Alex & Alexa Ch. 10


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"Neither can I." I murmured back, reaching down and cupping her ass cheeks, causing her to moan and squirm in my grip. Her crotch pressed against mine and we began kisses hungrily, acutely aware of the fact that my parents were not far away, but desperate to ravage one another. Tongues slithered and tangled while hands groped and fondled.

My dad's solid footsteps not far away, approaching and causing us to hastily pull apart, returning to our respective roles in the chore. "Having fun yet?" he asked as he loomed in the doorway.

"Yeah, great, dad, nothing I love more than handling my mom and lesbian aunt's panties." I replied tersely, turning to give him a deadpan look while holding up some women's underwear. "My life's pretty darn complete."

Dad chuckled at my reticence about the situation and moved on, clearly on a mission to do something else. We didn't risk making out again, although we moved close enough to touch one another or hold hands for a brief moment.

We both were feeling the giddy excitement of getting married. It was silly, since we were doing no such thing legally, but the heart-wrenching thrill and fulfillment of hearing one another say those words was all we could think about. We knew it would make things even more difficult than they already were, but we didn't care. We needed this.

"I've... been considering having Freja on the phone as a witness, which makes it feel more real to me somehow, but I also just want you to myself that night, you know?"

I smiled and nodded. "Considering our other potential witness is Jeanie, I think we should probably just keep it between the two of us. Why don't we record it and then you can send Freja a copy?"

"Oh, you practical male, that makes perfect sense," she cooed, squeezing my hand. "This is why we women keep you around, you know."

"Good, I'd hate to think it was only for tawdry sex." I replied, grinning. We finished the laundry and deposited the stacks in their assigned rooms. We met back down in the living room, where mom and dad were watching a Kurosawa movie. Alexa flopped into a chair opposite me while I was stretched out on the loveseat.

"We could knock out the walls to push the chairs back if you two need to sit farther apart," mom said, looking back and forth between us with a wry expression. "Does one of you have cooties or some such thing?"

"What, a guy can't spread out and relax?" I asked somewhat defensively. "She's my aunt, not a therapy animal."

"And he's kinda lumpy for a girl," Alexa added. "Weird angles and bulgy lumps. How you can stand resting on Professor Hulk over there is beyond me. Doesn't he ever give you a black eye by flexing on accident?"

Mom snickered while dad tried to look offended. Mom happened to be sitting on his arm at the time and he flexed his bicep suddenly, causing her to yelp and spring off his lap in shock. Alexa and I both laughed as she looked at him, trying to not hold her butt.

"Don't encourage them, man," she hissed, trying not to giggle. "Even across the room for one another they're a better tag-team than we are, mostly because you keep switching sides at random moments!"

Mom sat down again, after moving dad's massive arm and putting it around her shoulder. She sighed wearily as his hand came to rest on her boob. We resumed watching the movie and when it was over, Alexa yawned and announced her intention to go chat with Freja for a few before turning in. She gave mom a hug and then ruffled my hair as she swept by me on her way out of the room.

Mom retired shortly thereafter, poking dad's nose and making him promise to not keep her waiting long. She kissed me on the top of the head and left. Dad and I watched some goofy kayfabe wrestling from the 80's before he got ready to turn in.

"Back to the university tomorrow?" he asked. "The department is ecstatic with what you and Allie have done for them so far."

"That's unreal to me," I admitted, shaking my head. "It doesn't seem like that much, it's just basic unit organization. Language groups, languages, dialects and sub-dialects. We're kinda amazed it wasn't at least this organized to begin with. It's so simple."

"Geniuses are rarely tidy, Alex, and those are some of the most brilliant linguistic minds in the field today," dad replied, cricking his neck. "They're so happy with what you two have done, they'll start offering you accelerated private lessons and have you in PHD's before you're twenty-one if they have their way."

"Wacky thought," I laughed. "Well, whatever makes them happy."

"You actually okay with taking Alli to this wedding?" he asked. "You know it's okay to say no."

I shrugged. "Dad, it saves me having to look around for someone I could tolerate for the trip. And if everyone knows she is my aunt, there's no expectations about why we're not more huggy and lovey and shit, right? Maybe there'll be a cute girl or two at the wedding I can score with."

