Butt Lovely Pt. 03 - Consummation


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I want to tell her how bloody good the tea is, but I don't want to interrupt the dance of this. So I watch as she tips the cup to her lips and how her neck stretches and I think about licking it. Licking it while I bury my dick in her. Licking it while I pinch those perfect little teepees of tits. Licking it while I pound her- Someone grabs my wrist.

Jules nods at me and smiles. "Shhh.... Lovely Davy." She mouths silently.

The cup goes around twice more, and each time Su-Lin dips a finger to herself and stirs it. I burn. Not with drug addled sensory loss and mental floaty absence but with fully present and feverish desire. So too does Jules, as evident from the flush that spreads down her neck and so too does Su-Lin from the way she lingers longer at her crotch with every dipped finger in this silly ballet of a tea ceremony.

And then. Then, it's done.

I feel grief at the moment. The moment when the whole thing is done; the bowl is empty, the tea is gone and we are finished. The eroticism lost. The moment a memory.

"Ha. I must apologise to my ancestors." Su-Lin speaks, "Thank you both for respecting my gift to you on your wedding day, but I think my ancestors roll in their graves."

Her smile belies the gravity and I try to pull myself out of the hypnotic spell of the whole thing.

"So... A tea ceremony with a twist." She laughs and then more seriously, "How's the tea going down?"

"Fock woman. I'm ready to rape you." Julia growls and I can't help but laughing. "I think I've flooded this cushion."

"Thanks Su-Lin. I've sat through hundreds of tea ceremonies and never... I..." I can't explain the depth of my feeling.

"The secret Davo, is that every tea ceremony follows tradition but the nuance changes. You have to learn how to read it. It would tell you very much about who you are dealing with and what is occurring when you are doing business. Julia tells me you travel. Tonight, we celebrate your union and the splendour of your sexuality. It's very different from formal business transactions and such I imagine."

Her smirk turns to laughter when I suggest, "Too right it is. But it would lighten things up if they got their gear off sometimes."

"Well, I suggest we adjourn to the bedroom now. I'm feeling the effects of the tea too." Su-Lin says quietly smiling at Jules.

I've no idea how this works but manners tell me that I should help my wife up from her kneeling position, so I stand and hold my hands out to the women. They take a hand each and get to their feet. My robe is tented with my ridiculously hard erection as we wander toward the king size bed.

There's a blanket spread on top of the bed that's obviously not hotel property. When she notices me inspecting it, Su-Lin says, "Waterproof and washable. You two have to sleep here tonight. I'll take it with me later."

Oh dear... Waterproof? What the heck has Jules arranged. I'm not one for those German piss movies.

"How does this actually work now?" Comes awkwardly out of my mouth.

Jules laughs at me kindly. "Always one for logistics, our boy."

"Well, in my experience most couples jump eagerly to the bit where the boy puts his dick in me. Then while he recovers, the girl and I play." Su-Lin reaches inside my robe and uses my dick to pull me to the bed. I shed my robe on the journey and Jules follows suite. Then I'm lying on my back between the two gorgeous women wondering exactly what is going to happen to me as I glance from one set of hungry eyes to the other.

"And Davy, you know how we Brits are for tradition." Jules smirks and leans in to kiss me. Another set of lips nip at my neck and countless hands roam upon my tingling skin.

"Motherfucker..." Hisses Su-Lin. "Julia, you said he had, what was it now? Oh 'a lovely cock' but this is..."

"I am rather fond of it myself." Julia says breaking our passionate kissing briefly.

"I mean, I've met some freakishly large ones before, and they were... ahm 'novel' but not something I'd do again. This is almost perfect."

"Ah..." It's attached to me ladies. I'm right here.

"May I, Davo?" Su-Lin asks slowly kissing her way down my chest and tummy.

I try to nod while kissing Jules and feel the grazing of Su-Lin's breasts across my stomach as she repositions herself and swallows my entire dick in one quick gulp.

"Holy wow." Julia breaks our kiss to watch. "Oh..." And then there are confused things painted on my pretty wife's face. She glances back to me and I think she's uncertain. In any case, my toes are curling with the expert attention my dick is being given and that's my excuse for not being able to read her face as well as I probably should.

"Oh Orange. Orange, Su-Lin darling. I'm so sorry." There are tears forming in the corners of her eyes. She seems to take a moment to think and stares hard at me while her lip quivers.

