Brotherhood of Janus Ch. 01: First Gather


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"She likes you too, but you stay away from her. She isn't available."

"Why, because she's your mother?" I asked.

"You got it buster," she giggled as I swung her around.

The last song lasted a long time. Susan and I had a marvelous time. I loved holding her in my arms watching her smile and laugh as we talked. As the song ended I pulled her as close to me as possible.

"Yes," I told her.

"I knew you would," she answered, kissing my cheek.

I let go of her and ran up to the podium. George met me there and we both climbed up and looked out over the crowd.

"Gather in close if you will," I shouted. "Come on, this is why you came tonight."

George and I waited until everyone was in close and looking up at us expectantly.

"George, would you please do the honors," I told him handing the paper with the name on it to him.

He looked shocked as he cleared his throat and faced the crowd. Stepping back I slowly went down the small stairway at the back and sat down in the gallery behind him. He would make a good lodge president. Even though I only just met him, I knew he would uphold the principals of the Brotherhood. He had a great woman at his side, one who would stand by him and help him. Yes, I loved his wife, I will admit that, but she was his and he was hers. There was no doubt about that in my mind.

As I listened to the names he announced, cheers and applause filled the ballroom. These people, my brothers, and sisters were happy once again. I smiled, looking down at my shoes. They were quite shiny as I watched an overhead light reflecting off them. Then there was a shadow blocking that light. Looking up, I found Barbara standing in front of me.

"Hi Barbara, did you enjoy yourself tonight? Where are my manners, would you like to sit?"

Sitting next to me, she smiled as she listened and looked into my eyes. Pursing her lips, she put her finger to them. Then took her finger and touched my lips.

"My daughter thinks very highly of you. Mark has also mentioned that you are a good person. They both tell me you have done nothing but, look for a solution to problems with this lodge without having the Grand Council come here. For this, I want to thank you, for without the Brotherhood... well, we could not have given our daughter all that she has."

She stopped, her eyes filled with tears. I didn't say anything just watched her work through her emotions.

"Thank you," she said leaning forward and kissing me.

I kissed her back with as much passion as I could. She was a beautiful woman, not just outside, but inside as well. All of these people here were beautiful. Pushing her back I gently placed my hand to her cheek.

"You are welcome, dear lady. When next I'm in the area I shall look you up and take you to lunch."

"That would be nice. However, what would be nicer would for you to take me to dinner. That way I will get two meals out of you," she said with a sly smile on her lips.

I laughed, then kissed her again.

"It's a date," I told her.

"Well if you're going on a date with her you damn well better be thinking of taking me on one!" Pam huffed.

Turning to her, I laughed, taking her hand in mine and kissing her fingertips.

"It's a promise. Maybe I could take you both out to dinner at the same time?"

"You couldn't handle us both," Pam said.

"I don't know, I was able to handle your daughters at the same time and they had no complaints."

They both laughed as they each slapped me on the arms. Then we heard George saying goodbye and bidding the members a safe trip home. I jumped up, excused myself to the ladies and hurried to the door. It was time to say good-bye.

Standing by the door, George and Michelle joined me. Leaning over I whispered in Michelle's ear.

"Your mother just made a date with me for dinner and breakfast."

She spun around to look at me. She was smiling.

"I know, I told her too," she said smugly.

"Susan's mom did too, at the same time."

Now she was shocked. She started coughing as she tried to comprehend what I had just told her.

"Are you and George staying the night?"


"Well wander on down to my room and we'll have a late night snack. Susan and Mark are staying too."

"Which room will they be in?" she asked.

"Mine," I told her bluntly.

Again, that surprised look. Then there were people passing us and we had to say our good-byes. Just saying good-bye took an hour. Each woman kissed George and each man kissed Michelle. Kissing me was also on the agenda of all the women. Michelle's parents were among the last. Her dad kissed her on the cheek and shook my hand firmly. Her mother kissed George with all the passion she would have kissed her husband, then she lightly gave her daughter a peck on the cheek.

Standing in front of me, her husband looked at me, then at her. She refused to meet his gaze and he turned and took a step out the door into the chill of the night. Pam leaned forward and kissed me. She kissed me, kissed me, and kissed me. Finally, Michelle cleared her throat and gently pushed her mother away from me. Pam sighed as she stepped through the door to join her husband.

