Broken Salvation


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When I finished up with the cleaning I found myself knocking on Father Boss' door. "Come in!" As I entered, Evan was looking at me with a little smirk playing on his lips already. "You know, you're allowed to just walk in. Not much I could be hiding from you," he stated as he got up and came right over to me. Father Boss planted a light kiss to my lips before wrapping an arm around my waist to pick me up, carrying me over to his desk.

I giggled as my waist was squished and he hurriedly plonked me down on the smooth wood desk. I was surprised that he was so strong, being able to carry me with such ease. Looking over, as his hands gently parted my legs, my eyes were on the open laptop that sat right beside me. I barely even noticed Father Boss sitting in front of me in his desk chair until he slipped his cold fingers further up my skirt.

"Father, could you help me with something?" I asked, finally pulling my gaze away so I could look at him, catching his questioning expression as he arched his brow.

"Of course," he answered, hands stopping resting on the edge of my upper thighs, squeezing them gently.

"Will you help me look up something online?" I pointed to the laptop and got a chuckle from the man as he pushed one hand up further to go between my legs, making me gasp gently as he started to press his fingers against my womanhood through my Sunday best thin panties .

"Can't this wait?" he asked, leaning down and kissing my one exposed knee as his fingers creeped up my inner thigh.

I looked sternly and shook my head at him, though allowed him to keep touching me as I reached over, I could not help but involuntarily moan as he started pressing his fingers firmer against my sex as I turned the computer to face the both of us more. "No! I need to look now. Dad said something and I can't get it off my mind till I know what he meant." There was a strange look in his eyes as I said that, one that told me he might know something about what I was looking for. Slowly bringing the closest hand out from under my skirt, still pressing the other firmly against my panties.

"Okay, fine. What do you wanna look up?" he asked, using the touchpad in the middle to bring his little pointer to a search box at the top of the screen. He did it so flawlessly, like he had no trouble at all.

"Heather Green," I told him. Of course, the first search got us nothing, there was a stripper in the nearby city with the same name. I then had him add in the town we had just moved from and there was an article about it from the local paper.

Local Priest, 28, Transferred After Cheating Scandal Comes to Light

What a headline. My eyes blinked and my heart thumped. Definitely not something I thought should come up by searching my mother of all people. This was just not like her... was it? My mom was a good godly woman. In disbelief I pointed to the headline and Evan clicked on it, bringing up a short article from my old local paper that spelled it all out for me. My mom had cheated on my dad with the priest of our church and I was only now finding out! It explained everything. I mean we did move quickly but I had been told it was for a promotion at work and had no reason to question it.

It explained why my mom had left town too. My poor dad. Everyone now knew. Now, even me.

My head quickly played thousands of conversations between Father Thomas and my mom. Yes there were the cheeky flirtatious giggles and the many late night ecumenical discussion sessions. I think we assumed it was a group session. But my Dad and I stayed at home But I honestly didn't have a clue. I honestly didn't think Father Thomas was anything special.

Speaking of special, my attention was brought right back into the room and the priest of my own as his fingers had now slipped my panties to the side and had begun rubbing them teasingly and pleasurably between the lips of my vagiana. I involuntarily jumped and gasped a little bit from the feeling of his cold fingertip pressing against my clit and massaging it gently. "D-Did you know?" I asked, unable to shift completely to the way he was making me feel. Even though it felt so good having him rub my womanhood like that. He kept shooting sparks of pleasure all through my body as I took it, tossing my head back a bit and letting my long curly hair cascade down my back.

Father Boss looked me in the eyes and stayed silent as one of his fingers drifted back between my folds, pushing at my entrance gently. I gasped, but kept my legs open so he could do as he pleased. I wanted this. I wanted to find out all about sex with him. Even if it did apparently make me just like my harlot mother. His look was all I needed to know that I was right. He knew all about it and probably even the ins and outs of the whole situation from my mother in confession. She did visit the confession box as often as she was able to. I forgot who she was confessing to. I just figured it was what people of good faith did.

Guess I was wrong about that.

