Cookies & Cream Ch. 03


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After a few more minutes of preparation, the four of us went across the dirt trail and went to the diner, where a few more clients came to see nature. A few of them my girls and I knew right away. The first one was a short girl with orange braided hair and big violet eyes. She looked over to the field where she noticed a few players in their grundies were already playing.

"Hannah?" Rosa said, seeing the two braids. The girls turned to us and made a huge smile. "Rosa! Yuki! Kendra!" She ran to us and gave us our sorority hug and chanted our chant so that no one else could hear it. Well, that's our good friend from Iowa for ya. Once she receives a secret, she will keep it until her grave. "Golly, you came here too? Amelia, Pam, Brie and the rest of gals will be thrilled!"

"Wait!" Yuki said, flipping her dyed golden hair, "you mean the rest of the sorority are here??"

"Yeah! We took over a dozen vans to gather here. We thought it'll be better than a smelly bus we took last year. Didn't you see a pamphlet in your dorm before you left?"

"Actually, Yuki, Rosa and I thought of the trip on our own. Tell me, why are you all here?"

Hannah looked around the campground and pulled my blouse close to her five-foot body. "Well, you see, our leader, Pam, is hosting Katie's 21st birthday for winning first place at the sorority games last spring term. And um...I really shouldn't be telling you this, but...what Katie wants for her birthday is to have her first time here."


Hannah shushed me, waving her hands. "Please, not a peep about this."

"You mean to tell me Katie 'the explorer of sexapade' Muller is really a virgin? How did you find out about that?"

" was awkward to find out...she was making a noise...and I knocked on her door to see if everything is all right...I walked in her room and I saw her with a tiny dildo."

I busted out laughing. Sorry if I made a scene, but I had to let that surprise hilarity out of my system. Rosa and Yuki turned to me and wanted to know what Hannah told me. I didn't say a word, but Hannah's blush all over her face gave them both a big hint.

"Oh!!!" Rosa made an O shape in her mouth, her fingers gripping on her purse strap. "She told you something big! Come on, Hannah, spill, what did you tell Kendra that made her laugh so hard?"

"I'm not saying it again! It's just too embarrassing!"

"Another hint!" Yuki shouted, her alabaster face brightened. "You have some dirt on someone and that someone told you to keep it under wraps."

"Katie didn't even see me-"


"Who's Katie?" An English man yelled from inside the diner. We looked at the doors and a tall man with salt and pepper hair came out of the place. He took a big whiff of fresh air and exhaled. "Ah, good, warm late spring air. Ah, John, you're back. And with a harem! Kudos for you, mate!"

We simply blushed at the tall man as John cleared his throat. "Ah...girls, this is Charles Mersfield, the owner of Cookies & Cream."

"Co-owner, son, co-owner." The man corrected John, scratching his red tipped nose. "My little bird and I bought the place together and seen the place grow so popular for... Over twenty years. Thinking about making a second store in Miami...or Tampa. Maybe Orlando. Can't decide right now. Ah, listen to me blabbing like me wife, who the bloody hell is Katie?"

"She's one of the girls of our sorority, Mr. Mersfield." Yuki said with a cute smile.

"Sorority? This wouldn't be the Eta Lambda Phi, would it?"

The four of us nodded as John watched in amazement. The man made an enlightened face. "I see! And let me guess who this Katie is. Is she this flighty one with the square glasses, long pink hair, dark blue eyes, a little mole next to her right eye, an oval shaped head, big titties, narrow hips and an ass like a rolling knoll?"

"That would be Katie." Rosa admitted.

"Blimey, she's that virgin who claimed to fook every football player in her Sophomore year!"

Hannah and I opened our jaws as Yuki and Rosa started to laugh twice as hard. "That little liar!" I heard Yuki cry. "She-she told us so many stories about how she lost her virginity to her prom date...oh my God! She boasted about the time she grabbed our running back after the homecoming game and did it the shower room for six hours!"

"Big lie!" Charles exclaimed. "She just told you this bunkum story so she could put you lot down." Charles squinted his blue eyes and shook his head. "Well, no, maybe not put you down. Maybe want to swap some good stories with you just to boost her ego. Besides, men don't really last that long. Six hours, Certainly not! Now if she said six minutes, that sounds more appropriate."

"Charles, nothing from your potty mouth sounds appropriate!"

"Oi, Emma, c'mon, we have adults here! They can handle bombs!"

