Dinner Date with Mommy Pt. 03


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Reaching for the penis-shaped piece of plastic, she licked her finger and ran it around the rim to help it slide over his tortured cock easier. Now that there was nothing to obstruct its path, she fitted it over the top of the peg with ease. It took her a little work to get his cock to cooperate as it slowly slid into the hard tube, but soon it was seated firmly against the ring. The little lock was fed through the hole in the end of the peg, and suddenly the cage was stuck firmly in place. Amanda removed the key and stashed it into one of her pockets.

"There," Amanda said, smiling up at him for the first time since she'd scolded him for almost cumming without permission. "Isn't that better?"

Steve didn't think so, especially with what felt like an enormous load of cum trapped unhappily in his balls and the feeling of her nails on his most sensitive flesh still fresh in his mind. But he had already figured out better than to say so.

"Yes, mommy," he said, the meekness in his voice surprising him.

Amanda positively beamed at him as she ran her fingers lightly over his skin just below his navel, making him shiver. "That's mommy's good little boy."

Steve blushed, his cock giving a little jump in its suddenly-smaller tube.

"Careful, sweety," Amanda said in a teasing tone as she traced a finger over his chastity-trapped scrotum. "Getting too excited while wearing one of these can be uncomfortable, to say the least."

Steve groaned as he felt the constriction around his member start to get uncomfortably tight. She wasn't kidding.

"Look on the bright side," she said cheerily. "At least I didn't start you out with the spiked cage."

Steve didn't know exactly what she meant, but anything to do with "spikes" and "cages" couldn't be much fun, especially if she was consoling him with the idea that his current situation was preferable.

"Now let's get finished up so mommy can get to work."

Amanda grabbed the baby powder and gave his front a good sprinkling, her hand spreading the white substance evenly across his bare skin, making sure to get it into all of his nooks and crannies. Then she lifted his legs again and did the same to his backside, her fingers once again disappearing into his bottom crack briefly before setting his legs back down.

With a firm tug, she pulled the diaper down towards her, and then up and over his front side, making sure to get the tabs even on the front and back. With a strong grip on the sides to hold them down, Amanda pulled the velcro straps and snugly secured his diaper into place.

"Perfect," Amanda said with a little grin.

Steve still wasn't so sure, but he knew what she wanted to hear.

"Thank you for changing me, mommy."

"Of course, baby," Amanda said as she grabbed him by the hands and pulled him up into a sitting position. "Now let's go over the rest of that list."

For the next ten minutes Steve sat almost shell-shocked as Amanda rattled off over a dozen different chores and tasks for him to perform before she came back from work. It ranged from the absolutely mundane, like doing laundry and dusting his room, to the absurdly outlandish, like giving himself a series of enemas with the hot water bottle he'd seen in the gym bag.

She said she'd text him when she wanted him to start the process so that he'd be "ready for her" when she got back, whatever that meant. She then expected him to fit either the small plug or the beads into his almost completely virgin bottom hole and leave it there until she decided it was time to remove it.

She also spelled out the consequences of failing to meet her expectations in no uncertain terms.

Grabbing the paddle from the bed, she moved to the wall near his front door where a lonely nail stuck out. A remnant from a former tenant, Steve hadn't bothered to remove or hang anything from it, and Amanda decided it would be the perfect spot to keep her reminder to be a good boy.

"If the cleaning isn't up to my standards..." she pointed at the paddle.

"If you haven't cleaned yourself out properly, or don't use one of the toys you've been told to use..." points at paddle.

"Most importantly, though," she said, her gaze taking on a hard quality, "If I find you've tried to remove your cage or play with yourself without permission..." emphatically points at paddle.

"Are we clear?" Her tone brooked no argument.

"Yes, mommy," Steve squeaked.

Once again a smile blossomed over her face, and she was the most beautiful woman in the world. Steve swallowed as his eyes traced over all the items laid out on his bed that she was leaving for him to use.

"I know it seems scary now, sweetheart," she said, her voice soothing as she ran a hand over the bare skin of his shoulder, "but soon you're going to love our little games as much as I do."

