Blue Bloods Meet Castle Pt. 20


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Nicky turned to her mother, "Mom, after work, I'm coming over. I have a movie with him in it. I want you to watch it before you make your final decision."

Erin blushed, "No need Nicky; I have a couple with him in them. After the Fourth of July party, I sorta got hooked on black men. That's why I'm so conflicted, no more about it now, but I want you at my place after work."

Kate paid the check and stood up, "I'll be waiting for your decision Erin. Just to let you know, you'd be welcome to hang around and watch the filming of the other encounters. The other people already agreed to do the movies are Alexis, Abigail Baker, and Eddie Janko. The black stars will be Lexington Steele, Mandingo, Sean Michaels and Shane Diesel. I have a couple more women to ask. I'm having that a secret and a special treat for Eric. I sure hope you'll do it, I wouldn't have asked you if I didn't think both of you would be fantastic in it, but if you decide against it, I won't think differently of you in any way."

Erin stood up and hugged Kate; she kissed her lightly on the cheek. She whispered to her, "Thank you Kate, that really means a lot, I'll call you in the morning."

Kate left and she was extremely hot. She needed to be fucked and fucked hard. She raced back to the penthouse and once she got there, she tried to act cool. She found Javi and Kevin in the living room with Eric. They were watching something on the TV. She went over and stood in front of the TV, "Are we just sitting around today?"

Javi looked up, "What did you want us to be doing? We're guarding Mr. Vaughn here, what more do you want us to do?"

She chuckled, "I guess nothing, why don't the two of you knock-off early. I'll take it from here."

They didn't need to be asked twice, they gathered up their glasses and plates and took them to the service cart. They turned and left after telling Kate to chill out.

Once they were gone, Kate went to her bedroom; she stripped off her clothes and took a nice long shower. She dried off and slipped into a hotel oversized terry cloth robe. She was naked beneath it. She brushed out her hair and patted out to the living room. She stood between Eric and the TV and shaking her head, her hair tumbled down about her shoulders and down to her heaving tits. She reached up and undid the cloth belt. It parted and she shook her shoulders and it slipped from her body. She stood there naked before him, "You wanna give me some practice before I'm branded as a black man lover?"

He grinned up at her, "We are not going to the studio. I want you in my bedroom. I want to make love to you today, not fucking!" He stood up and took her hand and before she knew it, she was in his arms and she carried him to the bedroom.

He planted her gently in the middle of his large turned-down bed. He stood and stripped off his clothes and slipped onto the bed. He didn't just climb up onto her. He gathered her naked body up in his arms and rolled over onto his side.

The two of them clutched at one another. Kate was a little urgent in her moves, but Eric slowed her down. He finally got her to take her time. They caressed one another and their lovemaking was quickly gathering steam. Soon they were locked in a hot sixty-nine and before long, Kate was groaning loud as she painted his face with her juices.

Eric managed to hold off and uncoupling from her clutches, he managed to roll onto his back. He tugged at her and she straddled his body. She took his thick length into her body and before long they were both cumming. The slow, steady lovemaking turned into a feverous fucking and they both clung to one another as they climaxed and he pulled her quaking body to his sedated body.

Kate rolled off of him and cuddled beside him, "So are you gonna ask me how it went today, Eric?"

He turned onto his side and planted several wet kisses on her face and neck. He nipped lightly at her earlobe and chuckled when he saw her shiver and squirm on the bed, "Okay Kate, I've been dying to ask, how are the recruitments going? Am I gonna have a successful company or am I going to have to sell out and take my loses?"

She giggled and cuddled closer to him, "So far so good, I'm waiting for the Commissioner's daughter and granddaughter's answer. Nicky Reagan is totally in, but she will pull out if her mother, Erin Reagan doesn't go for it. Everyone else is on board and as soon as I hear from Erin, I'll give you the lowdown on the elaborate scenes I have worked up in my head. I think you're gonna love it. What do you think?"

He pushed her onto her back and hovered over her, "I think you'd make a fine producer, but now that we both crushed out that orgasm, what do you say we try for another, this one with a little more intensity?"

