Can There Be Peace Ch. 16


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At first Jane was worried about walking barefoot on the gravel. "Because she wants you to go as you are, the little pain is pleasure in your submission," she heard Baby Girl say softly. "You'll see." True to Baby Girl's words, each little ouch sent thrills of pleasure through her.

Reaching the grove Karen sat down and leaned against one of the trees. She looked at Jane's look of bliss as she walked up. "Come rest your head on my lap dear." She took the other woman down through the relaxation series and into a deep hypnotic state. There she reinforced for Jane to trust her and how nice it was here. Then she set the sleep trigger command and woke her up. Up and down she took her until she was sure Jane would go to sleep on command.

Then she began instilling the need for tats, latex, nylons, high heels, corsets, bondage, separation anxiety, and finally complete trust and submission. "As high priestess, you must keep an eye on my priestesses. They look to you for guidance and protection if it comes to that. While they can see auras, you will be better able to judge who is ready and who is close. Guide your sisters to those they may not see. Also, when it is time to conduct high mass, you will be beside me until you learn and then you will conduct it from then on." Karen paused as she noticed Lilly come up and kneel near them. "I know I am putting a lot on you Jane. However, I believe you are up to the task. Wake refreshed."

Jane woke and looked up at Karen. She knew her Mistress had done something to her but other than really needing proper clothing and heels she couldn't think of what it was. She sat up and looked at Lilly. "I would have thought you could have run circles around the others mother."

"Sister, you will see in time that your younger sisters need a confidence boost. If all it takes is for me to lose now and then, it is a price I am willing to pay." Lilly said. She looked at Karen, "What pray tell is my booby prize?"

"It is twofold. First, I want you to be with my high priestess all night. Help her see and tell who is ready, who is close, who needs work and finally who needs watching out for. Sister, this I wish of you because next to me, and even perhaps better than I, you can read auras like a book." Karen paused, "Now for the prize." She paused and said, "Tonight when your sisters orgasm, you will not. However, your level of excitement and need will grow exponentially each time."

"Ouch," Jane said looking at Lilly. "Better you than me. How long do you think you will last?"

"All night, but knowing Miss Sneaky over there, it will be a long night." Lilly said with a smile.

"I won't say a word," Karen said.

"You don't have to, just a look is all it takes," Lilly shot back.

"A look about what," Red came up followed by Cat and Sherry talking excitedly together softly. They knelt and waited for Karen to answer.

Karen looked at them and smiled. Three voices screamed in pleasure as they fell over backwards. She looked back at Lilly and then over to Jane, "Since you don't know my look yet, let me go ahead and say, "Now."

"I am yours," Jane's mind sang as she orgasmed and passed out. When she woke she sat back up and realized the other three were still out cold. She caught Karen looking at her with a slight smile and knew as she intoned the words of submission, that this was the look. Her body followed suit and she passed out from pleasure again. When she came to, Jane saw Doll and Darkstar coming up together and holding hands.

"Who came in third?" Karen asked.

The pair looked at each other, "It was a tie Mistress," Darkstar replied.

"Yes, dead even," Doll said with a smile.

"Then you two should share the third place prize." Karen looked at Lilly and smiled.

"Here it comes," Lilly said looking at Jane.

"Tonight all night, I want you, both of you that is, to go to each of your sisters, my priestess and high priestess and say these words; In Mistress's name, she commands you to cum now." Karen grinned. "However, you can't do yourself, or Lilly." She paused and looked at the pair, "Girls don't get so carried away that service goes to hell or I will be upset with you both."

"May I?" Jane asked Karen. She received a nod in reply.

"Sisters, instead of speaking the magic words while your other sisters are carrying a tray of drinks, wait until after they serve them. Wait until after they turn to walk away and surprise them from behind. That will make each orgasm oh so much more special." Jane said looking up at them. She stood and walked over and behind Lilly. She looked back at them and said "Pretend we are in the club and Lilly is me. You wait until I have finished my scan and then walk up to me to see if I want my ice tea." She crouched down and said, "I know but just this one time pretend." Standing she took a step off to one side and said, "Tiff, in Mistress name cum now."

Everyone except Karen was so wrapped up in listening to Jane's directions that it took a second for Darkstar to process the high priestess's words. Her eyes rolled up and would have fallen had not Doll caught her. After a second she got her wits about her and said, "I think I see what you mean. You want us to catch them unawares and not expecting it. Right Doll, in her name cum now." She had to jump forward as the other girl passed out cold. Together with Jane's help she got Doll to the ground.

"While I love seeing you girls lose it to pleasure. I think we have to tone it down a bit. Let me think on it. She looked at Lilly who was wiggling a touch, "Are you okay sister?"

"It's going to be a long night," Lilly replied.

"And you love it. Just wait until closing and you get to break in the alter with your creamy devotion." Karen replied.

