All I Need Pt. 04


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"Cool. I'll let them know." She started to turn back to her friends, and paused. Her hand fell to my forearm for a moment, and she smiled. "It's good to see you."

"Take care." I replied, as she walked away.

"Tell Man-bun we said hello," John called after her. She extended her middle finger over her shoulder at us and looked back with a grin when she heard us snickering.

John flagged a waitress and motioned for them to bring another beer. Looking back over at me and leaned forward.

"What happened with you two, anyway? You never have told me."

"Nothing. There never really was anything serious there. It just ended is all." I replied.

"If you say so." He shrugged. "I just see how she looks at you once in a while."

"She seems pretty happy with Man-bun." I nodded my head toward them, where Megan was currently folded up in Man-bun's lap.

"They do look good together." John acknowledged, "aside from that fuzzy ass cinnamon roll strapped to the back of his head."

We both started cracking up.

A few days later, I met with a couple of the guys from Gorath. They looked over some of my sketchbooks, pointing out things that they liked and giving me some ideas of what they were looking for. We hammered out the details of how much I would be paid, which wasn't much. And they gave me a small deposit and thanked me. I walked away from the meeting with the impression that they were definitely fans of my stuff, and I felt a tiny bit guilty that I was not able to say the same of theirs.

The work went faster than expected, and I met with the band again a few weeks later to show them four possible covers I had created. This time the entire band was there. They argued among themselves for the better part of an hour, looking over the options. After a spirited process of elimination, they settled on the design that I had liked the least. I chuckled as I collected the art back together. We made arrangements for me to deliver the finished piece the following week and for me to sign the release forms to allow it to be reproduced as an album cover. All in all, it was a pretty painless process. I made a mental note to look into the possibility of marketing myself to local bands as an artist for hire.

It was beginning to feel like I was making a bit of a name for myself around town as an artist. While I still had no illusions about trying to make a career out of art, the world was full of starving artists after all, I couldn't help taking a bit of pleasure out of the minuscule amount of income my paintings were generating.

* * *

The night before all hell broke loose, I was sitting on the sofa watching a nature documentary while Amy showered upstairs. She had just gotten home from a long day at work and I had picked up dinner for us while she was out. I was feeling pretty lazy, slouched on the sofa with my feet propped up on the coffee table. Our parents were away for a few days at some conference for our dad's work and wouldn't be back until the day after tomorrow. It was so much more relaxing when they were away and we didn't have to hide ourselves away in one of our bedrooms.

I took a swig from my can of coke and noticed the water shut off upstairs. My beautiful little sister would be down soon for dinner and I was really looking forward to spending time with her, as always. I had considered joining her in the shower, but she looked so tired when she came home from work that I wanted to give her a chance to relax. I went to the kitchen and pulled the cartons of food from the oven, where I'd left them to warm. Taking plates down from the cabinet, I saw her padding into the kitchen in her bathrobe, her hair pulled up in a ponytail.

"Hey, beautiful. Feel better?" I asked, as I leaned over to kiss her forehead.

She wrapped her arms around me in a lazy hug, resting her head on my shoulder while I held the dinner plates off to one side awkwardly. I wasn't complaining, of course, it was just that the physics of the situation made it hard to look entirely graceful.

"I had such a long day." She sighed. Then she sniffed the air, as she let go of me. "What smells so good?"

"I picked up dinner for us earlier, just before you got home. Hope you wanted Italian."

She flashed me one of her brightest smiles, and my heart skipped a beat.

"I am totally in the mood for Italian."

"Perfect, then. Go park your gorgeous ass in the living room and relax. I'll bring you a plate in just a few." I smiled.

"You are so good to me," She sighed happily, as she wrapped me in another hug. She padded back down to the living room while I finished getting the plates ready.

We watched a movie while we ate and Amy cuddled up next to me on the sofa when we finished. At some point during the film, she fell asleep with her head on my shoulder. I knew she was exhausted from her day and decided to let her nap a while. I had the remote within reach, mercifully, and flipped channels until I found something worth watching.

