Chloe's Internship Ch. 18-19


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Chapter 19

Chloe stood outside the shop thinking she spent way too much time standing around waiting in public wearing next to nothing. It was a good thing the local cops didn't really care much about public indecency and apparent prostitution. More accurately, they enjoyed it.

As Arthur had dressed her, the half inch chiming balls hanging off her clit got her obsessing about the next guy who would stuff her. Everyone had been up in her ass for days up until Mr. Stevens had ridden her pussy that morning in the park. She had had no idea it would feel so good with her piercings. Adding the balls would just be heaven. She wanted that fat fuck's fuck stick and she was going to do whatever was necessary to prove she wasn't bullshitting him.

She wondered about what would happen when she left town in Arthur's latest creation though.

Mr. Finney's input had gone into everything, and he had specially asked to see her wearing an obvious choice. The cropped sweater top was sleeveless and just stretched far enough to hook onto her now inch long nipples in their golden tubes, plainly discernible poking their engorged pink tips out of the distended white knit. Hemispheres of milky white breast bulged below for the public's pleasure. "Public" soon to comprise a population beyond Sweet.

Arthur, or Jerome perhaps, had opted for a less traditional variation for the skirt. He had bonded strips of blue and red celluloid into an open cone in such a way that the strips formed pleats. To get in and out, one entire side opened, fastening at the top with a silver button bearing the insignia of Arthur's shop.

As was his style, and according to Arthur by necessity, the piece was alarmingly brief. It was in length to Arthur's regular mini skirts what regular cheer skirts were to regular mini skirts. Arthur explained that this was due to the fragility of the cellophane (and why he used cellophane was a mystery known only to Arthur and probably Jerome, too). It absolutely would not do for her body to put stress on the garment. Sitting on it was out of the question. In fact where she could she should take it off before sitting down.

Looking down at herself she couldn't see how removing the skirt would make a difference. There were just four inches of skirt from top to bottom. Four inches sitting low on the top curve of her butt and hanging out mid curve like rafters. The new anal accessory, this time a clear acrylic object, winked out beneath. The skirt kept it's little length going all the way around and when it came to her pussy it remained mercilessly unchanged. Four inches sat above her pubic patch and didn't manage to cover the distance to the bottom of her glistening wet pussy lips, let alone the shiny golden balls bouncing and swaying beneath them.

In good cheerleader fashion she wore ankle socks and sneakers. Arthur had done his thing with the sneakers though. They wouldn't flatten out and the ankle opening was at a wide angle to the sole. He had put pieces of metal in them or something that kept the toes bent. Like the last shoes he'd given her, these had the effect of pointing her feet down without using a tall heel.

Mr. Finney finally rolled up and waited while his obscenely dressed cheerleader put the pink bag Arthur had prepared for her in the back seat and carefully took off her skirt so she could join him in the passenger seat.

Jerome took in his bottomless passenger and couldn't hide the tears in his smile.

"That's.... Wow."

Chloe was moved realizing no one ever done anything like she had for the fat man. Agreeing to the new accessories in her nipples and clit, hell, agreeing to wear this outfit, was a pretty extreme gesture to show someone.

As they kept driving, she noticed his initial reaction faded into a resigned look and he drew deeply into himself.

"What's wrong, Mr. Finney?"

"I was just thinking about what you did and why."

"Well, I did it to show you that I really do want to hang out with you for the weekend. Why else? Plus it is kind of a cool look."

"I know you mean it, Chloe. The thing is, the why why. It's why anyone ever wants to do anything nice for me and you know what I'm talking about."

Chloe felt once again like he was slipping from her. She also couldn't deny what he was getting at. "Now listen, Mr. Finney, that's no way to talk. You keep thinking everyone pities you and that's what's going to happen."

"That's too easy for you to say. Just look at yourself and look at me. When no one wants to be around you, then you can talk."

Chloe saw the gauntlet drop. "Fine, test me. I thought doing myself up like this would be enough to show you I'm serious, but clearly it's not. And if you have another test for me then bring it."

Mr. Finney nodded and went back into his world. Chloe was coming to realize that's where he was most comfortable. He didn't talk much because talking meant interacting with other people and interacting with other people sucked when they all thought he was just a pathetic fatass.

