Angels and Guardians Pt. 04


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Ashley saw Jasmine's fists ball up and she jumped between them. "What the hell, guys?" She worried that her pairing up with Joe sparked this tiff. "If y'all didn't want people to gawk at you, great job! Mega fail!"

Jill flared her nostrils a couple more times at Jasmine, then looked around. Ashley was right, a number of people were staring at the looming fight. She relaxed her shoulders a bit, prompting Jasmine to do the same.

Ashley saw the relaxed stances. "Good! Now can we go eat? I'm starving!"

Inside the SUV, Joe saw the pain in Ashley's face, and the air was still thick with tension. "Which of you wants to tell me what that was about?" It came out more scolding than Joe intended, but he hated seeing Ashley hurt, and he hated seeing any of the girls fighting with each other. He wanted to put this to bed.

Jill sighed heavily through her nose. "It was an afternoon shower." She looked pointedly at Jasmine.

Jasmine took the cue and nodded, repeating, "an afternoon shower."

"Y'all took a shower together and now you're fighting?" Joe asked.

The three girls all laughed, as Ashley also knew what they meant. But, she let one of them explain. Jasmine said, "you know those thunderstorms that pop up in the afternoon out of nowhere? They are often harsh and sometimes scary. Then, suddenly, they disappear, leaving things hot, sticky and generally miserable. But after a bit, everything is fine. That's what this afternoon shower."

"As long as that's all it was," Joe answered. "Let's enjoy the afternoon, okay? Where are you taking us, anyway?"

Jill answered brightly, "Lucille's On The Beach. Thought we could enjoy brunch on the deck."

They all thought this was a marvelous idea. Each seemed to settle back in their seats as they discussed their ideas on what to order.

And so the afternoon went. They enjoyed brunch, a walk on the long fishing pier up the beach from the restaurant, then back to prowl the mall. One thing Joe had liked while dating Jill and Kim was that neither were very clingy. Now, Ashley sometimes hung on his arm, and other times held his hand as they walked the sprawling mall. When she first took up his arm, he initially feared that he would hate it and rationalized that the newness of their relationship would eventually wear off and she wouldn't feel the need to stay connected to him. But now, half way around the mall's perimeter, he wasn't sure he could take it if she ever stopped. He received several envious looks from other males, being accompanied by three gorgeous girls. And, when the girls noticed, they would step closer to Joe, laughing, touching, and generally flirting with him. Each of the four only found a few things to buy. When they completed their circuit, they retreated back to the SUV. Jill asked what was next, and Joe mentioned that Ashley wanted to go the the amateur night thing.

"Oh, yeah. I forgot about that. Y'all want to go? It starts at five," Ashley asked.

Jill chided herself for forgetting, and answered, "Yeah, I'd like to go." When Jasmine nodded her head she continued, "alright, Seymore's it is. We'll get there right as it starts."

They arrived just as the place started filling up. Joe grabbed a table while the girls checked in at the Karaoke table. After each picked a song to sing, they went over to the radio table, flirting to score some free stuff. While the DJ was flirting back, he was interrupted by the station tossing the signal back to him. He gave the girls a 'just wait' sign and said into his headset, "we're live here at Seymore's for amateur night! I must say this place is hopping! We got wings at $4 a platter, free Karaoke, and we'll be playing some tapes and CDs that have been submitted this past month. We'll have a vote as to which song will win $500. So, if you can't come down here, be sure to call in your vote. But if you aren't here, you should be." He winked at the girls. "In fact I just had three of the prettiest girls I've ever seen just walk in. Hi! What's your name?"


"And yours?

"I'm Jasmine," she said in her sexiest voice.

"WHOA! You hear that guys? I'm sayin' guys, you really should be here! And what's your name?"

"My name's Ashley"

The name struck the DJ and he asked, "Ashley, what?"

"Ashley Roberts...Go Spartans!"

The DJ laughed, "We even got school spirit here, fellas." He noticed the matching necklaces. "You three have the same pretty jewelry on, are you sisters?"

Jill answered, "No, it's a cheerleader thing."

"So you all are cheerleaders?"

"Yes we are, Rob!" Ashley remembered, finally, his name from the radio. She added for effect, "We attend the best school in the area, Catholic High!" She winked at Rob, hoping she was helping his sales pitch, while Jill and Jasmine both gave out a "YEOW!"

"Beautiful and cheerleaders...guys, it is a SHAME you aren't here tonight! You'd be outnumbered by 2 to 1. Now ladies, before I get ahead of myself, are you at least 18?"