"Davy. Lovely Davy. I know it's a bit silly. We made all our promises today and here we are breaking them already." Su-Lin releases me and sits cross-legged on the bed listening with empathic eyes.

"Just promise me please. You won't ever fuck anyone when-" She shakes her head, "I'm just confused."

"Shh honey." Su-Lin rubs her naked back. "Shh. Take your time and think about what you want to say."

My eyes surprise me by staying focused on Jules' face as she struggles through the moment instead of wandering to the naked Su-Lin's shaven splayed open pussy or her fantastically perky breasts. For that matter even wandering to my new wife's ample bosom and the new 'do' down below. All that remains of her once wild bush is a little heart shaped patch and cleanly shaven bits. It's a bit novel. I should be thinking about what's bothering her, I guess.

Ok, so my eyes totally went all those places.

"Erm... Sorry. So terribly scarlet for interrupting like a silly." She takes a good breath of air before continuing with typical Jules' clarity, "Davy. I want you to make a promise for me. I want you to promise that you will never have sex with anyone else without my knowledge and permission. There... There it is."

"Of course, Jules. Or not at all if you decide so later. Can you promise me the same?"

"Yes. Unequivocally, yes. I may never want another man, but I know myself enough to know that if women were forbidden to me, I would stray or cheat. I can't help myself. Sometimes I just need that soft touch and sweet kisses. The smell and taste and..." She giggles a little, thank god. "I think you get the picture. I'll always try and include you, Davy darling."

The moment has softened me both emotionally and my dick. Jules pulls me close to her and whispers as she kisses me sweetly, "Thankyou hubby."

"Well look at you two. That's the rawest, most honest moment of love I've ever witnessed." Su-Lin smiles at us. "It took my husband and I years of fighting and hurting to get to where we are and in just a tiny little moment you did something brave and true. So unique. I'm a little flattered to be part of the moment."

When Jules pushes me back down to the bed and smiles hard at me saying, "Green Green Green," and laughing, I know we're good.

When I look down and see Su-Lin smiling and pulling a condom off my softened dick, I'm a bit surprised. I didn't even see it go on and watch as she rubs me and I slowly harden.

"Let me help with that, pretty woman." Jules tells her and turns around straddling my neck and leaning down to suck my half a chubby into her pretty lips. Su-Lin holds my shaft and I can't see what they're doing down there. All I can see is my new wife's lovely bits and pieces just inches from my greedy mouth.

Urging Jules' bum back with my hands, I'm rewarded with a face full of my favourite taste and smell. She's still madly wet despite her emotional moment and my tongue remembers its way around her folds and holes. Lips leave my dick and I feel a hand slide down it. I feel the tight ring of a condom around the base of me. Then, I marvel at the sensation of two pairs of hot lips sliding in tandem along my shaft and disappearing briefly.

I know they're kissing. I saw the look in Jules' eyes earlier and I know she's taking advantage of their proximity to savour some feminine affection. I feel them slide down my shaft and then rise again but this time tongues swirl around my head and tangle with each other. I'm doing my best just to swallow the mess Jules floods my mouth with and I know I'm making a botch of trying to get her off, but I reckon the situation is its own stimulant.

And then they shift.

I feel Jules sit upright and I feel Su-Lin adjust her gripping thighs to rise higher on me. A hand shifts from where I imagine Jules is balancing herself and grabs my shaft to rub me along a hot slick slot. My knob bumps the harder ring of an opening and then I'm engulfed to my root in glory.

No fanfare. No struggle. No inching. None of Jules usual attempts to ease my progress inside her tightness. This woman welcomes me easily and then I feel... I feel things I've never felt.

She grips at me as she simply sits. Her hole tightens and moves. She moans. I hear kissing and pull back from Jules to breathe and listen. I wish that I could see. I want to know.

"Oh fock, Davy. It's so hot. Look lovely. Look." She extricates herself from her thigh grip on my face and sits roughly beside me. I look up to her and watch her rivetted on what's occurring to my genitals. So, I follow her smiling, wondrous eyes to where I meet Su-Lin.

She just sits. She's not even moving. Not outwardly.

She sits flat down on me. I'm deep inside her body. Her hands rest on my abdomen for balance and her chin is lifted high and her eyes closed.

I feel muscles inside her clench and loosen and pulse and ripple. Her tummy is rolling in careful waves like a belly dance and my dick feels milked. She takes my hand and lifts it to her stomach to press it hard against her.

