And Other Duties As Required Ch. 08-10


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The gym-sweat odor of the dance studio was a breath of fresh air compared to the sapphically-scented miasma that had soaked into every inch of the house. Oh, don't get me wrong, I loved that smell, but it was inescapable, and where there was smoke there was fire. It was hard enough living as some kind of sex-frenzied nymphomaniac, but having two of them for housemates as well was a recipe for all kinds of ill-conceived hijinx.

Which... okay, sounds fun, sure, but this morning I had woken up more satiated than I had been all week. I wanted to revel in that lucidity. A house full of carnal distractions was a poor fit for that.

Besides, it broke my heart seeing the girls like that. Especially seeing as I was the one responsible. Their rampant, casual sluttiness was a punishment directed at me, and every flirtation, every little unabashed act of sexual indulgence, was a staunch reminder of that.

And what could I do but sit there and bear it? It was no fault of their own, even as they masturbated openly in front of me, even as they started gossiping about industry hunks and how juicy their dicks apparently were, even as I got dragged into discussions about who had taken the biggest cock at the handshake. It was so frustrating. Obviously, I had taken the biggest cock. I was salivating at the memory even now. God, I could describe every inch of it with my tongue. But those two insisted they had each taken bigger.

We'd arrived at the studio early and were limbering up. Meiling's huge butt - still plainly plugged - strained against the thin fabric of her skin-tight workout shorts. It rode up with every major motion, her round cheeks making a thong of the garment until she was able to fish it out.

Min was even worse off. No amount of bra could restrain the beasts wobbling out in front of her. She had put on three colossal sports bras and she still had to hoist them up with her arms to keep them from bowling her over. Her tight athletic tee was so focused on trying not to rip that it didn't even bother hiding her prodigious bra-clad underboob.

I turned away, doing my level best not to stare. Even under such extreme garments her nipples were painfully erect. The shower afterwards was going to be very interesting indeed.

I took a deep breath and returned to my stretches. The increased flexibility was one of the few perks of being a woman that I could actually let myself enjoy. Honestly? This wasn't so bad. I had spent the walk over here dreading Madeline's next big play, I had been jumping at shadows, letting my paranoia run wild trying to imagine the worst-case scenario. But if the best she could do was make these girls as whorish as I was? Then bring it on.

"Alright, you little sluts, listen up." The click of her six-inch stilettos against the hardwood presaged the arrival of our instructor. I turned, jaw dropping. Black latex hung to every inch of the former-idol's skin, a magnificent, jet-black coke-can-thick strap-on bouncing out in front of her.

Shit. I couldn't tear my eyes away.

"Your concert is in one month." Her words were sharp and clipped, her French-Canadian accent lending a sensual edge to her dominance. "Some managers believe in tapering off and letting you rest so you can give it your all. Yours is not one of those managers. That means I'm going to be working with you right until the last moment. When you go out there you can rest assured that I'll have gotten every ounce of training - every ounce of improvement - out of you. I know this isn't your first concert, but it is your most important. You're going to show the world what you're made of, and I don't want to hear any bitching along the way. Do you hear me, girls?

"Yes, ma'am!" the other girls said, lining up into position. I picked my jaw up off the floor. Training? She was dressed up like something out of a dominatrix catalogue and she was talking about training? Maybe this wasn't going to be so simple after all.

I stumbled onto my mark as the girly music began to play. We held position through the intro, just like we'd rehearsed. I tapped my foot, ready to jump at my cue.

The bass dropped. I raised my arms, going through the hand signals as I transitioned to second position. I twirled back and winked, then skidded to a halt.

The other girls had fallen to their knees. Their butts wiggled in the air as they crawled like animals over to our instructor's massive faux cock. They cooed theatrically and giggled as they reached out to touch it. Min didn't even seem to mind that her tits were dragging along the floor.

Soon their workout shorts had come off, hanging down around their knees. Then, before I knew what was happening, the two were grinding against the instructor, up and down in time with the music, soft naked pussies humping and rubbing against firm black-clad thighs.

"Miki?" Meiling turned one worried eye to me.

My body shook. Even here there was no escaping it?

"Miki?" Madame snapped, "Again!? I thought we had gotten past this little block of yours." The girls fell off of her as she stood to the full terrifying height of those heels. "Is this going to be an ongoing issue? After all..." she advanced towards me, glaring down at me. "Naughty girls get spanked."

