Big Game


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This time there was no warning. The three fingers were replaced immediately by four, and all four began to move in and out, all the way to the second knuckles. He screamed in pain and tried to move away, but the fingers followed him and as they did, their speed increased. He began crying and saying, "Please, no, please, no," over and over.

"Do you want to get up and move around again, Vernon," taunted May. "Do you want to try for the door again? No, I guess not. Winnie, pull out your fingers and add more lube, and then put them back in but don't move them. Let's see what Cloris can do now."

When Cloris approached him this time, Vernon sobbed and pushed her head away.

"No more!" he cried.

"Yes, there's more," May said. "The game is almost over, but there's one more round. Try not to be offside again, because you know the next penalty. Do we need to hold down your hands so you don't interfere with Cloris?"

Cloris came back to him, and he didn't try to stop her. He stared straight up and waited. One of the girls quickly moved next to his head, but he kept looking at the ceiling.

"No!" May yelled. "Stop, Cloris! Get back in your chair, Selma. You're just making it harder on Vernon. Let us finish."

Selma's voice was firm.

"I won't interfere, but I'm going to stand here and talk to Vernon. I've made up my mind."

Her friends looked at each other. May shrugged and spoke.

"As long as you stay one foot away from him and don't touch him. Do you promise?"


"Go ahead, Cloris."

As Cloris began, Selma spoke softly to Vernon.

"Come on, Vernon, you can do it. Hold on now. I think you can come quickly if you focus."

He tried to smile at her to show how grateful he was for her encouragement, but he wasn't sure he succeeded because the feeling of agony inside his ass made him lose all control of his facial muscles.

In a few minutes, he felt he was about to explode, and then his right leg jerked involuntarily.

Cloris didn't notice and kept working on him until May said, "He moved, Cloris. Stop."

Vernon began panting as he felt the pressure from behind. Winnie had tucked her thumb behind the other fingers and was slowly pushing all of them into him.

His panting changed to a strangled gasp. He heard Selma imploring him, "Blow out, Vernon, blow out, quick blows."

He tried to follow her instructions, but he had no idea if he was succeeding. All he knew was that his ass was splitting in two and he was about to faint. Then, suddenly, there was a little squirting sound as lube was forced out of him and Winnie's entire hand was inside him. She stopped, and he heard cheering. He looked around and saw Selma's friends celebrating. Where was she?

"We're almost done," May said, a little out of breath. "All you have to do now is come with Winnie's hand inside you. Cloris, get him going again."

Then he saw Selma's head raise up. It had been lying on his belly. Her makeup was smeared, and she looked as if she was in pain. She cried silently as she looked at him and May spoke again.

"We wanted to continue the big game with more fingers from the other hand, but Selma told us this is as far as she'll let us go. We've agreed to let her suck you this time until you're hard, and then you have to jerk yourself off. Understand?"

He understood, but when Selma's mouth got him hard, he couldn't do anything. His face and butt felt like they were on fire from the spanking and slapping, and Winnie was tormenting him by twisting her hand around inside of him.

He tried to pump, but it was useless, and he sagged again.

"That won't do," May said. "Unless you want to be here all night, you need to come, Vernon. Winnie, push your hand in a little deeper. Does that motivate you? I'd like to see her go past her elbow. This time when Selma gets you hard, you need to get to work."

He worked hard, but it didn't help. May started to say something, but Selma spoke first.

"Let's try one more time before Winnie pushes any deeper," she said. "I'm sure he can do it."

Vernon shuddered and began sobbing. He saw Selma lean down close to his face again and strained his ears to hear her whisper.

"Stop crying and focus, you goof," she said, "I'm going to get you right to the edge, but they won't let me finish you. While I suck you, I'm going to start pumping you at the same time. All you need to do is put your hands over mine while I'm pumping, and as soon as I stop, you take over."

Her plan worked, and he sprayed a huge stream of come into the air to the cheers of everyone except Selma. When the stream finally became a dribble, he gave a gut-wrenching cry of pain.

"That was great," said May excitedly. "Winnie is going to pull out of you now very slowly while she's making a big fist. It's called a gape."

