Carl's Risk Benefit Analysis


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"Hi Ladies," I said, wondering how they knew my name. All three were drop dead gorgeous as if they had walked out of a magazine shoot.

The tall blond in the middle added, "Thanks for all you've done, Carl. We really appreciate it, even though we can't stay."

The other two immediately shhh'd her. The tall redhead whispered, "he doesn't know." She turned to me and said, "I think Ms. Hernandez is ready for you." The three giggled as they hurried away as if embarrassed. "Bye Carl," the tall brunette said as they stepped on to the escalator going down to the first floor.

I accepted their invitation and walked into Ballroom 2. The ballroom was contained as I had seen so many in convention centers. The only door in or out of the room was the one I had just walked through. A large linen covered table near the door offered hot and cold beverages and fruit trays. 12 chairs were arranged in a large semi-circle in the middle of the room, all facing a lone chair in the middle. The room was filled with the laughter and conversation of 12 women all standing near the semi-circle of chairs. The room went silent when the door closed behind me, announcing my arrival.

Sylvia's familiar sultry voice broke the brief silence. "Welcome Carl." Applause broke out from the women in the room. Sylvia emerged from the circle. Her face was lit up with her smile. "Please come in," she said. "We have been expecting you."

"You have?"

"Please," she gestured toward the lone center chair ten feet from the others. "Please come take your seat in the middle."

I dutifully entered the circle and sat down in the center chair. "My seat?"

"Your seat," she answered.

"I don't understand," I said feeling awkward and uncomfortable.

The women all sat down in the semi-circle of chairs. As I looked around the circle, I couldn't help but take notice at each one's exquisite beauty. It was clear there was an unwritten policy that a prerequisite to being hired to the elite JAC secretary core was to win a beauty pageant.

"The secretaries of our division have had a brief off-site this afternoon," Sylvia began to explain. "Our meeting officially ended 15 minutes ago. I shared with all of the secretaries today how you responded last week -- on your very first day -- when you heard about Claud's sexual harassment of women in this division. I told them how you single-handedly walked into his office and somehow convinced him to resign immediately and to offer an apology. We don't know how you did it, but are grateful." The room broke into applause for a second time."

I found myself speechless. I didn't dare publicly acknowledge I had anything to do with Claud's resignation, or that I had even met him. However, I was glad to see the relief and appreciation on their beautiful faces that he would never again harass them.

"So," Sylvia continued, "I felt it was only right that any of the secretaries in our division who wanted to personally express their appreciation to you, should be given that opportunity." Sylvia winked with a devilish smile.

My mind raced. What does she mean by that?

"Some of the secretaries were grateful, but because of other relationship commitments, weren't able to stay to participate this afternoon. However, these 11 jumped at the chance. In fact, I think it is fair to say they are eager, aren't you ladies?"

Sylvia's question was more than rhetorical. It was a planned cue for all 11 to begin to slip out of their clothes. Some did so on their own, others helped each other by unzipping the backs of their dresses. I couldn't believe what was happening before my eyes. I felt my dick immediately harden, desperate from the torment of Sylvia's teasing all week. Dresses fell to the floor. For many, bras and panties were quick to follow.

"Oh my god," I said out loud to myself.

"These women are hungry and eager to express their appreciation to you Carl, every single one. Our company off-site meeting is officially over, so we are no longer on company time. I reserved the space through the evening, and have arranged to make sure there will be no interruptions by the convention staff. Every woman is here on her own volition. In addition, they are so grateful for what you have done, that each one has signed an undated letter of resignation. If any of them ever speaks of what is taking place here today, or of your involvement in Claud's departure, their resignation will be tendered immediately."

Sylvia had thought of everything. I watched as some of the women began to caress themselves and one another as Sylvia talked. I was stunned at all I was seeing and hearing.

"This is the moment I have been preparing you all week for Carl," she said with some self-satisfaction. "Your task will be to satisfy every one of these women, bringing each to their own orgasm. I have great confidence in your ability to do that in ways that will blow their minds. Here's the thing though Carl, I have a strong suspicion each of these women will want to do the same for you as an expression of their gratitude, right ladies?"

The circle of women erupted with cheers. My dick ached.

Sylvia walked to the front of the chair I was sitting in and knelt down before me as the women watched. She playfully ran her hands up and down my legs. "I promised I would rock your world," she whispered. Sylvia stopped at my crotch, making a public display of feeling my hardened member through my pants. "He feels ready ladies." Cheers again broke out. She moved her hands down my legs to my shoes. She playfully removed my shoes and socks to set the tone. "There," she said, "that's better."