Maybe because he felt bad that he couldn't tell me more, but Father's hand slipped away down my legs and he stopped all of what he was doing, though kept his hand on the side of my leg. He took a deep breath. "I know what to do in moments like this. Let's go have a smoke." He offered, getting up and sliding his hand off me. It was unlike him to stop like that, but I just nodded and got down from the desk, readjusting both my panties which were left in place flicked to the side and were very much digging in, and my skirt I then followed a couple of paces behind and went with him outside to "our back step". I carefully sat down, still a little uncomfortable, as he lit up the cigarette, both of us silent for the moment while he looked as if he contemplated life and the universe as he filled his lungs with the poison smoke.

"Sorry I wish I could help you through this more. What did you think of him?" Father Boss asked as he held the cigarette out to me. I nodded and took it from him and took what was now a practiced smooth inhale from it. At this point, I really could be smoking a cigarette all to my own but I enjoyed the moment, sharing it with the priest. There was something about the act of passing the filter between us that excited me just as much as the first time. I couldn't wait for my turn or even stop dragging on them, and I don't think it was out of addiction to nicotine, yet. Though the smoke felt nice as it flowed into my lungs and the buzz I got as the drug took its effect.

"It's fine. I understand, he was just our priest, Dad thought he was too young." I assured him. Boss nodded in agreement, saying nothing more. This was just how things were and I knew that, I should have never even asked him, but it was hard not to when being hit with such heavy news. "Do you think I am really like her?"

A smile crossed Father Boss's face as he reached out and took the cigarette from me, placing it back between his lips as he shifted his weight uncomfortably. He mulled over the question for a moment, rubbing at the back of his head. "The situation... seems to be too complex for me to say." The man stated confidently. "I do know from reading the story and just from meeting your mom, you are not... exactly like her."

After passing the cigarette a couple more times between us, it was soon finished. I felt a little better, especially as what had become custom, Father Boss was kind enough in letting me take the final drag before I dropped it in the flower pot. On getting up I allowed my skirt to fall to the side and show off a lot of my legs and potentially my panties, drawing his gaze to me again. As soon as we were inside the house, away from prying eyes his strong hands were on me again, around my waist and pulling me into his chest from behind and my skirt above my knees. I felt his smokey breath on me, and relaxed a little as his soft lips pressed against the side of my neck, all making me whimper softly and even shiver a bit. Even though we were still on church grounds, it felt far more private behind the locked door of the little home than it did in his office.

Evan placed open mouth kisses down my neck and to my shoulder, using his fingers to pull the material of my top out of the way. His lips touched everywhere they could from that position before he turned me around, gently kissing my lips. "I really want to see you naked." He mumbled against my mouth. My face turned a bit red at his request, wondering how it would be to expose myself to him in that way.

"Here?" I asked as he pulled back from me a little.

He chuckled warmly, "No. I was thinking in the kitchen actually." Father Boss answered, now guiding me with his hands on my shoulders into the next little room, flipping the light on with his elbow as he went by. My throat felt dry, from both the smoke and my building nerves. I gulped, and looked at the sink. I wiggled free of his fingers and picked up a glass from the draining board and quickly filled it up.

I turned and whilst I looked at him I brought the glass to my lips and quietly swallowed the water soothing my throat as I thought about what was going to happen next for a moment longer. I needed these few seconds, I was hesitant between sips as to what I was going to do next. I smiled and quickly finished off the glass, before deciding yes I really wanted to do this. He had seen most of me by then, so what harm could it do to show him my whole body at once. I put the glass down and grinned as sweetly as I could. "Unzip me, please." I asked as I turned back around in front of him, moving my hair over my shoulder and out of his way. I felt nervous as the tight fabric quickly went loose on my skin and slowly slipped my arms through the holes. The Father's big hands helped me out of my dress, glancing down and watching as it piled on the floor around my heels which I slowly took off as well. I noticed those two inches against his body. Before reaching down and gathering my clothes. I dutifully draped it over the back of one of the chairs and stood there in just my light blue, lacy blue panties and white bra. Father Boss smiled at me as he easily unclasped my bra from behind me, tits falling just slightly without the support as I helped him take it off.