"Feel, Davo... So deep inside me. Feel..." And I can. I can feel my own dick pressing back against the thin layer of fine muscles and flesh that separates it from my hand. "Feel." She says, rolling her abdomen again like a circus trick and I feel each of her abdominal muscles slide along my buried dick. She's not even moving. Not moving!

I look to Jules for some kind of understanding of this sensation and she just watches spellbound then moves her own hand to cover mine briefly before pushing me aside to feel it for herself.

"Oh god, Davy I can feel you in her. And she's... What is that? How?"

"Aww... Lots of sadly learned muscle control and finally pleasant use of it." Su-Lin says enigmatically. "So good for me... I hope it feels just as good for you."

"Fucking... Naww... I'm gonna..." I groan.

"Not yet, you're not." She giggles as her pelvic floor clamps tightly around my root and she stills. I pulse with nearness but with a single finger, she reaches between us and presses between my balls and my dick and I flag. I actually soften a little.

"Hold your horses, Cowboy. This is about me as well." She winks and pulls Jules face to hers.

Any hardness I sacrificed to her weird pressure point magic returns as I witness the passion building between my wife and this pretty, sexy, amazing... "Fuck me." I grunt as she starts lifting and falling upon me.

With each rise up my shaft, she grips me like a wet lasso and at the base of my knob, she relents and drops sloppily back to my lap where she grinds herself upon me a moment before gripping and rising again. My mind can't process the sensations and simply offers my body for her pleasure.

"Thank you Davo. Trust me... Leave it to me. Just... Just..." Then in an instant she bows her head to my sternum and her innards clutch at me in some death dance of spasms. "Oh, fucking fuck... Just... Shh... Still... Stay still..."

Time stops. Julia has one hand on my chest urging me to remain still and the other firmly wedged in her crotch. Her eyes flit from mine to where Su-Lin hunches and moans upon me. Then there is a flash of Jules' mischief in them and I watch as she trails a hand down the orgasming girls back and winks before...

I can't see her stick a finger in Su-Lin's bum but her renewed orgasm and muttered Japanese expletives tell me; as does the feeling of a digit tracing circles on my dick through the little piece of skin that separates it from Jules finger.

The shriek of "Kiai!" that accompanies the moment is weird and I worry I'm going to get my dick karate chopped or something but then the pretty girl simply falls down on my chest and heaves against me in breathy sobs. So, I put my arms around her and hold her.

Jules falls down on her and holds her. And we all ride out this little tsunami in a weird 'together' way.

Soon enough the dark-haired beauty rises to face us both, with tear stained cheeks and mutters the words that change the whole night.

"Red." She wipes her eyes. "Red, red." Then she drew herself up off my still hard dick and stood beside the bed to address us. "Please just give me five minutes. Help yourself to a drink or something. I'll be on the balcony."

Jules watched her walk away with her mouth wide open in unasked question and I watched Jules for some indication of how to proceed. "I hope she's okay. I wonder what happened?"

"Oh Davy, me too. I've been planning this all week and... Well, just I hope she's okay too."

We fuss in the kitchen. I don't feel like more alcohol, so I grab three bottles of water from the mini-bar and offer one to Jules. "Has it been five minutes?"

"Don't know, Davy. Feels like it. Feels like forever." Jules replies. We've pulled our robes back on and we can see the enigmatic woman smoking on the balcony, obviously speaking to someone animatedly on her phone. We sip water awkwardly and wait till she puts the phone down on the table before deciding it's been five minutes.

"Water?" I offer as we open the sliding doors in trepidation.

"Oh, thanks Davo. Very thoughtful." She has a little laugh to herself. "So, shit escort hey? Gets her rocks fantastically off then calls code red and leaves her clients high and dry."

Neither of us really know what to say, so I just ask, "We're really worried. Are you okay?"

"Fine, Davo. Unhurt. Just, things have changed, and I have to void our contract."

"Why darling?" Jules asks, "What changed, Su-Lin? You looked like you were having a great time. I know Davy and I were."

"Julia, you sweet woman, you stuck your finger in my bum." She shakes her head and wipes at her eyes. "Do you not recall the rules about no anal play. I was happy to indulge your love of it but specifically outlined that my butt was off the menu."

"Oh no." Jules sucks her bottom lip, "I'm ever so sorry, Su-Lin. I totally forgot in the moment and I just wanted to make things-"

"Oh you did. That was one hell of an orgasm. I totally lost control. Totally. And that triggered me in ways you weren't to know."

