And The Horse You Rode In On


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"If it works out like that, I'll help her and I bet Cheri and I can talk her into it."

"Great. I'll give you a heads up before we talk to her about it."


When he took Cherilyn home, he and Gwen sat on the porch with coffee.

"Gwen, I'm not sure that I am ready for Cheri to grow up. She looks so much like you."

Gwen smiled, "Thanks. She is a beautiful young girl and is really pretty too. But I hate to tell you this, you can't stop her growing up. That's part of the deal."

"Jim told me tonight that he knows where I can get a good shotgun cheap."

Gwen laughed. "I'll bet he already has one. What did you think of Jenny all dressed up?"

"Honestly, I almost didn't recognize her. I knew that she had grown a lot but she looked like an adult standing next to Jim."

"I expect that Cheri is going to grow a few more inches this year too. I would expect that she will top out about my height. There aren't any really tall people in either of our families."

"Regardless, I'm still not sure how to deal with Cheri or Jenny now."

"Well, try this. They are both going to go back and forth between being a girl and a woman. When they are acting girlish, treat them like you always have. When they want to act like a woman, treat her like you treat women. They will be going back and forth for several years although they slowly will be acting like a woman more frequently as time goes on. That's kind of what happened to me."

"It seems like all I did was go from goofy to adulthood in one step when I was 18."

"Yes, that's the way I remember boys too. The good thing is that the boys will still be goofy while all this is going on with the girls. So maybe you won't need the shotgun. By the time the boys grow up, the girls will be 18 too."

"I'm not worried about the boys their age; I'm worried about the boys who are 18 when they are 16."

"OK, then get the shotgun when she turns 16."

"I might just do that."

"Spoken like a true father."

They laughed and finished their coffee.

Gerald followed Gwen's advice and tried to notice what attitude the girls were wearing at any given time. When they were alone together, they usually acted like girls. But when they were at market or around older people they tended to try to be young women. He missed the clues sometimes, but not very often. He quickly learned to adjust the way he talked to them based on what they were trying to be. He was also watchful as they learned to talk and work around adults. He was pleased and thankful that neither of them developed the cocky and snarly attitude that so many young people used around adults.

Neither girl seemed to go through the popular "who cares" and "you don't understand" phases. They were always involved in their classes and after school events as well as while working with him and at the market and at home. In his private moments he prayed that his own two children were this successful.

The second surprise of the year came during their last softball game of the year. Cherilyn had hit a double and was standing on second base. Jennifer was at bat and hit a sharp grounder up the middle. Surprisingly, the opposing shortstop caught up to it, turned and threw the ball to the plate just as Cherilyn slid into home. There was a cloud of dust and bodies and then the scream that obviously came from Cherilyn's throat. Both he and Gwen froze. The umpire helped the catcher up and held everyone back until the coach got there. He immediately waved for the trainer. By then both Gwen and Gerald were standing by the dugout entrance and Jim had gone to get his van.

The trainer slipped a compression splint around it and they began lifting her carefully. Gerald ran out and lifted her while the trainer held her leg. He carried her to Jim's waiting van and the four of them drove swiftly to the hospital five minutes away. It was only when they took Cherilyn into the x-ray room that Gwen broke down in tears. Gerald held her closely while she sobbed. Gerald gave Jim the keys to his truck as he went back to the school to pickup Pam and Jenny. He would bring Gerald's truck back to the hospital.

They waited for quite some time before the doctor came out to talk to them.

"Mrs. Lambert, I'm sorry for the delay in getting out to talk to you but Cherilyn has a rather complicated injury. Fortunately, it will heal and should present no long term problems. She broke her leg bone just above her ankle. But she also tore a tendon in her leg. It must have been a hard collision. We are going to put a cast on her leg to stabilize it. She will need to be still for a couple of days but then she can walk on the cast and go to school. It will be on for about six to eight weeks, but then she will need to wear a brace for another couple of months to allow the bone to finish healing and the tendon to repair itself. If she is reasonably careful, she should be back to full activity by October."

"Thank you, doctor. Can we see her now?"

"Yes, she is down the hall in treatment room two. They are putting her cast on now. I gave her a pain killer although she doesn't appear to be in much pain. Here is a prescription for pain if she needs it. For the next week or so, aspirin or ibuprofen will help with any swelling that happens. I only have one question."

