then said, "Just like that," as everyone laughed loudly.

"Hey, I was a Marine. We're not know for being all that smart," he said with a smile.

He found the menu and then the song he wanted and cued it up.

"Folks? First of all let me say how good it is to see you all here tonight. I also want to welcome our special guest, Ms. Taylor Farris."

There was a lot of applause and a few whistles as Taylor smiled and kind of politely waved, but she never took her eyes off the handsome mayor.

"I don't talk about this much, but it's no secret I lost my wife a couple of years back, and that's about as bad as it gets. But the one thing I want to share with you is how amazing Rebecca was and how lucky I was to have her in my life. And as much as I miss her, I'm reminded of her every day each time I look at my beautiful little girl, Miss Shay."

There was more applause and Taylor put her hand on the little girls's shoulder. Shay surprised her by asking if she could sit on her lap, and Taylor was thrilled to let her.

"Anyway, there are times when someone in my position wonders if they'll ever feel that way about anyone ever again. And then someone walks into your life out of nowhere and you think, 'Well, maybe'. I'm not saying that's happened, but I did recently meet someone who's given me hope that well, maybe one day I will."

He looked right at Taylor was smiling brightly at him as he picked up the mike then hit 'play' on the machine.

As the music played, Taylor knew she'd never heard the song, but could tell it was going to be a tearjerker as she wrapped her arms around the beautiful little girl in her lap as Burke began singing with a Tim McGraw hit with a very believable country twang.

"I was standing at the end of my rainbow, with nowhere to go and no pot of gold in sight. All my wishes were way to much to hope for, but when I saw you I knew I'd seen the light."

He stepped off the stage then walked toward Taylor as he continued singing.

"And not a moment too soon, with not a minute to spare, you touched my heart, when I didn't have a prayer. In my darkest hour, when my world was filled with gloom, your sweet love saved me, not a moment too soon."

By the time the song ended, it was obvious he was signing to her and Taylor found her heart pounding and a lump in her throat.

The growing crowd whooped and hollered and asked for another one.

Burke held up his hand and nodded. He went back to the machine and found exactly what he was looking for and cued it up.

Taylor no sooner heard the first few bars and realized this was one she knew as Burke smiled at her then sang It's Too Late by Cornelius Brothers and Sister Rose:

"My mama told me, she said, 'Son, please beware,'. There's this thing called love, and it's everywhere. She told me, 'It can break you heart and leave you in misery."

He walked back over and put his hand on Taylor's shoulder then sang:

"And since I met this little woman, I feel it's happening to me, and I'm tellin' you, It's too late to turn back now. I believe, I believe, I believe I'm fallin' in love..."

Taylor didn't need to hear the third song he sang by Simon and Garfunkel to know she might just be falling for him, but after he sang The Sound of Silence she was so overwhelmed with this...flood of emotions she was feeling...she could barely speak when he sat back down.

"I had no idea!" she said to him over the thunder of applause.

"That I can sing or that I...might possibly have a thing for you," he said back so that only she could hear him.

Her eyes locked onto his and they rapidly moved back and forth with the other's as she leaned over and said just one word, "Yes."

Only one other couple could see him offer her his hand or Taylor smiling as she took it as another brave, less-talented soul stood up and took over.

He wasn't awful, but he was pretty bad. Even so, Taylor couldn't have been less interested in the quality of the singing. Tears of joy streamed down her face as she soaked up every bit of the happiness she was feeling just sitting in this little bar & grill holding hands with the first man who'd made her feel 'that way' again while the most precious little girl on earth sat in her lap.

This was civilization. This was beginning to feel like...home.

Shay feel asleep in the car on the ride home and neither adult spoke until they pulled into the driveway.

"Burke?" Taylor finally said.

He turned the car off and looked over at her.

"Tonight. When you were singing. Were you...were singing to..."

"To you?" he said quietly. "Yes. Was that out of line?"

"Out of line?" she asked hardly believing what she heard. "No. It was the sweetest, most romantic thing anyone has ever done."

He smiled then asked, "So does that mean you wouldn't mind if I kissed you?"

"No," she said. Taylor shook her head then said, "I mean, yes. I mean..."

She stopped talking and leaned over as Burke did the same thing and kissed her softly.

When she slowly pulled away Taylor said very quietly, "I've spent a lot of time lately dreaming about my own life ending up the way my movie characters always do."

"And?" Burke said as he took her hand.

In her best signing voice Taylor said, "I believe, I believe, I believe I'm falling in love...with you," she said before leaning over for a second, much-longer kiss.

"And not a moment too soon," Burke sang with his country twang.

"Without a minute to spare," she said, the words of the song seared into her brain forever.

Shay was out like a light in back and for several moments the only sound was the sound of her breathing.

"This can't be love, can it?" Burke finally said.

"No. Of course not," Taylor replied now wondering if could possibly be love or maybe nothing more then needs and emotions. "We...we barely even know one another."

"Right. We're just two lonely people whose paths crossed."

"Yes. That makes sense," Taylor told him, her head and her emotions spinning out of control.

Burke looked at her then asked quietly, "Then why have I been unable to get you off my mind? I'm a sane, rational person. I think I'd know if I was in love or just crushing on someone. Wouldn't I?"

"That's a tough one," Taylor said as she looked over at him. "A handsome, much-younger man thinking he's in love with a woman my age could be some kind of symptom of something very serious."

"Maybe we should sleep on this tonight," Burke said.

"I agree."

Taylor paused then said, "You meant alone, right?"

"Yes. Definitely alone," Burke agreed immediately.

