Chords that Bind Ch. 13


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After some time, Cecilia ran out of tears. Her breathing calmed. "Thank you," she croaked.

"Anytime," Abe boomed.

Clara agreed. "We're here for you. Are you hungry?"

Cecilia shook her head. She didn't have an appetite. What she really wanted was some sleep.

"Cecilia." Abe sounded serious. "I need to know how you ended up alone on the street last night."

"I already told Detective Martin. I left the club and got a bit lost looking for a cab."

"No. Why did you leave alone?"

"I don't want to talk about it. Please?"

"Did he hurt you?" Abe demanded.

"No! Well—he. . . no. He didn't. It wasn't his fault."

"What wasn't his fault Cecilia? Why are you blaming yourself?"

"Because. It'strue. It was my fault I was there. I was the stupid one." Cecilia sounded bitter.

"Cecilia. Tell me."

"It was all me. We were dancing, but I was getting too hot. I was kind of dizzy, from the drinks. I shouldn't have drunk that much..."

Abe started to get angry. He didn't like where this was heading. It was Clara's turn to shake her head at him. Cecilia needed to tell her story uninterrupted.

"So we moved away from the dance floor, and well—we started kissing." Cecilia blushed a furious scarlet. "At first it was okay. But, soon I was having all these memories from...before." Abe scowled silently.

Clara nodded, urging her to continue.

"I wanted some space, needed fresh air, it was so hot in there. "But he couldn't hear me over all the noise. Then I was hearing that man, Lace, in my head. I panicked. I thought I was back in that white cell. I pushed him away, Sebastian that is, and ran. Then I grabbed my things and left. I- I needed to be alone."

Abe nodded. It actually wasn't as bad as he feared. He was certain that the Spaniard had forced himself on her, or tried to. He was insensitive and inattentive, but Sergio hadn't done anything to intentionally hurt Cecilia.

Clara asked, "Is that all? Is that everything that happened between you two?"

"Well, yes, until he found me with Abe and Detective Martin. He came looking for me. But I can't talk to him. I'm too ashamed. That's everything."

Abe's phone chose this inopportune time to ring. He hoped it wasn't work. He couldn't leave right now. The caller ID flashed James' name. He couldn't do this now either. Clara looked towards the phone. Recognizing that the call was from James she sighed. "Answer it. He should know. He's sponsoring her amnesty. He'll find out soon enough."

"What? James? No. Please don't tell him!" Cecilia started begging. "I don't want him to know."

Clara was right. Abe left the kitchen and settled in the den. Cecilia didn't need to hear this conversation, and he trusted Clara to try to calm her down.

"James!" Abe tried to sound chipper.

"Abe. How are you?"

"Alright. How about you?"

"Oh you know, just calling to check in. I realized I haven't called much. I've been missing you all."

"We've missed you too. Where are you now?" Abe wasn't sure how to proceed.

"Japan actually."

"Anything interesting going on there? According to theTimesyou've been busy with your partner."

"Ahh. Yes. I guess word about that is out in London then?" James didn't sound pleased.

"You could say that. It seems you two put on quite a show. Clara saw pictures of you and Natasha in... Berlin was it?"

"Yes. Well, that fire burned itself out I'm afraid."

Abe momentarily forgot he had bad news about Cecilia. "Say that again?"

"I broke it off with Natasha. It was fun for a bit, but she and I..."

"Not really your type?"

"That's a way of putting it. I thought we had enough other things to make it work..."

"She couldn't possibly be submissive?" Abe said it more as a statement.

James let out a hollow laugh. "I thought I could overcome the part of me that needed that. It would make life so much easier if I could." James sounded wounded.

"You and I both know that those tendencies don't just... evaporate. No matter how tall, blonde, and talented."

"Well, that's the thing. If vanilla was ever going to work for me, it would have been with Tasha." James was sad. "As it is . . . let's just say it's a good thing her part of the tour is done."

"That bad?"

"Worse than you could possibly imagine."

"I don't know James, I can imagine a lot."

"Well, the last performance suffered a bit . . . I just couldn't get any space from her, and when I tried she got jealous . . . and angry . . . and I have no desire to deal with that kind of drama. She slapped me in the face at the end."

Abe winced in sympathy. "I'm sorry to hear that James. I really am."

"Well, I've just eliminated another bad option then. But enough about me. I should have been better about checking on Cecilia—not that I don't trust you, Abe. She's my responsibility and while I was with Tasha, I wasn't really keeping up my end of the bargain."

Bloody hell. James thoughthe'dbeen irresponsible? Abraham braced himself. "Actually James, everything's been pretty dull around here—"

"Well that's good—"

It was time to drop the other shoe. "Until last night that is."

"What happened last night?" James voice was steady. Abe didn't answer right away.

"Abe. Abe? What happened last night?" James voice was sharper.

"The first thing you need to know is she's safe, James."

"Cecilia?! What do you mean she's safe? Why wouldn't she be?" Abe heard the accusation. It was no more than he deserved. "Abe, if you don't tell me now, so help me I'll hang up and ask Cecilia myself."

