Dax & Lulu: Married Ch. 02


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The Harlem Dominicans blow it out for her once a week now and set it on monstrously large rollers and it's stunning.

Some nights she brushes it out with Jasmine scented Tsubaki oil. Especially nice are the nights she lets me do it for her.

"Missed you today, my lovely wife has been gone for 9 hours."

I manage to finally get my hands on her and feel a little better with her in my arms. I cup her cheeks and gaze at her. A face that would shame angels. Out all day long looking like that.

She gives me a little kiss.

"I know, didn't mean to be gone so long. Negotiations ran over and I had to re-write the language."

I know she won't mention it but we need to talk about it.

"I talked to Matt, he told me a little about your day."

Lou grimaced and pulled slowly away.


earlier that day . . .

"The glow of motherhood looks good on you Ms. James," said Thayer, looking blatantly at her well-concealed, yet prominent breasts.

High school is forever! This is why for years I wore minimizer bras. Not an option now with the breastfeeding.

The old letch had the nerve to stroke her arm! She'd glared at him, looking pointedly at the offending hand, before raising her eyes to his again. He was smart enough to withdraw his touch. Not fast enough for her liking, but withdrawn all the same.

Lou silently bristled. Men! I don't care if you own half of New York City, there is no way in hell. But because he does, he thinks he's got every right and every chance.

"The name is Mrs. Wilde now, and thank you." She'd fairly purred with saccharine sweetness.

"So," drawled Thayer. "Were those a wedding gift?"

With an arch glare, Lou folded her arms, subtly tapping her wedding ring finger against her arm for emphasis.

"My husband gave them to me - when he got me pregnant. I use them to feed our babies."

You dirty old bastard! I know it won't be enough to discourage him, but I'm putting it on the record here.

Thayer chuckled at her feistiness and backed right off.


"I really wish Matt had kept that to himself."

She snorted in irritation. I'm sure he didn't mean to, but Matt has kicked a hornet's nest having divulged that bit of information. I know that husband of mine and I know myself, any second now he's going to have a minor fit of some kind. It's best to just give him some space.

Lou was about to do just that and head to another room in the house when she heard him.

"Not supposed to be working anyway." He grumbled under his breath.

Her mommy ears picked up every word. Not quite believing she in fact heard Dax correctly, she slowly turned to him and repeated the words aloud in the form of a question.

"Not supposed to be working? Is that what you said?"

Shit, here we go, Dax thought. Fuck it; let's just have this fight.

"Yes, that's what I said, not supposed to be working. It's not like you need to, Lou." He railed at her in exasperation.

He decided to take a different tact.

"Is loving me not enough?"

"Come on Dax. Don't do that. You saw me taking my CLE requirement courses man. You thought what? That it was just for show? I'm still a lawyer, and a partner in a law firm to boot. I am not having this argument with you again."

"Ok fine, you're a lawyer and a partner in a law firm. A Virginia law firm, we are no longer in VA, Lou."

"Is that what you thought? That because I'm currently living here I wouldn't be working? We have clients in New York too, Dax. We have clients all over the place. Thayer is a new client, a big one at that. I'm not as busy as I was, but there's still work to be done.

I passed the NY State Bar and have always kept it current. I'm licensed in NY, VA & CA."

"You didn't have to go back to work, Lou. Eventually, you're going to have to choose."

She laughed incredulously.

"Choose? Are you serious? What the hell do you think I've been doing these last . . . I don't know how many months now? I've been working. I never stopped. I'm fortunate enough to pull the babies into my home office and see them while I conduct business online and by phone.

I work Dax, it's never been optional for me. My parents and their parents worked hard to save for our futures; it's how we were raised. I'm glad you have the money - "

"We Lou, we have money."

She groaned.

Dax's look was belligerent and more than a little bewildered. Is that how she viewed things? His money? This is why she's still working? I thought we'd 'squared that circle' to use her language, when we met with the financial advisers.

He honestly hadn't ascribed that much importance to the two or 3 hours a day she spent on her office computer. He'd thought they were minor executive and or organizational tasks. But evidently, Lou'd been working more than she let on, bringing in new business.

I know how important her work is to her. She gets a kick out of it and I want her happy. I just wish she would NOT work with Thayer. I don't trust the man. And now she's mad at me. Shit.

"I don't know what the hell is wrong with you. But there are 168 hours in a week, if you can't spare me for like 20 hours - max (?) then I don't know what to tell you other than you need to learn to manage your expectations lest mistrust and paranoia eat you alive. So do what you have to, but figure it out, and fast."

