Confirming Carter Bk. 04 Expansion Ch. 02


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"Sure Andi." Sam said. "You were waiting for me when I got here. Did you need something?"

"Nothing specific, I came over to see what you wanted to talk about..."

"Okay, since you two don't have anything you want to talk about, let's move on." Tammy said, looking over at Larrin.

"Why are you here Larrin?" She asked. "Sam was telling Andi that you were discussing making ships with Zelenka..."

"We can talk about that another time." Larrin said, glancing at her wrist. "What I wanted to talk about is, I still need ten people and someone that knows how to use the teaching machine."

"Do you have the ancient gene Larrin?" Samuels asked, looking down at her tablet.


"Good, then we'll get you trained on how to use the teaching machine, but we can still get someone assigned." Samuels said. "I can pull a hundred people from the labor pool, but we still need to get the required training lists for the stations system. I have Dr. Zelenka working on that.

She looked up at her as she went on.

"I'd also appreciate it if you didn't go directly to him with new projects, like building these ships..."

"I..." Larrin began.

"They were talking about how to use the stations repair systems when I got there Andi." Carter said, jumping in. "I was the one that got him talking about building those ships."

"Be that as it may." Samuels said. "Dr. Zelenka is one of my primary assets, and I cannot have him constantly distracted with people's little side projects. I have already had to speak to Sheppard and Caldwell, I didn't think I would need to have the same conversation with you."

"Ouch...smackdown." Tammy muttered.

Carter shot her a look, then turned to Samuels.

"Andi." She said calmly. "Radik is the royal wizard, and I don't need anyone's permission to speak to him, or give him an assignment."

"Of course, my queen. I just meant..."

"Can we get back to what I wanted to talk to the wizard about?" Larrin asked, leaning back and getting another beer from the fridge. "I went over there to see if he would help me find quarters on the command level. My ship will be here in a few hours, and I may move my family over onto the station, with your permission of course."

"Just don't go taking off with it." Tammy laughed, then turned to Angelo.

"Angie, access the database and find the schematics for the station." She told him.

"I have the records pretty." He said.

"Find quarters on the command level."

"There are no quarters on the command level. Command and senior staff quarters are on deck four, central section."

"Show me." She said.

Angelo turned in his chair as a beam of light shot from his eye, and a large image appeared in the air midway down the table.

"I did not know he could do that." Sam whispered. She looked over at Tammy and asked, "Can Boris do that too?"

"Yeah, it's a basic function. I'll show you how to use it later." Tammy said, not looking at her.

"Highlight command level quarters in yellow." She told Angelo. "Then center and expand central section."

The image blinked, then areas around the central section appeared in yellow.

"Send locations and room designations to Andi." She told him, them got up and walked closer.

"That's your cabin, right there Larrin." She said, pointing at the largest one.

"I could fit a third of my crew in that space." Larrin laughed, getting up so she could move closer.

"Then I guess you can have your family living with you." Tammy laughed. "There's only seven of you, right?"

"Eight." Larrin corrected her. "But yes, this will be more than adequate."

"So you're going to bring them to dinner some time soon, aren't you Larrin?" Sam asked.

"Of course my queen." Larrin smiled. "It may be several weeks, because we need to sync to Atlantis time. There's a ten hour time difference right now."

"There's no hurry, but we would like to meet them." Sam laughed


Interior-Rodney McKay's Quarters, North Tower

2120 Hours

Tammy stood at the door of Rodney's quarters, waiting for someone to answer it. She'd rung the doorbell more than three minutes before, and was debating whether to ring it again, or call Rodney on her comm when the door opened.

Fran stood in front of her, wearing a gauzy robe. Her hair was down, and disheveled, and an obviously erect penis poked through the opening of her robe.

"Lady Tammy." Fran smiled. "What a pleasant surprise."

"Yeah, it's obvious that this is a surprise, but I don't know how pleasant it is." Tammy laughed, letting her eyes move up and down over the android's body.

"It's always a pleasure to see you." Fran smiled, stepping back and motioning for her to come in.

"Are you sure I'm not interrupting anything?" Tammy asked, letting her eyes flick down to the stiff cock poking up from between her legs.