"N-no ma'am." I went straight-backed.

"Then fall in line." she growled. "Let's try this again!"

"Miki are you okay?" Meiling struggled to squeeze her ass back in her shorts as she and Min returned to their starting positions. "You're not feeling anemic again are you?"

"No - it's not that." I swallowed the lump rising in my throat. "I'm fine. Really."

But that was a lie, wasn't it? I wasn't fine. My body was tingling with pleasure at just the thought of that huge thing breaking me open. It knew all too well what was coming. But... but I didn't want this.

I mean, I wanted to get fucked. Fuck, I wanted to get fucked so badly. I'd spend all day getting pounded by something like that if I could. But dancing had been... well, as humiliating as it had once been, I had kind of grown to like it. It was nice to be able to move and exercise and lose myself into something that wasn't sex for a change. It was a chance to escape, even if briefly. Now Madeline had taken even that away, and she'd dragged these girls into the middle of it.

The music started over. I fell to my knees beside the others.

When I was dancing, my body knew what it was doing, but I had to push myself through each step. It was as much a mental exercise as a physical one, always keeping an eye out for errors, always failing to reach my own impossibly high standards as I faked my way through routine after routine. It was satisfying and challenging and I had come to enjoy it.

This? I crawled forward, hips swinging like a hound in heat. This was sex.

I was good at sex. All I had to do was what came naturally. Those instincts were baked into every cell of this body. And sure, it was satisfying too, on an entirely different level, but was it so wrong that I wanted my life to be more than that sometimes?

I let out a soft sigh. I hated that I couldn't even remember a time when I hadn't loved this. I hated how easy it was for me to lose myself in my passion. I hated that this was the only way to scratch that 10-inch itch inside me. This sinister addiction; How easy I gave into that toe-curling, kettle-boiling, clit-throbbing pleasure.

What I hated most of all, was that with each orgasm it bothered me less and less.

Seeing the girls just as far gone as I was, to have them there with me... it was an all-too familiar reminder of what I had become. I struggled to summon up the anger that had served me so well. But what could I do? For them, this was just the way life was. I licked my lips as I spread apart the clinging wet fabric of my lacey crotchless thong.

At least I wasn't alone. I reached out to grasp Meiling's hand, but she pulled it away to rub at the underside of Madame's cockhead.

What followed was a vigorous and truly acrobatic bout of fucking - the three of us were sprawled out on the floor, hands and bodies intertwined in the positions so lewd they'd put the Kama Sutra to shame. Our asses swayed as Madame fucked us to the beat.

Heaven forbid this should turn out to just be sex, no. This was - apparently - training. We had to improvise a routine of seduction and temptation, of rapture and release. Madame took on a man's role as we devoted ourselves to being the best sluts for her we could be for her. We screamed along to the music and fucked in time to the beat, artful in our seductions. This was a performance. Dance practice indeed.

"Harder Min!" our instructor yelled. "You call that fucking?"

Watching my friends get fucked was difficult. Wasn't this what I had sacrificed myself to save them from? But they took so naturally to it. I had thought myself a sexual dynamo, a roaring furnace powered by an ever-burning erotic flame. This was my element. The last thing I had expected was to get a run for my money from these two once-innocent girls.

Min pushed her petite body down the shaft of that cock. My heart pounded. This was the third that Madam had brought to bear, each bigger than the last. Min had overcome the girth but was struggling with the length, sliding slickly up and down along the unyielding inches as she worked towards the base. I swallowed. I remembered all too well the struggle from that photoshoot - though that, of course, had been even larger than this.

"You've got this, Min!" Meiling cheered. The two of us were licking at the balls.

"Y-yeah." I added, watching in trepidation. She was so close. She wasn't actually going to do it was she? She was already doing better than I'd expected. Meiling had been practicing on that horse cock at home and even she'd only barely been able to take it. Min was struggling but was stubborn. She was surprisingly good, even if not quite as good as me, right? Oh god, just one more inch.

"I can't!" she cried out as she pulled off with a loud pop. She fell to the ground, panting. I let out a breath I didn't know I'd been holding. We rushed over to make sure she was alright.

"I'll get it next time." she laughed.