"Not the bombs you had for me last night!" Emma opened the door and looked at us. She brightened her face and smiled. "Kendra! It's nice to see you again! I see you met my husband, Charles. Now, don't mind him with his colorful language."

"We...we heard worse." That was partially true. We do hear and speak some cursed words, but very seldom we do hear professors speak them. I do suppose when it comes to the outdoors when there's very little inhabitants, it's free game.

Emma gestured us to come inside. "Come on in! Charles's help is just beginning to make some omelets."

She opened the door for us and we stepped inside the chilled room. I was so thankful I had my khakis on me; the room was chilly! Emma rushed to the air conditioner and switched to low. "I swear, if one of the kids turned down the temp one more time... Anyway, Kendra, tell me who your friends are."

As we sat down, I introduced them to Yuki, Rosa and Hannah to Emma. She nodded and smiled as she shook each of the girls' hand. "I'm so glad to see new faces here! Welcome to Cookies & Cream, ladies. Now what can I do for you four?"

"Omelets sounds really good, M'am," Hannah said politely. "I'll have a western omelet with extra 'shrooms."

"Ooh, someone loves the fun fungus. Girl, you are adorbs! Okay, what would you like on the side?"

"Ooh, a cantaloupe bowl looks great! And so does home fries!"

"Awesome! Rosa?"

"The spiciest item in the place with hash browns and wheat toast."

"Oh that'll be the jalapeño omelet with pepper jack. You'll like it. Yuki?"

"I would like a veggie omelet with gluten free pumpkin muffin."

" are one brave soul. You must be allergic to flour."

"Wow! Yeah!"


"How about a ham and bacon omelet with extra cheddar, white toast with grape jelly, golden hash browns, a fruit bowl and a stack of chocolate chip pancakes."

The order gave the woman a second turn. "Damn! You really are hungry, Kendra! What's the occasion?"

Rosa tapped Emma's side and whispered to her, "Kendra has a really fast metabolism. Plus, she's helping John with soccer practice. She told us on his way here."

"Oh John? You mean that nice young man with his soccer pals? Oh Kendra, he's a good one. He cannot stop talking about you since he joined the others last evening. Carl, Percy and Kevin are so jealous. Oh, here I go again. I'll have your orders all ready in a jiff, plus a round of orange juice."

It sounded very good. A few minutes of waiting, Charles brought out two plates of eggs and bacon to Becky and Jessica at the next booth. "Here ya are, loves. The lovebird special just for you."

"Aww," the two woman blushed and started eating. "You're too much, Charles!"

"Don't mention it, dears, or me wife will let me have it. Oi! Tony! How are the omelets coming?"

The tall man walked quickly to the kitchen, making the four of us curious. We gestured Emma to come over to our booth. Rosa patted an available space for her sit with them so she could ask her in person. "Not to be a busybody, Emma, but who is Tony?"

"Oh! Tony's one of my son's friends from Europe. He is hired by Charles and me to help him to be a chef. He loves to cook and Charles could use someone with his skill and patience with a passion for food."

"Oh my! So he's Italian?"


"Mrs. Mersfield, the orders are ready!"

"Oh yes! Uh Tony, why don't you come over and give the orders to the customers?"

"But Mrs. Mersfield, I'm not a waiter. I'm just a cook. Mr. Mersfield says cooks can't go to the front end of house."

We just sat there and tried to figure out Tony's accent. That did not sound Italian.

"Tony, if the lady of the diner asks you to take the orders to the customers, don't refuse on my account. Go over there, you big galloot!"

We heard laughter at the back as a tall, pale man with a white cap on his head with a tray of our omelets in his big hand. Rosa and Yuki stared at the man as Hannah covered her mouth. I just smiled and turned to Emma. "He's no Italy boy."

"Oh no, he's actually from the Netherlands. Born and raised in Amsterdam. His full name is Tony Dijk."

"Wait, he's Dutch?" Rosa asked, looking at the man with dark blond hair sticking out of the back. "Oh my God! He's really...nice!" Rosa wanted to say anything from 'gorgeous' to 'sexy' anything to comment the Dutch boy as he came to our booths to give us our omelets.

"Ah, Hallo! Your omelets are nice and hot for ya. You all look very pretty. I am I doing it right, Mrs. Mersfield?"

"Oh honey, you need to ask who ordered what before to put the dish down."