Michelle glared at me. I shrugged my shoulders, what was I to do? Then it was Susan's parents. Susan's dad had no compunction against kissing Michelle as hard and as long as he was allowed. Susan finally gave him a light slap to the back of the head. Barbara had none either and held George tight as she kissed him. Susan stood behind her tapping her foot as Mark laughed.

Then Barbara was in my arms. Ten seconds later, I was holding the back of my head and Barbara was out the door, Susan having pushed her and slapped me at the same time.

Chapter 43

Susan and Mark didn't say good-bye as they were staying. George took Michelle by the hand a pulled her upstairs. Turning the same way I led Susan and Mark up to my room. Never having participated in... a... situation like this, I slowly undressed until I was down to my boxers.

Turning I saw that Susan was naked and headed for the shower. Mark was right behind her. Stepping into the bathroom, before they started the water I said to them.

"Oh, I might have invited Michelle and George down for snacks, maybe. Michelle never answered me."

"That's fine the more the merrier," Susan replied as she turned on the water.

Stepping back into the room I went to the fridge and got a beer. Sitting on the divan, I sipped it until Susan and Mark were finished in the bathroom. I really didn't know if I was looking forward to this or not. When they came out, I went in, showered and brushed my teeth.

Stepping out of the bathroom, I saw the most beautiful sight in the world. Susan was astride her husband, head thrown back, eyes closed with the most beautiful look on her face. Her moans of lust were subdued, but audible. I stood there watching her hips move back and forth, as she pressed down on her husband. I was hard as a rock.

Throwing her head forward Susan cried out with pleasure. Her hips started to move faster as she leaned on her husband's chest. Turning her head toward me, her eyes smoldered with passion. She became more excited knowing I was watching her.

Walking slowly toward the bed, she leered at me. Climbing into bed, I saw Mark watching his wife. Reaching out she took hold of my cock and pulled my lips to hers. I could feel her hips start to move faster. Reaching over I cupped her breast in my hand and gently squeezed. She squeezed me a little harder. I moaned and squeezed her breast harder. Soon I was crushing her breast in my hand. She threw her head back and cried out. I let go.

"You... weren't... hurting... me," she panted her hips jerking with her orgasm.

Leaning down I sucked a nipple into my mouth, swirling my tongue around the hard nub of flesh. Susan's hand pressed against the back of my head. As I suckled, I watched her flat muscular stomach as her hips jerked back and forth on her husband's cock. The harder I sucked the greater she pressed my head into her breast. I placed a hand on her back and a hand on her stomach. The feeling of her body jerking back and forth, as I not only watched but also felt her, was a tremendous turn on.

"John, I want you inside me," she whispered, "in my ass please."

I was completely surprised by her request, yet she had evidently participated in something like this in the past. Lifting my head from her breast, I kissed her. Then I moved around behind her, her ass glistened with lube. Running my hand through it, I transferred some to my cock. Jockeying into position, I rubbed my cock across her anus. Then I pushed gently against her puckered asshole. Slowly, I slipped inside her.

When I was buried in her bowels, I stopped for just a second to allow her to get used to me being there. She continued to jerk her hips I could feel Marks cock through the thin membrane separating us. I started to pull out of her, slowly. Then slowly I pushed back in her body. Pushing her over onto Mark's chest, I plunged my cock in and out of her as fast as I could.

Mark was doing the same thing. Susan was whimpering and shouting as her orgasm pushed her over the edge. Then I heard Mark shout and I felt his cock pulse inside his screaming wife. Falling backward, I popped out of Susan landing on my outstretched arms. Looking behind her, she smiled at me and flopped to the side. Seeing I was still hard, she pushed me back. Taking a wet washcloth, she thoroughly cleaned my cock. Then she straddled my hips. I slid right in.

"Uhg... that feels so good," Susan groaned as she engulfed me fully.

She felt so slick. I guess creamy would be the word. Slowly she started jerking her hips, back and forth, over and over, again and again. The feeling was incredible. She leaned forward and kissed me hard. I placed my hands on her hips, letting them go back and forth. Sitting back up, she gazed into my eyes. Mark was up beside her grabbing her breasts and kissing her neck.