They answered "yes" in flirting unison.

"Eighteeeen, guys! You know what that means...can I get a L. E. G. A. L?"

The girls giggled, playing along.

"Are you single?"


"Very much!"

"Not yet, Rob...but that can change." Ashley winked.

"Sounds like an opportunity, players! Now, Jill?"

"Yes, Rob?"

"How long have you known Ashley here?"

"Since senior year started."

"Does she sing? Or do you know?"

Jasmine interjected, "Sing? She kicks singing's tail!"

"Do you know why I'm asking y'all these questions?"



"Well, you'll find out later tonight. Ashley, are you going to do some Karaoke tonight?"

"Yes! I've signed up for two songs."

"Tell me, Ashley. What's your favorite radio station?"

She grabbed the hand mic and purred into it, "I'm Ashley Roberts, and you're listening to the best darned station in the land, K-ROK, 97.3...Jamming On The Coast!"

With that, the station cut to commercial. Rob took off the headset, and looked at them in wonder. "Do you all do this often?"

Jill shook her head and answered for them, "no, this is the first time I've been on air." The other two bobbed their heads in agreement.

Rob shook his head, "well, you all are naturals! What can I do for you?"

Jasmine asked, "can I have a Frisbee?"

He laughed. "Frisbee? After that performance, I think my station manager would let you have the van that's parked outside! Tell you what, go outside to the van and tell my assistant I said you could have whatever you want. We got t-shirts, decals, hats, a box of CDs you can look through. Take as much as you want."

"Thanks!" they chimed.

"Ashley, a moment, please?" Jill and Jasmine stepped outside. "Were you serious about becoming single soon?"

"Of course not. I just played along. I thought it would help your pitch." She turned to join her friends outside.

Rob shook his head, smiling. "Naturals," he muttered.

The restaurant owner came up within a few minutes with a plate of wings for Rob. "This is the best $1500 I've ever spent," he proclaimed. "Girls always turn out for Karaoke, but I've had trouble getting guys to come in. Guys buy beer. Since your last pitch, we've had three groups of males walk in, and they're thirsty! Thanks a lot!" and he rushed off to meet the demand.

Ashley found Jill and Jasmine walking slowly across the parking lot, with Jill smoking as they went. She caught up and joined them. They were talking about what just happened with some glee. Jill stopped a few feet from the radio van to enjoy her cigarette. Ashley and Jasmine waited patiently for her so she could finish. She stubbed the butt out in the sand at the edge of the drive and they approached the van. The young female assistant greeted them warmly, saying Rob just texted her about them. She opened the back of the van and let them rummage through the giveaways. Once they had taken what they desired, which was only a polite amount, they thanked her and loaded their loot in the SUV and headed back in to join Joe. He stood as they approached the table, and didn't sit until the last one was seated. "Forever my gentleman," Ashley thought to herself.

"Good job! And, you're just in time, the wings just got here," he said.

"You heard?" Ashley asked.

"Well, sure. His speakers are on in here when he's broadcasting. Though I can't say I'm comfortable that I might lose you," he teased.

Jill punched his arm loosely. "She was playing along, you goof!"

"Har. Har," he said somewhat sarcastically, causing the three girls to snicker.

As they ate, some of the early birds were performing on stage. Even the bad singers were at least entertaining, and received applause. Rob came over after a while and apologized for interrupting their dinner. He told them that his station manager called him and asked if the girls would mind introducing the amateur songs when the time came. The three readily agreed, to his relief. The station manager basically threatened his job if he couldn't get the girls to do it. His shoulders appeared lighter as he told them the first set would be in about five minutes. As luck would have it, the girl working the stage announced that next up would be Ashley. Ashley took her place, collected herself and nodded at the girl. The background music for "The Rose" started and Ashley nailed it. The place was the quietest it had been during a performance up to then. As she sang the last note, the room erupted. She gratefully bowed to the applause and returned to her seat, but Jill was missing. Joe kissed her and she was about to ask about Jill when she heard Rob's voice over a set of speakers at the back. She looked over at the table and saw Jill sitting next to him with a headset on.

"That was amazing! Better than the original, don't you think, Jill?"

"Well, that's Ashley...she doesn't know how to do anything otherwise."

The crowd cheered madly and Ashley blushed, standing briefly to acknowledge them.

