Carmen, the MILF


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'Martin!' she said, throatily, raising her knees clear of the foaming water. Just a few seconds later, she was enveloped by the hot waves of the orgasm. So thoroughly did the first set of contractions wrack her that she was unaware of her little scream as she went over the edge.

The sight of Martin by his mother's side just as she came so hard was Bradley's voyeur reward. He soiled his briefs with a sudden ejaculation.

'I'm fine, Martin,' Carmen breathed as she descended from her high. Martin was petting her fine blonde hair.

'I was worried about you, Mother,' he said.

'I'm fine,' she repeated, not unkindly. 'Please pass me my robe and leave me now.'

* * * * * * * * * *

4.The next morning Martin came into his mother's suite as usual. She was sitting in her boudoir in front of her make-up mirror, brushing her fine blonde mane. She wore a pink baby-doll shortie nightgown and pink slippers with bows and high heels. There was a pink ribbon around her throat. She saw him in the mirror and frowned.

He came up, put his arms around her neck and kissed the top of her head.

'Good morning, mother,' he said with a just a hint of anxiousness in his voice.

She had been debating her response to him all night. Should she make a big deal of it or pretend it never happened? She argued both sides with herself, but had still not reached a conclusion.

'Martin,' she began. 'About last night ...'

He waited without response, petting her hair. Their eyes met in the mirror. His were open and guileless. Could it be that he did not know what she had been doing? The pause hung in the air.

'Yes, mother?' Martin said, finally.

'It makes me feel good that you worry about me,' she said finally with a smile.

'I'll always worry about you, mother,' he said seriously.

* * * * * * * * * *

5. Jack came home just before lunch waving tickets.

'Guess what, guys,' he said holding them up for perusal. 'Three tickets to this afternoon's ballgame! What do you say to that?'

'Jack, before you go I really need some help,' said Carmen. 'I have a Junior League meeting this afternoon and the landscaper didn't show. At the very least I need the front lawn mowed before they come. It's a jungle!'

'Sorry pet, we just have time for a quick bite. The game starts in an hour and it'll take us over fifty minutes to drive there.'

'But, Jack ...' Carmen wailed.

He held up his hand. She knew from experience there was no budging him. She crossed her arms and frowned.

'I'll mow the front lawn, Mrs. Grierson,' said Bradley through a bite of his sandwich. 'I'm not that interested in the game.'

Jack looked at him incredulously.

'You are not interested in the game, Bradley?' Jack had looked forward to watching the game with Bradley. Martin never knew what was going on and didn't really care who won.

'Its just that I saw last week's game with my dad,' said Bradley somewhat lamely. 'I can miss this week's.'

'Fine!' said Jack slamming his plate down on the counter. 'Come on, Martin. Let's leave the gardener and the lady!'

Carmen looked at Bradley gratefully.

'Are you sure you can mow the front lawn?' she asked anxiously. 'It's rather large, you know.'

'Just show me the mower, Mrs. Grierson,' he said confidently.

It was large lawn tractor with a huge blade. Bradley laughed. He'd always wanted to drive one of these. His own parents had a much smaller model.

Carmen retired to her boudoir. The window looked out on to the front lawn. The roar of the lawn tractor carried into the room, even though the windows were sealed for the central air-conditioning. Bradley had stripped down to his shorts and was driving the tractor expertly, creating symmetric cut patterns. She watched him make a swift 360 degree pass around one of her prize rose bushes without touching a leaf. 'What a good boy he is,' she said to herself.

While she did not admit it to herself, he was more a man than a boy. His shoulders were wide and his arms were powerful. His back made a perfect 'V' and his dorsal muscles rippled in the sun. He had on a cool pair of sunglasses. Sweat glistened over his whole body. She had a novel in her hand, but the text blurred as she found her eyes following him and the tractor.

'Snap out of it,' she said to herself.

But she could not. Her mind would not focus on the novel and she found herself painting rather shocking daydreams around Bradley. She did not realize where her thoughts were taking her till she felt a rising dampness in her crotch. She had wet her panties!

'This is ridiculous!' she murmured aloud. She went into the bathroom, stripped off the offending panties and threw them violently into the laundry hamper. She quickly took off the rest of her clothing and took a quick shower. Naked and damp, she returned to her boudoir and entered the large walk-in closet. Rifling through her underwear drawer, she selected a leopard print nylon thong and a matching strapless brassiere. It came with a matching nylon choker that she hooked on. She selected a pair of black medium heel pumps with open toes and straps.

She sat in front of her make-up mirror again and inspected herself. She plumped her firm breasts through her bra and smiled - she was proud of her breasts. She picked up a nail polish brush and expertly began painting her toenails. Dimly she was aware that the roar of the lawn tractor had stopped, but the fact did not actively register.

