Cost of Forbidden Fruit Ch. 05


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When they all had finished, Donna rose and said that she would take care of the dishes and silverware. Darren rose and said, "I'll help with that, Missus Hansen. Let me clear the table." Ted, Christine and Donna looked at Darren then each other, thinking, "Darren James volunteering to do something as menial as clear the table of dirty dishes?"

Ted rose and said, "I'll build a fire. Meet you guys in the living room."

Christine stood up and said, "I'll make some coffee." Noticing the wetness between her legs, she admitted to herself that she still had a long way to go.

Darren helped Donna get the dishes and silverware loaded into the dishwasher. When it was loaded, Donna asked, "So, Darren, I've heard that your parents and grandmother have you on a short leash.?"

Darren shook his head, "Oh man Missus Hansen? If I had any idea it would get like this, even close, I'd chased Brian off with a stick. It all started with Nicole Williams. She liked the sex with young guys and the naughtiness of it all. We liked getting it on with an older woman, especially one of our good lookin' teachers. Brian turned us on to her during the summer after my sophomore year. He kept telling us that if we were caught, nothing much would happen, Man, was he wrong. That Sunday after it all blew up, my grandmother kicked me in the ass twice, literally. She's been kicking me in the ass verbally ever since that time."

Remembering what Ted and Christine had told her about Darren's grandmother, she covered her month to hide a smile and suppress and chuckle. Darren continued, " My mother hasn't said ten words to me since that day. I hurts, cuts real deep. She just looks at me with disgust and disappointment. My father keeps talking about a possible fatal character flaw that could prevent me from following him into taking over the family empire and making grow like he has..." He closed the door to the dishwasher and Donna added the soap, then set the dial. Darren leaned back against the counter, eyes cast down to the floor, said, "I know I've hurt Missus Cee and the coach a whole lot and I know I should apologize, ask for forgiveness. But, oh Missus Hansen? The last place in this world I want to be right now is in this house with Mister and Missus Canfield. I know I would deserve it if the coach just beat the shit outta me, right here..."

Donna smiled, placed her hand on Darren's shoulder, "He's not going to do that to you. Fact is, I'll bet anything that if you say you are sorry and it comes from your heart, both will forgive you."

"You sure about that?"

"Positive! Now, come on, let's join them and you will find out."

Christine, sitting silently, very close to her husband, watched a very contrite Darren stutter and stammer trying to tell them why he was there. She could not help but think back on Darren James in high school. Rich parents, four point two grade point average, basketball and track star, nice car. He was one of the biggest men on campus. Brian had convinced him that he was above it all and could do no wrong. So, Christine could emphasize with Darren. About one month earlier, body, mind and heart aching, she too was begging her husband for forgiveness for her involvement.

Now the tears began to run down Darren's cheeks, "Missus Cee, ah if only, if only I could turn back the clock.., ah, I would have never set you up and certainly never touch you. I am so very sorry for what I have done to you, so very sorry. An' an' coach? I ah, I oh gawd, I'd never become the basketball player I am today without you." His tears become sobs. He drew out a handkerchief and tried to stop the tears and whined, "I'm so sorry coach, so very sorry. I wish I could do something for all of you to make it right. And, Missus Hansen? I have to apologize to you, too. You were always there when we needed someone like you to talk to.. I guess I just lost sight of everything that is really important, what really matters..." He dried his tears with his handkerchief, then said, "My parents and grandmother are not typical rich people when it comes to us kids. They have made us work for everything we have. My brother and I have worked at a whole lot of things. From our uncle's accounting office to working with the gardeners on a hot summer days. We work for everything we get, nothing has been just given to us. The car I drive was earned by accomplishing goals my father has set for us. Like becoming the first junior to be captain of the varsity basketball team. He was so proud of me. I don't care where in the world he was, he made it to every one of our games."

Ted sat back in his chair, placed the ends of his fingers and thumbs together. Looking at Darren over them said, "Yeah, that's right, I remember that. Now that I know the extent of your family's wealth, I'm even more impressed. Ah, Darren listen, it seems to me that forgiveness is due a person that asks for it from their heart. You have ask from your heart. So, yeah, I forgive you." Turning to his wife, Ted asked, "So, what do you think, Chris?"

Christine, cuddled close to her husband, the rock she now clung to hoping to survive this ordeal and looked at Darren, thinking, "Is this the same arrogant young man that so enthusiastically led me into this whole thing? Seconding everything Brian said?" She trusted and believed both of them, Nicole also. Only to be badly burned by it all and almost lose everything she held dear. She was well aware that she was not above reproach, and that she did enjoy the activities. It was just that she felt tricked and that they had cloaked the ramifications. How long would it take her to recover, get closure, if ever? She did not know. Could she find it in her heart to forgive Darren? It was a little over a month and her body, mind and heart still ached. However, she also knew that if she was to get passed it all, then she needed to forgive him. She had been forgiven by all the people she had hurt, even her mother at Thanksgiving. And, as her husband had pointed out, Darren had asked from his heart, she could not say, "no." So, after a long pause to think, she said softly, "Yes Darren, I forgive you. It is going to take quite a bit of effort from all of us to get passed this. But, I think we can..."