"He got them right!" My friends cried, already gobbling up the plates in front of them. I looked down and damn! My omelet was fluffy and piping hot! He got my item correct. Extra cheesy, a nice fruit bowl on the side, and a rack of toast in the center. Very nice touch on the last part, I'll give him that. Rosa gulped a big piece of egg and asked him, "How do you know which one had which, man!"

"I have a keen sense of hearing. Judging by your tone of voice, I picture which one would like something salty or sweet, or on your case spicy." He tipped off his cap and took a bow, but he slipped over an ice cube and made a big fall, his head landing between Rosa's boobs. We all yelled as we tried to get him out of poor Rosa, all mortified from this. The men started to laugh as Charles rushed out of the kitchen, pulling Tony's head right of Rosa's cleavage. The poor boy was paler than he first came out.

"Oi, you all right, Tony?" When tall boy nodded, Charles held on to him around his shoulder and led him back to the kitchen. "Yeah, he's a great cook, but waitering is his weak point. He walks all right, but never looks down to see anything fall hazardous."

"Tony is sometimes a klutz." Emma admitted softly, blushing as she stood up. "Let me just let you enjoy your meals in peace."

Well after a quiet breakfast, we sent straight to the field where the other guys were already practicing the world's favorite sport. There were ten of them, and John and I made twelve. John gave his teammates a holler and waved at them. The others guys yelled back as they kicked the red and blue ball around the grassy patch. John hold my hand and gently pulled me close to him.

"Guys, meet Kendra. She's going to help us practice for our soccer team."

The other men stopped what they were doing and stared at me. What they were thinking was anybody's guess. Maybe some of them were sexists. Maybe they were too shy around me. Maybe they were too high strung that their team mate would pick someone like me because I said I play soccer. Should I?

"Hey John," Kevin said with a tiny laugh and rubbed his stubby nose. "You say she can play soccer, she good?"

Hellz yeah I am! I took the ball right out of Kyle's pink hands and walked straight to the field. I put the ball down right where the fifty-yard mark was and walked back five paces. I waited for only a few seconds as I focused ahead. Then I rushed forward the ball and kicked it hard and the rubber sphere flew across the yard until it landed right at the center of the net. The men gawked at me as grinned at the feat I made.

"I made over two hundred points on penalty shots alone." I said to them. Call it a boast if you like. I counted my points since I was five. "If you don't believe me, call my number one coach and older brother."

The men just clapped for me and whistled. John grinned and yelled, "All right! Let's go, team!"

And the practice was well under way...almost...One of the men pointed out I wore khakis, meaning my thighs would melt by the time noon approached. Damn! If any kid is concerned more about clothes than soccer, he's no player. Must be his first time. Well, Hannah agreed that I would be too hot after practice, and she just happened to have an extra pair of shorts. I do admit, she had a big heart...she just didn't have my hips.

I came out of a shower with Hannah's white shorts, trying to breathe. Don't get me wrong, I am slim. It's just that I have curves. Obviously, I have more curves than my generous friend who was waving at me. Oh, she was all smiles thinking she saved the game. I'll try to be grateful this one time.

The practice was entirely great. Despite a few trips, the game of soccer set off to a pretty amazing start. Of course, at one occasion, while I was focusing on the ball, I didn't quite focus on anything else. Well, from this painful lesson, I ended up being on the ground with my body sprawled on my back, and John being on top, his nose on my thick thigh. Yes, it was embarrassing, but...that feeling subsided to a more pleasurable thought in the process.

Meanwhile, while I was playing soccer with John and his friends, Rosa talked to Hannah for a good while, mainly about Katie. Rosa just couldn't wait until she sees her and give her a piece of her mind.

"By the way," Rosa looked around the diner, "Where did Yuki go?" The woman looked at the front glass door and out stood Yuki in her light green tank top and blue jean shorts with a thick sketchbook under her arm. Then, she jumped off the step and skipped to the field. "Oh right, she said wanted to make some sketches of the trees at the beginning of our trip. Maybe even see that art guy later."


"Oh, sorry, Hannah. As I was saying, that little mentiroso needs to be disciplined. And that, Hannah, is to torture her with questions."

"Questions?" Hannah asked the aggravated Columbian. "Like what?"

"Like...what a Ménage á trois is."

"What is that?"

"Oh...I know your game, Hannah. You want me to tell you what that is and you are gonna tell Katie."

"No, I wouldn't! Katie might be a sweet girl and a virgin, but she's always into books! She probably even read anything, even something so taboo! I don't! I really don't know...whatever it is you said." Hannah's little confession made her timid face turned away and blushed. Rosa stared at the girl, her teeth biting her lower lip. She really made this awkward.