"Of course you're interrupting something." Fran laughed. "Rodney made a breakthrough on the Wraith interface today, so I was rewarding him."

"What kind of breakthrough...and just how are you rewarding him?"

"The breakthrough is much too technical to go into, suffice it to say, Col Caldwell will be pleased when we tell him about it."

"And the reward?" Tammy asked, trying not to giggle.

Fran looked at her for a moment, then stepped closer until Tammy could feel her cock pressing against her leg.

"I'm fucking my Rodney, like every good little bitch needs to be fucked." She said breathily.

"Oh my god." Tammy gasped, staring at her wide eyed.

"Samantha uses you as her bitch sometimes, doesn't she? Or at least, you wish she would." Fran went on, a sly smile on her face.

"Sh...she has." Tammy said softly, looking away from her.

"I thought as much." Fran smiled. She reached down, grabbing Tammy's wrist as she turned toward the bedroom door. "Come watch, but do not speak...or you will be punished."

" maam." Tammy said softly.

Fran led her into the bedroom, and Tammy had to cover her mouth to keep from gasping out loud.

Rodney was on his knees in front of an exercise bench, his upper body strapped down over it. His legs were spread and lashed to the supports on either end of the bench, making his ass stick up in the air. He was blindfolded, and there was a ball gag in his mouth.

"I'm sorry I took so long my love. I couldn't decide which cock I wanted to wear." Fran said as she walked over and knelt behind him.

Rodney jerked when she ran her hands slowly over the upthrust cheeks of his ass, moaning as she spread them wider.

"You want it, don't you my pet?" She purred as she moved forward so the knob of her cock pressed against the stretched red opening of his ass. "I know how much you love my cock, so I put the big one on for you. You remember how much you love it when I..."

Rodney was shaking his head frantically, and he threw his head back, letting out a long, loud moan as she drove her cock into his ass.

"You're going to cum for me Rodney." She purred as she reached under him, her fingers wrapping around his cock. "You can feel it can't you? You can't help yourself you little whore. You know I ca..."

"Nnnngggghhhhnnn!" Rodney grunted, his body stiffening, then shaking wildly as Fran stroked his cock lazily. Thick ribbons of cum drooled from his piss slit as she milked him, her cock pumping slowly in and out of his ass.

"I...I have to go." Tammy said, leaning down so she could whisper in Fran's ear.

Fran turned and glared at her, then nodded.

Tammy turned and bolted from the room, then out of their quarters. She didn't stop until she was safely in the porter, and the doors closed in front of her.



2140 Hours

"I need you." Tammy whispered as she reached down and grabbed Sam's hand, pulling her to her feet. She didn't say anything to the group of people around the kitchen table as she dragged Sam down the hall behind her.

When they reached the bedroom, Tammy stopped beside the bed and turned to face her.

"I...I've been bad." She said softly, looking down at the floor.

" were you bad Tammy? Tell me."

"No..." She said, letting her eyes flick up to Sam's face for a moment, then back to the floor. "I won't."

Sam stared at her, and as she did, she noticed that she was breathing hard, and her cheeks were flushed. She smiled as she realized what was happening, and made a mental note to ask what had brought it on.

She stepped closer, and her hand came up under her chin, pinching Tammy's cheeks between her fingers, making her mouth bow out like a fish.

"Bitch, I asked you a question." She growled, glaring at her. "You better fucking answer me."

"I...I went over to talk to Fran." She said, her eyes gleaming as she stared at Sam.

"And what happened?" Sam asked reaching up and jerking her vest open, then reaching down and opening the button on her pants, letting them fall down over her legs. "Don't make me work for it. That'll only make it worse."

"She...she was fucking him." Tammy panted as she kicked her pants off over her feet, then kicked them to one side. "And...she made me watch."

"She did what?" Sam asked, unable to believe what she had heard. A white hot blossom of anger swelled in her belly, spreading out over her rapidly.

"She...she made me watch."

The sound of the slap echoed through the room like a gunshot. The blow rocked Tammy's head to one side, and she started to fall, but Sam wrapped her fingers in her hair and jerked her over to the bed.