"You'd better!" Madame dragged the girl over her lap and brought a firm hand down on the girl's shaking rump, leaving her moaning and dripping and red.

By the end of practice, we were exhausted. I had never known how grueling sex could be. I don't know how we managed to go as long as we could, but I guess we were young and athletic and though the specifics were different the broad motions were the same.

"Beautiful!" Madame grinned. It was the first time I'd seen her smile.

We had ten minutes left. This was the finale. I was determined to treat it as such. I was bouncing on her lap, grinding in a figure-eight as my tits quivered, my hypersensitive clit scraping against her silicone balls. I stared at myself in the mirror, head and tongue lolling as I slapped against her hips. It was pornography, sheer pornography, a flawless erotic performance. I spread my legs wider to give a better view to my imagined audience. I don't know if it was the hard-won praise from this stern woman, or just the sheer euphoria of being filled so good, but I couldn't stop grinning.

Min huffed. She hadn't been able to take even close to this depth. I may not have had her tits or Meiling's ass, but right now I was everything a guy could ever want. I cooed and I winked and I blew a wet sloppy kiss as I groped a hypersensitive tit, my mind filling with the vision of all those well-built horny men out there masturbating to the sight of me, getting ready to unload all over my hot needy flesh.

"You see, you two?" Madam dropped her hips then bounced me so high I almost fell off. "You could learn a lot from Miki here. Look at how intense she is. Look at that passion! She is having the time of her life. That's what fans want to see. That is what being an idol is all about." She bounced me like a stallion, deep hard thrusts stabbing right into the pleasure center of my brain. I blushed at the compliment even as I screamed and squeezed my Kegel muscles around her cock.

Min frowned then glanced away, unable to meet my gaze. My smile faltered. Wait, what? Here I was actually enjoying something - actually being good at something - and she couldn't be happy for me? Was she jealous? I shook my head and tried to turn my focus back to the dick I was bouncing on. We were friends, weren't we? Weren't we supposed to encourage each other?

It was such a small thing, but It haunted me the rest of practice, taking all the fun out of it. What was wrong with her?

It wasn't too long however before we were onto something else entirely.

"Why..." I grunted. "Why are we doing this?"

It was thirty minutes later. The three of us were gathered in a corner, horny juices pooling on the yoga mats beneath us as we competed to see who - in a perverse twist of our vocal training - could cry out the loudest and the raunchiest. Despite the peculiarity, the girls sang no less passionately.

"Come on, Miki!" Min panted, one arm shaking under the weight of her mammoth tits while her other hand played over her clit like a guitar. "We have a concert coming up. We need to - ah fuck - we need to be ready."

"No, yeah, I get that part. But like-" my voice was cut off as my finger rubbed up against my g-spot. A roiling tide of pleasure drove the air from my lungs, turning my words to mewling whimpers.

"Ooooooooh" Meiling moaned out, her voice carrying even above the buzzing of her vibrating plug as she sat in near splits on her pink mat. "Oh fuck!" she cried. "Yes yes yes yes! Fuck my needy cunt! Oh god, yes, yes!"

"Ooh, good one!" Min laughed. They exchanged a high five.

"I just..." I crossed an arm over my chest. I could do better than that. She had barely put any follow through in it. A girl should be panting after a moan like that. "I just don't see how any of this is supposed to help us on stage."

"It's all in the Itinerary that Miss Martin sent over." Meiling's voice lilted.

Of fucking course.

"Since when does she decide our schedule?"

"Since she's the boss?" Min's wet tongue probed hungrily out of her mouth as her strumming fingers picked up speed. "Yes! Baby! Oh my god! Make me cum! Just like that. Harder! Harder! Yes! Fill me up and never stop!"

I rolled my eyes. Just like that? Harder? Make up your mind, girl.

"She's not our boss though." I rubbed at the bridge of my nose. "She's the one who oversees all the managers."

"So she's our boss's boss. So what?"

"We shouldn't even see her most of the time, let alone get micromanaged like this!"

"Look, all I know," said Meiling, licking her fingers clean as she pulled a hand away from her cunt to fish out her phone, "is that this is the new itinerary she gave us this morning."

She held the phone out, this week's schedule pulled up. Sure enough, there was an hour and a half just labeled, "Moan and beg like the bitch whores you are."

