Brian and Briana 0001


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Bree made up her mind right then that she would learn to take all of Brian's dick.She would be damned if she would wast an inch of her brother's precious dick.

The next time Mary Jo pushed, Bree pushed back hard and the dildo sank all the way in. There was a twinge of pain and Mary Jo stopped, allowing Bree to get used to it again. As the pain abated, Mary Jo started making long slow strokes for about 5 minutes and then she pulled it out. The deed was done.

Now all Bree had to do was get Brian to fuck her!

Bree and Mary Jo embraced with a very hot tongue-lashing, ass-grabbing kiss and Bree headed home, a very tired girl. She hoped her family were all asleep in bed because she just wanted a shower and to go to bed. She was wearing a sanitary pad under her panties. There was very little blood but her juices were still pouring out. Hmm, Bree was thinking, this whole cherry popping thing wasn't as bad as she had anticipated. In fact, she really enjoyed being with Mary Jo! This worried her a little bit. Was she lesbian? No, she didn't think so. She was looking forward to fucking Brian, who she was in love with, too much for that.

But, she thought, I may be bi-sexual because I certainly liked my experience with Mary Jo and she was relishing the time when she could provide her with as much pleasure as she had given her. Ideally, she thought, Brian would not have a problem and would want to watch...or participate. He had already indicated that he wouldn't mind watching me get it on with Lennie-Winnie.

Bree got home and was relieved when she saw everyone had already turned in for the night. She didn't want to have to face anyone, especially Brian, with a fresh fucked look on her face. They might have even been able to smell her, she really needed that shower!

Bree awoke the next morning early. She had an early appointment at the hair salon in the mall that was critical to her plans for the day. She was a little tender and sore down below but it was nothing she couldn't handle. She left a note for Brian telling him she would meet him at the gym later for the tryouts and drove to the mall. She would need all the time she could get. Later, Brian arrived at the gym and said hello to Stubby and asked where he could change.

Stubby showed him where the locker room was and said, "There will be a locker with your name on it and a practice uniform inside, gold tee with black shorts. Hurry up and change and we can shoot a few baskets and warm up before Coach gets started."

Brian said," thanks, I'll be right back." Brian went into the locker room, stripped and looked in his duffel bag for his jock strap. He needed it to hold his big dick in place more than he needed it for safety but it was gone! What the hell? I know it was in here. Maybe mom took it out to wash and forgot to put it back. Oh well, I've had this problem before. I know how to handle it. He found some adhesive tape used to wrap ankles, cut a long strip and taped his dick to his leg. It was only about 7 inches flaccid and the tape and the shorts should take care of it.

He picked up the tee to put it on and noticed his last name "McKenna" written across the back. He thought, well, I guess they will want to know who's kicking their asses. He did not notice the other lettering across the back which was higher up. He put his uniform shorts on and felt they were a little snug but they would do for a tryout. He tucked the tee into the shorts and went back to the court to warm up.

Coach picked two teams to play each other. They each had two players from the schools starting 5 and 3 each from the 2nd string or players trying out. Coach would substitute a new player every few minutes so he could see all of them in action. Stubby was a guard on one team and Brian was the center on the other.

Brian discovered very quickly that Stubby was lightning fast. A great ball-handler and being so quick, Stubby,s only method was to get down the court as quickly as he could, dribble right past the guards and head for the basket for a layup. He passed the ball very very little. With the inexperienced guys on the court no one could guard him. Instead of moving their feet, they swatted at the ball as he went past. Something needed to be done. Coach wasn't doing any coaching. He just wanted to see what he had to work with.

Coach called a 5 minute break. It was god-awful hot in the gym. Brian took the time to get the guys on his team off to one side and told them, " We're getting the shit kicked out of us. Here's what we are going to do. First everyones got to move their feet side to side and keep them moving. Don't swat at the ball, you will just foul. Keep the guy you're guarding in front of you all the time. We have to be able to cut anyone off driving down the lane. If you get caught behind a screen switch with the guy guarding the screener and go with the guy with the ball. I'm going to stay around the basket and try to block the shot of anyone who gets through. Everyone understand?"

One guy said, "Gotcha, Big Mc!"

Bryan asked, "What did you just call me?"

The guy replied, "Big Mc. Isn't that your name? That's what's on the back of your teeshirt- Big Mc McKenna."

Brian whipped the shirt off, looked at the name and looked around the bleachers for Bree. She had to have been the cause of this!

They started playing again and Coach had not given his team any new players. So, they all should remember what he had told them.

Stubby came racing down the court, tried to cut by one of his guys screening for him and was immediately cut off by the guard who had switched from the screener. Stubby was forced to pass or be trapped. He had a total look of surprise on his face. For the rest of play Brian's team got better and better. He had scored 16 points and 6 blocked shots. 3 of them were Stubby"s.

Shortly after Stubby had been cut off the first time, the teams got tied up and Brian went to the center of the court for the "jump ball". As he was walking a buzz filled the gym with whistles and cat-calls and oh my gods and a lot of, suggestive things.