Abe wondered if that'd be better. No. James would only scare her like this. "She went out on a date last night, James. Relax."

"Tell me it wasn't that Spanish bloke." James dared Abe. So much for James being okay with Cecilia seeing other people.

"It was, as a matter of fact. James, look, keep calm and I'll tell you."

James was gripping the phone hard. He was 9,000 kilos away and couldn't do anything. He was shaking with rage and worry. Clara and her manipulations were to blame here. Abe started speaking again, misreading James' silence for calm.

"James, they just went out for dinner and then dancing." Abe tried to deescalate, "Cecilia had a panic attack of sorts—"

"What did he do to her?" James was going to knock the overly-white teeth out of Sergio's face.

"Nothing James. He didn't do anything. She had a—a flashback, thought she was back trapped with Lace again. She panicked and ran."

"That's not the end of this story, is it?"

"No, the problems started after that. She was out alone, got a bit lost and three villains attacked her. Tried to make off with her."

"What?! Is she alright?"

"Yes, James. She's fine. Shaken, but fine. I got there before she came to any real harm. They're in police custody. Remember DCI Martin? He's on the case."

That was the first good news Abe had given James. DCI John Martin was terrible at procedure, but he always did everything he could to get his man. "How'd you get there?"

"Cecilia texted Clara that she and Sebastian were going out dancing and let her know which club. I figured I'd go and see if she needed a ride, just in case they were both too blotto to drive. I heard her call for help."

James wanted to be furious with Abe, but it seemed he actually owed him gratitude. He exhaled. "Thank God you were there Abe."

"John was on the trail too. He got there just after I did."

"It doesn't matter. I'm glad you were there."

"Me too. As it is, Cecilia's safe with us."

"What about Sergio?"

"James, we both know his name's Sebastian," Abe sighed. Much as he didn't like him, and thought he was a terrible match for Cecilia, Abe couldn't fault the ponce. He'd gone looking for Cecilia after she ran.

"I don't care. Why on earth would he let her wander alone at night in a strange part of London?" James found a new outlet for his anger.

"She ran James! She was afraid!"

"It'shisfault she was afraid!" James had no intention of exonerating Sebastian.

Abe wasn't sure how productive it would be to continue this conversation. He felt a hand on his back, and whirled around to see Cecilia, biting her lip and trying to be tough. How long had she been listening?

"Let me talk to him? Please?"

Abe covered the microphone on his mobile. "Cecilia, I'll handle this."

"This is my fault. I'm sorry. You've done more than enough already." Cecilia looked so earnest.

"Let me finish this conversation with him. Then you can give him a call?"

Cecilia nodded and padded out of the room.

"Sorry, James. That was Cecilia. She wanted to talk to you."

"Put her on the line then." James was snappish.

"No," Abe was irritated, and while Cecilia needed tenderness and understanding, James could handle some tough truths. "We aren't done. It's not like shebelongsto anyone here. He didn'tlether do anything."

Both their tempers were rising. James considered hanging up. "You can't have it both ways, James."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"You can't refuse to act on your feelings and then expect other people to be her proxy dominant, protector, and chaperone."

"I want nothing of the sort. I just want her safe. Since I can't be there right now—"

"That's a load of bollox! You closed yourself off. You scheduled this tour. Don't blame this on me. You can't act as if you're responsible for her and then traipse around Europe with Natasha Dubnikov."

Abe touched a nerve. "Thisneverwould have happened if Clara hadn't set Cecilia up with that Spanish bastard!"

"Don'tbring Clara into this. She was trying to help you, you twit!" Abe didn't stand for anyone to say a word against his wife.

"She couldn't have found anyone else? Couldn't have found a reliable fellow who'd treat Cecilia like she deserves." Abe rolled his eyes. Christ! James was so fucking stubborn.

"She did! You! You, bloody idiot!"

"No. That's not fair Abe. You know why that's impossible."

"I do know why it's impossible. Your damn chivalry! James, the girl wakes up after being attacked and nearly abducted, and she puts onyourrugby jumper. You aren't home? She listens to recordings ofyouinyourstudio! You left the country? She was nearly catatonic for days! Stop making yourself miserable."

"I'm no good for her Abe." James' voice lacked conviction. "Don't you see how unfair that would be to her? She had all sorts of mixed signals while I was there," he thought back to the incident in his studio.

"But she goes out on a date, something you said she was entitled to do, that would be good for her, and you start acting as if she's not able to make her own decisions! Make up your mind damnit!"

James had nothing to say to that.

"That's what I thought." Abe was satisfied. It was rare when he argued James into silence.

"I guess that's something I have to work on. I've been selfish. Cecilia is not mine. But, she's my responsibility, and I clearly have neglected that."

If James had been in the room, Abe would have smacked him. Someone needed to smack some sense into him. Natasha hadn't done the job properly. Abe amused himself with the thought of Clara doing it...

"Alright, Sir Tristan. Forget it. I'm not getting though to you today. Expect a call from Cecilia. I don't know why she wants to talk to you, but she does."

James throat was tight. He knew he should apologize. Instead he held onto his anger. "I'll be waiting for her call then. Take care Abe." James hung up without another word.