The cool breeze of the convention center air conditioning poured over my bare feet. My head swirled at Sylvia's plan and control.

"It's time to get started," she announced. "Before we unleash this orgy, we're going to play a little ice breaker game to let you meet each of the girls and to get you undressed," she informed. "You will need to stand up for this portion, Carl. We have a bowl with small pieces of paper numbered one to 11. Each of these fine ladies has been assigned a number. You will pick one number at a time. Whoever's number you call has one minute to remove one article of your clothing, and then use the rest of their 60 seconds with you however they wish. Every number gets called. Every woman has her turn for 60 seconds, whether you still have clothes to take off or not."

Sylvia picked up the small bowl and ran her fingers through the pieces of paper to mix them up. He held the bowl up in front of me. I conceded by reaching in and selecting the first number. "Number seven," Sylvia announced.

A tall Japanese beauty quickly stood up with a cheer and hurried to my chair in the center of the room. She had short black hair, perky tits, shaved pussy and small ass. She wore nothing but black high heels. She felt honored to be selected first. "My name is Serena," she volunteered as she reached up to grab my suit coat and work it off my shoulders. 20 seconds passed. She eagerly reached down to take hold of my manhood through my pants. "Sylvia was right, you are very large," she announced. Cheers again broke out. She rubbed my dick with her hands. "I've never felt one this big." My dick continued to harden at the attention. My first load was not far away.

At 50 seconds, Sylvia put the bowl in front of me again to make sure there was no pause between each woman's turn. "Number 9," Sylvia announced. Serena intensified her massage through her remaining seconds. Every woman wanted the prize to be the first to make me cum. A tall, pale redhead stood up and quickly made her way to take Serena's place. She also had a slender build with petite tits and small ass. "Hi Carl," she said. "I am vvveeerrryyy grateful for what you did." She reached up and loosened my French silk tie around my neck. She untied it, and took each end in her hands. She seductively pulled it back and forth, before pulling both ends down toward her, bringing my face toward hers. She licked her lips and gave me a passionate long kiss. Cheers around the room rewarded her boldness. Her hands roamed by body. I couldn't help reciprocating. Things were beginning to heat up.

Another bowl, another number. "6," Sylvia announced. A voluptuous tall black woman stood and marched with a purpose toward me. She had large 36DD tits, toned abs, and a larger rounded ass. Watching the first two made her more eager for her turn. "Enough with coats and ties," she announced. "I came for something else."

"You go Olivia," came encouragement from another voice around the room.

Olivia purposefully unbuckled my belt, opened my pants and ceremoniously pulled the zipper down. In one full smooth move, she pulled my pants down to my ankles. I stepped out of them. She took advantage of the opportunity by reaching in through the hole of my boxers to take a hold of my manhood. "Damn, that's big," he announced. I need two hands to get around this chunk of meat." Cheers continued to encourage her from around the room. Olivia saw Sylvia begin to make her way back to me with the bowl. She knew her time was short. She turned around and pressed her ass against my groin. "This ass is a finely tuned secret weapon," she joked. "And I mean fine." She began to dance in a way that moved her ass in a circle over my throbbing dick. I took hold of her dark waist as her movements massaged my member. She picked up her pace as Sylvia's bowl again appeared in front of me. I dutifully reached in to select the next number.

"2," came Sylvia's announcement. A tall brunette stood up and walked toward me to take the baton from Olivia. 5'10" Claire had translucent blue eyes, high cheekbones and thick Angelina lips. She playfully massaged her 34Cs, giving particular attention to working her nipples. She was very fit and athletic. Olivia was committed to take advantage of every second coming to her. Claire took the opportunity to lean over and take one of Olivia's large tits in her mouth, capturing the erect nipple between her teeth.

"Time," Sylvia announced for Olivia to return to her chair. Claire released her nipple.

"That's not the last you've seen of me," Olivia promised Claire as she returned to her chair.

Claire assessed the opportunity in front of her. I stood there wearing only my oxford shirt, t-shirt and boxers. "Thank you Olivia for paving the way," she said in a seductive tone. "I think we all know what we want next," she said. Applause came with chants. Claire couldn't wait to feel my long thick member after hearing the pronouncements of her predecessors. She ceremoniously got down on her knees in front of me. The chants around the room intensified. She took hold of the material around my waist and pulled my boxers down, allowing them to fall to my feet. The loudest cheers of the afternoon erupted for the unveiling. With 45 seconds remaining, she wrapped her thick lips around my shaft and descended it with purpose.

"Oh god," I cried out. Cold chills covered my body. I reached for the chair to steady myself.

