Clinical Trials Ch. 04


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"Undo it? Silly girl, I explained this to you before the procedure. The changes are permanent. Tell me, why would you want to undo it after just two days?" the doctor asked.

"I feel, umm, I'm always..." Brittney still couldn't say the words, couldn't say that she was horny all the time or that her pussy seemed to have a mind of its own. Doctor Drake stared at her for a moment, Brittney looked down at her feet, embarrassed.

"Well, for a journalist you sure seem at a loss for words every time I see you. How about if I just examine you? Maybe that would ease your mind," the doctor stated. In reality she just wanted to move forward and was quickly getting tired of Brittney's shy submissive behavior.

"Umm, yes, I guess so," Brittney replied. The doctor's insult hurt, but she was weighing the other thing the doctor said. Did the doctor tell her before that the changes were permanent? She didn't recall. Another panic ran through her at the thought of these feelings continuing forever. There had to be a way to stop them.

"Very well. Undress please and stand between the two poles," the doctor commanded.

"Here? But, isn't there a better place?" Brittney asked.

"Nonsense! Hurry up about it or I'll just send you home."

Brittney walked over to the poles and began undressing, laying her clothes on a nearby bench. She didn't want to anger the doctor; she was her only hope for fixing whatever was wrong with her. Once naked, Brittney stood nervously with her hands covering her breasts. Doctor Drake was doing something at the table at the far end of the room. She strode over to Brittney with some items in her hands.

"Arms out to your sides," she commanded. Brittney reluctantly spread her arms out. Doctor Drake wrapped a cuff around her right wrist.

"What are you doing? What's that for?" Brittney asked as she tried to pull away. The doctor held her firmly, pulled the cuff up and quickly fastened it to a rope that was attached to a hook on the stripper pole about 7 feet off the floor. Before Brittney could react, the doctor pulled the slack out of the rope and Brittney's arm was pulled up over her head.

"Hey! Please, don't! You can't do this!" Brittney argued. The doctor ignored her and grabbed Brittney's other wrist and attached the cuff as Brittney squirmed and tried to get free. The doctor was too strong, and with one hand already secured Brittney had little leverage to fight off the doctor. Brittney soon found herself with each arm pulled tight above her head and stretched out to each of the poles. The doctor finally spoke.

"Quit your struggling, Miss Banyard. You want me to examine you, then this is how it's going to be. It won't do you any good to struggle anyway. Now quit your whining and we'll get on with it."

"No, please! What kind of examination needs me like this? You can't do this! Just let me go!" Brittney begged as she twisted and tugged at the ropes. Doctor Drake again ignored her pleas and retrieved another set of cuffs. Brittney looked wide eyed when she saw them. "No! Stop, please! This isn't right!"

The doctor easily captured Brittney's ankles one at a time and secured the cuffs around them. She fastened them to hooks near the bottom of the poles and pulled the ropes, forcing Brittney to spread her legs. With her arms already drawn tight above her head, Brittney had to get up on her tip toes to relieve the tension in her arms and shoulders.

"There we go, all set," the doctor stated as she stood back and examined Brittney's bonds.

"Please, just let me go! Why are you doing this?" Brittney whimpered.

"Why? Well because you signed up for it, that's why. You agreed to the terms of the clinical trial, which basically allows me to do whatever I want to you. Oh, and don't worry, you'll get your $200 for the visit today," Doctor Drake chided.

"But... this can't be... I didn't..." Brittney stammered.

"It is, and you did, so get used to it. Now, first things first."

From behind her Brittney heard a noise. Shock set in as she realized they weren't alone. She twisted her head to look, and cried out as she saw a large athletic black man stride into the room. To her horror her pussy contracted as he approached and she groaned in agony at this stranger seeing her tied up and naked.

"Miss Banyard, I'd like you to meet my assistant, Mr. Johnson," Doctor Drake said to Brittney.

"Hello Miss Banyard," Darnus said in a deep voice. Brittney was too horrified to respond.

"Mr. Johnson is going to assist us today, I hope you don't mind." Brittney's fleeting thought that maybe this man would rescue her disappeared when she saw Darnus donning some latest gloves.