"No she's not!" Selma screamed. "No gape, May! This is over. Winnie, make your hand as compact as you can and slowly take it out."

Even though Winnie obeyed Selma, when her hand came out of him, Vernon shrieked and collapsed.

As he was lying there, he heard the girls moving around him. He lifted his head for a moment and saw Selma sitting next to him. She put his head on her lap.

"Selma, please don't go," he said.

He was so weak that it came out as a hoarse whisper.

He felt her tears falling on him as she said, "Shut up, you big baboon! The girls are going home, but I'm not going anywhere."

He smiled up at her and made a noise that sounded like a sigh of relief. Then he passed out.

When he awoke, he cried out from the pain that suddenly overwhelmed him. He was naked on the plastic sheet, but he was covered with a blanket.

He was on his back looking at the ceiling. He moved his legs. The pipe and chain were gone. He slowly turned and rolled himself into a sitting position, pulled the blanket around him and looked around. He saw Selma sitting on the couch staring at him. It was probably his imagination, but her eyes seemed to glow like burning coals in the dark room.

They looked at each other for a few minutes before she spoke.

"You've been out for four hours. I called your parents and told them we were grabbing dinner with some friends and you were in the middle of going over football plays with them.

"I'm going to get you cleaned and dressed and take you home. You can tell your folks that you pulled a muscle in practice and that you didn't realize it until it knocked you for a loop during dinner. I hope they'll accept that as the explanation for your pain.

"Before we leave, I'm going to dope you up. I think I can find some prescription pain killers in my parents' bathroom.

"If you can handle it, I'd like to tell you a few things first. Nod your head if that's all right. If you just want me to shut up, don't do anything."

He nodded.

"Thank you. You and I both know we're finished. Nothing is going to change that. You just gave me permission to be selfish again, because what I'm going to say won't do anything for you, but it'll make me feel better about myself.

"I'm not asking you to forgive me because that would be delusional. I only hope you'll remember my words some day and hate me a little less."

Her voice choked up and she stopped for moment to gather herself.

"As we began torturing you, I started to have doubts, and by the time we were done, I knew I was not only doing something wrong, but I had turned into an evil witch. It's not the fault of my friends. They love me, and they hated you for what you had done to me. Their anger was righteous, and their thirst for revenge was justified.

"They were doing what friends are supposed to do, but I should have stopped them. Why did I go along with it? I think it's because I'm self-centered. Everything has to be perfect for me. I thought we had something perfect. I thought you loved me as totally as I loved you. I would have done anything for you, even died for you, and I was sure you felt the same way. I had this fantasy of us being together through all eternity."


He tried to marshal his strength, but his voice was still barely audible. She heard him and stopped speaking for a moment, but he couldn't get anything else out. She continued.

"I understand now that what made me temporarily insane was not what you did with Maxine, but the destruction of my stupid fantasy. I was furious that my precious dream was over, and my perfect life had turned to crap.

"I couldn't accept that I brought it on myself by thinking you were different from all the other boys I know. I had to find something, someone to blame it on, someone to take revenge on for killing my illusions.

"If I had used my head, I would have done the right thing, and you would never have seen me again. You would have forgotten me, or if you remembered, your memories would have been happy ones.

"I would have tried to forget you. It would have been hard, because even though you betrayed me, I still love you as much as ever. I can't imagine life without you, but maybe I would have found someone who wanted me even after I told him that I might never get you completely out of my mind.

"Now we're going our separate ways anyway, but your memories will be bitter ones, and I'll never get over my guilt. How stupid and disgusting -- and unnecessary!"

Selma paused and looked at him.

"That's it," she said. "That's what I wanted to tell you, Vernon. Now that I did, I realize how stupid everything sounded, even though I meant every word. It was a waste of breath."

She stood up.

"What do you want me to get you for your pain?"

"Please help me get dressed," he said as he slowly stood up, still holding the blanket around him. Every move he made was agonizing. But his mind was focused.