Some time later, she stirred and nuzzled her face up against my neck. I smiled and kissed the top of her head, smelling the strawberry scented shampoo she used on her hair. Her lips touched my neck in a soft kiss, then parted as she gave my neck a small lick.

"Someone's awake." I grinned slightly.

"Mmmm" Was her only reply, as her hand came up to cradle my head as she kissed my neck again, planting her lips on it and sucking against my throat. I could feel her lips curl into a grin against my neck and experience told me that she was pleased with the bruise that she'd just left there. She shifted herself around on the sofa, turning to fully face me on all fours like a cat, and gave a very feline looking full body stretch.

She moved up to straddle me, her knees drawn up on either side of me as she took my head in her hands and began kissing her way up my neck to my ear. My cock got the message that its favorite person was on the move and began to be uncomfortable in my shorts. Her robe had partially fallen open by now, partially exposing her full breasts. She nibbled my earlobe gently, before moving up to put her lips to my ear and whisper how much she loved me.

My hands slid inside her robe, pulling the knot loose the rest of the way and fully exposing her creamy breasts to me. She shrugged out of the robe, letting it drop the floor behind her and wrapped her arms back around my neck to kiss me. My hands stroked her back, roaming over her body down to her hips and back. She moaned through our kiss when one of my hands found her left breast and kneaded it softly. Our mouths separated, both of us gasping to catch our breath, and she raised herself up allowing my lips access to her nipples.

"I know how to take a hint," I mumbled, just before my lips latched to her nipple. Her giggle at my statement disappeared into a moan as her chin rested on top of my head. She used one hand to support herself on the back of the sofa and the other was wrapped around my head holding me to her breast as I suckled on it.

"Jesus," she gasped, "I love what you do to me."

I brought a hand down to stroke one of her fabulous ass cheeks, causing her to purr appreciatively. She dropped her hips down to grind herself against my erection. She grunted in disapproval and disengaged from me for a moment to pull her panties off. I set some kind of speed record in removing my shorts and boxers. No sooner did my ass touch the sofa cushion again than she was back on me, grinding herself directly on my stiff cock. We both groaned at the sensation. I lost myself in the moment, wanting nothing more than to bury myself in her beautiful body as far as I could right that second.

"I need you," I breathed, thrusting my hips up to match her grinding. She whimpered at my words and I could feel the heat radiating from her crotch against my hard cock. She raised herself up positioning my dick at her entrance.

"Then take me." She whimpered. "I'm all yours."

I thrust up into her, our bodies joining, and a long groan escaped me as her white hot pussy enveloped my dick to the hilt. We started fucking in earnest, me sitting back on the sofa, her sitting up straddling me. My cock gliding in and out of her in a blur as she began breathing rapidly at the force of my thrusts.

"Oh god, yes! Take me, Adam! Take me!" She nearly screamed, her body writhing above me. I watched her breasts bouncing wildly as I brought myself up into her repeatedly. I had one hand on the small of her back, and the other pawing at her breasts.

Suddenly, she arched herself backward, propping one hand on the coffee table. If I moved my hand from her back, she would have fallen. Her breasts were thrust up at me and I seized one in my free hand, pinching the nipple between my fingers. She was an erotic vision, slamming her pelvis down to meet my thrusts. I felt the tingling in my balls and knew I was not far from coming.

"You've so amazing." I gasped. "I'm gonna come soon."

"Do it!" She cried. "I want to feel you come!"

I seized her hips with my hands, pulling her forward to me and slammed myself into her as the first jet of my semen launched deep into her. It must have triggered her own orgasm because she cried out and started shaking as her pussy pulsed over my twitching erection. I felt my body launch several more volleys of semen into her before it subsided and I relaxed my grip on her hips. She settled back against me, gasping for breath, and wrapped her arms around my neck.

"I love you so much." I breathed. She was still coming down from her orgasm, breathing heavily in my ear, and just kissed the side of my head in reply.

A few minutes later, she went to the bathroom to clean up a bit, and came back wearing her panties again. She had a damp rag that she used to clean me up, and I pulled my boxers back on after. Amy wrapped herself up around me in a lover's embrace and we collapsed back down on the sofa. Within moments, my sweet baby sister was asleep in my arms. I fell asleep myself a few minutes later.