She reached down and felt his rigid cock. She guided it into her already cum filled pussy. She get out a groan as she felt him fill her up and she giggled when her pussy made a slurping sound as it made space for his invading cock. Her legs came up and locked around his tight ass. She tightened her grip and began thrusting upward, meeting each and every one of his thrusts with ones of her own.

Eric was in heaven; he loved how his earlier load was hot and slimy and covered his cock. He knew with all of the lubrication, he could go on forever and that they did.

Over the next thirty to forty minutes, they fucked in nearly every position. They sped up; they slowed down and brought one another to the brink of another orgasm several times. By the time they hit the peak, they were both clawing at each other's sweaty body. They nearly came together as Eric lost it first, but was determined to bring her off too. Although he was still cumming hard in her, he slammed into her harder and faster and she clutched at him as she finally exploded and one again drenched his cock with her slimy juices.

They clung together and drifted off to sleep. An hour or so later, he woke as she rolled him off of her. They both entered his huge bathroom and they showered together. Afterwards, they donned bathrobes and sat before the fireplace and had a nice quiet meal together.

They ended up in his bed where they once again had a nice slow lovemaking bout, but afterwards, Kate slipped from his bed and went to sleep in her bed. She didn't want to oversleep and find Javier and Kevin knocking on her door and be caught in Eric's bedroom.

Around ten am, Erin called and Kate could tell Erin was still a little tentative, but she finally blurted out that they were in. She asked if they could use her old married name and they would be known, even on the credits as Nicky and Erin Boyle. Kate laughed, "Hell Erin, you can use any name you want; it doesn't even have to be Erin and Nicky."

Erin was glad and told her to call her later with any of the particulars she needed and begged off, she had to get to work.

Kate ran from her office and found Eric, "Everyone is in! When do you want to go over the scenarios and the match-ups? We're gonna need some time at the concert hall, maybe photo shop, but it would be better if we could actually use the hall when full."

How about right after lunch, the two of us can sit with the director and we can hash things out. I want to thank you Kate for getting this done, you saved me a bundle and if it really works out, I'll have the leverage to buy out the west coast website and I'll be out of your hair."

Kate was a little disappointed, she liked having him around and had several more women lined up if this endeavor really works out, but he's the boss and she'll walk away if need be.

She went and reviewed the log of who was coming in today and saw it was nearly clear. The director was coming in and she was glad to see Eric was giving her a time. She went and ordered lunch from room service. She was at the door when the food arrived and she was surprised to see there were two meals and not one.

Eric came out from his office and called out, "Oh great, lunch is here, do you want to join me or are you eating in your office."

She smiled, "No, I'd love to join you. I saw in the log, Frank Jennings, the director is the only scheduled visitor coming today, so I'd love to have lunch here."

He chuckled, "A simple yes or no would have sufficed." He held a chair out for her and as she sat down he leaned over, "My God Kate, I'd love to rip your clothes off and fuck you right here on this table."

She giggled, "I'd like that too, but I'm starving for food. With that said, we have to finish eating, if you want to go over the female stars we will be making and the scenarios surrounding their scenes."

He shrugged and sitting down he scoffed, "Again, simple yes or no would have sufficed again."

They joked back and forth over lunch and just as they finished there was a knock on the door and Kate rushed to see who it was. She saw it was Frank Jennings. She opened it and led him to the dining room.

Eric got up and shook his hand, "Would you like a drink Frank?"

He nodded, "Sure, why not, as long as both of you are joining me."

Kate spoke up, "Make mine white wine, I'm technically still on duty, but I think I can stretch it. Where are we meeting Eric?"

"Might as well do it here in the living room; it's an informal meeting, but I'd like you to take notes and see what we can do to follow her requests. If I have anything I don't like or agree with, I will bring it up immediately. We need to get this going ASAP and want to finalize everything possible before we adjourn this meeting."

Frank opened his notebook and was poised to take notes.

Kate started, she gave the couplings and it was well received by both Frank and Eric. Even though Frank wasn't familiar with the women, she had pictures blown up of all of the women; a lot of pictures were taken from the get together from the Fourth of July party.

Frank and Eric were very impressed with Kate's choice of women and loved the scenarios for all of the scenes.