Brian was looking around to see what the fuss was about and he saw this goddess sitting in the center of the bleachers with a form fitting green dress, black thigh highs, green heels and brilliant red hair. She was the most beautiful woman Brian had ever laid eyes on and she was sitting there with her legs spread showing a bare pussy looking directly at him with a huge grin on her face. His eyes kept returning to the view of her pussy and he felt his dick getting harder and harder. The referee held the ball, tossed it straight into the air and Brian jumped. At the top of the jump, the woman yelled, "Go big Mc!"

That's when the tape holding his dick let go! It's hold had been weakened by the sweat running off his body and the flexing of his hardening dick broke the adhesive bond to his leg. He came down to the court and just stood there while the other players played on unaware of what had happened. But, not for long!

The crowd in the Gym became quiet and an "awwwwwwwwwoooohhhhh" humming sound filled the gym. Then the catcalls and whistling started all over again, this time directed at him! By this time, the players had discovered his state and they were staring at his crotch! The one who had first called him Big Mc started chanting, "Go Big Mc, Go Big Mc, Go Big Mc, and soon the entire crowd was chanting, Go Big Mc!

Brian could not figure out what was happening until he looked at the wonderful redhead in the bleachers. She had one hand over her mouth and pointing at his crotch with the other. Brian looked down and discovered that a good 3-4 inches of his cock was extending out of the short legs of his uniform shorts! "OH MY GOD" he yelled and quickly pulled his tee off over his head, tied it around his waist and headed for the locker room.

On the way to the locker room, Bryan got many offers from women wanting to give him their bodies and he thought he heard a couple from men.

Brian showered and dressed but he decided to stay in the locker room until the crowd had cleared. He would be too embarrassed to face a bunch of people who had witnessed the debacle.

Coach came in and said, "Son, I'm sorry this happened to you, but I suspect you have just become the biggest celebrity-no pun intended- this school has ever had." He was laughing the whole time. "If it will make you feel any better, I can tell you I was impressed with your play today and especially the way you took control and organized your team. I can't guarantee you a starting spot just yet but, if practice bears me out, you will start at the center spot and the team will probably vote you as co-captain. Oh, here Big Mc, take this with you as a souvenir," handing Brian the gold tee with Big Mc on the back. He was laughing again.

Bree had won her bet! Everyone was now calling him "Big Mc".

Speaking of Bree, he wondered where she was and was worried about her, It was unlike her not to show up when she had told him she would be there. He would have to get a ride home if he couldn't find her.

Brian exited the building to look for Bree and on the way out he was given 5 telephone numbers with "call me," "you can do anything to me," "I want you to fuck me" and, "you ain't never had a BJ like I'll give you" scribbled on the notes. He crumpled the one signed "Dave", threw it away and put the rest in his pocket.

Brian spotted their car parked on the grass under a tree and knew that Bree had to be around somewhere. He continued toward the car when he spotted the gorgeous redhead from the gym leaning with her back against the other side of the tree crying her heart out. He suddenly realized who this woman reminded him of;Teresa Brewer, the cute red-haired pop singer he had had a crush on ever since she started singing with that heavenly strong little girl voice.

As he drew closer, he realized that there was someone else who she closely resembled but the hair was all wrong...Bree! "I't's her! Omygod! It's Bree!" he said aloud. "Bree honey, what's wrong? Why are you crying? Are you hurt? I'll kill any SOB who lays a hand on you! Er, um what have you done to your hair?"

Bree finally said, through her tears, "It's all my fault! Oh, it's all my fault Brian! I was hoping I could get you to love me so I had my hair done, bought a new dress and shoes, shaved my pussy and spread my legs in front of everyone like a whore...hoping you would like me and love me...and now I've ruined everything for you...and for me!"

Bryan began crying, folded Bree into his arms, kissing her all over her face and said to her, "Well, sweetheart, I'd say you did good! In just a couple of hours, you've made me into a school celebrity, changed yourself into the most beautiful woman I've ever seen, I've probably made the starting team and co-captain, and....and, I love you!"

"What? What did you say?" Bree asked hopefully, "You mean you love your sister, don't you?"

Brian, replied emphatically, "No I do not! I love you like a woman and my soon to be...lover! Oh, I love you as my sister also, but you said you wanted someone who loved you to make you into a woman and tonight I will do exactly that! I really really do love you Bree!"

"But Brian, what about mom and dad? Where will we go? Well, Big Mc, the back car seat is not an option," Bree asked.

Brian laughed and said, "Dad was called down to Georgia to inspect a paper-mill and he and mom drove down together. They are going take a couple of days for themselves. I humbly invite you to lose your virginity in my bed tonight...and take mine."

Bree broke into great sobbing tears...of joy this time. Brian kissed her tears away and gave her a wonderful kiss of love, not the kiss of sexual excitement but one that only said I love you and no other.