* * *

"WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS?!" My father's voice boomed through the house.

I snapped awake and shot to my feet just as Amy did the same. She covered her naked breasts with her arms and stared, wide eyed and pale, at our parents. They had come back early. In the past year, this was the first time that they had come back early. We'd slept right through them unlocking the door and walking in. To make matters worse, we'd fallen asleep on the couch downstairs, where we had sex the night before We were both still dressed in only our underwear. There was never a chance to react.

"Dad, calm do-" I began, slowly positioning myself between my rapidly approaching father and Amy.

The look on his face and his body language genuinely frightened me. I didn't think it was likely that he would hurt Amy, but I wanted her as far from harm's way as I could get her, just in case.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" He roared. He stopped just a couple of feet from me.

"Why the FUCK is she NAKED?" His eyes burned with rage, as the screaming continued. "What the FUCK did you do to her?"

I stared at him for a moment, trying to figure out what to say. I saw the hate in his eyes and knew there was no way this could possibly go well. There was no lie that would resolve this, so I just went for the truth.

"I love her."

My face exploded in pain as his fist collided with my nose. I stumbled back a few steps, trying to get my thoughts straightened out around the searing pain in my face. Before I could say a word, I registered just a flash of movement and felt a fist collide with my stomach. I went to my knees, fighting hard not to vomit from the pain in my gut.

"DADDY, NO!" I heard Amy shriek behind me. I saw Amy from corner of my eye as she rushed forward. I tried to catch her with my arm, but wasn't quite fast enough. She slipped between us, holding an open hand up toward him. "You don't underst-"

"She's your GODDAMNED sister, you disgusting shit!" He yelled over her, shoving her aside as if she were weightless.

His foot struck me in the ribs and I thought I felt two of them snap. Bolts of pain shot through my chest like daggers, weirdly seeming to originate deep inside my body. Fucking hell, it hurt. I couldn't think for a moment, everything focused on the pain resonating in my chest. I rolled to my side, hoping he was done, struggling to breathe. Amy's arms wrapped around me just at that moment, trying to shield me.

"DADDY, I love him! STOP!" She pleaded as he jerked her away from me like a rag doll. Her fingernails dug into my arm, accidentally scratching me as she tried to hold on. I saw her stumble back onto the sofa, and noticed her grab one of mom's vases from the coffee table. Oh shit, I thought.

I coughed and noticed flecks of blood hit the tile floor just before I realized a kick was coming. I moved to block it, but too slow, flinching in pain and felt the connect. He missed my ribs thanks to me trying to roll and hit the soft tissue beneath. I felt a weird pain and a shift of my organs that definitely did not feel natural. This time I puked bile. Thankfully not a lot, but enough to make my throat burn.

I was too blinded by pain to remember the vase for a moment, but as soon as I did, I shot a look toward the sofa. Mom, streaming tears, had Amy in her arms, struggling to keep her there and whispering to her. Amy still clutched the vase in one hand, gulping air from her adrenaline, her eyes pleading with mine for some affirmation that I was okay.

He didn't kick me again. He just glared down at me with his nostrils flaring, but didn't move from where he was. Very painfully, I pulled myself up to my knees, straining against the pain in my chest. I sucked air between my teeth as I struggled to my feet, using the recliner for support.

"Daddy, it's not his fault." Amy cried. I looked over at my beautiful baby sister, my princess, as tears poured down her face, her eyes fixed on me in horror. She had snatched her bathrobe from the floor and was holding it over her breasts. It was most certainly my fault, I thought, but air didn't seem to want to fill my lungs enough to let me say so. I gave her a nod, trying to be reassuring, which probably didn't work since I had blood dripping all down my chin from my nose. I looked back at my father, waiting for the rest of what was coming. More hits? A call to the police? I wasn't sure where this was heading. I was gulping like a fish out of water, trying to get enough oxygen in my body while every breath felt like I had napalm searing through my lungs.

"You have thirty minutes." He spoke in an even tone.