"He's going to cum!" someone yelled from the circle. Claire intensified her oral affection. I could feel my juices building to a place of immanent release. I was determined to try to hold off as long as I could.

Sylvia interrupted only enough for another number to be selected. Within seconds my shirt was off, and within a minute I stood naked and vulnerable in the middle of a circle of hungry, sexy, determined women. In those first 11 minutes, every woman in the room had systematically introduced themselves to me. Claire's initiative toward Olivia also gave those inclined to seize the opportunity to get to know one another better.

"OK ladies," Sylvia instructed. "Now that you have all introduced yourselves to Carl, its time we finish what we came for." All 11 women stood up and walked toward my chair, closing the ranks around me. All I could see was the gorgeous flesh of these women pressing in around me. 22 hands began to move and have their way across my body.

"I say we all take him together the first time, girls," Claire volunteered.

The pressure of the hands and bodies around me moved me to my knees, then to my back on the plush convention center carpet. Hands and mouths alternated around the circle, each girl taking turns to summon the volcano within me. A tall vivacious blond named Julie seized the opportunity to straddle my face with her long toned legs to lower her shaved pussy toward my idle mouth. I took advantage of the opportunity to reciprocate the group attention being given to my throbbing dick. Julie's back arched in response to my attention. "Here, I come!" she announced, claiming the prize to be the first of the evening. Her pelvis rocked back and forth, encouraging my tongue's lashing. "You're going to take me." The alternating group attention on my dick intensified. Julie screamed as the first orgasm of the gathering took over her body. Tasting her juices put me over the edge, launching a long load of cum into the air from the launching pad of my dick. Thick ribbons of cream decorated the three gorgeous faces near my throbbing head. Cheers filled the room as the women simultaneously dove toward the center to get theirs. Stream after stream of thick semen poured in and on the relentless circle of women. They were receiving the built-up benefits of Sylvia's week-long seduction. Olivia leaned over and licked a long ribbon of my cum painted across Claire's breast. The moment broke into a brazen orgy.

Sylvia stood, watching the pleasure of her secretarial staff. She took great delight watching them rock my world.

"What about you, Ms. Hernandez," Olivia asked. "Aren't you going to get in on this?"

"Absolutely," she said assertively. "This is your time. I have a room upstairs where he will be all mine -- and I will be all his - for the rest of the weekend."


Monday morning came quickly. It was the beginning of a new week. "Good Morning Carl," was repeated by sultry voices with bright smiles from the row of secretaries, as I made my way past the long hallway of plush offices. I smiled and replied back, knowing many well enough now to call by name. From that day forward, the entire core of secretaries was wonderfully responsive to any request I made, professional or otherwise. Their loyalty for my actions and respect knew no bounds.

I turned the corner and walked into my office. The red light was flashing on my telephone, alerting me to voice messages. There was one brief message from a secretary in Human Resources asking if I would drop by first thing this morning. There was a light knock on the door as I hung up the phone. Sylvia walked in with her gorgeous smile.

"Long time, no see," she said playfully.

"Too long," I reciprocated.

"So sweet," she replied back. "I hope you're not too tired from the weekend to take a walk down to HR. They want to see you this morning."

"I just got their voice mail," I said. "I'll head right down there."

"Good," she said. "They are going to offer you my old job, Carl. There is no one I want in that position than you."

"There's no one I would rather have in any position than you," I answered back playfully.

"Touché" she said. "I'm sure that can be arranged. You can move into your new office as soon as you get back from meeting with them."

"I'm looking forward to it," I said. "I already have such fond memories there."

Sylvia smiled in agreement. "We have a lot to get done this week."

"Enormous," I said. "Especially with what this week is. I'll head down to HR now."

Sylvia looked curious. It was just another workweek at JAC. There was a lot to do, but no more than usual. "What's so special about this week?" she asked.

I patted her on the ass as I walked out the door toward HR to accept my new promotion. "It's my week," I said with a wink and smile. "You got yours last week; this week is mine."

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AmbivalenceAmbivalencealmost 6 years ago
When your first week ends in an orgy...?

Where do you go from there...?

I mean assuming their intent is to escalate, there's not a whole hell of a lot further they can go beyond that... but it would be fun to see you take us there...

rso13rso13over 8 years ago
Thanks for the orgasm

It’s funny how an orgasm can leave you contented. Mine happened to coincide with the end of the story. This had lead me to also be content with the story and not needing the moment.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

Great story keep it going have them.together at the end

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

Awesome story

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Smart and HOT!

Well written and smoking hot! How refreshing, thanks and more please.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

A great story with excellent build up and so much promise for the future, look forward to reading the next few parts!

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