Bree asked Brian to stop at a grocery to buy a couple of steaks, veggies, some wine and candles. She wanted to celebrate and do it up right.

On the way, Brian looked over at Bree and said, "There are couple of things I don't understand. How did you arrange getting Big Mc onto my teeshirt and to have my cock pop out when it did?"

Bree said, "Mary Jo called someone; I don't know who and they must have written the name on your shirt. I had nothing to do with your cock being freed for the world to see. It wasn't planned."

Brian retorted, "Yeah right, and I'm Little Orphan Annie. You had nothing to do with it huh! You just dressed up as the most beautiful woman in the world showing your newly shaved pussy to get my dick hard!

Bree said, "No, it really wasn't planned. I was just trying to make you see me as a desirable fuck so I could get you into bed. Oh, Brian, you should have seen it! If I hadn't been so distraught over your embarrassment, it would have been so funny. Every single player had humongous hard-ons and I thought I saw the tip of Tom's dick outside his shorts. Mary Jo says his is 7 inches. I bet that every man in the gym had hard-ons going also. I was rather proud of myself, giggling.

Bree added, "I left when you went to the locker room and I could have been fucked on the spot by at least 6 guys and one older woman who looked about 25 and may have been a teacher."

"But" Brian said, "my jock strap was missing from my gym bag. What happened to it?"

Bree said, "I don't know. You'll probably find it in the wash somewhere."

On the way home in the car, Bree's form fitting dress had ridden up exposing her freshly shaved pussy and Brian's cock jumped in response. He was desperately trying to steer the car without wrecking them and his cock was pushing hard on his pants causing him some discomfort. He reached down to adjust his cock when Bree noticed his state of erection. She licked her lips, slid over on the bench seat and started to unzip Brian's pants.

Brian, startled, asked, "Bree honey, what are you doing?" I'm trying to drive."

Bree replied, "Well, drive then. Just keep it between the lines and leave the entertainment to me. I just want a little taste, K?"

She unzipped his pants and his huge cock sprang free and went right into the steering wheel. Bree grabbed it with her hand and had to hold it back against Bryan's stomach to keep it out of the steering wheel. She lowered her head, resting it against his stomach and licked the swollen head of his cock all around before taking it into her mouth and sucking it fiercely. Her cheeks were alternately hollowing in and puffing out with her sucking and she quickly brought Brian almost to the edge of his endurance. Bree felt Brian's cock start to swell and get harder. She pulled her mouth from his cock because she didn't want to waste his ,no doubt, huge load . She was saving it for tonight.

She undid the top button on his pants, pulled his cock up flat against his stomach and refastened the pants leaving his cock sticking out above his pants to keep it away from the steering wheel. She gave the head a little kiss and said in her little girl voice, "Thatsa boy, Big Mc. Just stay there and let Brian drive."

Brian had been driven so close to the edge that when she said that, he almost came anyway. He deep breathed to hold it until they had pulled into their drive.

Brian was a very happy camper. Bree was just so damn beautiful anyway and when she used her little girl voice, she became too cute. He knew that she would always get her way because he would not-could not-refuse her anything.



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AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

So sucking fucking hot, more and more please and soon. Cunt crazed fucker Lanc’s UK.

monicablumonicablualmost 7 years ago
Mountainous Redundancy

Probably picking at nits here, but the word "yama" means mountain in Japanese. In other words, you either say Mount Fuji or Fujiyama. Otherwise, a fun little tale (tail?).


OedipusErectusOedipusErectusalmost 7 years ago

Who says sex and humor don't mix?! This is one of the funniest stories I've read on Literotica. Simply over the top. Kudos to you, sir.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
what a wonderful way to be

I was wondering what it would be like to be her

BfreetorunBfreetorunover 11 years ago
Being an old-fashioned so-and-so...

I don't care to see this love story turned into a fuckfest with them fucking all the other high school folks. I think it should be a sweet thing between the two of them, I am sure that it won't just be that. I know, it is a porn story and that is how they go. Just this one time I wish that it would not be that way (I don't know what is wrong with me today, LOL). Thanks for writing however it turns out. I'm sure I will enjoy it no matter how it goes.

BarfBarf65BarfBarf65over 12 years ago

This is a great start! But there has to be more, much more. I'd not only would like to read about how Brian & Bree give their virginity to each other, but also how the school year (and their membership in the club) progresses!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
brian and bryan

the story was good but the spelling of the name brian and bryan was annoying

rafman188rafman188almost 13 years ago
Impressive start.

This thoroughly enjoyable and original story indicates that the author has a vivid imagination as well as a talent for writing. The idea of a community where eligible teenagers are in such short supply that they form a "swap and swing" club is almost Orwellian in its concept. Bravo.


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
Get a new editor

Be yourself and look around for well constructed stories.

Interesting story, thanks.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

Great start! I would agree that 0001 isn't necessary, but that is just a small quibble. I hope you keep the chapters coming fast and furious! LOVED the scene between Mary Jo and Bree!

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