"What?" I choked out. I heard the words, but they didn't connect to anything in my head. I kept seeing white at the corners of my vision and fought to focus, afraid I was going to pass out. I was familiar with this, having seen the white in my vision field before, when I was struck in the head by a skateboard at the park years before. What a time to have a memory flashback.

"You have thirty minutes. Get your shit and get the fuck out of my house. You don't live here anymore." He repeated. I recognized a glint of satisfaction in his eye. I had finally proven myself to be the disappointment he always wanted me to be. My black sheep status had been fully earned and achieved. I would have seethed if I didn't hurt so badly. "You are not welcome here."

"Dad." I began as Amy started sobbing again, wordlessly. She was gasping so hard, I thought she'd hyperventilate.

"You don't get to call me that anymore. I don't have a son." He glared. My mother burst into a fresh round of tears.

"Thomas..." My mother began, but stopped when she saw the look that he shot her. I had never gotten the impression that he was ever violent toward her, but she backed down rapidly. The rage I saw in him must have frightened her as well.

"I love him, Daddy!" Amy cried, "Don't do this!"

"Thirty minutes. You'd better start packing." He said, as though she weren't even there. It was easy to see how this was going to play out.

I very painfully went to the stairs, pausing to look back at Amy who was still being held in place by my mother. I was grateful for mom, worried that Amy would make herself a target of our father's wrath. I was certain I'd end up in prison if that happened. There would be no stopping me.

"It'll be alright, Amy." I said, trying to be reassuring, although I wasn't very sure of that. I just needed her to be safe. She had to calm down.

My father's eyes burned with a fresh rage hearing me speak to his daughter. I stared back at him with determination. I'd taken all the beating I was going to, I thought. One more step and I'd fight back. I'd lose, given how badly I hurt. But I'd fight back.

I struggled up the staircase, trying not to look in as much physical pain as I felt, for her sake, and leaned on the wall of the hallway for support. I was sweating from the exertion and adrenaline. In my room, I struggled to grab the most important things from my room. I grabbed my laptop and sketchbooks, shoving them in my schoolbag. I grabbed a gym bag from the closet and shoved clothes in it. I could hear yelling downstairs as I packed. I strained to listen for any sign of violence. I would play along for now and find a more peaceful way to resolve this. I didn't think he would hurt her. I had no doubt he would love the chance to work on me some more, but I was fairly sure that she was safe.

Every step I took was torture, the pain in my sides and face was tremendous. I wiped my face with a paint rag and saw an alarming amount of blood on the rag. There was a sharp stab every time I took a breath. I wondered if this was what a punctured lung felt like. I decided to go to the emergency room when I left here. I'd have to make up a story of some kind, but I thought I may be seriously hurt. I couldn't tell, I wasn't thinking clearly around the searing white hot pain.

When I made the first extremely painful trip down the staircase, I saw my father pacing back and forth in the living room. I didn't see anyone else. I dropped my bags in the trunk of my car and went back upstairs to pack more of my stuff. Mom's car was gone. She had taken Amy somewhere, I guessed.

"You are not to come back here. Not to stay. Not to visit. You are through in this household." He said to me, not roaring this time. His voice was hard and grim. "After you leave today, I never want to lay eyes on you again."

"We never meant for you to find out like this. We were going to sit you guys down and talk to you about it."

"It wouldn't make a difference. You fucking degenerate piece of shit. Get your crap and go."

"Where's Amy?"

"She went with your mother. Now get out of my house." He growled.

After I finished packing the things that I needed the most and loading the car, I pulled away from the house with a little less than five minutes to spare. I parked at the end of the street and waited. Mom's car was still not in the driveway. She and Amy did not return in the several hours that followed.

I sat in the car for a long time. I cried sporadically, which hurt like hell every time my chest heaved. I wait until nearly dark, but never saw any sign of them. I punched the steering wheel in frustration, sending fresh lightning bolts of pain through my sides, and cursed aloud.

* * *

End of Part 4.

NOTE: Part 5 is completed and will be uploaded in the coming days.