"Yes, mommy," Steve said, his voice much more certain than he felt.

Amanda glanced at the clock on the stove and gave an annoyed cluck.

"I have to go, pumpkin. If traffic is bad there's a chance I could be late to meet my first client, and tardiness isn't something I look kindly on." A hard look let Steve know she also meant that as a warning to him.

"Yes, mommy," he replied, his voice sounding a little higher pitched to himself than it normally did.

"Good," she said with an air of finality. Reaching down, she grabbed him by the hands and pulled him to his feet. It felt odd to him to be standing on almost even ground with her after he'd spent so much time looking up from below.

She snaked one arm behind his back and cupped his diapered bottom, squeezing hard as her other hand took a firm grip on his chin so she could lean down and plant a light kiss across his lips. His cock jumped in its cage again, making him groan and hunch over slightly in discomfort.

Amanda chuckled. "Make sure to be good for me, sweetheart." She let go of his bottom and planted a firm swat where she'd been holding, making him straighten up again. "Because I would just love an excuse to put you over my knee and blister your bottom until you're bawling like a naughty little boy." Her voice smouldered at that last part.

Steve swallowed hard as his hands subconsciously moved to protect his backside.

Amanda gave him one final smile and a little kiss before whirling toward the front door and opening it a crack. The cold air from outside rushed in, making Steve shiver.

"Better get to work, sweetheart," she said with a wink. "I'll be back before you know it."

Then she was out the door and Steve was suddenly alone again.

Steve looked down at the diaper he was wearing, then at the toys that were sitting next to him on his bed, then to the paddle hanging from the wall and back again.

It took him almost a full minute before he laid back down on his bed and cradled his head in his hands with a groan.

"What... the fuck... just happened?"


Most of an hour had passed as Steve laid on his bed contemplating his options. The entire experience had been utterly surreal.

Who did that woman think she was? She'd barged into his home without invitation, bullied him into submission, and was now making insane demands of him. To top it off, she'd actually threatened to spank him if he didn't obey!

In a moment of bravado, he'd even scoffed at the notion. Then his eyes had drifted to the paddle on the wall and he felt his bottom clench involuntarily. He chewed on his lower lip as he remembered the phrasing she'd used.

"Blister your bottom." "Bawling."

He swallowed hard. Could a bottom even get blisters from spanking? He'd heard the expression before, but he had no idea if there was any truth to it. He figured that if a bottom could be blistered, then "bawling" would probably be right on point as well. The thought made him shudder and sent the butterflies in his tummy into overdrive. It was a scary feeling, but also kind of exciting. Like standing at the door of a plane before you parachute out.

He shook the thought out of his head and tried to ground himself in reality again. In a few hours that woman would be coming back, and he had two options to choose from before that happened.

On the one hand, he could decide that he wasn't going to play her games and none of the chores she'd given him mattered. She'd come over and he'd tell her off. Demand that she give him the key to the stupid cage that kept digging into the soft skin of his now semi-permanent erection. Then he'd kick her out of his apartment with all her weird toys and her dumb dominatrix paddle, and that would be the end of it.

On the other hand...

Steve looked at the clock. The list she'd given him would take four or five hours, minimum, and she'd be back at...

Steve gave a start as he realized she'd never told him when she would be back. It could be an hour from now, or ten hours from now. Of course, he had her number, so he could have texted her to find out, but the thought didn't seem appealing for some reason. Maybe she wouldn't tell him, or she'd think he was just trying to time things so he could slack off until the last possible moment. She could even think he was trying to get away with something he wasn't supposed to.

That last thought made him sweat a little bit. He really didn't want his bottom blistered today.

Suddenly nervous, Steve realized he'd already started thinking about his first spanking more in terms of "when" and not "if." He sighed. If that was the case, then he'd also already made his decision. Steve came to the slow, uncomfortable conclusion that when Amanda got back, he was probably going to do everything little that she demanded of him.

He looked at the enema bag, anal beads, and butt plug on the bed next to him with a twinge of apprehension. His decision meant that he was also going to have to do every little thing she'd already demanded of him. He swallowed, his bottom clenching at the thought of the rude invaders pressing into him as he hoped she wouldn't order him to do it too soon. His cock gave an extra big throb inside of its cage and he groaned as its confines became almost unbearable.

