Dinner Date with Mommy Pt. 03


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Steve had no idea what she was talking about, but he wasn't about to argue with the woman who still had him over her knee. Leaning forward, he did as he was told and immediately started to cough. The liquid had an extremely powerful chemical scent to it.

"It can be a little jarring to the senses the first time you smell it, but give it another try for mommy. It'll help." Amanda's voice was sympathetic, but she was still giving him an order, not a suggestion.

Steve leaned in more cautiously this time and took a much slower breath. The scent was still incredibly potent, but it wasn't overwhelming this time and he managed to take a full breath.

"Hold it in for a few seconds, then breathe normally."

Steve wasn't sure what she meant. He didn't feel anything. Then, over the course of a handful of heart beats he felt his head start to get a little fuzzy. It was sort of like he'd been drinking, but different. He felt like his entire head was starting to vibrate and soon the feeling spread through his body.

He felt Amanda run her hand over his tortured bottom. It was like fireworks going off in his head. There was pain, sure. Lots of pain, even, but there was also something else. Something deeper.

Steve licked his lips, his eyelids fluttering as his breathing became more labored. It was like there was a button deep inside of him that was forcing indescribable pleasure to course through his body every time it was pushed. The plug inside of him started to feel really good too, his anus pulsing as he squeezed down on the rubbery material. Somewhere in the recesses of his mind he felt Amanda take the paddle back into her hand and rest it against his upturned bottom.

In a moment of intense clarity, Steve recognized that paddle as the fastest, and hardest, way to press the pleasure button inside of him.

It was going to hurt, of course, but that didn't really matter to Steve as he pushed his bottom up further.

Amanda smiled as he offered up his vulnerable bottom for her to thrash, his mind awash in the bliss of high quality poppers. They really could work miracles.

Lifting her arm high over her head, Amanda brought the paddle down with blistering force. The crack of lexan on flesh sounded like a pistol shot and Steve let out a whining cry. He humped downwards, his cock thrusting impotently between Amanda's soft thighs as his mind fought to reconcile the pleasure and pain that suffused his backside.

Amanda didn't wait for him to recover as she lifted the paddle and brought it back down hard again. Then she gave him another. And another.

Steve thrashed across her lap. "Ow! Oh, mommy. Ouch! Please, I can't..." He cut off as another swat forced him to suck in a hissing breath.

Slowly the buzzing feeling in his head started to subside, and with it went the incredible tingles the paddle had been giving him. All that remained was the bonfire Amanda had lit in his abused bottom.

Noticing the shift in responses, Amanda gave him another couple of hard swats before reaching back for the vial.

"Breathe," she said as she held the open bottle to his nose again.

Steve needed no second bidding. He leaned in and took a long, deep breath, the chemical scent almost feeling as though it would singe his nose hairs.

Amanda inspected his bottom as she waited for the inhalant to kick in. Her last volley of spanks had really left an impression. She traced a painful looking circular welt near the side of one cheek, making Steve flinch at the sensation. However, as the poppers started to take effect, he once again pushed his bottom up for further punishment.

Amanda lined the paddle back up but paused for a moment.

"Ask mommy to punish you," she said, her voice a seductive purr. "Beg me to beat your bottom, little one."

"Oh, yes, mommy," Steve moaned, his mind flooded with the powerful chemicals. "Please, please, spank me, mommy. Spank me hard. Blister my bottom, please."

Amanda could feel his little cock thrusting between her legs again. The way it slipped against her made her suspect his neglected member had leaked pre-cum all over the inside of her leg.

"Good boy," she cooed as she brought the paddle down hard enough to ensure that he'd be feeling the effects until at least tomorrow. Once again she began her systematic torching of his backside.

Steve cried out, little tears forming in the corners of his eyes despite the mitigating effects of the poppers. It was a testament to the force of her swats as Amanda ensured that he would be a very sorry little boy who had to sleep on his tummy tonight.

The buzzing feeling cleared from his head again, and Steve grit his teeth at the pain in his bottom as swat after burning swat cracked into his scalded bottom. The comfort afforded by the little bottle was almost entirely gone and his breathing started to come in ragged gasps.

With a choked sob, Steve felt the first tear slip down his cheek, followed closely by several more. Mommy showed him no mercy as she continued to bust his bottom with hard, heavy swats. His bottom had almost reached the point Amanda wanted it to, and she could feel his body start to shake as he began to cry in earnest.

"Owie! Mommy, please!" he begged. "Please, no more! I'll do whatever you say. I'll wear the cage without complaining. Ouch! I'll do all my chores. Ah! Please! I'll stretch my bottom as wide as you want and I'll never disobey you ever again. Please, I promise!"