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ImJDbabyImJDbaby5 months ago

I'm actually really glad the conflict came from an external source rather than having them break up and separate like so many authors do. It's nice to see a story where they start and just keep going until the end.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Damn that was intense, especially at the end. Such a pitiful and shameful reaction from the father, typical of an angry, closed-minded male when something happens they really don't like, especially in their own domain. And of course, resorts immediately to excessive violence, against his own son of all people, without even so much as a hint of discussion, followed by disowning him and throwing him out. I'm actually surprised he gave him time to pack - I guess there was one iota of decency in him somewhere that allowed for that. His behaviour is nothing short of disgusting, to be quite honest.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Well that was Intense! But it certainly added an interesting twist to things. At least the problem of how to let the parents know is solved. And as this is my first time reading this, i don't know how this will play out but i am making a guess that Mom will play an important role here. On a side note, i have a couple of observations to make. When did Amy get a job? I don't recall Any reference to her working in the previous chapters. And another observation is the sub-theme(?) of Adam tucking the loose strands of Amy's hair behind her ear. It has been a constant in every chapter. That is just adorable to me. 5🌟+

dirtyoldbimandirtyoldbimanalmost 2 years ago

Christ. Amy picks up a vase, obviously to hit her dad and doesn't. Dad tells you to leave and Amy doesn't say she will leave too? Courtny at Thanksgiving doesn't think you and Amy are involved? Also, way to much sex and how will Amy explain her new necklace which should have been given in front of the parents.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Great story , well written.

PrinceLukePrinceLukeover 2 years ago

My 4th read of this story and this chapter is honestly something special. The reaction we get and the way things turn out is just absolutely fantastic. I mean I’m here rooting for Amy and Adam but still I’m happy to see a reaction that’s different from the exact same acceptance of the relationship we get in every single other story on this site. Brilliant piece of work here!

mlf4umlf4uabout 3 years ago

Damn, you did an excellent job describing this. My heart is reaching out to Adam and to hell with his 'dad'

kumaichikumaichiover 3 years ago

At least one novel has a real father reaction to his son fucking his sister. My god, after all those incest stories where father just go with flow I thought it was kind of normal to fuck your sister, lol.

PrinceLukePrinceLukealmost 4 years ago
3rd Read

Just amazing!

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Thanks for this story

I know its just a story but the son really should have called the police. Two teenagers had sex and the father beat the hell out of the son. Very bad.

None the less a gripping and engaging tale full of sex and passion. I had been wondering where the story was headed, if anywhere, and now I know. I look forward to the next chapter.

Great work.

DevilbobyDevilbobyover 4 years ago
5* plus

Not the first time I have read this. Am still amazed at the power this story presents to the reader. Like all good novels though very engrossing, shall carry on reading through the sadness to happier times. Very well written .

PrinceLukePrinceLukeover 4 years ago
Beautiful Work

Another outstanding piece of work, i love the realism of this and cant wait to see how it will all work out.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Like stories

I waited until I had read all episodes before commenting then find there's an episode 5. It's a shame I may never read it as I would love to know what happens (he finds an apartment and she moves in?) However next month (July 2019) here in UK, the powers that be are intending to block all pornographic sites so that kids cannot access them. Adults will need to log on with driving licences, bank cards or similar id. Of course, that may only be for visual sites and not story ones, of which I have three favourites. Anyway, I do not regard Literotica as a porn site, but as one with love stories! [I am a romantic old bloke at 74!!] Yes, I enjoyed the first chapters of this and can understand how he fell in love with her, and vice versa. My favourite saying is: "You cannot help who you fall in love with". Hope all turns out well for them eventually.

c4vetteman94c4vetteman94over 5 years ago
My only issue with this chapter

And its a small one, was letting on that something bad was gonna happen, the line "the night before all hell hroke loose", just paragraphs before it did. It took the surprise and shock out of the actual event. That would have made the situation so much better.

SynsitiveSynsitiveover 5 years ago
Cliffhanger? I think... definitely

Continue to be amazed and drawn. Sad ending tho 😢 poor Adam. Piece of shit father. He didn’t yell at his daughter, Adam faced all of the blame, the violence and the anger. Why do dads do that? They blame the son, like he raped the daughter. I suppose because he’s s man and in his eyes the daughter is the princess that is innocent. Still loving your stories. I hope they never stop coming!!

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