But couldn't she identify with that? At Mr. Aranowsky's party all the women thought she was a cheap slut. On the other hand, all the guys wanted to fuck her. No, Mr. Finney didn't want that. It occurred to Chloe that the only way to make Mr. Finney happy was to identify with him at his level.

Rejection had brought his insecurities to the fore and somehow perverted the rational responses of an otherwise sensible man, a genius, to go in the opposite direction.

His world had to do with his insecurities. She needed to expose hers and fall into his world to get close. But was it really all about him? What would she learn about herself about following him into his rabbit hole? How would she even go about it.

They pulled up into a Denny's. Chloe let Jerome waddle ahead as she refastened the skirt she had carefully placed on the back seat. She worried about her appearance now that they were no longer in Sweet, Washington. Cops outside the town limits probably wouldn't let her off with just a couple of fucks. There was nothing for it though. Anyway, the balls chiming clinging to her clit were enough to think about.

Jerome was already sitting by the time she walked in. It was already 10 so there weren't many people in the restaurant to gawk at her pussy and piercings through the see-through skirt or her stretched out nipples poking through her crop top. However, there were strangers.

Jerome was facing away from her at a booth near the back corner and she scooted in to take her seat next to him, deftly removing her skirt as Arthur had instructed. Anyone could easily make out the big spikes distending her sweater just above the hem and pink crescents of her areolae below it. Scooted in next to Mr. Finney for now her bottom would be visible only if someone came up right on top of her. Wait, there wasn't a tablecloth; she'd better keep her legs closed.

It kind of sucked trying to be modest after she had spent a week having fun being the town slut. But this was the real world, not the fantasy land of a town full of randy geeks. She had to behave.

Chloe grabbed up Mr. Finney's hand and put it over her pussy feeling him stiffen.

"you know, for modesty," she smiled at him. Maybe getting to him wasn't about learning to share his funk by becoming a fellow reject but rather building him up into a paragon of masculinity. It had worked for everyone else so far.

"You asked me to test you so...." he gave her pussy a good grope. Chloe moaned into it.

"You like that don't you you little slut. You probably like that even more out here where everyone can get a nice good look at you. Go ahead and play around with those big fat tits of yours, you fucking slut."

Maybe Mr. Finney was unloading pent up aggression from his years of being mistreated, but Chloe couldn't help but agree with him; she also couldn't help but enjoy herself. She'd been liking being slutty practically since the first day she took it up. She smiled. Tuesday wasn't it?

There was a teenaged kid with a middle aged woman some tables over. Chloe knew they'd seen her walk in and bet eight to one she had already spoken to management about getting them tossed out... Maybe not if she put out for management though. Meanwhile a lonely looking dude across from her by the window could use some cheering up.

She looked him in the eye and slid her hands up her firm abs to the dramatic overhang of her bare bottomed boobies, sliding up slowly beneath the sweater to tweak her pierced and stretched nipples while her tongue busied itself moistening her lips.

Mr. Finney hesitated seeing her enthusiasm. He'd aimed at shaming her with her sexuality and got caught up enjoying her show. She was now enjoying herself being out with him. He was out with this hot piece of ass nineteen year old. Him, Jerome! And she was having a good time because of him, Jerome!

He had expected her to moon over him, whispering sweet nothings about what an amazing guy he was. This was something else. When was the last time he had used exclamations after his name In his brain that way? The closest he ever got to that was a satisfied smugness.

His dick was hard poking into the overhang of his gut.

If she was enjoying herself now, well he was just getting started. This girl would be soaking wet by the time he took her to bed.

The waiter showed up, a pimply kid about Chloe's age.

"C...C...Chloe?" His eyes were huge. Chloe had no idea who the kid was but they probably went to the same school.... That thought shocked it's way deep into her brain to the fight or flight switch, which right then was linked up to her pleasure node because her pleasure node was swollen. Or was it her clit that was swollen? Those chrome balls....

"Hey! High school right? Sorry, I can't remember your name."

She felt her nipples at him.

"We had PE together. M... Mark."

"Well it's good seeing you, Mark."

"You, too, Chloe. So what would you guys lIke to order?"

Jerome realized the kid must have had a major crush on Chloe and decided it was time to step in to make his dream come true and feed the girl's ravenous slut.