"As long as Alli isn't competing for their attentions too, that could get awkward," dad laughed. "Sleep well, I'm gonna go get my gin-gan goolied."

I shook my head. Dad and his weird expressions. I shut down the TV and turned off all the lights on the main floor before heading downstairs. I opened my laptop and activated the chat program, not at all surprised to see my lovely aunt waiting for me, completely naked on her bed, smiling seductively and using two fingers to spread her pussylips wide while the other hand caressed one of her breasts.

"I refuse to believe that wrestling was preferable to this..." she said in a quiet, sultry voice. "I've been getting so wet waiting for you."

I stripped out of my clothes quickly, letting her see my rock-hard cock at full attention for her. She squirmed at the sight of me, massaging her wet netherlips. I stroked my shaft and she fingered herself while we watched one another, wishing we could be together but knowing this would have to do.

"Let's go tomorrow night," I suggested. "I want to marry you tomorrow night, after we're done at the faculty."

"Yes, Alex," she said in barely a whisper. "I want to become your wife tomorrow and you my husband. Marry me, please."

We teased and played until we both came hard, leaving us trembling and limp on our respective beds. Alexa sighed finally and told onto her side, caressing one of her nipples languidly as she smiled at me, eyes shining with love. We agreed to not fuck at the university but to keep ourselves pent up until night, when we'd make love as husband and wife.

It was all I could think about as I passed into the realm of sleep.


We walked hand-in-hand through the moonlit glade, Alexa having changed into a simple dress of pure white that reflected old Luna's silvery beams. I was wearing my linen pants and a Moroccan shirt with a simple pattern on it. We set up our phones on two rocks and began recording before taking off our shoes and stepping into the crystalline water. I held Alexa's hands between our chests as I looked down into her sapphire blue eyes. My heart was pounding as I thought about what I had promised myself I'd say.

"Pourquoi sous tes cheveux me cacher ton visage? Laisse mes doigts jaloux écarter ce nuage : Rougis-tu d'être belle, ô charme de mes yeux? L'aurore, ainsi que toi, de ses roses s'ombrage. Pudeur! honte céleste! instinct mystérieux, Ce qui brille le plus se voile davantage ; Comme si la beauté, cette divine image, N'était faite que pour les cieux! Tes yeux sont deux sources vives Où vient se peindre un ciel pur, Quand les rameaux de leurs rives Leur découvrent son azur. Dans ce miroir retracées, Chacune de tes pensées Jette en passant son éclair, Comme on voit sur l'eau limpide Flotter l'image rapide Des cygnes qui fendent l'air! Ton front, que ton voile ombrage Et découvre tour à tour, Est une nuit sans nuage Prête à recevoir le jour ; Ta bouche, qui va sourire, Est l'onde qui se retire Au souffle errant du zéphyr, Et, sur ces bords qu'elle quitte, Laisse au regard qu'elle invite, Compter les perles d'Ophyr! Ton cou, penché sur l'épaule, Tombe sous son doux fardeau, Comme les branches du saule Sous le poids d'un passereau ; Ton sein, que l'oeil voit à peine Soulevant à chaque haleine Le poids léger de ton coeur, Est comme deux tourterelles Qui font palpiter leurs ailes Dans la main de l'oiseleur. Tes deux mains sont deux corbeilles Qui laissent passer le jour ; Tes doigts de roses vermeilles En couronnent le contour. Sur le gazon qui l'embrasse Ton pied se pose, et la grâce, Comme un divin instrument, Aux sons égaux d'une lyre Semble accorder et conduire Ton plus léger mouvement."

Alexa's eyes shone as she listened to my recitation of Lamartine, who she had previously told me was one of her favourite chanseurs. I coughed somewhat apologetically and smiled.

"I had to get some French in there for you somehow. But you know I love you. I... have no choice, Alexa. If there is indeed such a thing as being 'fated', this is it. And I wouldn't resist it if it was true."

I slipped the blue ring-pop onto her finger, still looking into her eyes. "I wed thee now. I devote my heart and soul to you, Alexa. And you are forever mine, come what may."

Her eyes were shining with tears as I spoke the words she was so desperate to hear. She nodded when I finished and drew a deep breath.