As Selma was speaking, a familiar feeling took hold of him. The pain his body was feeling was part of it. So were all his senses. They were heightened. Everything on the field was crystal clear to his eyes, ears, nose, skin and taste buds.

He was in a big game again, the biggest, and it was the closing moments of the fourth quarter and he was losing. His mind was on overdrive as it shuffled through the few desperate options left to him. None of them had much of a chance to succeed, but facts didn't matter at this point.

Adrenaline coursed through his veins, wiping out his exhaustion. The looming obstacles in front of him meant nothing. This wasn't Friday night, when a loss would be wiped out by Monday practice. He was playing for his life, and all that mattered now was the final play.

For a fleeting moment, there was doubt, and he understood that unless he could come up with a miracle, he was doomed. But that moment also confirmed there was just one play left for him. He called a Hail Mary.

He didn't say anything as Velma helped him struggle into his clothes. When he was finished, he gingerly walked to a nearby chair and motioned to her to sit on the couch.

He started to pull the chair closer to her, but the first time he moved it, he screamed, sat down and breathed deeply to keep himself from fainting. He realized he wouldn't be practicing with the team for the next few days.

He looked at Selma. She looked at him.

"You're right," he said.

She leaned closer to him because his voice was weak. He spoke slowly and haltingly.

"If you had thought straight, you could have totally destroyed me.

"May spoke the truth. You're the best thing that ever happened to me. If you had decided to never see me or talk to me again, I would have gone through life knowing that I lost you because of one stupid, selfish mistake. I would have suffered from realizing that I threw away the most precious thing I ever held, the only thing that really mattered to me. You would have haunted me forever."

He took a breath and continued.

"Instead, you chose to pay me back with vicious cruelty. Your revenge was pure evil. Oh, yeah! You'll feel bad about it when you see me walking around school for the next few days, and then I'll recover and you'll feel good about yourself again.

"You get to walk away scot free. I could call the cops, and a search warrant would get the video evidence to give all of you a sex crime for you to check on every job application for the rest of your life. But you know I won't do that.

"There are no consequences for you, except you're feeling a little guilty. Poor you! Boo hoo!"

She had listened closely during his meandering speech, but when it was over she was confused. What was he telling her? She looked at him and saw he was breathing slowly and looking at her as if he was waiting for her to respond.

"Do you want to do something to me?" she finally asked. "I never thought of that. I always thought of you as my protector, who'd never let anyone hurt me. It's hard for me to imagine that you want to hurt me like I hurt you. Is that what you want?"

By his body reaction and the weak smile on his face, she knew she had said something he wanted to hear.

"You know I couldn't harm a hair on your head. Physical pain is too easy anyway. What I'd like to do to you goes way beyond that. But you won't agree to your punishment, because, like you say, you don't think about anyone except yourself. And I don't have a threat to force you, like you had with Billy."

"There never was a Billy. I would never have let them do that to you. But you didn't know that."

He didn't say anything, but his eyes bored into her. She shivered. Had she driven him insane? When she spoke again, she couldn't hide her fear.

"What do you have in mind?"

"Are you sure you want to hear it?"

This frightened her even more. She hesitated before she blurted out her answer.


He took a few more breaths. This time his voice was stronger.

"You'd love to walk away from this mess. Your punishment would be that you can't."

Her brow furrowed.

"What does that mean?"

"That means you have to pretend that nothing has changed. You have to act just like before you found out about Maxine, and I'll act like I did before today. As far as anyone in our families or at school is concerned, we still love each other. Only you and I will know the truth."

"But --"

"That's not all. When we go to State, you have to keep on acting. In other words, you're stuck with me for the next five years. The only way you get out of it is if I ever cheat again, and that's never going to happen."

"And after that?"

Her voice quavered because her body was shaking. Tears streamed from her eyes.

"We were going to get married after we graduated and have children. I won't make you do that."

"What if I want to?"

She barely got the words out before she broke down and dissolved on the couch. Sobbing, she slipped to the floor and slowly crawled to the chair where he sat. She put her arms around his legs and held them tightly as he answered her question.

"That's up to you."