"What's that doctor?"

"Did she score?"

Gwen looked at Gerald and they both shrugged their shoulders. They had never heard the call and at the moment, it didn't seem important. Gerald was going to stay in the waiting room but Gwen grabbed his arm and pulled him down the hall with her telling him that Cheri would probably rather see him than her.

They found the room and even though she was obviously drowsy from the pain killer, she was telling the technician about her slide into home and that she didn't know how they had gotten the ball to the catcher. She thought that the ball went into the outfield. The technician was obviously a baseball fan and told her that someone must have made a great play. Gwen and Gerald stood at the entrance until she noticed them.

"Momma, daddy, did I score? Did we win?"

"Honey, we don't know. We were only worried about you at that moment. Maybe Jim will know when he brings Gerald's car."

"Gerald, did I do good?"

"No, honey, you did great. You got three hits and scored once. Their shortstop made a great play to stop Jenny's hit and then threw it to the catcher. But we don't know what the call was."

"Oh, OK. I'll find out at school tomorrow."

Gwen replied, "You won't be going to school until Monday; Doctor's orders."

"Oh no; television during the day is so boring. Gerald, can I stay with you?

"Of course, but I'm pretty boring during the day too."

"Oh, don't make me laugh, please. It hurts to laugh."

The technician finished his first coat of plaster and stood up. "I'm going to let that sit for a few minutes and then put another coat on it. I'll be right back." As he neared Gwen and Gerald, he said quietly, "That is one tough little girl you have. She hasn't cried or screamed in pain since she has been here."

Gwen went to her and took her hand.

Cherilyn asked, "When we get through here, are we going for pizza?"

"I think we are going home and putting you to bed. Maybe Gerald will make you a pizza if you feel like it."

"OK, Gerald; lots of pepperoni and olives and tomatoes and onions and..............Oh I don't know what I want." Her head rolled to the side and her eyes closed. Then she said, "And lots of cheese."

Gerald went and took her other hand and felt her squeeze his. The technician came back and added another layer of fabric and plaster and then smoothed it. As a last gesture, he signed his name in the wet plaster. "I always like to sign my work." He smiled and added, "The doctor will be back shortly to talk to you again.

Before the doctor returned, Jim and Jennifer arrived. Jenny, still in her uniform, ran up to her friend and said, "Cher, we won. Your score was the winning run."

Cherilyn in her groggy state could only say, "Good. I'm glad we won."

Gwen told Jim about what the doctor had said. He nodded and asked a couple of questions. They stayed a few more minutes. They left when it became obvious that Cherilyn was out for awhile. They were to meet the team at the pizza parlor and tell them about Cherilyn.

The doctor came in and reaffirmed what he had told them earlier. He felt that the cast was firm enough for her to go home. Gerald brought his truck to the discharge entrance while the wheeled Cherilyn to the door. He had Gwen get in and then set Cherilyn next to her mother and he got in and put her leg across his lap. They thanked the attendants and he drove them home.

Once there, he carefully carried her inside and into her bedroom. Gwen followed him and began to undress her.

"Do you want me to go get some pizza crusts?" He asked.

"Yes; get three but let's only make two right now. She probably won't wake up but we will have it if she does."

Gerald drove to his house and took the crusts from the freezer and took several fresh ingredients and went back to Gwen's house. He had just put two pizzas in the oven when he heard Gwen call out from the bedroom "Put the third one in too. She's awake and hungry."

He smiled and put the third one together the way she liked it. Twenty minutes later, he sliced the three pizzas and carried the plates to the bedroom. Cherilyn was sitting up in bed and Gwen was sitting next to her. He handed Cherilyn her plate and she said, "Thank you, Gerald. Mom, eat your pizza. I'll be fine."

Gerald sat next to Gwen and the three of them ate dinner together. When she had finished, Cherilyn said, "I'm probably going to drift off now. Gerald, will you come get me in the morning?"

"Yes, I will. I'll be here when your mom leaves in the morning. You just sleep until you are ready to get up."

"OK, Gerald. Good night, mom. I love you both." She settled into her bed and Gwen and Gerald each gave her a kiss good night before they shut off the light and went into the kitchen with the plates.

"Gerald, I was so scared today. Thank you for being there for me and Cheri."