Rob now knew for sure his hunch was correct and he had a feeling this was going to be his best broadcast ever. He was having the most fun he's had on a remote and his job, for a while, stopped being a job. It showed in how he worked his listeners. He continued, "As you can tell, we're having a lot of fun here at Seymore's. It's amateur night and the place is filling up. If you're not here, then you're missing out bigtime! Girls, come on out and have some fun with Karaoke. You can get up there and belt out a tune just like Ashley did. Guys, come out and meet the ladies. There's plenty of them, and plenty of adult beverages that you can buy them, too."

Jill broke in with a "Yeehaw!" which sparked some cheers and catcalls from the males in the room.

Rob laughed on-air, "see? I'm not lying, this place is a lot of fun, you should come and check us out. Now, I'm here with one of the young ladies from earlier. Jill is your name, yes?"

"That's correct, Rob."

"How old are you?"

"Eighteen..." Jill said with a cute inflection that implied he should have known that.

"So, you can't accept the adult-variety beverages, can you?" He hit a button that played a canned groan.

Jill grinned, now playing to both the radio and the guys in the room. "No, but I'll accept as much soda as my bladder will take from all these cute guys!" This elicited a round of laughter from the girls and a round of cheers from the guys.

"As pretty as you are, you'll spend a lot of time in the ladies' room, I think."

"Well, thanks, Rob! We'll see."

"Ok, so amateur night, what do you think so far Jill?"

"Hardly amateur. Lots of good singing so far."

"Amen to that! Well, you've heard some impromptu, what do you say we play some prepared stuff?"

"Sounds like a plan! Let's get the show on the road!"

He passed her a cue card. "Alrighty, then! What do we have first?"

Jill read the card and giggled into the microphone, "oh that's cute! First up we have 'Make You Pop' performed by The Waterballoonheads."

The station cut over to the song, which also played in the restaurant. Jill removed the headset and looked at Rob. "What the hell? That's so funny!"

He grinned back. "Don't ask me, we didn't name them. Will you stick around to announce the next song? We're gonna play two in a row, then play regular stuff over the air and have Karaoke here. Then there will be two more, and so on."

"Sure thing!" She turned and couldn't help but laugh. A line of single (and not-so-single, she suspected) guys had formed at her spot on the table. Each had a glass of soda in his hand. She graciously met each one and accepted their offering of soda. Some asked for autographs, but most asked for a picture with her. She filled requests the best she could until the song started winding down and she put her headset back on.

Rob resumed the program, "So, that was Make You Pop by the Waterballoonheads. What did you think of that, Jill?"

"I thought it was a cute song with a GREAT name."

"What's the crowd think of it? You agree with Jill?"

A light cheer resulted.

"Well, we're warming up...sorry Waterballoons, not looking so good for that prize. What do we have next?"

Jill took the card from Rob. "Next up we have "Love's Angle" by Sarah Mitchum."

Again, the radio cut to the song. Jill took off the headset, and resumed talking with the guys in line. She dismissed the last one politely well before the song was ending. She turned to Rob and laughed. "What do I do with all these sodas?"

"Drink them, of course!" he challenged her.

"No way! I'll wet myself every two minutes!"

He leaned in toward Jill and lowered his voice, "I wouldn't mind."

Jill replied, "oh. A kinky boy! Truth is, neither would I, but I've found not many others think the same way."

"You wanna go out with me sometime, then?"

Jill laughed. "Sorry Rob. I don't allow any co-pilots on that flight."

"No...that's not what I meant. Just to hang out. I like you, you're spunky."

"What? Just because you're a popular DJ, I should just drop my panties and swoon? It takes more than fame to get my interest."

He was about to say something, but the song wound down and they put on the headsets.

Rob recovered from the dejection and returned to the lively pitchman routine, saying, "That was "Love's Angle" by Sarah Mitchum. What's your take, Jill?"

"I thought it was pretty with an unexpected edge. I liked it."

"And the crowd?"

A warm cheer replied.

"Well, Jill, thank you very much for being on air with me tonight. It was a real pleasure."

The crowd gave a robust cheer for her.

"Thank you, Rob! It was a lot of fun!"

"Would you do it again?"

"We'll see. Maybe if I happen by your remote again."

"Alright, sounds good. Good luck with all those drinks in front you!"

She giggled, "Thank you."

"That wraps up the first portion. Stay tuned, there's sports, weather, 8-in-a-row, and we'll be back later with some more amateur night. Jill, what's your favorite station?"

"K-ROK, 97.3 Jamming On The Coast gets my motor purring every time."

They took off their headsets and Rob shook her hand. "That was excellent. Great job, I loved that ending."

"Thanks, it really was fun!"