And with that, she left the room.


I know money is the number one argument most couples have, I just never thought I'd be fighting about having it. First world problems.

I marry the man, let him do any and everything he wants to me anytime he wants, stay home practically all the time caring for the kids and still it's not enough? I work in the office for one day and he loses his shit.

Well I meant what I said, he is going to have to figure it out or make his peace. No we don't need the money, but I like working, being useful. I do not want to lose my cat-like moves in the business world.

Not to mention as generous as he is we'll be broke in no time. Well that's not fair, because he's pretty good with the money.

But I'm working on a contingency plan and diversifying things for us long-term. We have the babies now. Having a legacy is essential. I want us all taken care of for generations to come. This is how its done.

There's Lili with her two and now Lenny with his one and more to come I'm sure. There are things to do as far as legacy building and I mean to see it through.

Not to mention my work is the only part of my old life that still seems to be somewhat intact, whereas I have at least some control. I feel as if I have ceded so much of it. Its gratifying but . . .

I should talk to someone. No not someone, my husband. I should talk to my husband! A breakthrough, my therapist would be proud.

We should sit down and talk, but not tonight. Tonight I am too tired.

Great, I can hear him coming after me.

He's an instinctive creature and I'm sure he wants a 'why' and if I don't give it to him he'll get antsy and lash out.

"Were you going to tell me?" He asks heatedly.

"I know you heard that I quashed the situation and still with the tone. There's only you, Dax. Frankly I resent your attitude. There's a world full of 'Thayer' out there. What are you going to do, lock me away?"

"So you weren't going to tell me about it?" He says impatiently.

"My work day is none of your damned business."

"You're my wife!"

And there it is. His bellow was so loud, she winced.

"Keep it down. The babies are asleep. Yes, I am your wife and that means what? That you own me?"

"Just like you own me."

She acknowledged the point with an incline of her head.

"Ok Fine, I can accept that. But I am your wife, so give me a little credit that I can handle myself man, damn."

I am feeling more combative by the second. We have guests, even if they are family and I don't want them hearing us argue or worse because I could throttle his obnoxiously old-fashioned ass right now.

I'm in love with the man, but am coming to feel frustrated with having to repeat myself and am wondering if and or when this particular bullshit is going to stop.

Middle-ground, it must be around here somewhere. But shit, man I need a fucking break right now.

I decide to take the advice of her sister, and MM and kick his restless ass out of the house for a while.

"Dax, get out of here for a while. I need a moment, and you do too - go and think about why is it not even a year into our marriage you already don't trust me. I've given you no reason whatsoever not to."

She breathed through her nostrils, her lips tight with suppressed emotion.

"That's not true." He whispered looking anxious and upset.

"And yet it feels true. I mean it, Dax. Get out of here for a while. Take Lenny with you and finish plotting whatever the hell it is you two are plotting. Go."

Physically pushing him out of the bedroom, Lou shut the door and locked it.


I trust Lou. Of course I trust her.

Lenny found Dax staring off into the distance and clapped his brother-in-law on the shoulder.

"It's not just you, man. I'm going through the same thing more or less myself. We married women who basically do whatever the fuck they want and we love them for it -- its why we married them in fact - but some days . . . . its like god damn it all, you don't know whether to throttle them or fuck them half to death."

The truth of the statement made Dax look at the younger man piercingly.

"We will persevere and be stronger after. In the meantime let's get out of here and go drink about it for a while."


5 hours later

Arrested for public disturbance. The throbbing in my face is nothing compared to what Lou is no doubt going to do to me, if the tone of her voice when I called her was anything to go by.

Someone turned to him. "That's your lawyer?"

Dax sighed wearily.

"Hell man, that's my wife."



Dax chuckled darkly.

Lenny looked at the expression on his sister's face and exhaled heavily. She looked worried and she looked angry.

"God have mercy on those cops, because she sure as hell won't."

Looking at her husband's bruised face, her hackles immediately rose.

Lou quickly read the report.

"I will address the bruises momentarily. But first I demand to know why these men are being detained? No crime was committed; you had no warrant or probable cause and thus no legitimate reason to arrest them in the first place.

Not only that, they weren't informed that they were being arrested. Don't even bother denying it; I received a voicemail of the entire encounter. Nor was the reason for the arrest disclosed.

"Well they were loud on the sidewalk and seemed drunk, and the suspect looked like a person of interest."