"I didn't want to be any place else."

"You are so special." She caressed his cheek and then kissed it.

Gerald said good night and went home.

For the next two days, Gerald went to Gwen's house and literally picked Cherilyn up and carried her to his truck and drove her to his house. She set up shop on his sofa in a robe with her leg propped out on a stool. She had the television in front of her and her lap top next to her. She wasn't demanding at all but Gerald felt like he had to be there for her. By noon, she looked at him and said, "Gerald, I am fine. Bring me some bun dough to roll and go do what you need to do. I am not a baby anymore!"

Gerald's only response was, "Yes, ma'am." She giggled at his awkwardness.

Pam dropped Jenny off in the afternoon with her assignments. They giggled and worked their homework together. Gerald came in at 5:00 and asked what they wanted for dinner. The joint answer was "tacos."

As soon as Gwen walked in the door after her meeting, she smiled. She could smell the taco meat and knew that Cherilyn was on the mend. By then, the two girls were deep in giggles and teasing Gerald unmercilessly.

When Gerald noticed Gwen's arrival, he said, "I'm glad you are here. Pick one; you bury her and I'll bury the other one."

Gwen smiled and the two girls giggled.

"Sorry Gerald; in case you forgot, Jenny's dad is the sheriff. He will expect to pick her up later not dig her up."

"Oh, I forgot. Tacos are ready. Gwen you get the chicken; the girls get mystery meat."

Cherilyn responded, "Mmmm, my favorite, mystery meat." That began another round of giggles.

The girls ate on the sofa while Gwen and Gerald ate at the table. Jim came by at 8:00 and checked on Cherilyn and then took Jenny home.

With only three weeks left of school, Cherilyn adjusted to the cast and finished the year well. Jenny had written on her cast in big letters "The Price of the Winning Run." Most of the kids in school added their signature to her cast as well. It was a little awkward, but Cherilyn insisted on still going to the market with Gwen and Gerald. He adapted a stool for her to sit on and rest her leg when she got tired.

In mid-June, Pam and Jim invited the three of them to dinner. Jim had alerted Gerald that afternoon about what they were going to talk about. Gerald was prepared. Dinner was fun and joyful. Pam, as usual, was full of gossip and stories about local goings on. Jim played the role of master of the grill and provided excellent baby back ribs. After dinner they sat on their back porch and ate homemade ice cream and Jim began.

"Pam, what does the doctor say about Cheri's progress?"

"He is pleased. The X-rays he took the other day show that the bone is healing nicely."

"So he is still saying that the cast will come off next month?"

"Probably, unless something changes. Then she will have to wear that boot for a couple of months but at least she should be able to take it off. They don't want her to put any more stress on it, but she will be mobile. Why?" Gwen felt that something was afoot.

Pam continued the plot. "Well, Gwen we were planning a little vacation in early August and want Cheri to join us again."

"I smell a rat. How little is this 'little vacation'?"

"Actually, it really isn't very big or stressful."

"Pam, for you little means larger than life. Spit it out." The girls giggled and the guys grinned.

"OK, if you are going to be that way, we are going to take a cruise down to Cancun for a week. That's not that big. It's not like we are going to sail the Atlantic and the Mediterranean."

Gwen just stared at Pam and then at Jim. Then Cherilyn started.

"Please mom, please. This will be so cool and I can't get in any trouble just sitting on the deck of a boat and..."

"And just how long have you been plotting this little adventure?" Gwen asked.

Jim replied, "About a month. Now listen, Gwen, it really makes sense. The cruise ship is a good one and Cheri is right; there are activities but not very stressful ones. She and Jenny will probably spend a lot of time in the pool. Once we get to Cancun, we take a cab into town and walk around to shop or go to the beach."

"Jim Sanders, you are a lawyer and know damn well what I am asking? How much will it cost?"

"That's the great thing; we will be paying for two cabins anyway so the difference for another ticket isn't that great. We will drive to the coast and catch the ship there. So it really isn't that much."

She turned to Gerald, "Since Jim has turned deaf and dumb, use your guy magic and get him to talk in dollars and cents."

Gerald grinned, "OK, Sheriff, what is the sentence for doing this crime?"

Jim grinned, "Oh, you want to know what the fine for speeding is. Why didn't you say so?"