She sat down, pulling her down over her legs. Pinning her legs down with one of her own, she held her upper body down with her hand as she started bringing her other hand down in powerful strokes on her asscheeks.

"Ow! That hurts Sam!" Tammy screeched, bringing her hands up to try and protect her asscheeks.

Sam grabbed her hands, pulling them behind her back, holding them with one hand as she started bringing her other hand down on her ass as hard as she could.

"I'm only going to say this once, so you better make sure you understand me." She panted as she brought her hand down again and again. Tammy's asscheeks were bright red, and the color darkened with every blow. "You are a queen of Atlantis, and no one's bitch. No one doms you. Ever. Do you get that?"

Tammy nodded frantically, her head bobbing up and down.

"Say the words bitch! I can't hear your fucking head rattle." Sam grunted in a loud voice.

"I understand, I understand." Tammy shouted, sobbing as she felt Sam throw her off her legs onto the floor.

"Get better be on your feet when I get back." Sam said, walking out the door.

She walked across the living room, then down the hall into the kitchen.

"Give me your belt." She said when she stopped in front of Cisco.

He looked at her for a moment, then opened the buckle and pulled it off, holding it out to her.

"Thank you." She said as she turned on her heel and went back down the hall.

"Should I clear the floor?" He asked as she strode away.

"I don't care." She said, not looking back at him.

Tammy was standing at the foot of the bed, her head down, her hands folded in front of her.

"Put your hands behind your head." Sam said as she came back into the bedroom.

"Wha...why...I..." Tammy said, turning to look at her.

"I said put your fucking hands behind your head." Sam shouted, lashing out with the belt.

The doubled belt left inch wide stripes where it landed. Blow after blow landed on Tammy's ass and legs, and Sam was out of breath when she finally stopped.

"Did Rodney see you?" She asked Tammy, lifting her chin with her fingers.

"" Tammy whimpered, tears streaming down her cheeks.

"You're sure."

"Ye...yes...he was blindfolded." Tammy sobbed. She stood perfectly still, her hands in front of her as Sam walked around her.

"Did he know you were there?"

"No." She said, shaking her head. "She said not to speak, or..."

"Or what Tammy?" Sam asked, coming around in front of her.

"Or I'd be punished..."

"Goddammit Tammy!" Carter shouted, throwing the belt on the floor as she turned on her heel and walked away from her. She stopped in the middle of the room, her hands on her hips, head tilted back as she fought to calm herself.

She walked back over and stood in front of Tammy, looking at her steadily.

"Do you understand what you've done Tammy?" She asked, her voice calmer now.

"NO! It was just a game!" Tammy wailed, dropping to her knees. She put her hands up over her face as she sobbed pitifully.

"You are a queen of Atlantis." Sam said, reaching down and pulling her to her feet.

"Say it, I am a queen of Atlantis."

"I am a queen of Atlantis." Tammy said softly.

"No my love, that is not how a queen of anything announces herself, much less a queen of Atlantis." Sam whispered in her ear as she moved behind her. She put her arms around her as she said, "Say it again, and make me believe it."

Tammy took a deep breath, and Sam felt her shoulders straighten as she spoke again.

"I am a queen of Atlantis." she said in a firm voice.

"Yes, you are a queen of Atlantis. My queen." Sam said, turning her so she was facing her. "No one dominates you and lives to tell about it. Not even me."

"I understand...I'm sorry Sam, I didn't realize..."

"Shhhhh, it's going to be fine now." Sam said softly, kissing the tears from her cheeks. "There's only one thing left to do, and we can put this behind us."

"What's that?" Tammy asked.

"We have to talk to Fran." Sam said. "Get yourself cleaned up, we'll be in the kitchen."

She walked out of the room and over to the kitchen. She stopped and tapped the button for the guard post, and when it was answered, she said, "Get me Dr. McKay."

A moment later, McKay's voice came from the comm unit.

"Good evening Sam. What can I do for you?" He asked.

"Send Fran over to the residence. Now Rodney." She said calmly. "I don't care what she's wearing, I want her here in five minutes."

"We'll be right there." He said.

