Alienation of Affection


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Rather stunned I had nothing to say and this gave my wife chance to carry on, with a touch of anger in her voice, "And that would make you a pimp, how do you feel about that? When I'm away at the end of each month and you're sitting here all alone, what do you think will be filling your mind, knowing that I will be somewhere, lying on my back with Dom on top of me? For your information I'm pretty sure that his cock is bigger than yours."

"I think I might get used to it," I answered, going on to explain, "A few years ago I had a few conversations with a guy on the internet who claimed that his wife was a call girl. He said that she only worked three nights a week but still earned more than both of them added together doing normal work. I asked him how he felt while she was working and he said it didn't bother him. He did admit that it was awkward the first few times but then it was no different from any other job and what she did had nothing to do with their own private sex life. From other things he said, I gathered that it's all an attitude of mind."

"If you've got ideas of me doing the same thing, you can forget it right now," Carol said sharply but I was relieved to see the smile on her face. Nothing more was said for the rest of the day but we didn't make love that night.

Next day it was Carol who brought the subject up, saying, "I've been thinking that it's foolish to lose the house without a fight. Both of us had sex with other people before we met, so as long as it isn't cheating what's the difference if I do fuck Dom. Looking at it one way, it only seems like a small sacrifice compared to the benefits."

I found that I too had switched position. "I'm not sure if I could continue working for Dom, knowing that he's fucking you every month. I don't think I could stand the smirk on his ugly face. And what if he brags about his conquest or somebody guesses what is going on? "

"You're not being logical," my wife said coolly. "Given his position, Dom has even more to lose than we do so he's bound to b discreet and as for other people guessing, the sex will only happen in other countries so no-one can possibly know. Maybe it may be a bit awkward for you working with him but if I can stand him mauling me every month then you can bloody well put up with that."

"Are you saying that we should do it," I asked hesitantly.

Carol took a deep breath before saying, " I've decided that I am willing to make the sacrifice, so it all depends on you whether we accept or not."

That night we had more passionate sex than for a very long time and instead of rolling over remained clinging together afterwards. Rather than cheering this rather depressed me because I had a deep down feeling that it was symbolic. Carol fell asleep almost immediately but I lay awake for most of the night with thoughts of the future churning round and round in by brain. It was almost certain that I would agree to let my wife work for Dom but still desperately hoped that I could think of some other alternative.

On Friday we went through the motions of living, working together on different household tasks and even talking about trivial things but with both of us carefully walking on tip toe round the very large elephant in the room. It was mid afternoon, just after we had made a coffee, that I broke down and made a last ditch to change the direction we were inexorably heading by blurting out, "What you said yesterday about us both having had sex with others in the past has nothing at all to do with our current situation. Since we met we have both remained completely faithful to each other, as far as I know, but if you have sex with my boss, that exclusivity will be lost and it's a rather precious thing. It is like virginity in that you can never get it back, once lost it is gone forever."

Carol didn't need any time to formulate a reply. Taking my hand and looking straight into my eyes, she said softly, "Darling, I don't want to lose exclusivity and I don't want to lose the house either but if one of them has to go, for me, it has to be exclusivity every time."

I knew that this was the moment but couldn't speak until Carole prompted, "So what do you say, shall I go to The Peacock tomorrow or not?"

"I suppose so," I conceded.

Once in bed, I felt a desperate for a physical connection but as soon as I rolled towards her, my wife knocked me back for the first time in a very long while, saying, "You can cuddle me but nothing more please. I'm not looking forward to what I've got to do tomorrow so I'm not in the mood for sex right now. I hope you understand." I did understand but it didn't help and I spent another largely sleepless night, struggling with an irrationally stiff erection.

First thing Saturday morning I ran the kids round to my parents where they would stay until Sunday afternoon. After returning home, for the rest of the earlier part of the day, we again went through the motions with neither of us making any reference to how the evening would end. As sign of her tension, I couldn't help noticing that Carol kept glancing at the clock almost as often as did I. The final count down started late afternoon when she suddenly jumped up saying, "Suppose that I better start getting ready."