Darren went on to apologize to Donna. As she listened, Christine could not help but think that deep inside her, some place was a craving to get it together with this young man, or someone like him, suck up his cock nice and hard, so he could stick it in her pussy and/or up her ass. She knew too, that deep down in her heart that she would like it. She was also very aware that it would never happen without her husband's consent, which she knew she would never get. The drive was becoming weaker everyday that she did not get it on with someone like Darren or Jason. But, it was still there. Her sessions with Becky Malloy were helping, but it was still there.


Ryan arrived home a couple of days prior to the James' family Christmas party. He sat with his parents, sister and Donna until past midnight, listening to every detail of the events since early June. Now he found himself with his family, at the James' Christmas party, walking around the pool area with Darren. Now, a few steps beyond Darren's profuse apology to his high school teammate, the two young men walked in silence. Listening to the snow crunch under their feet.

Darren broke the silence with, "I guess when they snatched Brian's computer, back up disks, videos and notes a lot began to make sense. But, they tell me that I am still on a very short leash until mid to late summer and I will still have to live at home at least through my sophomore year." Darren went on to describe how he had to bring his grades up under the treat of summer classes. That he was told nothing less than four point oh was expected for the spring semester and no track team. Darren spoke about how happy his dad was with his grades this semester, even smiled for the first time in six weeks. Ryan? It has been a never ending nightmare, just can't wake up from it. "From my grandmother literally kicking me in the ass, twice, to almost losing my place to follow my dad into leadership of our family. Man, that's what I am all about, I just lost sight of it for awhile."

Darren led Ryan to the Kitchen door of the main house where the party was still very much alive. As they approached the door and Darren opened it, Ryan asked, "And your mother? What's she got to say about it?"

Before they entered, Darren replied, "Oh my mom... Ryan? That's the first topic I want to talk to you about. And, it is just between you and I."

As the two young men entered the kitchen, the women apparently in-charge exclaimed, "Mister James!?! You shouldn't be here!! Why are you not up with the others at the party?!?"

Darren smiled at her, "Ah, Carmen, it's alright. This is Ryan Canfield, a friend of mine from high school. We have a couple of things to talk about, in private." He then opened the refrigerator and removed two bottles of Irish ale. Handing one bottle to Ryan, he said, "Here Buddy, this is some really good brew. Come on over to the table in the corner and I'll tell you about my mother."

As Darren And Ryan started toward the employee' break area, Carmen said, "Mister James!?! Mister James!?! You are not old enough to drink that ale!!"

"Ah Carmen, who's gonna know? Most of the people up at the party wouldn't be caught dead down here. And, the rest of them don't know where it is... So, don't worry about it, OK?"

"OK Mister James. But, you better cover me if something gets out."

Darren took a seat, "You know I will, Carmen. I have before. I'll tell them that it was all me." He turned to Ryan, who had taken a seat across from him, "With all the crap I've kicked up around here, I doubt anybody would care about something like this."

Carmen brought them glasses, "Well then, at least enjoy your ale like gentlemen."

"Thank you Carmen," said Darren. Then he turned back to Ryan, "Up until that night that I apologized to your parents and Missus Hansen, my mom had not said ten words to me. She would just glare at me with a look of shear disappointment and disgust. I can't fully describe how it cut right into my very being. As if she were slicing my heart into like pieces. So then, one Friday afternoon, I had my father, grandmother, two psychologists and a behavioral therapist telling me that it was time to go and apologize to your parents. The last people on earth that I wanted to be near was anybody in your family. I just knew that your father would beat the crap outta me and for good reason, too. Your mother coulda and shoulda bitch slapped me senseless. Anyway, my mother stood by the chair my father was sitting in and just glared at me. Arms crossed glaring at me like I was some reptile that should find a hole somewhere and crawl in it."

Ryan raised his glass to his lips and said, "Not a very nice place to be. So, what did you do?"

"I blew, just lost it..." Darren replied, raising his glass to his lips. Then sitting the glass back down, he said, "I got up and shouted that I'd had it... That I had been working my ass off to get my grades up, finals were coming soon. I was still on the freshman basketball team. But, on probation... Probation for the frosh team, can you believe that? The coaches have been riding me like you can't believe. I asked one of them if your father had said anything and he told me that your dad didn't have too... That the Athletic Director was a friend of your dad's and that the basketball coaches didn't get involved with Brian's little project..."

"What project was that?"