Brittney looked on in fear as the doctor brought over a bottle filled with a clear liquid. "Don't worry girl, this won't hurt a bit," the doctor smiled. She proceeded to squirt small amounts of the liquid into Darnus's large hands. He began by rubbing he gel into Brittney's arms and worked his way down. The liquid cooled Brittney's skin and she shivered as it was applied to her neck and back as Dr. Drake watched Darnus's work attentively. After a few moments her skin began to tingle, now a familiar feeling to her.

Darnus continued to work, applying the liquid to Brittney's ass and then to her legs. The gel quickly dried, leaving behind a noticeable glow to her skin. All the while Brittney's arousal was ramping up as his strong hands massaged every part of her body. Finished behind her, Darnus moved around to the front of Brittney.

"Please, no more," she begged.

"Silly girl, we can't just do the back of you! Now be still while he finishes this step." More gel was applied. Darnus rubbed it into Brittney's small breasts, which caused her nipples hardened and then start to tingle. Brittney suppressed a groan. Moving downward, the gel was applied to her stomach. Brittney squirmed, knowing that her sex was the next target.

"Be still, you don't want this to go in the wrong places!" he warned. Brittney did her best as he carefully applied the gel to the outer lips of her vagina. Her face flushed with embarrassment as this strange man manipulated her most private area. More tingling, and Brittney could feel her arousal seeping from her pussy. She wasn't sure if it this was due to the gel or from being manhandled by this black Adonis, but either way she was mortified that he might notice how aroused she was becoming. He didn't give any indication, however, and finally moved on to her legs. Finishing up, he stood and removed the gloves.

"Now that wasn't so bad now, was it?" the doctor stated. "You are going to love it. Your skin will be forever soft and glowing, and perfectly smooth. This formulation prevents hair growth, so you'll be smooth as a baby from now on. I chose a color that I think works well on you, so you'll always have a nice permanent tan even if you don't get any sun. But time is short, so let's move on to step two, shall we?" Brittney tugged on the ropes again as she shook her head. She tried to look at her skin but this position didn't allow her much of a view. "Aww, come on, this is exciting! You are getting the makeover of a lifetime! Perfect skin, full lips... We could even enhance your breasts, though not today, sadly. No, we have some finer details to work on today. Don't go away, ok?" the doctor asked playfully. Brittney glared at her but said nothing. She was finally realizing that this doctor was going way beyond any ethical clinical trial, and possibly wasn't quite right in the head. She feared what was coming, but had no way to stop it. She glanced over to Darnus for sympathy, but looking at him only made her pussy throb with desire. She saw a large bulge in his pants, and for fleeting moment was excited that it was her that was causing this reaction in him. But she quickly admonished herself for such thoughts.

A moment later the doctor returned with two small vials of liquid and two brushes that looked like artists paint brushes. "Ok my dear, I again suggest you stay very still. We really don't want this one going to the wrong places," the doctor warned. With that ominous comment she opened the first vial and dipped the brush into the translucent gel as Darnus stood back and looked on. "This might sting a little, it's a bit more potent than the skin gel," she commented, and then proceeded to apply it to Brittney's nipples, carefully covering both the nipple and the areola. Brittney's nipples immediately began to tingle and harden, and a moment later they began to sting. Brittney cried out as it felt like her nipples were growing larger and larger, and they began to ache from being so hard as they poked out from her small tits. The ache soon sent signals that emanated from her nipples and radiated to her pussy. "Please, make it stop," she cried.

"Hmm, how is that feeling? Not too painful, is it?" The first vial now empty, doctor used the brush to tickle her nipples, which caused them to harden even more and caused Brittney to squirm in her bindings. "Feels good, doesn't it? This treatment will increase the size and sensitivity of your nipples. Don't you just love how the brush feels?"