"You're going to have me orgasm while laying on top of mother's alter?" Lilly asked her excitement forgotten.

"Each of us will, and polish the top with our cum," Karen replied. "It will become infused with our essence and all who touch it will know they are in a holy place."

Next up was Baby Girl who came up and fell face first in the pine straw. She rolled over and said, "Almost had her..."

Red laughed, "No one, save Mistress, can beat our gazelle in running." She looked at Little Bit who looked rough but with a smile, "And the winner is... Little Bit by a nose or lap as the case may be."

"Little Bit, instead of a school girl outfit, wear a hobble dress and bring a towel to kneel on." Karen said. "Now to second place, Baby Girl, you will seek out each sister and brother as the case may be and say these words, "The goddess wishes you to cum now. The only exception is your slave sisters. Someone else is doing them." She looked around, "I don't want to see people passing out so you girls only have little orgasms. Baby Girl, make sure your brothers and sisters won't hurt themselves when they cum. It won't take long for the rest to realize someone is granting them orgasms from the goddess. So try not to get mobbed and only do those who are part of our family."

She looked at her watch and said, "You have an hour to get ready. Someone put something red for me to wear in the truck and bring what makeup you need to do me up. Meowzers is not going to be able to do my makeup while I'm at the club."

As they started to get up Baby Girl asked, "What look would you like tonight Mistress?"

"Dominant and sexy in one package." Karen finally replied. As the girls hurried to get dressed she looked at Lilly, "You know that if you ask, I will allow it."

"It?" Lilly stopped and looked at Karen.

"Allow you to orgasm. It won't help but at least you will get a nice strong jolt of pleasure." She smiled and then added in a lower tone, "How long before your daughter asks to be able to work with Eve and heal her?"

While the first delighted her, the second caused her to think. "You don't think she would ask do you? I mean Eve betrayed us all, not just you." Lilly replied shocked. She thought for a moment more then said softly, "She would..."

"Rather than me shut her down, I would like you to try first." Karen said. "I really need a few weeks of calm."

"I'll talk to her," Lilly replied. She found Jane lacing a pair of boots. She already had her hair pulled into a pony tail and was wearing a latex body suit that clung to her like a second skin. She waited until Jane finished lacing her boots and said, "Daughter, I need a moment of your time."

Jane blinked and said, "Of course mother." She followed Lilly outside to the back porch and once alone asked, "What's wrong?"

Not turning Lilly said, "Jane, next to Karen I love you with all my heart. You two are the only two daughters I have made that have lasted this long. I would hate to kill you now." She turned and said, "We know you are thinking about asking my mother to allow you to bring Eve back so you can heal her." As Jane opened her mouth, Lilly held up her hand, "Hear me out. I tell you now Jane, I will kill you if she shows up. If she does it means you asked behind Karen's back."

"Does Karen know you are talking to me now?" Jane asked softly.

"She does and asked me to talk to you first. She does not want Eve down here now. Later yes, but not now. I know my sister and know the moment she comes down she will kill you and then Karen."

"She already tried," Jane said.

"No she was mad and not thinking. Had it been otherwise, you wouldn't be here now." Lilly paused, "Daughter you haven't lived long enough to learn all the tricks." She smiled slightly, "Yes I know you have been around for nearly ninety years, but consider Eve and I have both been here for ten thousand years." She looked down, "Jane, please don't push it and force me to kill you. It would hurt me and destroy Karen. Can't you tell how deeply she needs and loves you?"

Jane sighed, "Very well mother. I will wait."

"Until Karen says yes?" Lilly prompted.

"Until Karen and you both agree," Jane said. She knew that there were hills not to die on and this was one of them. "Mother, how are all of you? Really how are you?"

"Better now that you are home." Lilly turned and looked at Jane. "Karen is our Mistress, but you are the glue that holds us together. I don't know how to put it into words you can understand. There are times, when each of us needs someone to cry on. Someone to turn to for advice."

"Then I guess it is a good thing I talked everyone into letting me return." Jane replied with a laugh.

"I'm glad you talked me into giving you a second chance also," Karen said softly from behind Jane. She slapped Jane on the rump and when the woman turned she added, "When we get home with Mary, I will really need your help. Mother seriously mind fucked all three of us."

"Us?" Jane asked looking from Karen to her mother and back again.

"Karen, Sandy, and Mary," Lilly said looking down.

"What happened?" Jane asked.

Karen spoke in a flat clinical voice as she recounted that night. When she finished she looked out towards the woods. "Each of us changed that night in profound ways."

Lilly sobbed. "I was a fool."

"You could have stopped her but you fed on Mary's pain and Karen's pleasure," Jane said looking at her mother. "While her mother and Sandy were feeling joy, it was the other two that you feasted on." Her eyes got large as she realized the awful truth. "You were there pushing them deeper." When Lilly's only reply was to wrap her arms around herself and whimper, Jane pulled her into a hug. She looked at Karen and tilted her head.