Frank made notes to get together with all of the ladies for fittings, especially Eddie to find a wedding dress that was sexy and that would fit her to a tee. He loved the idea of having Alexis in a Catholic School uniform. He knew the hardest part would be the recordings of Erin and Nicky at the symphony and somehow to get Lexington Steele in the pit directing the symphony. He also made a note to get an extra strong massage table to hold both Kate and Mandingo.

Eric looked to Kate, "You know, if you ever want to leave the NYPD, you have a promising career in porn and not just performing in it." He turned to Frank, "How hard will it be to convert the mirror in the studio to be one way into the bathroom behind the studio bedroom?"

"I can call my prop man; I don't think it will be a problem. If we have to we can call an outside company and get it done tomorrow."

"Get it done, but coordinate the workers with Kate here. She's still my security expert with the NYPD."

Frank chuckled, "You sure hit the jackpot Eric, beautiful, smart and a cop."

Kate shook her head, "Don't forget to add I love big black cocks too! I don't know if you are aware of this or not, but Sean Michaels and I have met before. It was at a bachelor party my husband set up. I'm sure when we meet, he'll remember me."

He nodded, "That goes without saying; I can't wait to watch this. I'm sure Sean will remember you. I just hope we can hold the cameras still with one hand."

Kate looked at him, "Why one hand?"

Eric scoffed and used his hand to show him stroking his cock."

Kate laughed her ass off, "You two are perfect for this business; I'm done." She turned and went to her bedroom.

Frank and Eric worked out the logistics and Frank left to contact the women for fittings the following day.

Things went quickly and less than forty-eight hours later, the first of the scenes were set to begin. Up first was Kate and Alexis.

The scene opened with Alexis sitting at the Baby Grand Piano overlooking the city. She was dressed in her high school uniform. Her skirt was pleated and was a blue and green plaid. Beneath it she was wearing a pair of cotton panties. On her feet were navy blue cable socks and patent leather shoes. She had already removed her matching blazer, but her starched white blouse was buttoned to her neckline and she even had a sexy blue and green plaid tie on. Her shimmering long red hair was pulled back in two long braids.

Beside her, her piano teacher sat upright listening to her as she played a classic piece. He watched her long slender fingers glide across the ivory keys and he would glance down every so often to her bare knees and exposed milky white thighs. He could feel his cock stiffening just thinking about her lily white ass in those cotton panties.

All of a sudden she hit a wrong note and a blush crossed her cheeks, and spread to her neck. She bit her puffy pink lips and looked to him, "Sorry Mr. Michaels, I'm a little distracted." Her bright blue eyes glanced down and focused on his growing lump. She took a deep breath and started again.

Sean placed his hand on her forearm, "Concentrate Alexis, this is a test. When performing, there will be distractions and you have to play through them."

She licked her lips and glanced down and saw the lump growing. She started playing again, but this time there were major mistakes and she stopped when she felt his hand on her arm again.

"Alexis, you know that is two mistakes, another and you will be disciplined, and you know what that entails, don't you?"

She drew in a deep breath and nodded.

"Tell me Alexis, what is your punishment?"

She bit her lip and patted her behind, "I'll be placed over your knees and I'll receive a spanking, one slap for each mistake." She turned back and her fingers were shaking. She knew it was inevitable, she couldn't concentrate seeing the large lump in his pants and seeing his large black hands and knowing they would be landing over and over again on her ass. She struggled to regain her composure and she started again. She got more than halfway through the piece when she hit a wrong note. She stopped immediately and turned her head towards him. Her long red braids slapped against his thick muscled bicep.

A tiny grin crossed his lips and pulled away from the bench, "I believe we should go over to the sofa where I'll have more room to discipline you, Alexis."

She nodded and tried to stand, but her knees were weak. She stared up at him and allowed him to help her to her feet. She moved on shaky legs to the large white sofa. She stood over him as he sat down.

Sean patted his strong legs, "Okay Alexis., you know the drill." He watched in anticipation as the gorgeous redhead placed her bare knee on the cushion beside him. She leaned over his outstretched legs and bent over. She felt his stiff cock on her belly and her lips parted and she let out a gasp. She turned her head and looked up at him with those mesmerizing blue eyes, "I'm ready for my punishment, Mr. Michaels."