"So, no date?"

Jill looked at him and said, "I said it on the radio. Maybe, if I'll see ya later!" With that she went back to the table.

The group offered their praise as she sat down, and Joe asked where she was going to fit all the soda. "You'd be surprised. I'm thirsty after those wings!" The group laughed as she gulped one of the glasses down. They settled in their seats, listening to the progression of singers. After a while, Jill's name was called. She went up and sang a delightful version of "Men Are Like Shoes." She entertained the crowd by dancing and flirting to them, earning a robust round of applause.

Jasmine was seated at the radio table when Rob resumed his broadcast. He rambled off a similar routine pitching the restaurant as before. "Well, Jasmine, your friend Jill has a bit of musical talent, as well. Will we see you up there next?"

"Jill loves to entertain. I, however was not as blessed in the musical realm."

"What are you blessed with?"

"Rob, are you blind?" she teased, sparking laughter and cheers from the crowd.

He laughed into the microphone, "fair enough. So how long have you known Jill?"

"More than four wonderfully dysfunctional years."

Jill shot her a bird across the room on her way back to the group's table. Jasmine responded by sticking her tongue out at her. The crowd of course laughed heartily.

"So, how old are you, Jasmine?"

In perfect mimic of Jill's answer, "Eighteen..."

"Will you be accepting soda's too?"

Jasmine laughed lightly, "no, but I'll talk with anyone who wants to say hi." The guys cheered, then a few ladies gave a "Whoop!" To which Jasmine said with a wink, "Amen sister!"

"We've got ourselves a powder keg here folks! Are you girls really cheerleaders?"

"You betcha!"

"What do you do on the team?"

"Uh, cheer?" She was rewarded with more laughter. "Seriously, though, I am a flier slash stunter. Same as Ashley."

"And what does a flier -- stunter do?"

"We're the ones they throw into the air to perform splits, flips and such."

The crowd applauded their admiration.

"That's impressive. So, you ready to hear some more music?"

"Absolutely, Rob! Next up is Roger Alper singing 'My Candle.'"

When the station switched to the song, Jasmine was greeted with a line as long as Jill's, only hers included a few females, as well. She greeted and dismissed over half, much in the same manner as Jill did, before she had to pause for the next song.

Rob started, "That was 'My Candle' featuring Roger Alper. What did you think, Jasmine?"

"A nice melody, but not much imagination in lyrics. Sorry, Roger."

"Does the crowd agree?" Moderate clapping. "I guess so. Maybe next time, Roger. What's next, Jasmine?"

"Next we have 'Butterfly Kisses' sung by Mary Heartsfield."

During the musical break, Jasmine ran through the last of those who wanted to meet her. Luckily, a couple of guys did offer a soda, and she drank one. Rob asked her if she had a talent other than cheering and looking pretty. She said that she did, but it would take a moment. Then he asked how mad Ashley would be if he put her on the spot. Jasmine asked what he meant and he relayed that he knew that Ashley was the one in the news recently with the wreck and the television station. He also knew that her song was the one talked about so much by those who called in requesting it. Jasmine fretted and said that Ashley would be surprised, but could adapt quickly and it might go well. Then she handed him a napkin with a sketch on it. "That's my talent," she said. Rob was thoroughly impressed. In less than a minute, Jasmine had drawn a very well done caricature of Rob running his remote setup.

"Can I show this at the station? I know some people that would be interested in this kind of art."

"Sure, it's yours, you can do what you want with it."

The song ended and Rob led into the next bit. "That was 'Butterfly Kisses' by Mary Heartsfield. What did you think of this one, Jasmine?"

"Who said you had to submit an original piece, right? I thought Mary sang very well and put her personality into the song. I think she nailed it."

"Crowd agrees?" There was a hearty cheer. "Well, we might have a leader, then. At the end of our show, we'll tally the votes called in, so don't forget to call for your favorite."

"That's right. The winner takes home $500! Whew!"

"Jasmine, you've done great. I loved having you on."

"Thanks Rob! I enjoyed doing it."

"Don't go away! We'll be back with the last contestant for the $500 prize. You'll wanna hear this song, I guarantee it. What's your favorite radio station, Jasmine?"

"My thrills come from 97.3 K-ROK, it's Jamming On The Coast," she cooed sweetly. Rob shook her hand and invited her to come up to a remote any time. She thanked him and returned to her seat. Jasmine thanked her friends' praise, and was surprised that Jill only had one glass of soda left in front of her. "What are you doing, girl? You don't have to drink all that!"