"Alex, I don't speak Sumerian, you're better at the ancient languages than I am. But this is the world's oldest known love poem, from Sumer, because I feel our souls have been bonded as one since before recorded history..."

"Bridegroom, dear to my heart, Goodly is your beauty, honeysweet, Lion, dear to my heart, Goodly is your beauty, honeysweet.

Bridegroom, let me caress you, My precious caress is more savory than honey, In the bedchamber, honey-filled, Let me enjoy your goodly beauty, Lion, let me caress you.

My precious caress is more savory than honey. Bridegroom, you have taken your pleasure of me, Tell my mother, she will give you delicacies, My father, he will give you gifts.

You, because you love me, Give me pray of your caresses, My lord god, my lord protector, My Shu-Sin, who gladdens Enlil's heart, Give me pray of your caresses."

She looked into my eyes as she slipped my ring-pop onto my finger, quoting the play Much Ado About Nothing.

"As you are mine, so now am I yours."

I pulled her close and kissed her deeply, as her husband. It felt so right and any complications were banished from my mind. There was only Alexa, only this moment of universal perfection with her. Short of a comet hitting the city, nothing could intrude upon it.

I led her onto the shore and we looked into one another's eyes as we pulled the clothes from each other's bodies. Her skin shone in the moonlight as I laid her down on the emerald grass gently, her golden hair arrayed in a corona or halo around her angelic face. I settled over her and she spread her legs to accommodate me. She smiled lovingly as she looked up at me, her hands resting on her breasts.

"May I?" I asked quietly and she nodded. I felt my cockhead press against her pliant and wet pussylips, sliding it up and down for a moment before kissing her lovingly, her hands on my shoulders.

"With my body," I whispered to her. "I thee worship..."

I pushed inside her and we both sighed in relief, joined now as husband and wife, bound forever heart, soul and body. With the moon shining down on us, we made love in this sacred cathedral of nature, the babbling brook and the wind through the trees a perfect song to accompany our union. Alexa sighed, panted and whispered in my ear as I pushed back and forth inside her. I kissed her hungrily, devoted to her transcendent pleasure and happiness. I could feel her legs wrap around my waist as we rocked and squirmed against one another.

"Alex!" she hissed as she strained against me, pushing up with her hips...

We groaned in mutual pleasure as we came, with me pumping my essence deep inside her. We kissed feverishly, lost in rapture as we consummated our bond. No matter how many times we'd made love before, this, for whatever reason, was the most intimate and intense moment yet.

It didn't matter that we weren't legally married. Between us there was an understanding and troth that needed no words or understanding. It simply was and there was no denying it. Not for us. It was maybe the one thing in our topsy-turvy world that finally made any sense.

I made love to my bride twice more before we admitted that we needed to get home. It was getting late and the excuse of working at the faculty would only hold for so long. Reluctantly, we disentangled and cleaned ourselves off before dressing in our clothes from earlier that day and returned to my car. We said little on the ride back, listening to Sainte-Saens and then Bach.

I pulled into the driveway and we went inside, somewhat confused that the place was dark with no signs of habitation. Alexa found a small note on the table in my mother's flowing cursive.

"Dear Sid and Nancy,

Kegger for the Physics Department. Unlike you Linguistics nerks, scientists know how to party. Will be back at some point tomorrow after the inevitable hangover wears off.

Alli, make sure he pays attention to you at least once. Tattle if he doesn't.

Big Sister and Professor Hulk"

Alexa was already undressing as she read the note, clearly inspired to continue our wedding night since the folks were absent. She tossed the missive aside and crushed her naked body to mine, insisting I take her upstairs and ravish her until dawn.

I was the happiest man alive as I carried her over that threshold.


Author's Notes:I work for the movie industry here in Toronto and it's been insanely busy over the Spring and Summer. So while I love writing these stories, no, I'm not apologizing for the horrendous delays, because I don't make money doing this. If people pay me to write erotica, I'll happily crank out a chapter a day, guaranteed.

Yes, yes, Alex and Alexa had a private wedding between the two of them. This is not the end of the story, don't lose your shit. Plenty of twists to come.

