Brotherhood of Janus Ch. 01: First Gather


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"Whacha got?" I asked.

"Nothing from him yet, but my men have found his car and where he got in through the fence. There's a gate that doesn't look like a gate around back. You need a key to open it and he had the key. There is a fire ladder at the end of the balconies he used to get up here. One of the sliding doors in this room had its alarm contact removed."

"I see. Go down and get him talking. I want to know everything he does."

"Right boss," Feldman said turning and walking away.

Chapter 35

Turning back to the room, I went to bed. Everyone looked at me as if I had all the answers.

"I don't know why this happened, but I will find out before I leave. Now all of you go back to bed. We found where he got in and how he got up here, so you are all safe. Mark, you stay the rest out."

Michelle checked Susan one more time, then came and kissed me goodnight. George shook my hand. Mary waved, as did Henry. Once the door closed, I turned back to Mark.

"I am truly sorry this happened to Susan. I never meant for anyone to get hurt."

"It's not your fault, things here have been bad for a long time. I think maybe we should have a talk with Susan's and Michelle's dad's."

"Good idea, you and George call them in the morning and have them here, say about one in the afternoon. Oh and I would like both of them here at the dinner tomorrow night, can you arrange that?"

"I suppose."

"Also, you are going to stay here beside your wife for the night. I'll sleep on the divan."

"No, nonsense, the bed is big enough for the three of us."

"Well if it's okay with you... "

"It's fine."

Smiling I climbed into bed on my side while Mark crawled in the other. Reaching for the switch, I hesitated, an instant, as I watch him brush the hair out of her face and pull the cover up over her. Pressing the switch plunged the room into darkness. I was soon drifting off to sleep.

~~ Janus ~~

I woke to arms pulling me onto my back. Turning, I opened my eyes to the brightness of morning. Susan with her eyes still closed was pulling me to her. Rolling, I was in her arms and she settled back into sleep. Looking over at Mark, he too was deep in sleep. Leaning forward I pressed my lips to Susan's forehead. She smiled.

"I love you, John Carlson," she whispered, then was quiet again.

Closing my eyes, I just lay there, my mind racing. Did I actually hear what I thought I heard? Did she just... with her husband... well, she didn't know he was here. I had no intention of breaking them up, no intention what so ever. She and I would have to have a long, long talk before I ever came back here.

I didn't drop back into sleep as my two companions did. I lay there, feeling feelings I shouldn't have for another man's wife. Opening my eyes, I watched her sleep. I watched her nose flare with each breath she took. I watched her eyes move as she dreamt. I watch her lips move as she talked to someone in her dream. For what had to be another hour I watched her beautiful face. At some point, I became aware that her pretty brown eyes were open and regarding me with amusement.

"What?" I whispered.

"You have been watching me sleep. Why are we whispering?"

"Mark is on the other side of you."

"Oh," she whispered turning her head to look at him. "I don't know what that guy gave me, but I feel great. Of course, I haven't moved yet."

I kissed her on the cheek and rolled away from her swinging my feet over the edge. Sitting with my back to her, she rolled over and cuddled with Mark. I heard him moan, then sigh as he realized it was her. Then they were kissing, loudly. Jumping off the bed, I headed for the bathroom. First a pee, then I started the shower. Within minutes, Susan and then Mark joined me in the large walk-in shower.

Now don't get me wrong, I'm not homophobic and I have been in the service and showered with groups of men, but it was a lot closer in this shower than I liked. I do have to say that Mark stayed on his side, keeping Susan between us. I had no problem with her being there. And while she did take turns, soaping us up, she did soap our cocks at the same time, one in each hand.

"I have never done anything like this before," she said, "this is fun. Two hard cocks in my hands at the same time, god I'm getting... "

She left off still stroking us. Mark pulled her to him kissing her hard on the lips, she never let go of me. Each time Mark squeezed her breast in his soapy hand she squeezed my cock with hers.

"God this is so much fun," she giggled.

Stepping back, I slipped right out of her hand. She looked at me with concern. I nodded stepping back under the spray of water and rinsed off. Mark still held her in his arms as she held him in her hand. With sad eyes, she watched as I stepped out of the shower. Grabbing a towel I started to dry off as I headed out into the bedroom.