"Almost there." Father Boss commented, his hands running almost daintily down my back before I felt him dipping his fingers into the waistband of my panties. My hands joined his in pulling them down and I carefully stepped out of them. I was annoyed they got stuck on my left foot. I turned and faced hom. Now I was very much nude before him, standing beside the kitchen table. I never foresaw something like this for myself, feeling nervous as I stood as still as I could while he looked me over his eyes flicking up and down, walking around to my front with eyes like a hungry shark. My arms instinctively came up to my chest as I tried to cover myself the best I could. Father Boss was having none of it, pulling my arms down gently.

"Please don't cover up. You're perfect." He mumbled, his eyes still taking my body in as his warm hand reached out for my waist again and dragging his fingers over my skin before stopping right above my pubic area. "Julia, you've got me hard as a rock just from looking."

"You're not just looking.." I giggled before bravely putting my hands down on his belt, slowly undoing it and getting no complaints from the priest as I did so. Something about finally being this exposed to him made me want to do more. I felt like my appearance was not enough, I needed to show my worth in other ways as well. Part of the growing pains of being such a plain girl.

I focused hard on getting his belt undone. I worked then on opening his pants as I slipped down to my knees on the floor. When I tugged and pulled his underwear down past his knees his penis came springing out popping almost directly in my face. Gently, I wrapped my fingers around his shaft, doing it the way he had shown me before as I began to stroke. His manhood throbbed in my hand and he moaned appreciatively as I quickened my pace and even squeezed a bit tighter. It all felt too good to be right in my opinion. I was beginning to feel really guilty for doing all this.

Looking up at him, "Father... is this okay? Would the Lord approve?" I asked slowly, knowing the answer to my own question before it even formed. As I looked up to the man, I saw that his head was tilted back slightly as his hand found its way to the back of my head, fingers carding through thick messy hair.

"Ohhh yes," he answered without hesitation. "Just don't stop doing what you're doing. It's so good, Julia." His voice came out in such a deep, low tone it rattled through me and made me just want to do an even better job at touching him. I wasn't going to stop, no I wanted to try something new after the experience Father Boss gave me in the sanctuary. Green eyes flickered up at him as I leaned in, letting my lips brush against the head of his cock. It felt so strange as I slipped more and more into my mouth, only able to take about half before I had to stop. My mouth was stuffed with him at that point and overtaken by his flavor. He was salty, though not overly.

Taking from what little I knew about using my hands on the Father, I slowly began pulling back before taking it right back in, holding him around the base of his penis while my other hand held his hip to keep me balanced. It took a little time for me to find the right pace as I bobbed my head, careful to not eat him with my teeth, my tongue moving on the underside of his length. Shockingly, pretty fast I found myself enjoying it, enjoying the motions and more so the sounds that I was hearing from the man above.

After some more time, from the continuous sucking my jaw was beginning to ache from the motions. I was doing my best though to keep going, wanting to make my priest feel as good as he had made me feel the night before. Evan was enjoying himself from what I was hearing. His panting and moaning only grew more constant the longer I sucked on him. Suddenly, I felt him pulling at my hair gently and I released my lips, and allowed him to guide his cock out of my mouth. I smiled almost like a puppy wanting to be told I was a good girl and given a treat as I was looking up to him. "Come here." He said as he helped me stand before the man picked me up and sat me down on the edge of the table. My bare ass was cold against it as I adjusted myself, watching him getting in closer. Father Boss slotted himself between my legs, his back to one of them as he pushed the other open more.

I looked down and watched intently as his large manly fingers slowly dipped between the lips of my vagina. I then could not help but moan with pleasure, something that I have never felt before as I felt his thumb as it pressed against me and began rubbing that sensitive nub right above. I felt as the tip of his finger pressed against my opening, just the little bit of pressure was making it sting just slightly. I had never tried to put anything inside me, though recently it had been on my mind a lot, especially when I was alone and in bed. My fingers could not help themselves. They got very close. But I always stopped. I just never could try it myself, I knew that I wanted Father Boss to be the one to lead me into this new experience, like he had led me with everything else so far.