Steve took a deep breath and tried hard to think about anything but how much he wanted to cum. He could practically feel his seed boiling over in his aching balls. It wouldn't take much to push him over the edge. Once again, though, his eyes drifted to the paddle on the wall.

Mommy, was right. It was a pretty good reminder, hanging on the wall like it was.

With a haggard sigh Steve pushed himself into a sitting position, being careful to keep his legs apart slightly so that he didn't squeeze his confined little sack on accident like he'd already done a few times. Using a hand on the bed to steady himself, Steve slowly pushed himself into a standing position and started to work on the tasks Amanda had left him.

The hours flew past as Steve hobbled from place to place in his room, cleaning as he went. Every task on the list ended up taking almost half again as long as he'd estimated thanks to the awful little cage between his legs. He walked slower, bent down slower, stood up slower. It wasn't long until his mind had started to wonder if there was any way to get the damned thing off without Amanda noticing so that he could work faster.

That thought always led back to the paddle on the wall, though, and Steve was grateful for the reminder. Each time he would do his best to banish the thought and try to focus on working as fast as he could with his movement speed restricted.

In less time than Steve would have thought possible, the cleaning was nearly done. There were still a couple loads of laundry, and he needed to make his bed again, but overall his apartment had never looked better. He was feeling pretty good about it, too, right up until his phone buzzed.

A feeling of dread raced through him, and suddenly he wasn't so sure about his decision. It took him a moment to work up the courage to pick it up and read the message.

Amanda: "Clean up time, little one. I'll be back soon."

Steve felt a shiver run through him. Who knew such an innocent sounding message could cause so much apprehension?

Taking a breath to steady himself, Steve looked around his room. There wasn't really anything left to do, so he didn't have an excuse to put it off any longer. And she said she'd be back soon. That could mean any time, and he certainly didn't want to take the chance that she could come back before he'd finished and use it as an excuse to try out that paddle on him.

With grim determination, Steve grabbed the items off of his bed and moved to the bathroom.

The sink was small, but the bathroom featured a full size bath/shower combo and there was a decent amount of space to move around. Steve set the toys down on the edge of the bath and began to run the water. It only took a moment for the water to heat up to the point where steam started to form on the bathroom mirror.

Grabbing the hot water bottle, Steve screwed the hose off the bottom and held the opening under the stream of water. Amanda had called it a two quart enema bag and told him that it was a very reasonable size for beginners, but as it filled up in his hands and got heavier and heavier, Steve wondered if he'd really be able to take it all.

Steve let the water run until there was no space left in the bag, then turned off the water and screwed the hose back into place. A little clip held the end of the hose shut as he hung the bag up over his curtain rod.

Taking the hose in his hand, he looked at the nozzle attached to the end of it for the first time. It was made of a semi-hard plastic, but was pretty small, even by his standards.

"Small mercies," Steve murmured to himself.

Reaching down, he unstrapped the velcro from either side of his diaper and let the unsoiled material fall to the ground. Mommy had said she wanted him wearing it when she got back.

Picking up a small tube of lube that Amanda had left behind, Steve drizzled a little onto his hand before spreading it onto the nozzle. As he made sure to cover every inch he couldn't help but notice how close the movements resembled giving a handjob. The thought made him blush as he remembered where that nozzle was going next.

Stepping into the bath with nothing but his cage on, Steve squatted down. Holding his breath, he reached back behind himself and started rubbing the tip of the nozzle against his now-exposed rosebud. The sensation sent shivers through his body. As he tried to push the nozzle in, though, he ran into a problem. His little hole was so tight that he was having trouble finding it.

Trading the nozzle to his other hand, Steve reached back with his lube-slickened fingers and started to run them over the entrance to his bottom. It took him a minute of pushing and probing, but eventually he found the right spot, and his middle finger slipped in almost to the first knuckle in an instant, making him gasp and pull up off of it in surprise.

