Ann: A Love Story Ch. 37


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"Well, I heard mine. But I also know that from what Mom told me, she would have liked to have been heard a lot more often, and she would have liked to have been a lot louder. But you're Mom...she's got the right idea now. She just got it too late."

"What do you mean?"

"Being more creative. That's what I want to talk about."

"So talk already," I said, trying not to be impatient.

Ann laughed and said, "I know...I ramble when I get nervous.

"There's no reason to be nervous Ann. It's me. We should be able to talk about anything,"

"You're right. Hey...SEE! You were right. It's NOT always me."


I wasn't really sure where we were. I wasn't sure Ann did either. She'd never gotten off the 580 where I told her to, and we were now driving down roads that seemingly went nowhere. But we were getting there fast. Ann's little Honda was zipping down the road, taking curves like a sports car.

Ann was in a heightened state of excitement, brought about by the fact that I'd told her to remove her top entirely once we'd gotten off the interstate that split Altamont Pass. I'll never forget the look she gave me as I told her to do it, or, in her words...MADE her do it. I don't remember any threat, or forcing her to take it off, but the look in her eyes was one of surrender. At least, that's what I determined after studying the Polaroid picture as it developed in my hand.

We...well...I, was in search of the perfect spot. It was one of those instances in life where you really don't know where you're going, but you know it when you get there. We just hadn't gotten there yet. Ann drove silently, her perky tits gently moving as the car hit the bumps on the road. I couldn't help but stare and smile.

"Please...I can't stand it," Ann said, wanting desperately to rub her clit with her finger and bring on what I could already tell was going to be an incredible orgasm.

"No...and if you don't stop asking...we can wait until tonight."

"!" she said, her head snapping in my direction. She saw my face, and bit her lip nervously, knowing I was serious. I reached out and pulled at her gloss-covered nipple again, stretching it out as I pinched it. "Aggghhh!" she screamed.

I let out a little laugh and said, "Well, if you wouldn't have put so much gloss on, I wouldn't have to grip them so tight to play with them." I reached across her body, and pulled on the left one, twisting it a little, making her wince and scream out louder. "And?" I asked.

" hurts," Ann said as she stared ahead through the windshield.

"AND?" I asked again.

Ann nodded quickly, her body visibly shivering as she made her decision. "Do it again, baby...FUCK...pull them again." I smiled, and I started to reach for her right nipple one more time. "Neil," she said, turning toward me with a wicked grin.

"Yes Anna?"

"Harder please!"


"I was thinking that we could have a rule about frequency," Ann said with a smile as we drove away along the country road.

"Define 'frequency', babe," I said.

"Well, that's kind of what the rule is about. I'm not thinking there's going to be a problem with too much sex. But I want to guard against too little. And so, what I want to do is set aside a day where we guarantee we'll be together every week. And I'm not talking about a time during a day...I'm talking about a DAY."

I was intrigued, and my thoughts raced back to something Ann had said in the driveway in front of her Aunt's house just before we left. Looking at her quizzically, I asked, "Sunday?"

"You remembered," Ann said with a little giggle.

"Well, I remember you saying you wouldn't say no to me, because it's Sunday. But I don't know what that means. You're going to have to give me more to go on than that."

"I was wondering if Sunday works for you, that's all."


"Sorry. I was just thinking that with your work schedule, you know...the switching shift thing. First of all, I know I'm going to do something different...I'm going to get a job that's got better hours so we can see each other more. I think because the hours of your job are going to be so different all the time, our lives are going to kind of revolve around your schedule. Anyway, I want to set aside a day where we have at least one day a week where all we focus on is each other...and I figure that Sunday is the best day, because we would both likely have them off more often than not. What do you think?"

"Well, is it really necessary?" I asked, playing devil's advocate, even though I actually kind of liked the idea. I just wanted to see how much thought she'd really put into it.

"It's not necessary now...but what about 10 years from now? We may be thrilled we thought of this then. And in the meantime, we can have some real fun with it too."

"Does this have anything to do with your comment earlier?"

"What comment was that?" Ann asked.