"I'll take an all American dinner special, with the steak rare, and a second of the same but medium. Just give me an eight ouncer for the second one; I'm trying ti cut back. My girl here would like to start with your cock topped off with a bit of rimming. She's not carrying a purse but she would be more than happy to pay for it by putting her lower orifices to work on your Mr. Happy. Also bring her a Greek salad, she'd like that. One for me, too. Gotta get my greens in."

Chloe wasn't expecting that. Neither was Mark. Both teens blushed while Jerome felt his smugness level rise. Chloe wasn't put off though. She knew Mr. Finney was aiming at making her ashamed of her sluttiness, but she liked it after all, and fucking some dork from high school she couldn't even remember was tops when it came to slutty.

"Nice plan! C'mon, Mark. I saw a nice place by the dumpster when we were coming in."

She bounded out bottomless from behind the table and dragged Mark behind her. Lonely guy by the window stared dumb and widemouthed. Mom looked on in bemused disbelief.

Chloe had him against the back wall with her hands to his zipper and her plugged naked ass to the woods. He was a tall lanky kid and in her modified tennies her eyes were almost at his chin.

"I'm not going to get you in trouble with the boss am I?"

Mark was just starting to sense the magnitude of his present jackpot. Chloe Petite to do with as he pleased.

"No it's just Pat, Mike and me."

"Maybe I can do them next, but go put in the order first so we don't leave Mr. Finney hungry, I'll warm up my toaster for you."

She took a step back and spread her legs to slide a couple of fingers in. Mark was back a moment later and paused, unsure how to proceed with this sex demon.

She picked up where she left off, reaching in his still open fly again to grab his hot swollen cock again. She pushed him back up against the wall, her mouth immediately all over his dick.

"Goddam, Chloe, I had no idea you were such a slut!"

"You sure know how to talk dirty to a girl, Mike."

"Ung! It's Mark."

Chloe went back to smoking down penis. She pushed back thoughts about obvious things like how everyone she knew would fast learn about her rampaging sexuality and all the repercussions, and she focused on relishing the moment, but how much did she really like dick?

Chloe knelt down topless sucking and Mark couldn't hold back. Getting sucked off behind his restaurant was golden. The sucker being the hottest girl from high school was priceless. Being able to prove it would make him immortal. He got down and lay back. Much more comfortable to get his dick sucked.

It also lined Chloe up with the sign on the back of the restaurant. Mark pulled out his camera and flashed her up. Chloe sucked on. This was a guy she had gone to high school with. She didn't know him from a hole in the ground and she wasn't the least bit interested in him even, but here she was gulping the last inches of his penis into her esophagus at the back of some podunk restaurant and now he had a picture of her. No backing down now. Shit, everyone she knew at home would know about this. Her parents!

She could feel him speeding up and she realized she would have to seriously pace this guy to make him last through the full tour Mr. Finney had commanded. She pulled out smacking her lips.

"Alright daddy, you ever get a rim job?"

Mark shook his head staring at her over a dumb, gaping smile. The idea of getting his asshole licked had never featured in his fantasies, but now, looking down at his gorgeous former classmate, it was kink number one. He let her pull his pants down and get to work, feeling her nose press into the crack of his ass. Feeling that beautiful face pressing into his ass, her warm tongue bathing his brown hole, was enough to keep lead flowing to his pencil.

Chloe mused over the bitter taste of ass, grateful her former classmate at least did a good job wiping. This was part of the life she was diving into. Not a tasty part, but no life is perfect. She could labor to be an office drone, hunched over a desk cranking out reports or whatever, or she could be an office whore, bent over a desk in the professional pursuit of frequent and glorious orgasms... the worst part being the occasional tasting of an asshole. To hell with what anyone thought, this was her life. She marveled that the wondrous landscape of her chosen new career had never even occurred to her a week earlier.

Chloe felt giddy thinking about it. What was so great about holding herself to conservative standards? Okay, it meant she didn't have to lick asshole, but she was past that. Otherwise fucking was fun. Fucking was dirty. More importantly, it was a blast (and it meant getting blasted). Plus slutting it up was proving to be a valuable service for her wonderful band of geeks. Her heart was in her throat and she shook with adrenaline, but she was going to double down. The many camera phone pics floating around would be her publicity shots!