Licking his lips, Steve took the nozzle in his hand again and guided it to where it needed to be. This time as he pushed, he could feel the hard plastic of the nozzle start to penetrate him. He frowned in discomfort. It didn't hurt, exactly, but it certainly wasn't as enjoyable as Mommy's finger had been the night before as it rubbed against that special spot inside of him, turning his legs to jelly.

Gritting his teeth, Steve pushed the nozzle in until it was fully inserted. After taking a minute to adjust to the feeling he slowly clambered down into the bath and laid down on his left side. Then, grabbing the clip that kept the water from flowing, he opened it a click. Steve's whole body shuddered as the still-hot water splashed up inside of his bowels. The feeling was completely foreign to him. Suddenly he felt a nearly overwhelming urge to use the toilet. Mommy had been clear about what he should do when that happened.

Steve grabbed the clip and closed it again, cutting off the stream of water as he fought to hold it in. It took almost half a minute before he felt like his bottom hole had finished trying to rebel. Then he grabbed the clip and opened it a click again. Once more hot water suffused his tight little hole, and he was forced to cut the water off as his bottom threatened to betray him.

Over and over Steve repeated that cycle as he added more water and took a few moments to adjust to it before adding even more. Occasionally he would glance up at the bag to see how much of it he'd taken, but eventually he started to become discouraged. It looked like he'd barely managed to take any water at all even though he felt like he was on the brink of exploding.

"Oh, god," he groaned as a particularly strong cramp rolled through his tummy, causing him to hyperventilate a little bit.

Taking a deep breath, he fought the feeling down and eventually it subsided to the point where he felt like he could take a little bit more. He flicked open the clip and... nothing!

Steve looked up at the completely deflated bag in shock. He couldn't believe he'd managed to take the whole thing. He shifted a little as he reached down to remove the nozzle so that he could get out to use the toilet, and the water shifted with him, causing him to grunt in discomfort.

Very slowly Steve managed to push himself into a standing position, the task made doubly difficult by the cage still clacking obnoxiously between his legs with every movement.

When he was finally upright, the hard part came. He had to climb out of the bathtub and shuffle to the toilet, all while holding his bottom cheeks firmly shut. There were several near-mishaps during the process. Once as he lifted his second leg out of the bath, and then again when he turned around and started to sit down. He only managed to save the last one because as soon as he felt it starting to leak out, he plopped his bottom down on the seat as fast as possible before the torrent of dirtied water cascaded into the basin below him.

Steve blushed at the noises he made. He was just glad Amanda wasn't there to witness his shame. Still, as the water rushed out of him, Steve noticed a different sensation as well. All that warmth was washing nicely over the tickle spot that Amanda had used to give him the best orgasm of his life the night before.

Soon his caged member was responding, too. Steve winced as the cruel plastic cut into his soft skin again. It was so unfair. He just wanted to be able to get hard without having that damn tube squeeze the life out of his little man.

As he looked at the design of the cage, he noticed something. The gap between the ring that held it secure around his scrotum and the tube was pretty narrow, but it looked like the ring itself could be slipped up and off so that the tube could be pulled down enough to release his straining member while leaving the cage locked firmly around his balls. Afterwards, it looked like he'd be able to slip it back in with relative ease as long as he was as soft as when he got it off.

After he finished voiding himself of his first enema and flushed, he stepped back into the bathtub and started to fill up a second bag. Once it was full, he repeated the uncomfortable process.

It didn't take quite as long the second time. Between cramps he wondered if it had something to do with the water helping to stretch him out. The second batch of water came out much cleaner, and there weren't nearly as many rude sounds, either. The tickling sensation inside of him was stronger than ever, though, and his cock throbbed in distress at the treatment. After flushing, he hoped back in to perform the awkward task one more time.

As he took a seat on the toilet for last time, the only thing that came out was a torrent of clear-looking water. Satisfied with his work, Steve flushed and hopped back into the tub.

Instead of grabbing the bag, though, he reached for his body wash. Squirting some on his hands, Steve lathered up his fingers and started to work them around the edge of the cage to see if he could really peel the tube up and off of his aching shaft.