"The one were you said you wouldn't tell me 'no' today, because it's Sunday."

" really DO listen to me," she said with a nervous giggle.

"Hard to believe, since I was staring at your hot body at the time...but yeah, I do listen. And?"

"And you're right again. I suppose we can change it up each week. Maybe have a theme here or there. You know...a fantasy day, or something. I don't really know, because I haven't thought about it that much."

"Bullshit," I said, my eyes peering at her under my half-closed lids as I questioned her. "I don't believe that for a second. You have something in mind and you know stop dragging this out and tell me."

Ann sucked in her breath, and offered a sheepish grin. In fact, she started to blush. "'re right...AGAIN! I see why this bothers you so much now."

I had to laugh at her statement. "Yes...but I'm just on a roll right now. I'm sure you'll go back to being right again any moment."

"Not this time. And maybe that's the point," she said, her face turning to a pout. And it wasn't a playful was a little more than that. It was an honest reaction to how she was feeling.

"Ann," I said, trying to get her attention, but she was lost in the moment. She was still alert as she signaled to turn off the road we were on and head west toward the interstate. But she didn't hear me call her name. And that made the little dim light bulb go on over my head. "Anna," I said quietly, making Ann's head turn toward me for a brief moment before looking back at the road in front of us.

There was something about me calling Ann 'Anna' that changed not only the mood of a conversation, it changed her demeanor. Her Aunt had called her that the entire time we were there, and I had called her that from time to time when we were involved in a particularly hot, steamy moment; which frankly was difficult to tell from any other moment when we were together.

Sometimes, I wondered how my brain actually worked. I could forget something really important from time to time, but I could always remember inane trivia that would never come up in a normal conversation. And when it came to something like sex, or just being sexual, and the trappings that surround those things, I rarely forgot a detail. My mental Rolodex started spinning, and I came upon a moment I filed away from months before, when Ann asked me my middle name, and she told me hers was Anna. She'd said something to the effect that she could see 'Anna' and 'Antonio' having a few Latin lover nights. She meant role playing, obviously, but I wondered if there was something more to that.

Ann's demeanor changed, ever so slightly. I let her gather her thoughts for a moment, convinced that she heard me, and knew I'd not only called her Anna, but that I was waiting for her to speak next. Finally gathering whatever she needed, be it courage, or strength, or nerve, Ann turned to me for a moment; her angelic face brightened by a soft, sexy smile.

"Neil, I was hoping that this could be one of those days."

"What do you mean, Anna? "

Ann smiled wider when I called her by her given name again. "You really do understand me, don't you?"

"To a point. But I'm still in a really hazy area, babe. What's on your mind?"

"I know we've talked about it before. Maybe not to this extent, and maybe you didn't think I was really serious. But it's been on my mind for months."

Ann was right. I was starting to understand her more and more. Her body language; the way she spoke and acted. I was learning her moods the more we were together. The lengthy conversations we'd had on the phone helped, because how she talked before and after I'd help her cum helped me to sort of categorize the moods themselves. Reading between the wide lines she was portraying, I felt I had a pretty good idea of where she was heading with the conversation, at least this time.

"You want me to be in charge, don't you?" I said, trying to help her formulate what she needed to tell me.

Ann got visibly excited. "Yes...oh, yes! You DO understand!"

"Not entirely. But I get it that you want me to tell you what to do...or MAKE you, I guess...isn't that how you put it?"

"Right. I'm not thinking slave, or anything that kinky...although I may want that some day. I just...well..."

"Tell me, keep stopping yourself."

"It sounds like I'm whining...and I don't whine!"

"Okay. You don't whine. But you do take forever to tell me what you want. We can't talk about things if you don't actually talk."

"You're right. You're absolutely right, baby. I sometimes have trouble expressing myself. I know that sounds impossible to believe. And sometimes I don't even understand why I get so twisted in my thoughts like this."

"It's guilt."


"You thinking this is something that's, let's say...unusual, and there's some kind of stigma that goes along with it. But Anna, we're past all of that. It's me, and I don't care. I'm sure there's going to be some thing that excites me sexually that will have you scratching your head someday...but who cares. We are who we are, and we love each other."

