Checkout Girl


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I said that I coped with this conversation but I did get up and leave for fear of hearing any more. I felt drunk but yet not drunk and desperately tired. As it was just after midnight, I made my way slowly to the cabin hoping that a cup of coffee might sort me out, only to find that it was already occupied. I was faced with a guy lying on the bed, his massive cock sticking in the air and my wife exuberantly riding it as if it trying to win the derby. Both were oblivious of my presence and I confess that I stood watching for at least ten minutes before I could persuade my legs to move. Before the pair of them finally left the cabin together, I had been lurking at the end of the corridor for nearly half an hour.

The covers on the bed had been tossed into a tangled heap and there was a large wet patch on my side of the bed. I covered it with a towel so that I could lie down but apart from that I was almost past caring. All night I had been afflicted with an almost constant erection that had grown to painful proportions during my minutes as an inadvertent voyeur and hardly declined at all during my time in the corridor. Now breathing in the combined smell of semen, vaginal juices and sweat, the engorged end of my cock started to throb with renewed intensity. I had not masturbated at all since meeting Sophie but, acting of it's own volition my hand returned to the preoccupation of adolescence. The disturbing fact was that as I found much needed relief, the vision held in my mind was of that thick pole disappearing between the stretch pink lips of my wife's cunt as she impaled herself repeatedly upon it. Was this the start of the masochistic reaction or might it be quite natural? Come to that - did the men of history forced into the role of spectator as their women got screwed, all find that their pricks were standing rigidly to attention?

Sophie walked in just before three and tossed a handful of banknotes on to the bed as she passed on her way to the shower, saying happily, "I've had an absolutely brilliant night - do you want to count it love?"

I could not be bothered and when my wife came back she did not remark on my dereliction of duty, saying instead, "Simon - I know it's a drag especially if you are tired but can you stay away from the cabin at least until midnight or preferably later. You see a lot of the fellows share double cabins so if I have somewhere else to bring them it gives me a bit of an edge." Instead of getting into bed she stood deliciously naked and facing me as she brushed her hair. With a big smile on her face she told me, "I saw you in the mirror you know. What did you think of Rod - that has got to be the biggest cock I have ever had up me? I had one yesterday that might have been a bit longer but it was rather thin but Rod's penis is so gloriously wide. I'm hoping he is going to book me for an afternoon - just the thought of having that thing in me for two solid hours. I could be very tempted to offer it to him for nothing but I won't."

I don't know if it was these words that sparked me again but, despite the self abuse, I was more than ready to go again so the moment that Sophie slid into bed I rolled hopefully towards her. She pushed me away saying, "You know I hate to knock you back love but I've really tired myself today earning as much money as I can for us." Her refusal was understandable and I accepted it philosophically but still suspected that should a punter walk in waving a fifty pound note, in an instant her twat would be gaping wide with a welcome mat in front.

I had half hoped that Sophie would take the promised mid cruise break and spend the whole day with me. Unfortunately when I suggested this she replied, "I'm keeping the last day for you darling whatever happens but I think it is be stupid to take other time off and lose out on all the cash I could be earning." I couldn't object to her logic but I suspect that she intended to work whether I agreed or not. The day was a rerun of the one before with me again spending the afternoon in solitary state without any great feeling of trauma. Just before leaving the cabin for the evening session Sophie asked, "Do you mind sitting somewhere else tonight - it doesn't help you know to feel your reproachful eyes on me every time I leave with a different guy.

I started on the cannabis straight away but needed to smoke more to reach the same degree of detachment. Maybe that is just an excuse because I managed to puff enough to keep me well out of it all night. Late on I saw my wife take a hit of cocaine before leaving with a man but I was hardly in a position to criticise her. I again found myself eavesdropping on another conversation about my wife that I did not want to hear. This time the participants were facing me so I can describe them. A rather hefty guy with a lot of gold on his fingers starts off by enthusing, "Sophie, Sophie, Sophie. What I afternoon I had - the best shag of my whole life. The things that girl can do with her mouth - it's like she's got two cunts." At this an Arabic type with a pockmarked face butted in to say, "Two cunts - she's got three. I know because I've dumped a load in all of them."

Everywhere I turned my wife's name was on everybody's lips, always complimentary but generally without the crudity of the pair mentioned above. That incident early on when Louise faked it to finish me off had helped greatly because I had half persuaded myself that Sophie was doing the same. This allowed me to take the many reports of her enthusiasm with a grain of salt and marvel at how well she had convinced the men. All the same, that night or possibly the next morning I had to ask her, "Do you really enjoy doing it with all these different men?"