Waiting on the divan was Michelle. When I walked out, she looked at me and smiled. Getting up she started to walk to the bathroom. I grabbed her arm as she went to pass me.

"She and Mark are a little busy right now," I told her softly.

"Oh, my, I forgot he was here," she laughed turning and pressing her body against mine. "I need to check on Susan."

"You can my dear, we're done," Susan said walking out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel.

Michelle let go of me and went to her. Susan hopped up on the edge of the bed looking out the window.

"God that's a beautiful view," Susan whispered.

"Not as beautiful as the one I have," Mark said, standing to the side and watching his wife.

"Oh, will you two stop that!" Michelle said. "Open your mouth. Say ah... that's it. Now look up, down, left, right, pupils equal and reactive. Well, you're good to go."

Susan hopped down to the floor, wrapped her arms around Michelle and hugged her tight.

"You're such a good friend. You know I love you, don't you?"

"I love you too dear, now let me go, I can't breathe."


"Gerry says that breakfast is ready whenever you guys are," Michelle said.

Opening my closet, I pulled out a clean pair of pants and a shirt. I grabbed my sandals and slipped them on my feet. Looking at Mark, I pulled a clean shirt out.

"Mark, try this one, it might fit you. Susan, I'm sorry I don't have anything that would fit you."

"No problem, it won't be the first time I have worn the same clothes two days in a row."

Chapter 36

Breakfast was uneventful and delicious, Carlos outdid himself. After breakfast, I sat down with him to discuss dinner. I told him about how many people would be there. I was assuming everyone that was at the gathering, minus those who were expelled, plus a few I had invited with George and Marks help. I asked what he thought he might serve. He told me he would make sure it was good, wholesome food. Then he went on to tell me he just happened to have over one hundred lobster tails and fillets thawing in the fridge. I clapped him on the back told him to get to it then. He left smiling.

As I was getting up from the table, Feldman appeared. He looked tired.

"What's up?" I asked.

"He talked. Turns out it was three of the council. I have their names," he said handing me a piece of paper.

"You didn't cause any permanent damage, did you?"

"No, never even touched him. When McKenzie stripped down to her undies and started waving that knife of hers around, he blabbing so fast we could hardly keep up."

"Good. You guys will be staying on here when I leave. Get yourselves some trailers and move out of that carriage house. Put the trailers around back out of sight. Also, have Jimmy go get these three. He'll know what charges to bring."

"Right, I'll take care of it, Boss."

Turning I climbed the stairs back up to the office. I found everyone hard at work with those few things I had asked them to do that they hadn't gotten finished yesterday. Smiling I went to my desk. The first thing I noticed, was the finished proclamations. Picking them up, I read through them. The wording was elegant as was the script in which Mary had penned them.

As I finished reading each one, I picked up the pen Mary had placed next to them. Very carefully, I scrawled my signature at the bottom of each. When I was done, Mary suddenly appeared beside me to collect the papers.

"These go in the archive after I have scanned them into the computer," she told me gently picking up the papers from my desk.

Turning to my computer screen, I started to search the archives for more information on the goings on in this lodge. Just by accident, I stumbled onto a page that displayed a memo from the grand council. As I read it, I was very surprised.

"George, Mark, come here would you?"

When they were standing behind me, I pointed at my screen.

"Do you know anything about this?"

"Ah, no, except I knew it was soon. There is one every year. A different lodge is picked each year," Mark said.

Looking around, I spotted Gerry at the bookshelves.

"Gerry, I think you better get over here," I shouted. "You better read this," I said pointing to my screen.

"That son of a bitch, this is two months old. When did he plan on telling me? Crap! I wonder where that check got to."

"I'll ask him when he gets here. I have a lot to ask him when he gets here."

"John, could you check the bank accounts for me," Gerry said.

"Sure... why don't you do it, here sit down."

Gerry typed and clicked furiously for a few seconds. A page displayed and he relaxed as the amounts printed on the screen.

"I was afraid for a moment that our Mister Peterson had funneled funds away from the lodge."

"Does he have the necessary passwords and such to access those from another computer?"