I could feel as he gathered up some of the juices coming from me and got it all over his fingers before pushing one up against my hole a bit harder, sliding it inside slowly. It hurt, but not horribly and I was wanting this so badly, I was able to ignore it for the most part. He pushed his finger inside until he had it buried deep, all the way to the last knuckle.

"You're so ready." He commented, slowly pulling his finger almost all the way out before pushing it right back in. It stung for a moment, then began to feel strange, not in a bad way thankfully. It was just a weird feeling as he began to finger me. His finger was going so deep inside me, making me tremble as he also used his thumb on my clit the whole time.

I could feel his finger rubbing around the walls inside me, seeming to be searching for something, I did not care what, I was just enjoying his probing. It was a lot of exciting feelings at once but, when he touched a certain spot there was a shot of pleasure that went all through my body. It was like a lightning rod, making me let out a noise that was somewhere between a gasp and a moan. "There we are." He mumbled, now pressing and pushing against it more as he slowly pulled his finger out and thrusted it back in. Father Boss was pinpointing the spot over and over again, sending a wave of pleasure through my body. He was making sure he was hitting that spot each time.

I was extremely thankful to be sitting on top of the table since my legs were shaking and certainly wouldn't have taken my weight from the amazing feeling as he kept giving to me. Each repetitive vigorous thrust felt like too much for me, it was sensory overload, I felt as if I was going to explode. The pleasure took over, making me toss my head back and grip onto the edge of the table tightly, knuckles turning white. It felt overwhelmingly utterly amazing, I feared my body couldn't handle it honestly. My lower half was on overdrive as he kept his finger inside me and his thumb kept brushing that sensitive spot. My legs even became numb as they shook, going from my toes all the way up to my private area that was being ravished by the most amazing man on the planet.

"O-ooh! Father!" I moaned, unable to stop myself. The need to explode was taking over me. Explode in more than one way, I felt like I needed to pee. It couldn't be though. No, I couldn't pee myself at a time like this. My whole tummy was feeling electric. Being so new to it all I figured it was just the way my body handled this kind of thing. It was just another orgasm. Right? Nothing bad could come from feeling this good.

I was becoming quite sweaty from it all, which made it a little embarrassing as my butt slipped against the smooth wooden table top under me. The bangs of hair over my forehead had become stuck to my "glowing" skin as I kept moaning as he kept repetitively thrusting that one fat finger inside me, like a sorcerer hitting that magical spot each time. "Oh God!" I could feel it building up inside me much like it had the night before in the church. This time I felt a lot fuller though and almost wanted to stop him. My foot even shot out, hitting him in the chest, but that did nothing to stop Father Boss. The sound his hand was making as it moved in and out of me was like welly boots stepping into wet mud, but I could barely handle the feeling let alone the sound. I just felt it, and certainly enjoyed it more than anything in the world, especially as he then slid in another finger, I gasped as he stretched me open just a bit more making the feeling that more pronounced and sound that much louder.

It was a few minutes later when I hit the peak. It was amazing. I could take no more. I had hit the same the night before, but this felt very different. This time I felt a shuddering energy flow through me as everything let go while I was lost in waves of amazing undeniable pleasure spreading through my body and there was something flowing out of me that I couldn't stop. Something that splattered onto the ground below as he kept his movements going, never once stopping as I cried out louder and louder. The gushing lasted a bit longer, getting all over the Father's hand and pants, whilst making a mess of the floor as I leaned back on my elbows, panting and whining, staring at the light fitting above me for a few seconds. I needed to get my breath back. As Evan smiled at me as he pulled his fingers out from inside me. I let out a long sigh of contentment before slowly shuffling up on my elbows and properly sitting up fully and taking a look at the still growing puddle I had made as my fluid still dripped off the table. Looking across to Father Boss I noticed how he was still panting too, looking very happy with himself as he took in the mess he had made of me.