"Oh, you haven't heard about that yet. I'll tell you about a little later tonight. Anyway, I'd had it. So, I went down to the spa. I had turned it on when I got home from school so I could get in it when I was done with my homework. I didn't know about the meeting. So anyway, I went down there and kicked off my shoes, took off my socks, rolled up my pants and stuck my feet in the water. It felt like it was about to snow, but I was to hot to notice. I sat there for about five or ten minutes when my mother joined me." Darren rose his glass for a sip. Setting it back down, he continued, "She stuck her feet in to water, too. Then after about five minutes, she turned to me and asked, 'What would you have done if Ryan Canfield had rammed his cock up my ass?' Ryan? I was stunned. I couldn't think, I couldn't talk, I couldn't even move for about three or four minutes, maybe five. Everything I had done came crashing down on me. I heard myself say, 'I'd kill him, I'd just kill'im!!"

"Yeah well, your lucky I was in California," said Ryan., "'Cause that's the way I felt, too when I first heard about it. What I first heard was that it was all you and your idea..."

"Yeah, that's what they tell me. So, then she says, 'Yes Darren, you would have come and taken one of your father's guns and killed him. Then I'd have a son in prison for murder. Darren? It's time to go and apologize to the Canfields for what you have done, from your heart, Darren. Your father and I have had the pleasure of going out to dinner with them twice now. They are good people. You know where the high school is playing tonight. Now, go and face your old coach and ask him when would be a good time to talk to them.' So, I went to the game and then over to your house and met with your parents and Missus Hansen. I don't even remember the trip down there. Or much until I was in front of your parents. All I could think about is what my mother said, 'What would I have done if you had shoved your cock up her ass. Her words are still there, knocking around in my brain."

Ryan sat his glass down after taking a drink, "That'd get a guy movin', alright."

"Yeah, it did. Look Ryan, you and I and my mother are the only people that know what she said that day. I'd like to keep it that way."

"Fine with me. How's she been treating you now?"

"A whole hell of a lot better, helluva lot better. She even smiled at me when she thanked me for helping out around here, today."

"Good, there's been a lota hurt and I see no reason to add to it, life goes on. But Darren? I think my mom wants to at least get even with Cunningham and Williams before she'll ever get closure..."

"Yeah, I think you are right about that. Ah well, that brings up my next point of discussion. Ahm, Nicole Williams apparently was tipped off to the warrant for her arrest for statutory rape and ran off to L.A., then just disappeared."

"My parents said something to that effect. My dad said that your dad put Brian on contract. He'd start work in one of your family's companies when he gets his masters..."

"Yeah, something like that. Dad wants to be able to keep an eye on him. Ah, listen carefully and this is strictly between you and I. Do you know John Haskins?"

"Yeah, I think so. Isn't he the guy that is in charge of the team that is working on clearing up this whole mess?"

"Yeah, that's him. My father calls him his handyman. John can get anything done without us getting our fingers dirty. Ah, look, ah do you remember Jimmy Moore?"

"Oh yeah, wrestler, always had something going on. Knew all the girls that put out. Could get get, booze, anything you wanted."

"Yeah, that's him. He's in training right now to become an army ranger. When he gets out of the army, I'm going to make him my handyman. Then in four or five years after I graduate from college, I'm gonna have him find a hit man. A real good one. If he can't find one, I'll send him to John. Anyway," Darren leaned over the table closer to Ryan, "I'm gonna put out a contract on Mister Cunningham. I want a hit man or woman that will make him hurt at least as much as your mother has."

Ryan shook his head, "Yes." Then said in a little over a whisper, "That'll give her a lot of satisfaction and closure. Count me in on that..."

"Don't worry about the money. I'll take care of that." Darren said just before he finished his glass of ale.

"Oh Darren, I want too. I'm majoring in petroleum engineering. If I get the right grades, I can get a contract before I graduate. Starts at about eighty five grand a year. I'll open an off-shore account and see if I can have about half in there by the time you need it. So, count me in on that."

Darren thrust his right hand across that table, "Just you and I will ever know.."

Ryan grasped Darren's hand with his, "You got it. When it's done, I might just whisper something in my mom's ear."

"OK Ryan, I'll go along with that. Wanta another bottle of ale?"


Epilogue - Nine months after the frat house event, in total LaMaze fashion, her loving husband as her coach, Christine delivered quads. Ted was right, he loaded his wife up in that brief period at the top of her monthly cycle with two eggs down.

Approaching the quad's ninth birthday, Ryan was working on an oil platform off the coast of Texas. After spending the last eighteen months on the rig, he had spoken to his boss about taking some time off. He was told that he could catch the next supply helicopter and take two weeks off. On his way to his bunk that evening, he checked his Blackberry for messages. There was one text message from Darren James. It read, "It is done!" Ryan cracked a little smile, thinking, "Now mom can get some closure in that mess that happened almost ten years ago. Brian Cunningham is dead."