Bradley entered the house through the kitchen door, his T-shirt still dangling from the hip pocket of his shorts. He shivered as the central air began condensing the sweaty sheen off his body.

'Mrs. Grierson,' he called out, not too loud. There was no reply. One of the maids poked her head out from the servants' service room adjoining the kitchen. 'I'll just go upstairs to Master Grierson's room,' he said. She nodded dumbly, her sketchy knowledge of English clearly exceeded.

Bradley made his way up the stairs. He went along the landing to the family wing of the mansion. The door to Carmen's suite was open. He hesitated once and then plunged into the anteroom. He peered into the bedroom. It was empty, but he heard faint sounds from the boudoir. He hesitated again. Now or never, he told himself. He strode boldly across the bedroom and framed himself in the boudoir door. Carmen was now working on her eyes. He was spellbound by her ass cheeks separated by the thin strip of her thong and her perfect back highlighted by the back-strap of her bra.

To Bradley, it seemed like an age before she noticed him. It was a very pleasurable age. Finally, she saw him in the mirror and put down the eye shadow brush.

'There you are, Bradley,' she said, swinging around on her make-up bench. 'Are you done with the mowing?'

'I mowed and also trimmed the hedges around the front door, Mrs. Grierson,' he said, swallowing to lubricate his dry mouth.

She walked over the window.

'Why, you've done a wonderful job!' she exclaimed, looking at the lawn. 'Our regular landscaper isn't half as good. We've never had such good patterns.'

She turned back to him.

'Well, I've been busy too,' she said coquettishly. Demonstrating the suppleness of the cheerleader she once was, she raised one leg so high that the open toes of her strapped pumps were a few feet from his nose. 'What do you think of my paintjob?'

Bradley took the foot that was offered him and ran a finger over the exposed toenails one by one.

'A fine job, Mrs. Grierson,' he said, softly. 'A work of art.'

He bent and kissed each of the exposed toenails. When he released her, she laughed rather affectedly and said, 'What do I owe you for the landscaping?'

'Just a hug,' he said offhand.

'You can have that anyway, but I must pay you. It's been such a lot of work!' She opened her arms. Her palms were was his shoulders and he held her lightly. His lips brushed hers and again she felt his tongue. With all his dried sweat, his manly odor was particularly strong and she closed her eyes. Suddenly his hold had grown tighter, his hot lips were on the side of her throat. His left hand was between her shoulder blades. As her full breasts flattened against his hard chest, he felt her nipples pucker through the thin bra. His right hand was on the rear triangle of her thong, pulling her crotch against him, letting her feel the full pressure of his raging manhood.

'No, Bradley,' she said, breathlessly. Then again, more firmly and loudly, 'I said NO! Let me go!'

Just as suddenly, he released her. But he remained less than an inch away, his eyes searching hers. He dropped to his knees in front of her and looked up. Her magnificent breasts rose and fell and quivered with her rapid breathing. Again, without warning, he gripped a firm buttock in each hand and buried his face in her crotch. Her fingers twisted in his hair as she sought to tear him away.

'This is crazy, Bradley! I'm a married woman! And you have a beautiful girlfriend, Taylor, you should be with her.' But her voice was less certain than before. He licked her cunt lips through the thin nylon of her thong.

She said, 'Let me go ...' followed by a gasp and 'OMIGOD!' as his tongue found her clitoris. It had been so long since Jack had gone down on her and it felt so good!

Bradley briefly stopped and looked up at her.

'You're an artist at teasing, Mrs. Grierson,' he breathed. 'You've had me hard for you for months! Taylor is pretty, but she can't excite me like you do.'

He pushed his face into her pubis again, sucking her feminine fluids voraciously.

'No .. no .. NO ... NO ... OMIGOD! ... NO, don't do this to me!'

He was now kneading her firm rump as he licked and sucked. Her thong was soaking wet both from his saliva as well as her vaginal fluids that were now flowing freely. He paused to strip the thong down.

She said, 'Don't, ... we mustn't, ... I'm married, I've never done this before ... please don't ...', but she stepped out of the thong as it reached her ankles.

Bradley went to work with a will, sucking on her cunt lips. His tongue stabbed repeatedly into her cunt. Each time his tongue invaded her cunt, she squeezed her cunt lips around it. Bradley had some sexual experience with Taylor, but she couldn't do anything like this! Each time he withdrew his tongue from her cunt, he teased her clit with its tip. Each time he drew a gasp when he touched the sensitive organ and then a moan of frustration as his tongue darted away.

Her hands on his head now mussed his hair. Her hips rotated and jerked under his ministrations. Her mounting incoherence told him that he was driving her wild.