Rather than wait for her call, James dialed Cecilia's mobile. It went straight to voicemail. He tried again. The same thing happened. He debated calling the house phone, when his phone buzzed. It was Abe again. James didn't want to talk to him anymore right now, especially since he knew he owed Abraham an apology. He let it go to voicemail. Immediately it rang again. James swiped to answer the call, fully intending to tell Abe to shove off. He'd lost his budding relationship, and nearly lost Cecilia all in one day. He wanted to drown himself in Scotch and wake up finding that all of this had been one awful dream.

"James? James! It's me!" That was not Abe's voice. James swallowed the bitter words intended for Abe.


"Yes. Sorry, my phone is broken. Abe said I could borrow his to call you." James was thoroughly abashed.

"I want you to know it's not Abraham's fault. He rescued me. Just like you did." The hero-worship sounded so sweet coming from her voice.

"Cecilia..." James didn't know where to begin. She sounded so distressed. "What happened to your phone?"

"It—well—last night, those men tried to take me. Clara was calling my phone, I think, and I tried to answer it and call for help. But one of them took it and threw it."

The mention of the danger Cecilia had been in made James seethe. "Are you sure you're alright Cecilia? Were you hurt?"

"Only a little. I'm fine really." She was trying to be brave for him.

"What's 'only a little?'"

"Just a bruise on my cheek, and I scraped my hands. One of them smacked me . . ." She trailed off. She'd handled much worse, but remembering her other injuries set her synapses firing.

"I'm sorry that I wasn't there."

"That's so nice of you to say. But Abe and Detective John came at the right time. So..."

Cecilia was absolutely right. He owed John Martin a call. "Cecilia, can you promise me something?"

"Anything." James heard her eagerness over the phone. God, why did she have to be so perfect and so damaged? Even thousands of miles away she was hard to resist. This was why he couldn't be there.

"Promise me you won't wander at night in unfamiliar places alone?"

"Yes Sir. I promise."

James was hard. Four little words and she had him at attention. She was so different from Natasha. How did he ever think that Natasha could be a good substitute?

"Good Girl." He couldn't help himself. He needed to end this call.

"James? Please don't be mad at anyone. Or just be mad at me. It's my fault. I'm the one who ran off. No one else did anything... well those awful men, but it's not Abe or Sebastian's fault. I just... "

"I'm not mad at you Cecilia."

"What about Abe? Sebastian?"

James grit his teeth. For Cecilia, he'd say the words. "I'm not mad at either of them. I'm just glad you're safe. It's getting late over here." He was on a nine-hour time difference. While it was mid-afternoon in London, it was nearing midnight in Osaka. He'd had a trying day. "Be safe. Goodnight."

"Yes. Goodnight James."

He stayed on the line until she hung up. When he heard the click he fell backwards on his bed and stared at the ceiling. He was emotionally drained, but his body wouldn't sleep. He stayed like that for some time until he gave up on rest and ventured to the bar downstairs for some sake.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Great writing

You really are a good writer, paying attention to having real life senarios in your stories, however, we really want more sex.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Can something happen soon?

Wow you are really dragging this out..

Cindy1001Cindy1001almost 6 years ago

Brilliant! Exploring the theme of mutual jealousy (except that Cecilia wasn't jealous - I was in her stead), but I sincerely hope the diaspora will come to an end.

Cindy1001Cindy1001almost 6 years ago
Continued torment

I am only at page 2, but wanted to leave an intermediate comment that you are now tormenting your readers!

poeticlicense91poeticlicense91almost 7 years agoAuthor
Thank You!

I can't tell you how happy I was to see it won an award... I just don't know what the award was for... :) There will be more soon. If anyone knows how this happened, I'd love to be clued in! But for now, I'm actually quite humbled. I never though to see this sort of success with this story. Appreciate all you readers!

DreadDelacroixDreadDelacroixalmost 7 years ago
Congratulations! :-)

I just saw that this chapter won an award. You deserve it. Hope you have more to come. Congrats again. :D

Absinth3Absinth3over 7 years ago

obviously passionate about music 🎶 ... or perhaps just passionate ;-)

poeticlicense91poeticlicense91over 7 years agoAuthor
Am I a musician?

I'm not. Not beyond the obligatory elementary and high school band/musical education. But, I know people who are extraordinarily talented musicians and artists. They've taught me a thing or two about how to listen and feel the music. Could I recommend playing some of the pieces while you're reading the stories? That ups the sensory experience... Glad you're enjoying it!



Absinth3Absinth3over 7 years ago

Simply wonderful.

Are you a musician? You "feel" the music like only someone who is passionate about music does. And through your writing we feel it with you.

Write on. Follow your Muse. (Pulls up a chair and sits down) We'll wait.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Finally! Another great chapter. So glad you're still continuing this story. Looking forward to the next chapter.... keep up the great work. This is one story I keep checking back on for new updates.

Re: Natasha - it was obvious it wasn't meant to be between her and James but I honestly thought he could've handled the breakup better. He seemed a little cruel and cold about it and not considerate of her feelings at all. But I like how you wrote both characters as flawed people.

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