For the next twenty minutes, I was in heaven. Then Mark moved up behind his wife and slipped his cock into her ass. I felt him slid in. Susan leaned forward.

"Fuck me, fuck me hard," she said.

Marked started pumping into her hard. The sound of skin slapping filled the room. I pushed my cock up into her as far as I could. She was kissing my neck, my face, and my lips as her body rocked with orgasm after orgasm. Her eyes were ablaze with passion and lust.

"Oh shit," she shouted as Mark slammed into her one last time.

Pulling out he lay next to his wife watching her come. She was crazy with lust, her hips jerking and rocking as her passion squirted out of her. The feeling of her and Marks juices flowing out and over my balls triggered my orgasm, once again filling the beautiful woman riding my cock. When I stopped, Susan collapsed on top of me her mouth at my ear.

"God that was so good. I hoped you enjoyed it a lot. Whenever you're in town you have an open invitation," she whispered.

I grunted my answer. Pushing herself up, we were all startled by applause from Michelle and George.

"Very good, I thoroughly enjoyed the show. Is there a second performance tonight?" Michelle asked laughing at the looks on our faces.

We, three men, spent the night kissing, fondling and fucking two of the most beautiful women on the planet. I have no idea what time I fell asleep. I have no idea what time I woke either. She was sucking me, trying to get me hard one more time. It wasn't working, so I pulled her up and kissed her hard and held her in my arms as we both fell back to sleep. Michelle is so sweet, so kind, so understanding, she wrapped her arms around me as we both dropped off.

Chapter 44

Bells, I was hearing bells. Thinking to myself, where the hell are those bells coming from, I realized it was the phone. Thankfully, the ringing stopped.

"Hello," a female voice croaked. "Thank you, Gerry."

Peaceful silence once more, I smiled to myself as I drifted along in the darkness.

"Everyone up!" she shouted.

I felt three people sit up, jerking the bed as I tried to go back to sleep.

"Get up John," someone whispered in my ear.

"I don't want to," I said.

"Please, our parents will be here in half an hour," two female voices whined.


"Later, now get dressed," Susan told me, slapping me on my naked ass.

~~ Janus ~~

The meeting with Michelle and Susan's father's lasted about an hour and I got some good information from them. George and Mark sat in and asked some really good questions. After saying good-bye, I returned to the office and started to write my report.

Ten minutes later Susan walked in and sat down across from me. Looking up as I typed she smiled and just nodded. I continued to type as I studied her. Long brown, thick hair, pulled back at the sides into a bunch at the back of her head, no bangs. She wore glasses when every one of her contemporaries wore contacts, low on her nose. Her skin was smooth with only a few, but tiny blemishes. Her eyes were a deep brown but shined bright between her long lashes.

She was beautiful beyond doubt and had stolen my heart long ago. She sat there gazing at me as I typed. I knew she was in her mid-forties, yet she looked younger.

"What are you thinking?" she asked softly.

"How good you look," I told her smiling.

Nodding she continued to watch. I kept typing and watching her.

"How do you know you are typing what you think you are?"

"Because I know how to type without having to watch the words appear on the screen."

"A good talent to have. Any other talents I should know about?"

"Well, let's see. I can chew gum and walk at the same time. I can eat pussy while I fuck another one... "

"Prove it?"

"We seem to be short a pussy," I laughed looking around the room.

"I knew you would worm your way out of that one."

I stopped typing. I looked at her, more intently. Smiling I rose from my chair. She watched me cautiously. Moving around to her side of my desk, I squatted down beside her looking her in the eye. For just a moment, she leaned toward me, then reared back to watch me.

"Susan... Sue... while we have both said I love you to each other, I feel that nothing good can... "

"When did I ever say, I love you?"

"Ah, well, you were asleep at the time."


"The other night... morning really, you pulled me to you and said, 'I love you John Carlson'."

"You were dreaming."

"I wasn't, that's why I told you."

"Ah, now I understand."

"I don't think you do, Sue."

The silence drew out, as we both, stared into each other's eyes. Rising I returned to my seat. Looking at her one last time, I smiled sadly at her.

"Sue, I really have to finish this before I leave for Atlanta."

"I know," she said, got up and walked out.