"I'm tired of being in charge all the time!" Ann blurted out, the words coming fast, sounding desperate. The air escaped her lungs as she released whatever it was that was holding her back and I could see the relief in her face.

It didn't seem like that big of a revelation, at least on the surface. But I knew there had to be more than that. "And what, exactly, is that supposed to mean?" I asked, trying to be tender and supportive.

"It's just...I've been on my own for so long. And even though I have Aunt Helen and Uncle Marty out here; and they're great...but I don't live there. I don't even live in their town, anymore. And I've always had pretty good roommates, like Chad and Dana now, who've just been amazing. I love them. But everything that happens in my life, every decision, is up to me. Even at work, I'm in charge. And that's one of the million reasons I'm so thrilled that were getting married; because we can be equals in our marriage and make decisions together. I don't have to do it all by myself anymore."

Ann had been speaking so fast that I worried she was going to hyperventilate, which would have been bad, since she was driving. When she realized I was just going to listen, and I wasn't going to debater her, or interrupt her train of thought, she stopped talking on her own and took another deep breath, taking a brief moment to calm herself.

"You okay?" I asked.

"Yeah. I am now. God I love you Neil," she said. I smiled, and she said, "I know I've said this before, and I know you know it. But just in case, I really want you to tell me what to do...and today seems like as good a day as any, don't you think?"

"Is that what our Sunday's are going to be like?"

"Ooohhh, I never thought of that. I don't know. Maybe. Wow, I just got a little wet."

"You mean you got a little wetter. You've been wet since you met me at the airport."

"Actually, I've been wet since I met you at Matt's. You were such a hunk in those basketball shorts, kicking the asses of all those younger guys. I could watch you play sports all day, baby."

"Anna," I said, and she giggled.

"Sorry; I got sidetracked thinking about that. Well, I don't know. I suppose we could start that way. Or, we could maybe do a monthly schedule if you want. You know, like 'Neil in charge' Sunday one week, and 'Role playing' Sunday the next."

"Latin Lover Sunday?" I asked with a laugh.

"Oh...Fuck!" Ann said, her voice cracking as she shook a little in her seat.

"Yes...I remember, Anna...and I love your imagination. I don't want that to stop, EVER. I want us to be the spontaneous couple that we were in Indiana...well, really, like we are right now too. So I don't want to plan too much. But you have great ideas, and I want to explore whatever you come up with."

"Yeah, but that puts it all on me, doesn't it?"

"Do you really believe that? I'd like to think that I could come up with things for us to do too. Like the occasional Botanical Garden. Or dancing at a club, or a night on a blanket in a field in the middle of town, making love under the stars," I said, recounting some of the events we shared during our week of courtship.

"Oh...Neil, I can't believe I've been worried about this. What was I thinking!"

"I wasn't with you, Anna. You were out here again, by yourself. And work had to be stressful. But you know what, we're together let it go. And yes, I think it would be a good idea to have a set day, just in case. And Sunday's make sense..."

"Neil?" she said, wondering if I was just going along the ease her fears.

"Yes,'s okay. You know, the more I think about it, the more it makes sense. We'll still be spontaneous. I think that's just who we are together. I can't imagine that ever going away. It's a relationship, so we're both going to have to work at it...but we know what we like right now, and so...I'm not going to fret about that. But the Sundays...I like the idea of having something planned out. If not the details, at least a theme or something. Maybe there's just a 'never leave the bed' Sunday. But I like the thought of a day where we know we'll be together and have something to look forward to."

"Are you...sure?" she asked.

"I am today. Let's find a Semi so you can flash him your wonderful tits!"

"What! Neil!"

"What? You're the one that wants me to make you do things. And in case you didn't know it, this is 'Neil's in charge' Sunday!"


Even though I was 'in charge', it wasn't like I was barking out orders. In fact, it was Ann's idea to put on the lip gloss, not only applying it to her lips, but on her nipples and areolas too. But she made it clear she wasn't interested in being my slave; or anything dark like that. At least, she said not yet. I wondered if that meant there would ever come a time where we would, and if I could handle it. I wondered if she really could, for that matter. It was an odd, erotic thought that quickly swept through my brain as I contemplated the possibilities. But I stuffed it away for another time.