"No! I don't like it!" she wailed, even as her arousal level jumped higher. Doctor Drake continued to tease her nipples and watch Brittney's reaction. After a minute of this she put down the brush and roughly squeezed both nipples. Brittney cried out at the pain, but it quickly turned to exquisite pleasure. She thrust her hips forward as she neared orgasm. "Oh goddd," she moaned, not understanding why this was affecting her this way. She looked up and saw Darnus watching her intently. This somehow drove her arousal even higher, and she locked eyes with his and groaned in need. The doctor leaned in close and whispered in her ear, "Mmm, yes, he's quite a man, isn't he. I wonder what it would feel like if he sucked on these big nipples right now... I wonder if he could make you cum just from doing that? What would you do in exchange for that, hmmm? Would you suck his big cock? Or what if I told you to crawl to me and lick my pretty pussy? Would you do that for a chance to cum?"

Brittney was feeling dizzy and shook her head to clear it of the images the evil doctor was feeding to her. "No..." was all that squeaked out of her mouth, but the image of cumming while Mr. Johnson sucked on her ultra sensitive nipples wouldn't fade. Even worse, the idea of being forced to lick the doctor's sex was even more arousing. She never had fantasies of being a submissive, and certainly didn't have lesbian fantasies. But now... now they twisted deep into her psyche and wouldn't let go.

"Ok, enough of that, it looks like the nipple sensitivity gel is working properly," the doctor stated clinically as she released Brittney's nipples. Brittney collapsed in her restraints, the spell of looking at Darnus temporarily broken. "Ok, this next step is a little trickier. I'll need some additional restraints to keep you still." Darnus retrieved a PVC pipe about four inches in diameter and longer than the distance between the two stripper poles. They inserted this behind Brittney, in front of the two poles and behind Brittney's ass, and secured it to each of the poles. This had the effect of pushing Brittney's hips forward, and since she was already held tight with the cuffs and ropes she was now nearly immobile with her sex lewdly thrust out in front of her. As a final precaution, the doctor took a wide strap and wrapped it in front of Brittney at her hips and secured around the pipe. She now couldn't pull away and couldn't move side to side either.

Brittney grunted at the increased tension on her body as she tried to keep her toes on the ground. "Please!" Brittney begged. "No more, I can't take it!"

"Shh, just relax and I'll take care of you," the doctor consoled her. But by now Brittney lost all trust in the doctor and her words did nothing to ease Brittney's fears. She looked on fearfully as the doctor placed a small stool in front of Brittney and sat down. Pulling out the second vial and another small brush, she dipped the brush in the gel. With her other hand she spread open Brittney's sex and exposed her small clit. "Oh my, someone is very wet down here! I wonder why?" the doctor taunted. "And you have a nicely formed clit. But of course it can be improved upon," she gleefully noted.

Try as she might, Brittney couldn't move away from the brush. She felt the cool gel contact her clit and waited in dread for the tingling sensations to start. Sure enough, after only a few moments her clit was on fire. The doctor continued applying more coats of the gel, which quickly absorbed into her clit. Brittney whimpered with each stroke of the brush, straining uselessly to get away. On and on it went until the vial was completely empty. The doctor finally removed her fingers and leaned back to examine her work. Even without spreading her pussy lips Brittney's enlarged clit was clearly visible as it pushed outward, now noticeably bigger than it was before.

"Ok, let's see how well this worked," the doctor stated. She began lightly flicking the brush across Brittney's clit.

Within moments Brittney was crying out. "Oh my god, please! It's too much!!!" Her body shook from the intense desire to orgasm that coursed through every fiber of her body. But instead of crashing over in orgasm, she was held at the very brink of both agony and ecstasy.

"Now Miss Banyard, I have some questions for you," the doctor calmly stated as she continued to occasionally tickle Brittney's clit. "I suggest you pay attention."

"What? Please, what do you want from me? Please just stop, I can't think!"

"I'll stop when I have the answers that I need. I need some details about what you have been feeling, and it appears that you need some motivation before you'll open up and tell me. Now, first question. When was the last time you orgasmed?"

"What? I, ahhhh..." Brittney wailed as a pre-orgasm contraction tore through her. "It was, umm, that first night, after... after the first treatment," she managed to say.