"Oh Dios Mio. Are you telling me you haven't had any experience either?" Rosa asked her quietly.

"I never even masturbated. I know it's very hard to swallow, but I grew up in a small town. My parents wouldn't tell me what sex is. I had to read some books when I turned eighteen to know how babies are made."

Rosa groaned, her hands covering her dark eyes. "So, you just...ugh. Hannah, you need to get laid."

"What about my parents? They might disown me if they found out my chastity is soiled."

"We are not in the Middle Ages, hon. I'm sure your parents would understand you need your experience. We just...we just need to find a way to have you satisfied without losing your virginity. There are ways."

"Like what?"

"Well, there's fellatio. That's when you give a dude uh..." Rosa looked around, making sure there were no bystanders hearing her. Then, she whispered to Hannah, "You go and suck on him."

"Suck him? Uh...where?"

Rosa groaned and looked around, only to find the ice cream parlor. She thought there might be some hints that would help Hannah get the point. "Come on, Hannah, we're going to Cookies & Cream."

"Are you sure? I mean it is a little after noon..." Hannah didn't get the time to think. Rosa just grabbed her pale arm and took her to the parlor where Emma began to prepare the lunch menu. When she saw the two girls coming to the parlor, the woman glanced at them and stood up for them.

"Hey, Sugs," Emma said as the girls sat down. "How is Kendra with her practice with the boys?"

"She's doing great, Emma." Rosa replied. "She scored both in the field and on it. Looks like she and John are gonna see each other very often."

"John is a good boy." Charles yelled from the kitchen, cooking up a storm. "He won't take advantage of any girl. Oi Emma, be a sport and make John his Cookies & Cream sundae."

Emma blushed and turned around alertly, her nostrils fuming. "Charles, I will not make one just so he can do a one night stand with that poor girl!"

"No, darling not just for one day. I mean the entire summer and beyond! He's gonna marry that girl!"

"Eh, Mr. Charles? What time is my break again?"

The was a little act of confusion from the eccentric man and he replied, "Sorry Tony, my lad, I'll make you a sandwich with some chips."

Emma shook her head and turned to the girls. "Now then you two, what kind I get you?"

Rosa shifted her eyes to see if there are anyone present and then responded to Emma, "Two bananas, please?"

"Bananas? That's an odd request."

"It's lesson."

Emma eyed at the Columbian girl as she took a small bunch of yellow bananas and put them on the counter between the two girls. She twisted two of them from the stub and placed one for each girl. "Here you are, girls, two bananas. I hope you two won't need another pair. I need these for a treat."

When Emma walked to the ice cream machine, Rosa already peeled her banana and showed her big berry to Hannah. "Now this is what a man's organ looks like."

Hannah's violet eyes widened and covered her mouth. "It looks like a banana? Wow, no wonder the men scream bloody murder every time something kick them in the crotch."

Rosa rolled her eyes and cleared her throat as turned the banana lengthways so that Hannah to see the banana going to her mouth. "Now, when you suck on a man's penis, you must be very gentle. Don't bite it."

Hannah nodded as she watched Rosa putting her lips on the banana and added pressure on them. Next, she bobbed her head a little to suck it deeper into her mouth, gripping on base end to "stimulate" it. The Columbian made some moaning noises as she sucks on it harder, the saliva starting to drip. Hannah watched both in awe and in sheer amazement as Rosa kept sucking further and further until most of the banana was down her throat. Finally, after a nice still moment, she pulled out her banana and licked her lips.

"Now that, Hannah, was called a 'deep throat'. Now Hannah, I know this is your first time practicing. So I'm going to see how much your 'partner' you can take, okay?"

Hannah stared at her banana and nodded, picking it up to unpeel it. She then stared at this fruity cock right in front of her, making her gulp. She whimpered before she started to suck at the top. the warm water. r the valve and turned on the shower, leading herfingersr quivering girl. "y her inner ach ptherr dec1111111111 she then looked at the banana and thought the feeling was weird. She wondered if this was how all the girls thought with their first giving blow job. She then did the same technique Rosa taught her bobbing her head little by little, her mouth beginning to widen and her cheeks puffy.

"Now not too fast, Hannah," Rosa advised her, holding her friend's hand. "I'm here for you. Just remember, this is your first time. I don't want you to strain yourself, okay?"