"Not you Rodney, just Fran." She said, then broke the connection.

She turned around, smiling when she saw Andi, O'Neill and Cisco sitting at the table.

"Tammy should be out in a minute, I'm going to be in my office, so send her in there." She said as she turned down the hall. "When Fran gets here, send her in there too."


There was a knock at her office door, then it opened, and Tammy came in with Fran behind her.

"Come in Fran." Sam said, looking up at her. "Take off your shirt and give me access to your memory port."

Getting up from behind her desk, she picked up a memory module and came around the desk as she watched Fran take off her shirt, and remove her breast.

"When was your last backup Fran?" She asked as she plugged the memory module into the slot in her chest cavity.

"1900 hours, almost three hours ago."

Sam nodded as she looked at her.

"I want you to find Tammy's visit this evening in your memory, and erase it." She said. "Then I want you to dump the last twenty-four hours of memory onto the memory module. Do you understand me?"

"Yes Sa...Yes my queen." Fran replied.

"Do it."

"The requested time period, including fifteen minutes post and prior have been deleted as instructed. The memory dump is in progress." She said. A moment later she added, "The memory dump is completed."

Sam pulled the module from the slot in Fran's chest and sat it on her desk.

"You can get dressed and go home Fran." Sam said as she walked passed her, taking Tammy's hand and leading her into the kitchen.


Sam got a bottle of tequila from the fridge, then two glasses from the cabinet. She poured two glasses as she sat down, sliding one over toward Tammy.

"I'm just going to get some water." Tammy said, glancing over at her.

"No, we're going to finish this bottle, and maybe open another one." Sam told her, pushing a glass over in front of her.

"I am a queen of Atlantis." Tammy said, sitting up and squaring her shoulders as she looked at her. "No one dominates me. Not even you."

"Truer words were never spoken." Sam smiled, picking up her glass and holding it out toward her. "Let's drink to it."

Tammy looked at her for a moment, then picked up her glass, lifting it toward Sam, then tossing it back. She slammed the glass on the table and looked across the table at Sam.

Sam filled their glasses, and Tammy picked hers up.

"To love...and the lessons it teaches us." She said, a hint of a smile on her lips.

"To love..." Sam said, then tossed back her drink.

Sam filled both their glasses again, then looked over at Cisco.

"Give us a toast Cisco." she said.

"To our beautiful city. May she outlive the universe." He said softly. He reached over and picked up the bottle, then took a drink from it.

"I have to drink to that." O'Neill said, holding out his hand. When Cisco passed it to him, he took a long swig from the bottle, then held it out to Andi.

"Thank you, no." She said. "I..."

"It's rude not to drink to a toast doc." Cisco said quietly. "You offend both your host, and the person that made the toast."

Andi looked at him for a moment, then took the bottle from O'Neill and took a quick drink from it.

"God, that's awful." she gasped, picking up her coke and taking a long drink from it.

She looked around the table as she said, "If we're going to be passing a bottle around, can we at least switch to bourbon?"

"Vodka or gin Andi." Carter smiled as she filled their glasses again. "We started with a clear liquor, so we're going to stay with clear liquors."



0140 Hours

"You hurt me." Tammy said softly, her lips brushing the skin of Sam's back.

"I know." Sam said, taking her hand and pulling it tighter over her. "I was just going to play your game at first, but when you said she had dommed you..."

"Were you really that angry?" Tammy asked.

"Yes." Sam said, turning over so she was facing her. "You still don't understand why, do you?"

"I do now. I didn't at first, but after you had Fran delete the memory, I knew why." Tammy said. "I put us at risk. Not just us, but our city, and everyone that depends on us."

"Thank god." Sam breathed, snuggling closer and laying her head against her. "Do you still love me?"

"Yes." Tammy said. "If I didn't, I'd have to kill you. And I don't want to live in a universe you're not in."

* * * * *

Well, that's all for Chapter 2. I hope you liked it. If not, you got what you paid for.

Chapters 3 & 4 are in progress, and should be posting shortly.


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AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
thank you for more!

I thought that chapter one was going to be the end and was so pleasantly surprised that there was more. Thank you kind sir lmao

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