"Loud and drunk? Really? Drunk? Yet retaining enough mental capacity to record the exchange. Suspect? Person of interest? Why, because he's black?

Please make my day and say that out loud. And what pray-tell was your excuse for arresting and assaulting my husband? Guilt by association?"


"Yes, that man," Lou pointed at Dax, "is my husband. What of it?" She folded her arms and stood back on one leg.

Chakowski looked at her agog. One did not marry black women no matter how fine they were.

"I didn't assault him. He may have happened to inadvertently hit the wall with his face when I cuffed him."

Unfolding her arms Lou stepped closer to the junior officer and even though he was armed and surrounded by other armed cops he instinctively took a step back from the menace coming off her in waves.

The Sergeant had been watching the exchange from across the room and having concluded his call walked over.

"What seems to be the trouble here?"

Lou gave a concisely precise summation of the situation. From her iPhone she played the exchange back for the Sergeant.

Those damned cell phones, taping and recording everything these days. The future is now and it's being 'televised' by everyone.

"I am sorry Ms.?"

"Mrs. Wilde."

Of course she's married, the beautiful ones usually are.

"You men are free to go."

A very red faced Sergeant Watkins turned to the gawking rookie officer.

"Chakowski, my office, 15 minutes!"

I don't need this shit on a Friday night - fucking ulcers already killing me and this new kid is just young dumb and full of cum fresh out of the academy and clearly knows fuck all. They come in with their bullshit racism from the outer boroughs and I have to finish giving them the lessons mommy and daddy didn't.

Just my fucking luck, the little asshole picks these people. Woman's a lawyer. Hopefully we're lucky and she doesn't bring a civil lawsuit for false arrest.

She gave her two a stern look and jerked her head towards the door.

"Let's go!"

"Shit, we just might be better off in here." Grumbled Lenny.

Lou swiveled towards him. "Don't make me catch a charge in here. Not another word Leonard."

Marshaling the two, she begins marching them out the door. She stops at the Policeman Memorial Fund Jar though and digs into her purse and wriggles a wad of cash through the slot.

Giving a look to what has to be her brother, given the resemblance, and gestures at the jar with a matter of fact and obvious look, he grudgingly does the same after a beat. Her husband follows suit.

"Thank you Mrs. Wilde, gentleman. You have people, I take it?"

"We did and we do. Both parents and an uncle still kicking."

Past tense. The Sergeant nodded his understanding. Look at her face. Man she is sweet.

"We have a charity dance, if you'd like to come out see what you just supported."

I hand her a flyer. I'm certain she's about to give me the polite brush off, but I'd sure love to see her again. Just to look of course. That husband of hers looks ready to murder me. I don't quite blame him. He rests a hand possessively on her hip. Better keep her close in this city.

Absentmindedly, she rests her hand over his and strokes it in an attitude of easy intimacy. In love with her husband. Annoyed at the moment, but in love.

"Thank you Sergeant Watkins, I would like that." She smiles. Wow!

Her husband bustles her quickly away.

Through the glass doors I see her giving them both 'what for' -- in what looks to be verbal and a little physical abuse in the form of smacks to the back of the head for both. Whew! Haha!

Dark red hair swishing provocatively to her sublime ass, eyebrow arched in full reproach as she all but glides to the curb to hail a cab, her pristine heels barely touching the trash-strewn ground.

Damn, it was almost worth Chakowski and his pain in the ass antics just to have met her.

We're home and my wife hasn't uttered a word. She seems all too calm in fact. I know we've just worried the hell out of her. I'm scared to think of what she'll do to me, or won't do to me as a result.

With my head in my hands I sit and wait for her to reappear from dressing room. My jaw drops when she does.

The Batman t-shirt and what I believe are the original little black panties are back. Her walk towards me was slow and deliberate. She had me and she knew it.

"Yep, all for you. Day in and day out, Dax all for you. Now, come with me."

Taking my hand she led me into the bathroom.

"So, you're not angry with me?"

"Oh, I am. But I'm relieved more than anything. You've had a hard evening, we both have and we deserve a time-out so to speak. As many times as my bad-behavior has been rewarded, I've decided to be charitable and return the favor just this once.

Now you are to strip down and get in that tub."

She's run a bath for me. Is she going to drown me?"

After I am settled, she takes a sponge and lathers it up. She appears to be thinking hard as it takes a few moments before she begins to wash me.

"I have a few things I'd like to say to you Mr."