"What's not to enjoy," she said. "They are nearly all reasonably young and fit successful men. I get the best tingle though before the sex has started. With every new one the excitement is wondering what his cock is going to be like and how well he is able to use it."

This was not exactly what I was asking. "I mean do you actually get aroused by them?"

"What do you want me to say Simon - you know that I always do cum terribly easily."

Sophie was obviously very happy in her work and rather insensitive to the effect that it had on me. For her remaining working days I survived in a drug induced haze but a remark she made late in the week rather illustrates this. As we were leaving the cabin for the entertainment room, she said humorously, "Now that I seem to have already had all the men who cluster round me, I'm faced with a bit of a dilemma. Should I pick a generous tipper or one that I know is a good fuck."

"Which one do you choose?" I asked as expected.

She gave a cheeky smile and said, "I reckon that as I've done so well this week there is no real need to milk the job for every last penny."

Just after lunch on the last day we were relaxing on deck in the sunshine. I was pleased at the amount of cash that we had stashed away but at the same time was very glad that it was all over. Sophie stretched luxuriously and said, "I feel rich, very pleased with myself and incredibly randy. You are going to fetch us a couple of drinks then we will go to our cabin where I am going to treat you to the best sex of your life as a reward for being so good all week. Sweetheart - I am going to blow your mind."

With such a promise I made it to the bar in record time to join the end of a short queue. I was immediately joined by a large red faced American who without introduction said," Hey Pal - you looking after the tart with the fantastic tits in the purple thong?" When I nodded he went on, "Haven't been able to get anywhere near her all week but I'm damned if I'm going to be the only man aboard who hasn't sampled the best bit of new tail for years. I'll pay five for her to spend the afternoon in my cabin." With that he slapped a £500 note on the bar by my hand.

I had never seen a note so big before and this faced me with almost equal temptations. On one hand there was the promised bliss in the arms of my wife and on the other that rather large amount of cash. I silently struggled but then shook my head telling him, "Sorry. Sophie has finished for the week and intends to spend this last day relaxing."

The yank had not expected to be turned down and his face went even redder as he snarled, "For Christ's sake - that's £500 for the afternoon you know not the whole fucking night."

It was my turn to be served so I muttered "Sorry," again, then turned to the bar to give my order. However, when I about faced with a drink in each hand he was standing in front of me again. "OK you win - I'll go to the full K," he said waving a pair of the high denomination notes in front of my face.

It was too much. I nodded and watched as he tucked the cash into the pocket of my shirt then walked back to my waiting wife. As I approached she jumped up with a sexy smile on her face. Holding out a hand for her glass she said happily, "Let's go - I can't wait."

I moved the drink out of her reach and with the same movement nodded towards the sweating male waiting in anticipation by the by the door. "Sorry love - you're working," I told her.

Sophie's smile faded. "But I thought..."

"He is paying £1000 just for the afternoon."

My wife grinned. "Why didn't you say so?" she said then walked past me towards the door with the sexy smile back on her face.

I had half hoped that the experience of having my mind blown had only been delayed until the night but the brash American had tried to get his money's worth leaving her tired. "Wait until we get home - I will make it up to you there," she promised. Later, on the point of sleep I heard her say contentedly, "Well my price has certainly gone up." I think she was talking to herself but it turned out that she was correct.

I have no grumbles about our homecoming. Every time that we counted the money Sophie wanted to fuck and she felt the need to count it constantly. Towards evening she said, "After earning all that I am certainly not going to slave in the crummy supermarket another hour."

I had expected that but told her, "You will have to let them know you have quit."

"I know - I am calling in tomorrow afternoon. Derek will want to know all about the cruise anyway."

When Sophie returned from seeing her one time blackmailer she was bubbling with happiness but she brought with her a blueprint for our future life. "Derek is over the moon for me," she said. "He says that American bragged about how much he had to pay and all the other guys on the cruise have been raving about me when they got back to work. Derek says that his phone has been red hot all day and this is just the start. Loads of men want to go with me and they are offering silly money. I will probably only have to do one or two a week then, after a bit if everything does alright, you can give up your job too because I will be earning enough for both of us."

It may seem strange that having been told this I only had one thought. "At least you won't have to put out for that creep any more."