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mdadaminmdadaminabout 2 months ago

Completely illogical

Firstly, no method or formula makes a person lose control over his behavior except for a few hours, no more than three hours at the latest, and the victim does not remember anything after that, and this did not happen.

The wife continued to have sex for five months, like a prostitute, with all the students, and not for an hour or two, and she was fully aware of what she was doing.

Secondly, the wife who accepts to be a prostitute and has sex without discrimination cannot stay faithful after being discovered.

Thirdly, the team that was appointed to correct what Brian had corrupted was worse than Brian himself. The head of the team took Nicole as a slave to have sex with him anytime he wanted, and the doctor gave Brian a lesson in his scientific mistakes so that he could avoid them later with his victims, and none of them went to prison.

The story is completely illogical, full of errors, and relies on an unscientific and non-existent idea. Because if Brian had been able to hypnotize these women, then he would have been able to do the same thing with the husband, with the school principal, with the investigator, and with the doctor.

Unfortunately, I wasted a lot of time reading this story, hoping that the writer would improve, but unfortunately, the story got worse.

WargamerWargamerover 1 year ago

Read it again, it ended awfully. Not all the story arcs were finished, how bad is that?

Scores 1/5, downgraded.

WargamerWargameralmost 4 years ago

I as enjoying this story for a while but about half way thru it turned to absolute shit and just went completely south. Oh well!!!!

Scores 2/5

WhoGivesAShitWhoGivesAShitabout 4 years ago

Too many areas where the people hired to cleanup the mess, fail to act as professionals. The psychologists sounded like Brian’s allies; and them using hypnosis? Laughable. Darren’s parents letting Brian and Nicole off the hook? WTF, that doesn’t fit parents who teach their kids to earn their place in the world. They punished their son - so why protect that guy who manipulated their son? Also, what ability the drugs spiking the wine, no repercussions?

andyinozandyinozabout 4 years ago
Infantile concept.

Seems like it was written by a 16 year old boy.

JackmoftenJackmoftenover 7 years ago

Totally BS! I'd of left for CA and never returned. Maybe gone to Mexico or South America after that. Never gone to the interview, just hopped a bus southward bound.

silentsoundsilentsoundover 7 years ago
Pure bullshit

Your men are variations of cuck wimps.

Eating dinner with men who drugged and fucked your wife?

Chumming around with an asshole that fucked your mom up her ass?

You are a readable writer but you are so full of shit that I can't give you more than a 1* rating.

Your men are pussies.

BetterEndingBetterEndingover 9 years ago
Forced Finish

It seems like you forced a quick end to your story. A description of how Brian met his end, including his being informed as to why, would have been a nice addition.

Also, it was a bit strange that you introduced the polygamy angle and then never followed through with any action. Perhaps you took the negative comments regarding that to heart?

I find the amount of politics expressed in the comments interesting. The left hated President Bush for his distance from their ideal world view. Of course those ideals, as implemented by Mr. Obama, now have accomplished getting both our enemies and our friends to hate us. The world is in much worse shape and gains that were made have been squandered by a man more interested in himself and his cronies than the people he was elected to govern. We have left good people to die in foreign lands and saved a deserter in support of liberal propaganda, making the world even more dangerous in the process.

The left was filled with glee at President Bushes low ratings toward the end of his final term. What they did not realize was the the right disliked him not for the reasons they held dear but for the fact that he reached too far across the aisle and made the mistake reasonable men always make when they believe others are as honorable as they are. There is no honor on the left.

Mr. Obama complains that the conservatives won't do anything so he has to do it himself. Of course the only compromise to a lefty like him is to do it his way. I think the last election has proven that the American people do not want to do things his way. They are weary of unprecedented real unemployment, proliferation of food stamps and all other things associated with the destruction of the middle and lower classes. It will be a miracle if the country survives Obama's last two years.

President Bush has too much class to do so, but it would be well within his right to ask "Do you miss me yet?".

Anyway, thanks for writing.

rightbankrightbankover 10 years ago
I wish you had been able to figure out an ending to your story

It is still mind control not LW

annd ya gotta learn ta spell

HardFeltHardFeltover 11 years ago
Politics aside

I gave it five stars. I did not care for the ending. Torture would have been much better.I was a little surprised at the lack of description for the beauty of Christine. Sexual addiction is real; so is substance addiction which is much more believable.

I think it's pretty obvious Bush was asleep at the helm but Hussain Obama is a real playboy with his game play exceeded only by his ego. It is amazing to me that Mr. Obama can get his head in the door in the morning; it must be a tight fit especially in the Oval office.

I wish this story would have had one more addictive response as was implied but never realized by the author. Addiction is not beat overnight. Some addictions last a lifetime and even result in the demise of the user.

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