"Very good. And what were you doing at that time? Were you masturbating?"

"No! It just happened, I couldn't stop it. I was just..." Brittney hesitated.

"Just what? Tell me, and don't even try to lie to me."

"I was watching TV with..." Brittney's body shook as the doctor continued to flick the brush over her clit. She didn't want to tell the doctor, but she couldn't take much more. "It was while my roommate and her boyfriend were watching," she blurted out. "Please, I can't take any more!"

Doctor Drake nearly broke out into a grin at her response, thinking of poor Brittney's discomfort of having an orgasm in front of others. Knowing she shouldn't be enjoying this quite so much, she held back her feelings and said, "Not so fast. I have some more questions." Doctor Drake needed to fill in the blanks from when she last was able to monitor Brittney. And there was that troubling signal she saw in Brittney's arousal chart. She wanted an explanation of the cause to make sure the programming wasn't flawed. "When was the last time you had sex?"

"Umm..." Brittney tried to think through the haze of arousal. All her encounters over the last couple days were becoming a blur. "It was this morning," she finally hoarsly replied. "With... ahhh! With Mister Packard, and, uhhh, Pax something or other." Brittney glanced over at Darnus, sure that he now saw how big a slut she was for having sex with two men, and she barely even knew one of their names. Yet her shame did nothing to suppress the savage desire that emanated from every part of her body.

Now the doctor was surprised. She didn't take Brittney for such a slut or for the type that would fuck to get a job. This was worrisome. The programming shouldn't be causing this. Had the doctor misjudged her? "Was that the only time since I saw you last?"

"Please, don't make me say it!" Brittney begged. Another contraction ripped through her. Her pussy ached from the constant need. "No, it wasn't!" she stammered. "I had sex with a guy yesterday!"

"A guy? You said you didn't have a boyfriend, so who was this guy?"

"He was... oh god, oh god..." Brittney wailed. "He's just this guy I know, I saw him at the grocery store," she blurted out.

"Interesting. Anyone else?" the doctor probed, even more concerned now.

"I, umm, please, it's too embarrassing!" Her pussy was constantly leaking now, dripping down her thighs. Her need to cum was too much, she felt like her mind was slipping away. She no longer considered what they thought of her, the words just flowed out of her. "I had sex with my roommate Holly! Please, it's not my fault! She made me lick her, I couldn't stop! I don't even like women. You have to undo this! I get aroused just by standing next to people! My... like my vagina has a mind of its own. Please, just make it stop!" she cried.

Stunned, the doctor leaned back and dropped the brush on the floor. It didn't make sense, the nanomaterial programming was set to idle, it shouldn't have been doing any higher level activity like she described. Brittney was saying that the material was ramping her arousal levels all on its own. Something was wrong. "Damn it," she thought. "If they hadn't shut down the servers I could have been monitoring this!" Now she was flying blind. Even the new nanomaterial she applied today had its basic programming set, but she wouldn't be able to send new instructions or monitor Brittney's status without the IP address. She needed time to think. She looked at Brittney, whose eyes were glassed over as she continued to roll her hips the small amount that her restraints allowed.

"Untie her," she ordered Darnus.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I am disappointed that the nanomaterial was not applied to the anus.

TrstxxxTrstxxxabout 3 years ago

Very erotic...permanent and uncontrollable. Love it.

CdJenniferHCdJenniferHalmost 5 years ago

As this story progresses I am getting more and more desperate to be summoned before Dr Drake, maybe she would like a sissyboy to experiment with!

liz33ndliz33ndover 6 years ago
i love your style

this is so erotic and well written.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

At some point in time I'd love to see Brittney, give Holly her just deserts. Getting her back in some way or form similar to how Holly acts towards her.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
So much potential

Congratulations on a great story with tons of creative potential! Haven't read a lot of female orgasm denial/control stories here and this was a blast to read! I feel the pacing, plot and character development is spot on in this chapter with the right amount of detail. Can't wait to find out what kinds of torture and humiliation her roommate has in store for Brittney when she finally masters the software controlling her body's response to stimulation.

Good work!

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