"What are you going to wear?" I felt that I had to ask.

"I'm not sure yet but I'm certainly not going to dress up for the bastard," Carol said fiercely.

My wife had a very long bath and then spent over an hour in the bedroom. When she eventually appeared she stood uncertainly in the door way. She may not have dressed up but she most certainly hadn't dressed down. She looked totally gorgeous but I didn't think that an appropriate moment to complement her on her appearance. There was just time for a quick cup of tea and we were on our way. Carol had suggested that I drop her at The Peacock and then go back to collect her when she texted but I had insisted that I would wait for her in the car park.

We were almost there when I heard myself asking what she thought Dom would want her to do. "I've absolutely no idea but he certainly won't be getting any of the special stuff that I only do with you," Carol reassured me.

"But he's bound to be expecting something." At this point I was very close to stopping the car and returning home.

"Doug, stop worrying," my wife said firmly, "I'm planning to give him the minimum, not obviously of course, but with a nice bit of faking I can easily make him think he's getting his money's worth. If I do end up having sex with him regularly it might be a different matter."

By now we were in the car park. Stopping the car, I ran round to her side and we stood facing. My heart was beating like a bass drum and I was finding it difficult to breath. I leaned forward for a kiss but Carol proffered her cheek instead. For a moment I was upset by this but then realised it was to avoid spoiling her lipstick. "Good luck," I mumbled, only later realising what pointless thing it was to say.

Carol also put on a brave face. "Who knows, I might even enjoy it," she said with a grin and then she was walking away from me towards the hotel entrance.

The first hour of waiting wasn't too bad, (the first hour and twenty minutes to be exact), because I knew Carol would be safely in the restaurant. At first I couldn't believe that I was sitting there or that I had agreed to what would happen later, it just didn't feel real. Strangely that tension soon wore off as different things caught my attention and unbelievably there were times when I almost forgot why I was there. But then I got the simple text, 'Job mine, going up to his room in a minute. LUV C' and from that moment everything changed.

I looked up at the widows of the upper stories wondering which his room was. After about five minutes a light came on and I guessed that must be the one but after I had scanned the building for any others, I forgotten exactly which window it was.

My right knee began to tremble spasmodically, with increasing severity until at one point the leg movement became so violent that I was forced to get out and walk in slow circles round my vehicle until it calmed down. I became so preoccupied torturing myself with mental images of what was happening in that uncertain room that I almost jumped out of my skin when the door suddenly opened and Carol plonked herself down in the passenger seat. "Take me home please," she said.

Little more that twenty minutes had passed since I received that text and this offered hope that nothing had happened but my wife's demeanour suggest otherwise. I had only the one question, "Did he fuck you?"

Carol didn't reply but taking a quick glance sideways as I drove away, I felt sure that she shook her head. At first I was relieved but then had a nasty thought and for the rest of the journey I was trying to work out whether she was telling me that intercourse hadn't occurred or simply indicating that she didn't want to say.

When I stopped outside our home, Carol immediately started to swing her legs outside the car but paused to instruct me, "After you put the car in the garage, put the kettle on love while I give brush my teeth and give my face a quick swill."

Still anxious I had to wait until Carole returned and taken a sip of tea before she looked at me and said, "Dom is a far more courteous and entertaining man than I thought he would be. He made me laugh several times and two thirds of the way through the meal he still hadn't got round to mentioning the job. In the end I had to introduce the subject myself. Don't worry, I got the job and all the benefits and conditions are the same. I start in the office on Tuesday but Monday I'm shopping for some work outfits. He's given me a company card with £500 credit but I have to pay back whatever I spend out of my first three salaries. "

"And after the meal?" I prompted; worried that she might further delay by relating their conversation in detail.