"Don't be mean Simon - after all he has done for us. I do like doing it with him and you've got to agree that he deserves a few freebies. Anyway, I will be seeing him every week to get my money because the punters will be paying him. Derek says that doing it that way is better psychology. If a guy hands over the fee, some give only the agreed amount and forget to tip but if the cash is already taken care of then very few can leave without feeling obliged to give you something."

"You really think it is going to be that big."

"Almost guaranteed," she said confidently but then her face became serious as she pointed out, "It won't only be Saturdays from now on and I will often have to be away overnight. You can drive me to where I have to be and pick me up again afterwards but that means we will need a nice new car. You know - if we were discreet about it a few of the men could come to the house."

I just sat there nodding trying to hide the fact that everything that she said was a new blow. Sophie must have guessed that I was less than happy because she went on more brightly, "The good thing is that we will have plenty of money for you to follow your team wherever it goes - even abroad."

"I've gone right off football," I told her. "I'm thinking of taking up golf."

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HighBrowHighBrow7 months ago

An expert telling of a classic Femdom agitprop plot with an interesting anthropological theory thrown in for free!

Ocker51Ocker51about 7 years ago
What A Load Shit

This story is shit don't bother to read1⭐️

Totally British cuckold crap😡

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Another great story!

I enjoyed this story very much. It's one of the first of yours that I've read and I'm looking forward to reading the rest. I thought that including the anthropology student's assessment of male dominance/submission and female sexuality and acceptance was right on. Thanks

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Yet another cornered male, who got there by circumstances, bad decisions and.....

....a wife with a will.

Too bad he didn't get a little angry at her overt enthusiasm and fuck away with as many women as he could. His nostalgic attitude was silly, because now he gets almost nothing and she's fucked between 3 and twenty times a day. Even the ex boss-cum-pimp gets to fuck her more than hubby.

Great have and to hold....just not hubby.

Fool, take the cash and head for Portugal. She'll be fine and you'll be lamentable, but free. That, or take up professional fucking for yourself. Get in shape, get a tan, and use Viagra to keep MILFs happy and you well paid. At least there is balance in this.

Otherwise, you are better off a suicide.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
What did you expect?

If you read these stories knowing their content and then object, I suggest you choose an alternative section. Perhaps we could have 'Happy Families' to avoid upsetting you. A good fantasy read, keep going.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
re: anonymous-keep writing

maybe you should learn how to spell before making comments.1* for this pile of dung.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

I thought it was a great story. If you get off on reading about cheating wives than what do you expect to read?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Excellent as always.

Ignore the assholes and goatfucker (impo). 5*

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Keep writing

Out of every bad comment there is at leased 20% readers who don't comment enjoyed the story. So PLEASE egnore these rubbish BTB assholes. what matters is I repeat I enjoyed your tale. I seldom comment useing my member name, The last even I got a shitload hate mail, maybe because I'm female( so I'm being Anonymous. ) So thanks for shareing, a second chapter ????

chilleywilleychilleywilleyabout 9 years ago
Too over the top for me

S tarting with them fucking twice a day! To me that's compulsive. Unlike many of your stories, I thought this one lacked nuance and emotion. The characters are simplistic. The wife's only thinks of fucking and money. Nothing else. Nothing. The husband about sport and the wife's fucking. It made for a dull story.


m48gunnerm48gunnerabout 9 years ago

The husband always seems to be the loser in your stories, and the wife has little or no empathy for the man she supposedly loves....better to be alone then married to someone who cares so little for you and is more then willing to humiliate her husband. So, I find very little to enjoy in your stores and much that really bothers me as a man and a husband.

SparksWillFlySparksWillFlyabout 9 years ago
You Write Sad Stories

Your male characters are spineless submissives. Your marriages are convenient contrivances, not two people in love. Very sad indeed.

tiger46tiger46about 9 years ago
interesting tale

In spite of our plans and dreams we don't know the paths we'll take when they're presented. Sometime we are astonished by what we accept.

Good story. 5*

MitchFraellMitchFraellabout 9 years ago

So they started as petty thieves and she ended up as a prostitute and he was doing drugs. He knew she was doing it for the money and went along with it. They are hardly pillars of society, no need for any moral indignation. Could easily be based on a real life episode. An interesting story anyway.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Poor Show

You have let yourself down badly with this one.

No eroticism in this at all.

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