Karen looked at Jane and Lilly clinging to her as she cried. "I forgive you Lilly. We have all been fools now and then." She went over and hugged Lilly from behind. "Be at peace pet."

"Mother, do you want to make it right?" Jane asked when Lilly settled down.

"You know I do," Lilly replied.

"Then when we reenact that night, I will play Karen's mother and you be there and do as you did that night." Jane said.

Both broke away and looked at her with wide eyes, "I...I can't." Lilly said.

"Mother, please trust me." Jane said. She looked at Karen, "You and Baby Girl have to be in the same position as you were that night. Mary will be up on the table getting the same as she did before, except with a different script." She paused and then added, "Karen, we both know this is why I am here. Please let me do what I can for her."

Karen closed her eyes and once she calmed down opened them, "Very well Jane, we will do it your way. But know this, fuck this up and I will make you pray for death before I am done with you."

"Somehow I expect the time for that will come no matter what path we follow. But it won't be tonight." Jane replied.

Karen dipped into Jane's mind and was surprised to find it as blank and calm as a pool of water. That reassured her somehow and she said softly, 'Yes we both know it will come sooner or later. Just like the ghost of your mother." She paused a long moment and asked, "Will you trust me to deal with her as I see fit when she shows?"

"Yes," Jane said after a second of thinking about it. "It would be nice to not look over my shoulder every day." She smiled, "Now if you will excuse me, I need to finish getting ready."

Karen watched her go inside and turned to Lilly, "Sister, do you think this is a bad idea?"

Lilly looked towards where Jane went inside as she thought. Turning back to Karen she said, "As a mother I worry about her." She paused and forged on, "You know what she is planning don't you?"

"What?" Karen caught unawares.

"She is planning on healing all four of us at the same time." Lilly looked down, "Karen, please don't kill my daughter when she fails. I know she can heal Mary, but our sins are much deeper and not even Jane can wash them away."

Karen looked towards the house also. Turning back, she said, "As your sister, let me say I would never kill your daughter unless it was her or I. As your Mistress I would remind you that she too is mine and you don't kill your own. But as Karen, your friend, I know she can heal Mary given half a chance, but I too think she stands a snowball's chance in hell of healing us."

"But you know she will try; it is what she is made for. Mother made sure of that." Lilly said.

"Mother, did you control Jane's life as you did mine?" Karen asked.

"Are you sure you want her to answer?" Lilly asked.

"Yes, and I would like to talk to her about our sister," Karen replied. "Up to shooting the breeze with your two daughters and see what we did for your temple?"

"I always have time for you two," the Great Mother said from one side. Instead of being dressed in vines, she was wearing a pair of cowboy boots, jeans, and a white blouse. The only thing out of place of the country girl look were vines that were braded into her long blond hair.

Karen smiled, "Thank you mother for coming. While we are waiting for the others to get ready, what is your pleasure?"

"Pick your topic daughter," The Great Mother replied with a smile.

"Jane..." Karen said.

"No, I wasn't the one who controlled her life. I expect you will find the answer to that question when her mother shows to torment her once more." The Great Mother replied.

"I know Jane wants to be able to help Eve find the error in her actions. Is there a way she can work with her in your realm?"

"My realm, you mean the spirit realm." She paused and then said, "Why don't you want her to work with her here?"

"Because I don't think I have enough control not to punish her for betraying me and my family." Karen said. "Mother, if anything could push me into darkness are the things I would do to her if I had her right now."

"I think you have more control than you think you do daughter." The Great Mother looked at Lilly, "What say you Lilith?"

"Mother, I think Eve would kill Jane if she came down here." Lilly replied. "Then Karen would kill Eve slowly."

"You underestimate your daughter. Eve gave it her best shot in the parking lot. I lived it before agreeing to recall her." The Great Mother replied. She looked at Karen, "Call Jane."

"Come to me dear, the Great Mother would like to see you." Karen said mentally to Jane.

"As you command Mistress," Jane replied. A moment later she walked out, "How may I serve you Great Mother of all?"

"One of my daughters thinks if I allow you to work with Eve here, you will die. The other thinks she will lose control and fall into the darkness. What do you think?"

"I think both are wrong. However, I cannot go against my mother's wishes or my Mistress's commands," Jane replied simply.

And now for my disclaimers which were inspired by JimBob44 and acup. Thanks for the inspiration.

Yes, I never met a comma or ellipse I didn't like.

Yes, it jumps around too much.

Yes, it's in the wrong category.

Yes, it's too long.

Yes, it's too short.

Yes, this is stupid shit.

If you want a perfect story go find one written by Mr. Data.

And, yes, I suck.

Go have yourself a warm and fuzzy day.

BTW, you only get to comment on spelling and grammar if you are volunteering to be an editor. Those comments and rants will be deleted, you've been warned.

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