"Um so what now? Is there anything we can do for you?" I ask.

"Anything." Insists Jules.

"Sit and talk with me a short while, please. That's really all." Her eyes implore us and we simply nod in unison and pull up patio chairs beside her. "Oh, and I smoke. Filthy bloody habit, but it helps me think. Do you mind?"

We both just shake our heads. I'm just relieved she's not having a nervous breakdown or something. She lights a cigarette and draws deeply on it, holding it in then letting it curl out from those pretty lips.

"I've spoken with Jeffrey, my husband, and he agrees. If tonight is to continue at all it will continue without a contract and as friends enjoying each other. I was just going to leave; he's right downstairs in the carpark waiting. He drives me to my appointments. He's a beautiful man. You'd like him. But he knew I'd built the beginnings of a friendship with you over the last week, Julia and he knew I was excited for this evening too. I must sound like a lunatic to you both." She laughs at herself and takes another deep draw on her cigarette.

"So, can we be friends? I really do like you Julia and I was immensely turned on by the prospect of feasting on those beautiful breasts and exploring all those wonderful curves. And Davo, you're such fun and have such a good dick. The thing is, you're both kind and gentle and attractive... I usually don't feel anywhere near as relaxed and safe during an engagement, but you both put me wonderfully at ease. So, I think we can be friends, do you?" She searches our eyes for approval.

"Sure love." I tell her. "Hell, we've already fucked, I don't mind being friend zoned now."

Her raucous cackle comes from her diaphragm and is really welcome in the heavy moment. "See Davo. That's what I mean. You get me as a person as well as an escort and that's part of the problem. I like to keep a professional distance. A boundary. But you both sort of broke through. Julia?"

"Oh hell yes, lovely. Talk to us. Why did my rude bottom thing trigger you?"

"This is why we need to be friends, because I never tell clients personal information. That distance and you know... Hey, can I have another water Davo? Parched..." She stubs out her cigarette and hands me her empty bottle. I leave and bring three more back.

"-the tea." I catch her telling Julia when I return and hand out the last bottles.

"Su-Lin was just explaining that the tea makes you thirsty." Jules fills me in.

Su-Lin watches her bottle for a moment, cogitating silently, then launches straight into a story.

"When I was very young, my father gave me to Boss Tanaka. He was Gokudo. My mother dressed me one morning in my best clothes and my Father took me on the train to Kobe. We did not speak the entire journey. He could not meet my eyes. There was a black car met us at the station and we were taken to a high-rise building. I enjoyed the lift ride. I'd never been in such a thing. It was glass and I could see forever as we flew up the side of the building."

She lights another cigarette and Jules reaches for my hand.

"I watched as my father, the bravest man I knew, stood beside me in a huge office with his hands shaking in fear. He bowed low when men entered the room, so I did my little girl version too. Then I watched as he knelt on the floor near a small wooden bench. He took out a ribbon and laid it on the table then carefully cut the top knuckle of his little finger from his left hand, wrapped it in the ribbon and bowed low, offering it to the men."

"Boss Tanaka smiled... I learned to hate that smile. One of the men with him roughly grabbed me and took me from the room and that's the last I saw of my father."

"That's positively horrible." Jules says quietly.

"Gets better." She winks, "Boss Tanaka treated me like his favourite pet. He put a collar on me and had the irezumi started. I would be placed on a table in the room while he did business and tattooists would tap ink into me."

Her smoke is finished so she adds it to the tray.

Julia is actually tearing up a little while we listen. "Su-Lin, I'd like to hug you. I'm so sorry I did that without your permission earlier. I want to make it up to you somehow, but I don't know how."

Su-Lin just stands and pulls her robe close around her, smiles at Jules and plonks herself in her lap to continue her story.

"When I grew too old to interest Boss Tanaka, he used me as a drug mule. I was caught and I thought my life ending. Thrown in prison. Taken to court. Convicted. Released. That was the most terrifying part. I was released. I knew it meant that someone Yamaguchi, had bribed someone in power to not impose a custodial sentence. That meant there would be another sentence."

Julia is gently stroking the Asian lady's hair from her forehead. "I was met outside the courthouse by his men. They took me directly to the Port of Kobe and without word, I was pushed inside a shipping container with seven other girls. I could hear the screams and joy far away from people in Meriken Park. There was no toilet, so we went in one corner, in a bucket. There was lots of water and a large box of muesli bars. Still can't eat the fucking things."