Pam muttered, "Men!" The girls giggled and Pam patted Gwen on the shoulder in agreement.

Jim continued, "The trip including meals would be $1000. Then all she would need would be spending money."

Gerald saw the gears grinding in her head and knew that she wanted to take advantage of this opportunity. He decided to jump in.

"Jim that is really an attractive deal and would be hard to pass up. I think that between us, we could cover the trip and Cheri has saved quite a bit from helping me. "

"And just how long have you been part of this conspiracy, Mr. Murphy?" Her voice sounded stern but her eyes were bright as she looked at him.


"Un huh, just as I thought. OK Jim, since Mr. Murphy here has this all planned out and, knowing him, I am sure it is in detail; Cheri can go on the condition that there are no changes in her recovery before then. I'm not willing to risk something going wrong."

"I think that is understood, Gwen. The only thing is that she needs to get a passport. Here is the application. We had her picture made and all you need to do is sign it and mail it."

"I have been conned."

Gerald replied, "Only a little."

"You and I are going to have a talk when we get home, Mister."

"Sheriff, can I spend the night in the jail?"

"Nope, it's full. Go home and take your medicine like a man."

"That's what I am afraid of."

When they heard Gwen say "yes," the girls whooped and went into Jenny's room to plan their adventure.

Cherilyn was still higher than a kite when they got home. She immediately went to her room, leaving Gerald to face Gwen. She made them coffee before she spoke.

"OK, how long have you known?"

"Really just tonight with the details. Around the time of Cheri's accident, he mentioned that they were looking into the possibilities but didn't have any firm plans and he asked me to not say anything until they were sure. I thought that if it became real, it would be a good thing. And if we both split the cost, Cheri would have a great vacation."

Gwen's stern demeanor finally broke. "Me too. Sorry, I couldn't help but tease you a little. I think it will be great for her too. I will miss her while she is gone and wish I could have an adventure like that too."

"Well, I have been meaning to talk to you about that."

She looked at him with a suspicious grin. "Not another surprise, I hope?"

"No, another opportunity."

"With you, that is the same thing."

"Come here and look." Gerald pulled up a website that showed mountains and streams and trees and rustic buildings.

"That is gorgeous. Where is it?"

"Central Washington."

"OK, now the rest of it. I feel another conspiracy at work."

Gerald grinned, "This is a church related village. You can go there and stay and enjoy the things they offer. But it is also run by volunteers. I was thinking that while they were gone, you might like to go there for a couple of weeks and volunteer and enjoy a change of pace."

In spite of herself, Gwen felt her heart beat faster. "What kinds of volunteer work and how much will it cost?"

"Here is the list of volunteer opportunities. It covers everything from gardening, to repair and maintenance, to laundry and house cleaning. Everyone works in the kitchen on rotation although some people work there regularly."

"OK, the cost. You know very well that that is important."

"I know. That is the special thing, to stay there for a week costs about $500 but if you volunteer, you pay nothing. Your work is your payment. So the only cost is getting there."

"And that is?"

"Well, that is an adventure. From here, we would fly to Seattle, take a train over the mountains and then take a boat to get there. It is very remote. There is no phone, radio, or television reception there."

"The price, please. You've got me interested but I need to hear it all."

"Well, Jim has a lot of travel miles that would cover one ticket and if we split the other one, it would probably take about $500 each to make the trip."

"So you are saying that we and Cheri could each have a great vacation and it would cost each of us $1000? I don't know how you fall into these things. I'll tell you what, you let me pay for Cheri's trip and you can pick up the trip to this place. What other little details are you not mentioning?"

"That sounds good to me. The only thing I know of is that their trip will run from Friday until Sunday a week later. We would need to leave the Friday before that. We volunteer for two weeks. We would be back on the Sunday that they get back."

Gwen thought for a minute and then said, "I can get mom and dad to come down and stay with Cheri until they leave. They would love the chance to spend time with her."

"That would solve that problem. So do you want to do it?"

She only took a moment and said, "Yes. I need a break and this sounds like a chance of a lifetime."

"Good." He opened his e-mail and had her read the one that basically accepted them as volunteers for the first two weeks in August. He had been accepted for the building and maintenance crew and asked for Gwen to select her choice of assignments. She had her choice of gardening, housekeeping, or child care."