She pulled back and squeezed his balls enough to make Mark lucid.

"Alright big boy, I've got my orders and I'm not going to let you pop until you've had the full tour."

She got up and walked her hot goddess walk to the dumpster, teasing her fingers along the length of his penis as he recovered enough sense to follow along. She leaned forward, reaching between her legs to guide his dick gently into her vagina, her fingers trailing away along her glistening clit chains. She was so worked up she didn't care who was pumping in and out behind her. Somewhere in her mind though she wondered about Jerome and why the first thing he wanted her to do was fuck a waiter while he sat waiting for his food.

For now though she was just enjoying Mark and his penis. Mark was doing a fine job pounding her into the green metal wall of the dumpster. Whoever Mark was in high school, she didn't think he had gotten much ass but he was definitely making up for it now. What he lacked in size he did a pretty good job making up for with enthusiasm.

Mark had her flush to the dumpster with her tits on the metal and his chest on her back. Pogoing her vertically it was feeling good all around. It gave her nice tickles when her metal accessories brushed against the dumpster, like hot sparks were shooting off them. She hadn't forgotten though there was one more stop on her tour.

"Alright hot stuff, don't blow your load yet. Pull up one of those flattened boxes". It had only been a couple of minutes from when they started but Mark seemed like he wasn't going to last much longer, and orders were orders. She had her mind set on following through. It was a good thing she'd lubed her ass up before she left Arthur's. Part of being a top notch slut was good planning!

Mark very courteously, and quickly, laid out a piece of cardboard. Realizing just one would be too short he immediately put out a second, his cock dribbling precum all the while. Once he was all set up, Chloe felt like she should curtsey to the gentleman and he took her daintily offered hand and helped her off her heels onto her eminently watchable back. He followed briskly letting Chloe hook her knees on his shoulders. He'd get her front from the back and her back from the front. She didn't think she had tried this combination yet, then was struck by the fact that she was already losing track.

Mark's chivalry vanished swiftly, starting with a vicious extraction of her ass plug du jour. He immediately fell to thrusting at her gaping hole, falling flat on her to better enjoy her big fat titties and suck on her luscious mouth (these adjectives being the only concepts going through his head).

Mark was determined to stretch his time with Chloe Petite as long as possible. What were the odds? What were the chances of a repeat? What were the chances he was awake?

With all the exercise her back door had been getting, few men were a match for her, and fewer still who had been through the sort of warm up she had just doled.

"Fuck me!" The words came out of Mark like his soul tearing loose.

"Oh boy did I," Chloe leaned in wickedly, pressing her forehead on his and drawing him into her eyes by the back of his head. A goddamned succubus to him. His devil slut. "Go home and tell the kids what a tremendously hot slut I am, and keep a lookout for my website."

Copyright © 2011 mchucha / mamachucha

Check out my biography page for updates on my progress.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
More soon please

I hope you update soon this was great!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

I have to say, I love this series. I am only looking forward to some clit sucking with that piercing and some hardcore fucking that makes the balls go wild, pulling on her little clitty. Please write more!!

alamodealamodeover 12 years ago
time for another chapter........?

please find time to write soon :)

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
please write another chapter

I just love the story :)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
This story rocks

Some time back I stumbled on this story about Chloe.

The read are pleasant and goes a long way to entertain and makes good pictures in my head.

Just to dare my gf I dropped her a link to this story in her mail box with a little reading to do now I left for a 2 week trip with my work.

Only hours after leaving home I got an answer from her, she wanted to know if it was a joke.

Hell no, I just wanted her to read it and when I got home we could read it together.

She surpriced me when I got home, not only did she read the story, she told me how wet she did get from the reading and how she had to relieve the pressure building inside her.

Little did I know that she liked the story as much as I did, we now read stories together as often as possible and have great fun doing it.

Now her landing strip hairstyle "down there" are gone for good, her nipples are pierced and we both enjoy her back entrance.

A few times I have been able to talk her in to not using a bra or panties when we leave the house.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
I really hope you come back soon

Love this seris please dont make us wait so long.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

Maybe add something with the mom in the dinny's in chapter 20.

these were really good just a little bit short. hope chapter 20 isnt to long away.

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