"He tried to kiss me in the lift up to his floor. Actually he did kiss me and again when we got in the room but he seemed to have changed. In the restaurant he was the perfect gentleman but now he seemed to think he could do whatever he wanted and the smug look on his face irritated me. His hands were all over me but I stopped him. Pushing him away, I told him firmly, 'You aren't exactly an ethical man. I've got little reason to trust you so I'm afraid that you are going to be disappointed tonight. I'm willing to give you a blow job to show goodwill but you aren't going to get your cock in me before my contract is signed sealed and delivered.'"

I laughed, "How did he react to that?"

"A lot better than I thought he would," Carol told me with a grin. "Actually he went up a lot in my estimation when he said, 'Fair enough, at this point in the game, I'm more than happy with anything that you are prepared to give me. Actually, it's nice to know that I'm dealing with a woman of spirit.'"

"And then?" Even I could hear the croak in my voice.

"It was all rather formal. Dom positioned himself with the backs of his legs touching the bed and dropped his trousers. Then he pushed his underpants down to his knees, he wears boxers like you. He'd already got quite an erection. Oh yes, he even took a pack of tissues out of his shirt pocket and laid it on the bed." . "How big is his cock," I heard myself asking, for some reason I seemed fixated on discovering that information.

"Not that much longer than yours but quite a lot thicker," Carol told me in a factual manner, "Actually, because of that he missed out on the things I do that you particularly like because my mouth was just too full."

"How long did it last?"

"I don't know exactly, less than fifteen minutes but more than ten. It actually took me by surprise when he suddenly started squirting; I think that he was surprised as well."

"Did you use the tissues?"

Carol shook her head. "No, I swallowed."

Now I was hurt. "Why did you when you won't swallow mine."

"That has nothing to do with it," my wife insisted defensively, "There were a number of reasons. For a start there was a whole lot of cum, far more that I expected. Some went down my throat instinctively, some even leaked out of corner of my mouth and I swallowed the rest as an act of defiance because of those bloody tissues. You know how much I hate being predictable."

"And then?"

"I left. I couldn't bear to stay in that room a moment longer. As I was going out the door, Dom called out, 'See you Tuesday' but to be honest Doug, after tonight, I'm not at all sure that I want to go through with this."

I wasn't going to argue about that and we didn't mention what had happened for the rest of the evening but I was in for a big surprise. I had half expected that after her experience at The Peacock, Carol would be off sex, if only temporarily, but the opposite turned out to be the case as once in bed she virtually raped me. No foreplay required as Carol seemed desperate to get my cock inside her. Even at the end of what would have been a usual session, she wasn't satisfied and made great effort to get me stiff enough for another round. When she was finally sated, Carol just rolled over and fell asleep immediately, without exchanging another word.

Sunday morning we slept late, so late that we had to grab a hurried lunch before I had to set off to collect the kids. When I returned I found her leafing through a ladies clothing catalogue, 'looking for ideas' she said before excitedly discussing how she was going to spend her clothing allowance. There was no further mention of her reservations from the previous night.

Carol returned from her shopping foray on the Monday with what she described as three outfits and some other stuff and I was treated to a fashion show of her purchases. There were three skirt and jacket sets in either black or dark grey, all tight fitting and with the skirt length just below mid thigh. She looked nicely businesslike without hiding her sexuality. She had also bought a selection of very attractive blouses and what seemed rather a lot of new underwear. Unfortunately these flimsy under things were not included in her mock catwalk display.

On Tuesday morning I went in to work late, so that I could run my wife into work as soon as the arranged baby sitter arrived. I left her at reception and that was the last I saw of her before I got home that night. I did think that she might have poked her head into my department to say 'hello' but on the other hand, I hadn't gone looking for her. That night Carol suggested that we should avoid contact at work, going on to say, "I even think we shouldn't take our lunch breaks at the same time. I'm not really entitled to a break but Dom says that nobody's watching. I think he expects me to always eat with him, so if you are in the canteen at the same time it might be rather awkward."