That didn't mean that my 'directing' her didn't come with some elements of that particular sexual bent. Most telling was that Ann was indicating that she needed me to be more physical with her, much like that first night we were back together at Sonya's. Ann wanted her sex rougher then, and every indication I was getting at the moment was she wanted to be manhandled now as well.

I started with a light slap on Ann's thigh, just to let her know I was there. She yelped, but she bit her lip and let me know she approved. That led to my yanking on her nipples, twisting them and pulling them. The lip gloss only added to the experience. I couldn't get a very good grip at first, and yet, it seemed right. I wasn't out to hurt her. I only wanted to play with her, so it kept us from getting too out of control while we were still driving.

I also told Ann she couldn't touch herself. I told her that was my job. And I was amazed at how something as seemingly benign as that got to her. It was like telling someone they were near poison ivy, and even though then never touched it, they started to itch. Telling Ann she couldn't touch her pussy made her wild, wanting; asking...even begging me to let her frig herself to a quick, needed release. The more we drove, the harder it was for her to sit still.

And after that fateful moment when Ann toyed with a truck driver, I knew I needed to get her somewhere where we would at least be safe. I loved it that she was exposed, but the farther we went, both in distance, and in sexually charging Ann, the more dangerous it was going to get. I started looking for a place to get off so that Ann could...get off.


The gigantic white towers were calling to me, the blades of the turbines seemingly motioning to me as they turned from the currents soaring over the mountain. I'd never seen anything like it. Hundreds, maybe even thousands of huge white windmills dotted the landscape on both sides of the interstate as we followed the natural pass in the mountain range. Not only did they call to me, the inspired me.

I had asked Ann to exit, and we turned to the right, heading down a road on the north side of the interstate. Being a Sunday, there weren't a lot of people around. In fact, the land around us was pretty much barren, in both population and plant life. Yet, the mountains were so beautiful, and the fact that Ann and I were seemingly alone was also awesome. Still, I was looking for the perfect spot to make sure we'd be left to ourselves.

I finally found it after we'd been off the highway for about fifteen minutes. We'd taken a side road off of a side road, driving south, back down toward the interstate. There, looming on the top of a large foothill, were seven identical windmills, all in a line perpendicular to the highway below. Ann knew we'd found the right spot before I even said anything, the car sort of steering itself as she got excited. We were heading toward the last tower, which was built near the edge of a bluff. And at the edge, there was a steady decline down toward the valley where the interstate was running, about a mile or so away.

I pointed to where Ann was already driving, and said, "There. Park in that spot behind the second to last one." I wanted Ann to hide the car from the direction we'd come from so it wouldn't be seen. It was also out of view from the interstate, since it was a good distance from the last windmill, and even further to the edge where the crest of the hill started its steady decline.

Ann parked the car and looked at me, wondering what I had in store for her. I just flashed her a naughty smile and got out, walking to the back to open the hatch. I pulled out the horse blanket, and as I did, I looked through the car toward Ann, fidgeting in the driver's seat. She held her hands tight to the steering wheel, her knuckles white from the grip, fearful that she'd cave to the desires she had to fuck herself with her hand.

"Anna, did you bring Antonio with you?"

"You mean little Neil," she said looking over her shoulder. I nodded and she said, "He's in the side pocket of my make up bag."

I pulled the large rubber dildo and walked around the side of the car with the horse blanket hanging over my arm. Opening Ann's door, she looked up at me with a nervous smile.

"Ready," I asked.

"No, but I'm guessing that doesn't matter now."

"Having second thoughts?"

Ann shook her head slowly. "No, but that doesn't mean that I'm not a little scared."

I reached out my hand and Ann took it as she sexily turned her body, lifting her legs and putting them onto the brown grass. Helping her to her feet, I brought Ann into my right arm held her tight, kissing her with as much passion as I could muster. As our lips separated, I said, "Isn't that the point?"