"Is it okay if I just help you tuck her in again?"

"Yeah, I think that would be safe," he told her.

Taylor insisted on being the one to pick Shay up and carry her inside. She also wanted to help her get ready for bed. Burke never said a word. He just watched Taylor lovingly care for his daughter.

When she kissed Shay on the forehead and whispered, "Sweet dreams, beautiful girl," he had to swallow hard and blink twice quickly before she stood up and turned around.

"Okay. I can go now," Taylor whispered as she stood face to face with him.

"Oh, sure. Right. really should leave, huh?"

"Yes. I should," she said in soft whisper. "Leave, that is."

"Or we could sit and talk some more," Burke suggested quietly.

"I don't suppose just talking could do any harm," she replied.

"Then why don't we go sit...and talk," he said as he took her hand and led her to the living room.

This time it was almost 3am before Taylor left. Even then she still didn't want to leave and Burke didn't want her to go, either. But both of them felt that if she stayed it could ruin any chance of having something special and Burke's words just before she left touched her more deeply than anything she'd ever heard.

"I don't want to go, Burke," she told him as they held one another near the door.

"I understand. Nothing would make me happier than to have you stay."

"Then...ask me to," she said with a sweet smile as she ran her hand along his cheek.

"Happiness isn't the goal," he told her causing to feel crestfallen.

"It isn't?" she asked feeling like she'd been kicked in the stomach.

"No. Happiness is a fleeting emotion. It's how we feel when our parents tell us we're going to a theme park. It's our reaction to a promotion or maybe a big movie role. I'd be so very happy if you stayed and if we, you know..." he told her as he stroked her hair.

"Then what is it you're looking for if it isn't happiness?" she asked as her eyes darted back and forth with his.

"Contentment. Joy. Deep, abiding love. I want those things. I want something deep and lasting. Something that's rock solid that will never change. That said, I understand that everything changes. I never thought my marriage would end, you know? And especially not like that. I want that again, Taylor. I want to feel that kind of connection with someone."

"I had no idea you were such a deep thinker," she said now feeling better.

"Me? No. I'm more of a...deep feeler. I know what I want, and honestly? I have very strong feelings for you. But if we rush into this we may never know what we might have had had we taken things a little slower."

"So it's not that you're repulsed by my ancientness?" she said trying to sound playful but feeling vulnerable about her age.

"I'll admit it's a bit...unorthodox, but isn't every relationship unique? If we truly love one another what difference does it make?"

"When you put it that way, it's hard to find a reason to hold onto my concerns. Or maybe I should say my...insecurities."

"You? A gorgeous, wealthy, famous actress has insecurities?" he said also trying to be playful.

"You have no idea, Burke. I'm very confident on stage, but other than my former Marine boyfriend, I've never been in love, and I want to be so very badly. But I also want it to be real and to last, and here you are schooling me on how to make that happen."

She smiled at him then said, "I was never as smart as you are, Burke. Or perhaps I should say 'wise' where wisdom is the way we show how much we've learned. I'm not 'dumb' by any means, but I've never been as wise as you are."

"You're making it harder for me to say goodbye," he told her.

"After what you said, I won't risk staying. No matter how happy that would make me. And it would make me very happy."

She kissed him again then said, "I'll be okay walking 'all the way out' to my bus alone."

Burke wished her a good...morning...and let her go but found it impossible to sleep because he couldn't really let her go. Taylor Farris was now inside his head and he needed time—and some sleep—to work through everything he was thinking and feeling. He had Shay to think about, too, as decisions like this were too important to make in a vacuum.

It was still too early to tell, but since, before Rebecca, too, there'd never been a woman who'd gotten inside his head like Taylor. Was it possible he was living some kind of fantasy wherein he was playing the role of one of the many leading men in her movies? Could it be that someone like her was really at point in her life that what he had to offer her would be enough?

Too exhausted to sleep, he laid down and closed his eyes and did his best to clear his head until Shay came in around 6:30 and told him she was hungry.

He opened one eye, and although he was as tired as he'd been after a 36-hour training exercise, just seeing her precious face was all it took to get him out of bed.

"Okay. What'll it be? Frosted Flakes or Fruit Loops?" he asked as he got a pot of coffee going knowing he'd drink all of it by himself and still be tired.

As he drank his first cup of coffee, Burke noticed the lights were on in the bus. He remembered exchanging numbers with Taylor after Anne was sent packing and decided to see if she was possibly awake, too.

"Oh, yeah. No sleep for me," she texted back with a sad emoji face.

"Wanna have a cup of coffee or maybe some breakfast with us?"

When he didn't get an immediate reply he was sure she didn't want to be bothered. That is, until he saw her walk off the bus wrapped in a heavy quilt.

Burke got up and opened the door and welcomed her in.

"Hi," she said sweetly.

"Hi," Burke replied. He wasn't sure if he should kiss her as they stood there staring at one another.

"Well, if you won't, I will," she said before standing on her toes and kissing him for two or three seconds.

"Good morning," Burke said when their lips parted.

"Yes, it is," she said softly.

As they turned to go into the house, there was Shay standing five feet away.

"Do you love my daddy?" she asked with pure innocence.

Taylor glanced at Burke then back at Shay. Burke gave her an 'I can't help you' kind of look so she moved over to Shay and wrapped the quilt around her and picked her up.

"Would it be okay if I did?" Taylor asked as she held the little girl.

"Well, if he loves you, too," she said like a grown up.

"I don't know what your daddy thinks about me, but I do I know I like him very much, and I know I love you very much," Taylor told her.