When I got home, I couldn't park in my usually place because Carol's 'company' vehicle was already in that spot. It was a small two seater, with a low engine capacity and a lot of miles on the clock, but it did make her independent of me for getting to and fro to work. During the evening, at every opportunity, she enthused about her new career, saying how much she enjoyed being able to use her mind again. I discovered that her first trip away with my boss was ten days hence. I was pleased that she would only be away for one night, leaving early Friday and back late Saturday afternoon. I don't know if this had been arranged specially to ease both Carol and I into the new routine. The plan was that she would drive to Dom's house that morning and that they would head for the airport together.

During that first week I remained strangely unbothered by my wife's forthcoming trip, possibly distracted by her daily excited updates on her new job. Even my 'last' weekend was quite light-hearted with lots of laughter but that quickly changed when the new working week started. Usually on a Monday you start looking forward to Friday and the next weekend but I desperately wanted time to stand still. As day followed day the tension built up in my head until by the Thursday I was a quivering wreck. In contrast, Carol seemed amazingly calm and this caused me to say nothing of my feelings lest I pass on my anxieties to her.

I got through the Friday night amazingly well and far better than I had anticipated. I told myself 'twenty-four hours ago she was here and in another twenty four she will be back', and by continually repeating that mantra I managed to block out the time in between. I had also switched from my usual wine to hard alcohol and that certainly helped. My responsibility towards the children ruled out letting myself become inebriated but I drank sufficient to induce a welcome fogginess in my brain.

Saturday afternoon, I was playing on the floor with the kids when suddenly Carol was there looking down on us. I don't quite how I imagined my wife would look but any guess would be wide of the mark. Her face had a definite glow and it was obvious that she was bubbling inside with suppressed excitement. Unfortunately for me the kids were immediately all over her, as if she had been absent for a month rather than just one day. My only clue came when she whispered cryptically, "You absolutely won't believe what I've got to tell you." I had to wait until after we had eaten and the kids were tucked in bed before the mystery was resolved.

Back downstairs after kissing our offspring goodnight, Carole went straight to her handbag, delved inside and proceeded to scatter large denomination but unfamiliar bank notes on the floor. "I'm not sure about the exchange rate but there is almost five thousand Euros there," she said triumphantly. "All of our troubles are over. "

"Where did that all come from?" I asked rather stupidly.

"I won it at roulette," Carol explained with a massive smile on her face, "Pour us a glass of wine to celebrate darling and I'll tell you everything right from the start."

I quickly got out our special occasion goblets and filled them with red wine. The moment that we were comfortably seated, still with a smile on her face, my exuberant wife started her story. "As soon as we got through the Monte Carlo Customs, Dom asked if I had brought an evening dress and when I said not he took me straight to a rather classy boutique and picked out a dress for me to wear. It is in a red silky material, reaching down to my ankles but with a big slit up one side. The only thing that I wasn't completely happy with is that it leaves a lot more of my breasts exposed than I'm comfortable with. There wasn't a lot I could say because he was paying for it. I'll show you the dress later"

"Tell me about the money," I urged but actually I was more anxious to know what happened afterwards.

"The casino was very swish, you wouldn't believe the luxury. With all the well dressed people I could have easily believed it was a James Bond set."

"The money?"

"We sat at the roulette table. Dom put a pile of twenty chips in front of me and the same for himself. I didn't realise for quite a while that they were all fifty euro chips. The croupier called out 'Place your bets' but in French the way that they do. I didn't know what to bet so I put a chip on our house number and couldn't believe my eyes when the ball ended up on 33 and I'd got a massive pile of chips in front to me."

"That would have almost tripled what you started with," I quickly calculated.

My wife nodded happily, "And I kept on winning. I didn't know any more lucky numbers so I bet three or four chips every spin, red or black, odd or even and groups of numbers and almost every time I found more chips being pushed towards me. It was amazing. Some people started following my bets and a great crowd gathered round watching but in the end it got too much. At first I really enjoyed being the centre of attention but then I got rather claustrophobic and I was very conscious of all the eyes gazing at my tits, so I suggested to Dominic that we move to blackjack table." "Did you winning run continue?"