At his expression, she reassured him.

"It's not as bad as you think, calm down, man."

Taking a breath she continued.

"I think you thought it would slow me down and possibly calm me to an extent but having children has made me even greedier, more protective, more ambitious and possible even more aggressive, especially about their futures.

You, my love," she gave him a gentle kiss "are very much like your mother in that you are overly munificent. It's not a criticism, just an observation.

"I guess I am, and you kinda remind me of Pops, not stingy but . . ." He trailed off and she chuckled lightly.

My birthday was again a prime example. Your very generous nature is one of the very many things I love most about you. But I don't need such extravagance Dax.

"I love giving you gifts Lulu." Her expression of surprised and delighted enchantment was something he'd easily grown addicted to.

"I love it too, but I don't need it Dax."

"I want you to have beautiful things"

"You're the only beautiful thing I need, love"

Brown eyes met green and he sucked in a sharp breath at the depth of emotion in hers.

"You really love me, don't you?" Wonder in his voice.

"Well duh? Of course I do."

She gave my bruise another tender kiss.

"I should and will include you in my planning process for not just our children, but the family in general. Life is not all about money, but it definitely helps.

I mean to make sure our family has some for generations to come. There's so much to managing a legacy. I want the wealth to grow to a point whereas it's almost a living organism, just feeding and growing itself independent of us. I know we have an bank account well into eight figures, but you'd be surprised how quickly it can all just go, I am in the process of making strides to get us that extra digit, and sock things away for when the shit hits the fan."

I had no idea these were the things on her mind.

"Billionaires? Hmmm . . . seems like overkill don't you think?"

"Perhaps, but just think of all the good we could do? Not just for us, but for struggling people."

We both sigh as she continues washing me, both of us silent and deep in thought.

Satisfied that I'm relaxed and clean, she has me stand as she rinses me off with the detachable showerhead.

Wrapping me in a towel she says, "Follow me."

Spellbound by the strip of skin between the t-shirt and little panties, I do just that.

"Drop the towel Mr. and get up there on the bed and lie back." Lou gestures with her chin.

I do as told.

"This is meant to be a punishment."

For a blistering 15 minutes I am treated to the longest, hottest and wettest of blowjobs. Repeatedly, she takes me to the edge and back again. By the time I am allowed completion down her rapidly constricting throat, my abs and groin are fluttering and twitching in jerky spasms.

When I can finally draw breath to speak again I just have to ask.

"Not that I am complaining in the least, but how was that punishment?"

Lou puts down her glass of water on the bedside table before straddling me and looking down at me quite seriously with hands on her hips.

"Because dear husband, the next time you pull a stunt like today and I have to fetch you from a police station - not only will I leave you to stew in it for a bit, I won't blow you for an entire year. Do we understand each other?"

Her lovely face is perfectly placid and completely serious. No arched brow or pouted lips. Damn, that's her 'all business' expression.

"I believe we do."

The Author copyrights this chapter of Dax & Lulu as well as previous chapters of this series. The reproduction of any chapter of Vision or Dax and Lulu without the written permission of the author is expressly prohibited.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
You are perfection.

You are a genius. I love you. A love monument should be erected in your honour! I am so grateful for your stories.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Dax and Lenny?

Ok, just a bit confused, you mentioned everybody left after the party except for MM and Junie, and uncle/aunt Paul, so how come 3 days later Lenny is there (presumably with Eddie?), as he was being kicked out with Dax? Aside from this perplexing angle, i loved the story update, and the freaky unfolding. Please carry on, love all these characters. Heck i want to be adopted in this family.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

I cannot understand how this gets better and better, your writing is phenomenal. You bring so much happiness to my life, I live in hope of finding the next chapter of Dax and Lulu all the time. They are just absolutely perfect in my eyes.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
It's Imposible

How can a story get better with each chapter? Pragmatically, it can't go on to infinity. One can easily see why you are so possessive of your writings and here's hoping no one tries to misappropriate it.

I love that Dax is becoming able to finally see his overbearing self; hopefully without serious consequences. I love these two and their interactions. Lou is like the pied piper bringing people into her world.

Ms. MsLuLuX, have you been receiving help from W. Faulkner?

ObedientsubObedientsubover 6 years ago

I'm super in love with your writing! I look forward to your updates, I'm like that one looking for it in the daylight with a flashlight..... lol bvs

And if I find out someone is playing copycat 😡 the shit will hit the fan!

Happy New Year & may it be prosperous!

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