"I just..." I frowned. This slothful masturbation had turned my thoughts to fog. Madame's fuck practice earlier had been focused, intense, it had left no time to concentrate. Now I was adrift on a lazy river, calm enough that I could think, but still oh-so-distractingly wet. "I just don't see how being able to scream out like a whore is going to serve us on stage."

"What are you talking about, Miki?" Min laughed. "This is the stuff we need to be working on the most."

"How!?" I shook my head. I should know better by now than to argue.

"Oh, I think I get it." Min smirked

"You do?" hope swelled within my breast.

"You're just jealous," Min stuck out her tongue, "because this is the one part of being sexy that we're better than you at.

"I- I am not!" I went red. I wasn't... how dare she!? "First of all," I rose to my full height, or as much as I could while still sitting with a hand buried in my cunt. I may not have been tall, but I could still loom over the petite form of Min. "First of all, I'm great at this! As stupid as all this is, I make this a fucking art. Second off, you're the one who keeps fucking up your lines. If anybody should be jealous here its you!"

Min shrunk back in surprise, the shit-eating snicker fading from her lips. My breath was hot and short and angry.

"Miki, it's alright." Meiling put a slick hand on my shoulder. "She's just teasing you. It's not a competition. You're doing great."

"I-" I went all the redder. What the hell was I saying? "Y-yeah." I swallowed the lump in my throat and turned away. What was I doing? Deep breaths. What did I care if they thought they were better than me? At what? Being a moaning harlot? Why did it hurt? Because they were right? Because now all of a sudden, they were muscling into the one thing I was apparently good at?

"I..." I put a hand to my head. "I'm sorry. I think the stress of the concert might be getting to me."

"Yeah, well," Min swallowed her own outrage. "Geeze, rookie, don't take it out on me!"

"I think we're all a little stressed right now." Meiling nodded. "Mmm, you know what would help?" her lips curled up into a coy grin.


A moment later her lips were pressed against mine, her hand adding its weight to the assault on my pussy.

"Ah, fuck." I pulled away gasping, then bit my lip. I caught the cry building like a sneeze in my throat. I'd been about to just scream out like some kind of armature. I had to show them how it was fucking done. I took a throaty breath, then let out a long low moan that built in heat and intensity as I put more and more of my soul into it. I seared it in the raging fire at the core of me, tempering it until it became a keening howl of carnal delight and need - an essay on the deep-seated anguish of my lust.

The sweetest of smiles crossed Meilings lips as she joined me in my chorus.

"Oh come on." Min whined. "Now you guys are just showing off."

She joined in as well. Three voices as one. Horny animals howling at the moon. I held the cry long and loud and hard. I held until my lungs strained and longer even still. It felt so good to let it all out. Min's voice fell off shortly, but Meiling kept going, her volume - her intensity - almost as great as my own and somehow still rising even at my plateau. I pushed every ounce of wind from my body, straining in the last gasps, willing her to give out. I couldn't let her surpass me.

Finally, her voice died, and mine shortly after.

The two girls cheered at my accomplishment. Euphoria and relief washed over me as I gasped for breath. I had won.

Not... not that it was a contest or anything.

Eventually it was time to shower. After all we'd been through, Lord knows we needed it. Meiling was hoisting Min's soapy boobs, massaging the feeling back into them after all that torture her bras had put her through. God, how were they so big? Hot water pounded down past my own aching tits. I felt so small next to them. Normally I'd join them but today... I don't know. Something held me back.

There had been something bugging me all day. Something I couldn't put my finger on. It was like I couldn't relax around them, couldn't enjoy these little moments of shared solace and comfort.

I took a step back. There had been a period those first few days where I was afraid that if I enjoyed their comradery, I'd be taking advantage of them. This, whatever it was, was different. Now - as painfully hot as it was - their sapphic sluttiness seemed... distant? Like they didn't want me there. Maybe it was for the best. I didn't want to get dragged down to their level.

The walk to the office for our etiquette lessons and check-in was just as bad. The grace and elegance that had once sparkled out of the two of them was now soured by the lurid note of their whorish bodies. Their ridiculous proportions, well displayed beneath scandalous clothing, swayed and jiggled with each step. Nothing was left to the imagination. It was enough to make even me blush.