"No, the server collects the information from the banks automatically and then creates this report. Mister Peterman never had the passwords to the server. That's the only place you can get to the information needed to access the account number, passwords and such."

"Gerry, just to be sure, you might want to have the server checked for breaches and call the banks to verify these balances. Does Peterman have a check card, debit card or plain checks that he could use to get at this money?"

"He had a cash card, but I have canceled that. The checkbook is in the drawer here," Gerry said opening a drawer on the right-hand side.

Pulling the book out and placing it on the desk, he opened it and swore.

"Damn, it looks like he took a check with him. I have to call the bank," he said jumping up and heading out of the office.

"Mister Peterson is going to have a lot to answer for," I whispered.

George and Mark both clapped me on the shoulders. It looked like I would have an important announcement to make at the dinner tonight.

"What can we do to help John?"

"Help, George, it's your lodge, what can I do to help?"

He was stunned to silence as the realization of the magnitude of what that memo brought. Mark chuckled as he slapped George on the back. I just smiled up at him as I leaned back in the chair.

"What's wrong, sweetheart," Michelle asked her husband as she came up behind him.

"Nothing I can't handle, with Marks help," George said slapping his friend on the back.

Now it was George that was chuckling as Marks' eyes widened.

"Back to work," I said turning back to my computer screen.

George, Mark, Michelle, Susan, and Mary, were huddled at George's desk. Discussing the memo, I had found, no doubt. After a while, Michelle came over and perched herself on the edge of my desk.

"What?" I asked, exasperated.

"I'm sorry to bother you. Is there any way to put that off?"

"No. Mark would know more about this than I anyway. Go find Gerry and ask him, but I would bet your pretty little ass the answer would be no."

"You think my ass is pretty?" she giggled.

"Yes. Now... "

"Sir, lunch is ready, when you are," Carlos said from the doorway.

"Thank you, Carlos, we'll be down directly."

"Very well," he replied backing out into the hallway.

"Everyone over here please." I waited for them to gather round. "Please, don't mention the memo to anyone you talk to who is not already privy to the information. Also, don't worry, you can do everything that needs doing. If needed we can bring in outside help to prepare."

They all nodded and I could see a few shoulders relax, especially Georges.

Chapter 37

Lunch was delicious, again. Gerry came in a little late but had a smile on his face. Raising an eyebrow at him, he sat, then bowed his head for a second.

"It turns out that check I thought was missing was to pay for the food for the gathering. That was another problem with Mister Peterman, he was slightly lax in his record keeping."

"Well, that's good to hear," I said nodding my approval.

We were just finishing lunch when Feldman came walking in the front door with four people about my age, Michelle and Susan saw them and went running to them. George and Mark follow a little more slowly than their wives. All of them stood talking, while Feldman continued over to me.

"Boss, the parents are here," he said simply.

"Right, you can go, there shouldn't be any problems. Peterman will be here at two. Bring him up to the office, please."

"Right Boss," he said turning and heading for the door.

The conference was over. They all headed toward me. To say I was a bit nervous would be an understatement. I had betrayed a trust. A trust I could honestly say I didn't know about. I stood as they arrived at the table. Michelle stepped in between me and the gentleman who stopped in front of me.

"John Carlson, may I introduce you to my father Charles... "

"No need Doctor. Sir, I am very pleased to make your acquaintance. There are many things I would like to ask you, as I'm sure there are many you would like to ask me. Please accept my apologies, had I only known you didn't want your lovely daughter to know you were a member, I wouldn't have involved her in helping me bring order to this great lodge."

His demeanor changed dramatically with my little speech.

"Quite all right sir, quite all right."

"Now please introduce me to that wonderfully gorgeous creature next to you."

"Yes, of course, my wife and mother of my daughter, Pam."

"I'm very pleased to meet the wonderful mother who raised such a smart and compassionate young woman."

"You flatter me, sir, may I call you John?"

"Of course my dear, Michelle will you show your parents up to the office please."

Michelle took her Dad's hand and led him away. As Susan and her parent stepped up, I could see they would not be an easy sell.

"John, let me introduce my father Thomas."

"I am most pleased to meet you, sir," I said holding out my hand.