Decided I liked Jeanie as a sympathetic character, even if she's a space cadet. She'll be around, get used to the idea. Karen continues to be the straight man of the comedy troupe, even if she has her own wacky moments. I'm thinking that her sister being back in her life has had a positive effect on her and this'll hopefully shut up the Karen haters out there. Mind you, this was the plan for her all along, it's not like I had to change my outline for the character in response to people's vitriol. Karen is a totally fictional character; she really doesn't give a crap what you think about her. She told me so. True story.

I've worked hard on making Alexa somewhat more pro-active rather than reactive to everything around her. Hopefully it's working.

More to come, but now I need to finish the next chapter of Sapphic Serenity and after that My Naughty Neighbour, both of which have been in big demand. The Great Khan and Twin Cities Tryst are also long overdue for new chapters, so I've got my work cut out for me, on top of what my actual job throws at me.

Fall approacheth, I hope the season finds you all well.

Keep your stick on the ice!


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PrinceLukePrinceLukeover 2 years ago

This is one of the best chapters of the series yet! So glad to hear they’re married even if not legally yet. I know they’ll find a way to get it done legally at some point as well. Now just need Karen and Mike to find out about them so they can at least act like a married couple at home. Happy about the path Jeanie is going. She is becoming a bit of a better person it feels. One thing I have to say is your sexual scenes are definitely 1 Billion times better written then mine are and I absolutely love Alex and Alexa.

For a moment I was worried you were gonna do some weird Karen and Mike find Alex and Alexa there and end up doing sexual stuff with them. Sounds ridiculous I know but still glad Alex didn’t step through the hedge dick out and shove it into his mother or something. I know I don’t need to worry though especially since you’ve already said last chapter that you won’t ever be including anything sexual between Alex and Alexa and Mike and Karen.

5 stars from me on this brilliant piece of work and gosh damn did I love that wedding scene. Whoop whoop!!!

Arc2456Arc2456over 5 years ago
Love it

Loving it more and more. Loved the smurf reference ! Karen is the type of person I wish I could have met.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Even better then I can discribe...

I never, and I mean never have commented on any story, no matter how much I liked it. But dude you have some writing skills... I absolutely adored the babydoll series but I’m starting to think you’re going to trump them by a lot... great fan of your work, you really, really know how to built up a story...

TSreaderTSreaderover 6 years ago
Loving it!

Very yummy and touching too! Thank you!

JasonRTaylorJasonRTaylorover 6 years ago
Another step forward

I was truly smiling and happy to read their romantic union, thank you for that. I'm guessing you've got some serious curve balls coming their way yet, but this was a glorious moment come what may.


GrantLeeStoneGrantLeeStoneover 6 years ago
One Quibble

I’m enjoying Alex and Alexa. It’s generally very well written. And I understand this is a romantic/erotic fantasy. But, I HATE when characters (especially ones that have been described as being well hung) pull out of a pussy and immediately plunge balls deep into an ass, without any prep, stretching, and especially without any LUBE! Assholes aren’t self-lubing, like pussies. And you can seriously injure someone trying to go from pussy to ass like that. It totally unrealistic.

Beyond that, what makes anal sex particularly erotic is the intention, preparation, foreplay, warm-up, care and LUBE required to work a large, stiff cock into a tight anal pucker. I understand, that takes more exposition than just having characters pull out and jam it back in, balls-deep in an ass. I understand this is a fantasy, and you don’t necessarily have to obey the laws of physics or biology. But that is a moment that reoccurs in this story (and a lot of erotic fiction) too often. It pulls my head out of the story, and pops the bubble on the romantic/erotic spell you’ve worked so hard to cast. Please consider this for future chapters and future stories.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Love your work

I love the work you have done on this story of Alex and Alexa. I hope it just keeps on as I look forward to each and every chapter.

PhineasNPhineasNalmost 7 years ago
I find it unbelievable

that neither father nor mother have clued in yet. Have one covertly spy on them an occasion or two, discover it, and then confront Alex about it. This idea that the family would despise them for it is stupid. The parents obviously love Alex and they have quickly accepted Alexa into their family, they'd find a way to support it.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

It feels more and more as if his parents are on to something.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

"And keep your tongue in your mouth, Alli," mom sighed. "You look like you blew a Smurf."

I nearly choked because I laughed so much at that piece - so unexpected, yet so pertinent when you think of other statements made by Karen.

Seriously though, I would really like to see/hear more of this story, complete with the references to classical literature etc.

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