'Don't ... OMIGOD!! ... Please don't do me ... I'm a married woman! ... let me go! ... OH! ... OOHH!! ...OMIGOD, DON'T STOP!!'

With his left hand at the small of her back, Bradley began to work some of her vaginal fluids into her anus with his right forefinger. She was panting now, giving out small mewing cries. He sensed that she was very near orgasm.

He drew her clitoris into his lips, sucking greedily and finally letting his tongue run all over it. Simultaneously, he sank his fore and middle fingers two joints deep into her extremely tight anus.

She immediately began to come. Bradley found the depth and power of her orgasm was unbelievable. Her cunt contracted spasmodically, her hips rotated and bucked wildly, and she mounted to higher and higher levels of her climax as he continued to suck on her clit and piston her ass. Harsh and strangled screams came from her throat, along with an incoherent jumble of words.

And then it was over. She felt like she had been wrung dry. Her limbs felt hollow and without muscle. She leaned on his shoulders, covered with sweat, panting and wordless.

He rose to his feet and picked her up. She flopped in his arms like a rag doll. He carried her to the huge king size bed and lay her down. As he followed her on to the bed, she looked at him with wide eyes, looking much younger than her years.

'Don't ... We mustn't ... my husband ...,' she said hopelessly. He flipped her over and grasped the back of her neck muttering, 'Oh, yeah, I'm going to hold you down, make you my whore!' He drove her face into a pillow and arched her round buttocks up, so her pussy peeped at him from in between. She felt his manhood at her sopping vaginal lips and she had barely the energy to gasp as he pushed into her tightness with smooth power.

'All the way in, baby, doggie-style!' he muttered as he mounted her.

The base of his cock met her smooth, round butt cheeks with a soft smack.

He was very excited and very young. He was hardly able to pound half a dozen thrusts into her before his own orgasm shook him and he ejaculated a flood of thick, white semen into her.

They lay entwined and sated on the bed. Bradley's weight was warm and pleasurable.

'He's such a strong boy for an eighteen-year-old', she thought.

Half asleep, Carmen's eye fell on the large digital read-out of the bedside clock.

'Oh my God!!' she exclaimed, sitting bolt upright, panic-stricken. 'Its three thirty! The Junior League will be here at four!'

She jumped out of bed and rushed towards her bathroom suite, clad in just her leopard print bra and high heels. She paused at the door and whirled around, pointing at Bradley.

'This must never happen again! Thank goodness I'm not ovulating!"

Carmen's thin bra was still wet with sweat and clung to her magnificent breasts, emphasizing, rather than hiding her erect nipples. Bradley looked at her, his eyes growing hot again. He stared at his milky semen beginning to dribble out of her pussy and slowly slide down her inner thighs. He was already hard and erect again.

'Why can't I breed you, Mrs. Grierson?'

'Oh, you bad boy! I ought to tell your mother!'

'You won't do that, Mrs. Grierson. I think you're going to want me again.'

Carmen looked at him in silence until he grew uncomfortable.

'You licked me to an orgasm, Bradley. But you came far too soon when you fucked me. When I have sex with Mr. Grierson, he makes me cum again and again.'

As she went into the bathroom, his erection softened. He heard the water running in the bathroom and Carmen's voice drifted out to him. With the running water, her words were indistinct. He thought she said, 'Ask your mother about Mr. Grierson', but he could not be sure.

* * * * * * * * * *

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FrivolousFrivolousabout 6 years ago
I think I understand.

Bradley is Jack's natural son, isn't he?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Still being your eunuch

Carmen this is, please write again.

jxa2012jxa2012about 8 years agoAuthor

I'm thinking of a continuation, Carmen with other young men. I should have it done in a couple weeks. Any preferences?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
more please

Please revisit and continue this, very hot!

SkyfalconSkyfalconover 8 years ago

continue this

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Great story!

I liked the pace. Carmen as a MILF is just perfect. Would like to see her fucked by other younger men.

don87654don87654over 18 years ago
Somewhat Disappointing

While most of the chapters here were very erotic and the fact of Jack fucking several different women, sometimes more than once, it is a bit disappointing that he did not father any babies, or at least breed one of these women. With all that sperm/semen shot, you would think that one of the women would have gotten knocked up. I sometimes wonder at the mentality of some of these authors in these fantasy stories, because the union of cock and pussy normally results in someone getting bred, especially in multiple partner situations as this. It is kinda hard to believe that all these women would have been on birth control of some kind, and no mention of rubbers/condoms was made of Jack using them. It is for that reason that I did not rate this last chapter with a "100".

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago

I wondered if you would ever finish this up the first four parts were great. This one was a bit strange however not bad but the family love thing kinda throws me off a little. Keep up the good work and oh you should do an aftermath story with the married woman he slept with. I'm dying to know if her kids told on her.

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