For background on the stories of edrider73, see "Author Interview: edrider73" by Literoticauthor. Tag: "author interview."

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SaltySurpriseSaltySurprise10 months ago

His punishment didn't fit her crime she need to see him fuck all of her friends

And their punishment would be a hell of a lot worse the one that fisted him would receive his first in both holes the and may would have to get dentures as her teeth would have been knocked out with the bashing she would receive and by the time he had finished no man would look at her again she would be so scared to go anywhere she would probably leave school and become a whore

I'm not normally one for vengeance but she deserves every bit of he can muster

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
another wimp story

crap garbage things

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

I'm neither angry nor disappointed that your story held no sexual gratification for me. On the contrary, I feel like this may be the most poignant story I've ever read on Literotica. Brilliant writing, and the depth of the subject matter, and the magnitude of the emotions evoked is astounding. There are not appropriate tags to give this story the credit it deserves, and it surprises me that the ending did not make me cry.

Spoiler alert: The sexual components of this story are extraneous to the primary theme. This is a story about making terrible mistakes, about friendship and empathy, about forgiveness. This, most of all, is a story about true love. The kind of love that is unconditional. It is an everlasting bond that cannot be broken by the flaws and mistakes of the one you love, and they cannot stop loving you, no matter how bad the pain is.

Consider this short comment to be a standing ovation for your work. This is a masterpiece among the ranks of short stories that I've read.

Thank you.


The remainder of this comment is just to intimate further how deeply your work touched my heart.

I have felt true love in my life for only one person thus far, and unfortunately they did not feel the same toward me, though they are such a loving and beautiful soul that they tried to somehow spark that love in themselves for me. The pain continues to be with me, though. I assume it always will be with me from here on out, because just as I cannot 'turn it off', I can't expect there is any way for them to 'turn it on'. A strange notion strikes me. A thought that perhaps through the anonymity of the internet and by some odd twist of fate, they find this comment and recognize my vocabulary patterns. If it should ever happen, I hope that this message can soothe the pain that they feel as well. I know they tried so hard to make it work, and it fills my heart with even more love for them. For any of you out there who have felt that unconditional love and yet it either was not or could not be reciprocated, know that you are not alone. I feel that pain, too. I understand. Never stop loving, 'til you find that *mutual* unconditional love.

Jhbrown27Jhbrown27over 4 years ago
Edrider73 strikes again

At least the guys are coming out all fixed and corrected now. After their "Oh God" punishment that is.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
...beteg elme szüleménye...

Elképesztő beteg elme szüleménye ami a valóságtól teljesen elszakadt!...akár egy középkori inkvizíció!!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Why am I amazed ?

All these people who read a category labeled non consensual/reluctant AND THEN BITCH ABOUT THE STORY?

Then you go on to explain what the girls punishment should be! Something far worse than the original story. So write a story as a follow-up to Big Game. Show us what you got. Just be sure to edit the crap out of your story so it makes sense.

I personally like where edrider73 takes us. (Again watch the editing people)

By the way, Anonymous 2018, puking is the word you are looking for. As in some of these comments made me want to vomit.

Why can't I sign in guys? Guess I will have to sign in anonymous too.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

Fuck, I feel like pucking after reading. I cant even try to read your other stories. This is some extreme feminist sick fuck.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
edrider73 are you a man hater?

Sorry to ask that question but having read the majority of your stories you have some pretty sick twisted ideas as to what you think a woman should be entitled to do especially a so-called loving woman. I know that your stories are works of fiction like everybody else's but still..........

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Idiotic like the author!!!

After that day 4 girls are missing for ever!!! They are killed and disposed! Fin!!! And i hope the same has immediate effect to that author!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Yes , the girls deserve some retribution.

But Selma agreed to the whole thing. So even if it was not her idea, it was all her fault.

And I don't know how I would feel after being DOMINATED like that, but it is possible that I might be unsure until I recovered.

But once I recovered, cops and rape charges for all , including the football player, billy(?).

There is no way his consent to "play the game" would hold up and be a defense for rape, sexual assault.

It's too bad he did not resist more in the beginning.

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