Looking me over he stood as still as a statue. I stood, looking him in the eye. Ever so slowly, he started to raise his arm to take my hand.

"Dad!" Susan said.

"Fine, but we will have a talk later, young lady."

"Yes, dad. It's not his fault. You hear me?"

"Yes. Glad to meet you, John. This is my wife Barbara."

He finally took my hand and we shook. Barbara extended her hand, which I took in mine raising it to my lips. Gently, I kissed the back of her hand.

"I am very glad to meet you, Barbara, you have also raised a smart and compassionate young woman."

"Why thank you, John. I must have a talk with you before we leave."

"Ah, maybe tonight while we share a dance, as I am very busy the rest of the afternoon."

"That would be delightful. I look forward to that dance."

"I also milady," I said bowing. "Susan will show your parents to the office?"

"Of course," she answered, taking her mom's hand and leading them away.

Mark and George just stood there chuckling at me.


"Susan's dad is really pissed. Michelle's not so much. Michelle's mom on the other hand and Susan's not so much," George said.

"Great," I said turning toward the stairs.

For the next forty minutes, I talked with both parents and their daughters. The discussions ranged all over the place. How the girls found out. Why they were reading the Archive documents, to how they could help put the lodge back together. By the time we were finished, I had another meeting scheduled with them on Wednesday morning.

As they were getting up to leave, Feldman showed up with Peterman. His face went from one emotion to another as he saw them and their daughters here together.

"Charles, god I'm sorry she found out... "

"Do shut up Peterman, you have bigger worries than my daughter finding out I was a member," Michelle's father told him as he walked past him and out of the office with his wife on his arm.

"Listen to what John has to say, Kevin. You may just keep your ass out of jail if you do," Susan's dad told him.

Then it was just Peterman, Michelle, Susan and me in the office.

"Kevin, have a seat please," I told him.

Michelle and Susan were still sitting. The only chairs available were between them. Peterman pulled one out and moved the other over slightly. Michelle giggled Susan just rolled her eyes.

"Why are they here?" he asked.

"Witnesses," I told him.

Chapter 38

For the next hour, I told Peterman every single thing he had done wrong, was now corrected. I told him he was finished as far as the Brotherhood was concerned. I told him his daughter Sally would become a temporary member until such time as she married. If she married a potential member, hers would continue until such time as her husband inherited his. He was extremely thankful for my taking care of her.

I then went on to tell him that if at any time he tried to influence her into getting something done for him, her membership would be terminated immediately. He understood and promised he wouldn't try any such thing. I explained to him further that any dealings he now had with members would be terminated forthwith. All members would be informed of this tonight.

"Kevin, the last thing I will do is have the charges against you dropped," I told him. Taking a piece of paper from the desk drawer, I handed it to him. "These three, however, will be going to jail for a very long time."

"What did these fools do?" Seems he knew his friends.

"Last night a man broke into the mansion. He was captured, but not before an individual was injected with some unknown substance. He subsequently talked and your friends are being arrested as we speak."

"Dear God in heaven. Did they kill someone?"

"No, the asshole just knocked me out for the night," Susan said softly.

Peterman whipped his head around to look at her to see if she really said what she said. Other than that, he stood mute.

"Kevin, if we find out you had anything to do with this, charges will be levied. You got that?"

"Yes. I swear I had nothing to do with this or any knowledge. I spent all day Monday at work and then went right home. Sally was there, she'd verify that. We had a long talk."

"We'll ask her if we need to. The last thing is that Sally will be moving in here. I will tell her tonight. You may not come here to see her. She is free to leave and see you any time she wishes."

"That's fine she had already decided to move out, it will now just be a little sooner."

"Then we are done. Kevin, if this was a government entity or a private business you would be in jail right now. You know that?"

"Yes," he said his shoulders sagging.

"That's good you recognize that. Go home. Please don't say anything to Sally."

"I won't, I promise."

"Goodbye Kevin, have a good life."

"I'll try," he replied getting to his feet and shuffling out of the office.

"When did you decide about Sally?" Michelle asked.

"Yesterday, when I read in the archives that it has been done in the past, I think. It may have been the day before, I have read so much in the past two days. I can remember what, but not when."