Two hours later, I was finished with my report. I saved it to a flash drive, had my things packed and was headed downstairs. At the bottom of the stairs, Gerry was waiting for me. I hand him the key and took his offered hand.

"Gerry, I don't know how to say what a pleasure it was to meet you. You... you were superb. Thank you."

"John, it was my pleasure. Thank you."

"Would you have a car take me to the airport?"

"I believe that has already been arranged for you John," he said pointing to the front door.

Standing there waiting, were Susan and Michelle. I smiled as I turned and walked toward them. They waited patiently.

"You two are taking me to the airport? I'll never get there!"

"Mark is driving, don't worry, he'll get you there. We're in the backseat with you. George is riding shotgun."

Shaking my head, I let them lead me outside to the waiting limo. George took my bags and put them in the trunk. Mark held the door for the ladies and me. Once inside, I noticed the blacked out window between the front seat and the back was up. As soon as I sat, Michelle attacked me. Her lips were soft and moist. As I kissed her back, I felt my pants zipper pulled down and Susan reaching in pulling my cock out.

For the forty minutes of the hour trip to the airport, both women made beautiful, hot, lusty love to me. For forty minutes, they took turns sucking and jerking on my cock. Within five minutes of leaving the mansion, they were both naked, my pants were down around my ankles and I had handfuls of tits and pussy. It was perhaps the best way I had ever spent the trip to the airport.

When we were ten minutes away from the airport, George lowered the window slightly and told the women to stop. They helped me dress, although they remained naked. When the limo stopped, George stood by the rear door and waited.

"It was a pleasure seeing you both. You have shown me an excellent time."

"That's what you came up with to say good-bye?" Michelle asked sarcastically.

"No, of course not. Michelle, I love you, I have loved you from the first time I saw you, but knew you were unavailable. Susan, I love you, I will always love you, even though you too are unavailable. You ladies will always hold a special spot in my heart. Please remember that as you continue with your lives. Yes, I will be returning and I look forward to seeing you again and again."

"That was much better," Susan said, as she leaned forward to kiss my lips.

"It was," Michelle said, kissing me gently.

"We love you too, don't forget," Susan said.

"We do, you know," Michelle chimed in.

"I know. I have always known. I really have to go now, god you two are beautiful. I will miss you both very much."

I knocked on the window. George turned and opened the door. Stepping out he took my hand and gripped it firmly.

"John, you are welcome in my house anytime," he told me shaking my hand.

"You and Michelle are welcome in mine, always."

Turning, Mark was waiting with my bag.

"John, it was really nice meeting you. Whenever you come to town we have to get together."

"My pleasure Mark," I told him shaking his hand.

I hefted my bag onto my shoulder and headed into the terminal. Looking back George was just closing the door as Mark walked to the front. In the sunroof, were Michelle and Susan still naked waving good-bye. When I waved back, they laughed and ducked back into the car. I smiled anew pulling the door to the terminal open and stepping inside.

Chapter 45

The flight to Atlanta was boring, compared to what I had experienced on the way to the airport. The cab ride to the lodge house was again boring compared to the ride I had in Chicago. The lodge house in Atlanta was huge. I had spent several years living and working in Atlanta. I had passed this mansion on numerous occasions. Back when I lived in Atlanta, I really never heard anything about who owned it or lived here.

The mansion was set on four acres of heavily wooded land. The fence around the mansion had to be eight feet high. The house was set back from the main road so that it sat in the middle of the land. Outbuildings spread out in back of the house proper. In front was a massive yard, surrounded by ten-foot hedges, blocking any view, into the yard. The limo pulled up to the gate.

"May I help you?" a speaker squawked.

"Yes sir, Member two-nine-three wishes to enter," I said out the window.

"Verify please," the disembodied voice said.

"Wishbone-one-nine," I told him.

"Thank you, sir, you may enter."

I sat back as the gates opened. The driver moved forward and drove up to the house, stopping at the front door. The house Majordomo was waiting as the car pulled up. When the trunk popped open, he pulled my bag out and set it on the ground, closing the lid of the trunk. He then stepped up to the driver. Spoke to him a minute or so, then waved him off.

"May I be the first to wish you welcome, sir?"

"Thank you, Major," I told him as he picked up my bag.

"Follow me, sir," he said walking to the door.