Sean ran his hands up her exposed thighs and pushed her skirt up to her waist. His mouth watered as he stared at her gorgeous bubble butt. His hand ran over the tight white cotton panties and rearing back, his hand came down and the slap echoed through the penthouse.

On the other side of the living room, Kate Castle stood there. She was leaning against the archway. She was idly caressing a gold chain around her neck. Her lips were parted and her breathing increased as she watched her step-daughter's piano teacher disciplined her for making the same mistakes over and over again. She knew Alexis well enough to know she was making those mistakes on purpose. She loved being spanked by her large black teacher, but today, she was going to step in and punish her, herself. Alexis' father was paying a great deal of money for these lessons and she needed to know her behavior was unacceptable.

Sean released a second slap and he saw how Alexis was grinding her hips down upon his stiff cock. He wanted nothing more than to drop her to the carpeted floor, release his big black cock and stuff it between those puffy pink lips of hers. He caressed her tight cheeks and as he reared back, he felt her tense up and press harder against his cock. He slapped her even harder and Alexis released a loud yelp.

Kate entered the room; she was dressed in a tan leather skirt that zippered up the front from hem to waistband. Her long shapely legs were bare, but she was wearing four inch heels. Above that, she was wearing a tight pullover evergreen turtleneck. It showcased her ample breasts and it was easy for Sean to see, she wasn't wearing a bra beneath it.

Kate stood over her step-daughter who was still sprawled across Sean's legs. She crossed her arms below her straining tits and shook her head, "Alexis, that was a disgrace! You've gone downhill and your father is spending a fortune on private lessons and you're not taking it seriously."

Alexis sat up and flopped down on the sofa beside Sean. She stared up at her step-mother and spat out, "What's it to you? You quit your job and all you do is walk around this penthouse, drinking wine and talk with your boyfriends on your cellphone." She saw Kate was pissed, "Yeah, you heard me, I know you're cheating on my father, now what are you gonna do about it."

Kate was upon her in a flash. She sat down and grabbed Alexis by one of her braids. She pulled on it hard and she had her across her legs before Alexis could react.

Alexis was stunned by Kate's swift move and before she knew it, her skirt was pulled to her waist and Kate was slapping her over and over again. She squirmed on Kate's lap and suddenly she felt her pussy getting extremely wet.

Kate loved having her across her lap. She licked her parched lips as she stared down at Alexis' squirming ass. She reached up and grabbed the waistband and pulled at it roughly and it gave way and slid down Alexis' thrashing legs. She drew in a heavy breath and slapped the pink glowing cheeks. She slapped it over and over again and they turned rosy red. She saw Alexis' tight lipped pussy as she squirmed and saw them glistening with her growing excitement, "Are you going to disrespect me any longer, Alexis?" She slapped her again, "Answer me!"

Alexis turned her head and she was glaring back at her, "No, I won't!"

Kate slapped her again, ""You won't what?"

She let out a groan, "I won't talk back to you any more, Mommy, I'm sorry!"

Kate slapped her a couple more times, "I don't believe you and the tone of your voice was very vindictive!"

"Please, please, Mommy no more, I'll be good!" She looked up and saw Sean had unzipped his pants and was slowly stroking his thick, black cock. She groaned out as she stared at it.

Kate looked over and her mouth dropped open, "Is that what you want, Alexis? You want that big black cock of his? Are you making all of those mistakes so he'll spank you and you can feel his hard cock against your belly?" She slapped Alexis' beet red cheeks a couple more times, "Answer me, young lady!"

"Yes mommy, yes I want Sean's cock. I want to taste it, I want to suck it and I want it between my aching thighs."

Kate slapped her several more times and pushed her further along her legs, "So do it, Alexis, suck it. Take that big black cock of his down your lily white throat and suck it." When she didn't move, Kate slapped her a couple more times, "What are you waiting for, young lady?"

Alexis released a squeal deep in her throat and she lunged forward. Her hands came up and gripping the base of his thick cock, she sucked at the large knob. Her slippery, thick pink tongue darted out and ran around and around the fat, black head. She groaned out as she felt Kate now caressing her aching ass cheeks and felt her panties being pulled totally off her legs. Her shoes and cable knit socks followed as she was poised over Sean's cock. She released a stream of saliva and followed it up as her lips slid down the black shaft, sucking her saliva back into her mouth.