Steve's voice had finally started to take on the desperate quality she was looking for, and with a final vicious series of cracking swats, Amanda wrapped up his first spanking.

"Not a moment too soon, either," Amanda thought as she set the paddle aside and squeezed her legs together around Steve's cock, a wave of desire surging through her soaking pussy.

Steve's hands still sawed back and forth weakly as he struggled in vain to comfort his throbbing backside.

"I'm sorry, mommy," he said in a hiccupy whimper, his tears slowing. "I'm so sorry."

"Hush, baby," Amanda cooed, her hand beginning to run light circles over his crimson bottom to ease the burning. "It's over now. Mommy forgives you."

Steve felt a fresh wave of tears roll out of his eyes at the words. It was like he could finally breathe again as a tightness in his chest he hasn't been aware of abated.

Amanda smiled warmly down at him. He was so adorable. She hoped he'd always be such a crybaby when being punished.

"Come here, pumpkin. Come to mommy," she said, her voice sugary sweet as she rearranged him to sit in her lap with his tender bum sticking down between her spread legs.

"That's right," Amanda said, her arm rubbing his lower back in little circles as she rocked him back and forth. "You're okay, sweetheart."

Steve's tears slowed to sniffles as he gradually regained his composure. He felt weird. Not bad, just... odd. The woman who was holding him like a baby had just beaten the absolute tar out of his poor bottom. The normal response would probably have been to run as far away from her as humanly possible, but as Steve felt the last of his tears fall he only had one thought.

Peeking up shyly from under his brows at Amanda's beaming face, Steve cleared his throat.

"Was I a good boy, mommy?" he mumbled, his voice thick from the ordeal.

Amanda brought her hand up to his cheek and lifted his face so she could plant a gentle kiss on his forehead.

"You were such a good little boy for me, sweetheart. Mommy's so proud of how well you took your punishment."

Steve ducked his head back down and felt himself blush all over. There was something else he wanted to say, but the thought was pretty mortifying. Still, as he looked down at his current predicament, he supposed it wasn't any worse than everything else he'd already done.

"Thank you for spanking me, mommy," he said, his voice barely a whisper.

"Of course, little one," Amanda said with a smile. "That's what mommies are for."

Her eyes took on a mischievous glint as her gaze slowly traveled down his body to where his cock still stood fully erect.

"Well, that and... other things," she said with a wicked smirk. Reaching down, she took hold of his straining member, the tip of her index finger playing over the top of his pre-cum covered slit until it was covered in a thin sheen.

"Have you ever tasted your own cum before, sweetheart?" she asked innocently as she brought her hand back up to his face.

His face scrunched up in disgust as he leaned back as far as he could from the slick fingertip.

"No, mommy," he whined, his voice betraying his fear of what he thought was about to happen.

Amanda's finger crept slowly towards his face. Steve's eyes flicked between her fingertip and her face uncertainly. As it came within inches of his lips, Steve reluctantly pried his mouth open, the distaste plain on his features.

At the last moment, Amanda's hand changed direction, plunging into her own mouth with a moan like she'd just taken a bite of the most delicious dessert.

Steve's face lit up in surprise as Amanda rolled the finger around in her mouth, making sure to transfer most of the slick juice onto the tip of her tongue. Then, leaning forward, she pressed her mouth over the top his and pushed her tongue into his mouth similar to how she'd done the night before.

Her hand went around behind his head to help hold him in place, but he didn't try to back up or close his mouth. Instead his tongue poked out tentatively for her to explore. Reaching a hand back down, she ran a finger up the bottom of his shaft to force a larger quantity of pre-cum out onto her finger. She continued to rub the tip of his head for a moment, making him moan into her mouth as she finished spreading his pre-cum onto his tongue.

Leaning back, she opened her mouth and pulled her hand up to her extended tongue, making sure to show him just how much of the salty liquid she was about to share with him.

Moving in again, her tongue reached for his and found it a little more hesitant this time. As their tongues brushed lightly against each other Steve kept waiting to taste... something. It took him a few moments to realize that the liquid just didn't taste like much of anything. He moaned, relaxing into her embrace as her finger went to work on the tip of his cock again.

Amanda spread another helping of pre-cum on to her fingertip and brought it back up between their faces as she broke off their kiss.

"Open wide, sweetheart," she purred. "This one's all for you."

Steve's face still had a worried cast to it, but he obeyed quickly and Amanda's finger slipped into his waiting mouth.

"Good boy," she cooed, her fingertip finding his tongue and depositing the liquid directly onto it. "Now, suck it clean."

Steve blushed heavily at her words, but closed his lips around her finger and began to roll his tongue over its tip to get all of the salty slipperiness off.

"What a good job, baby," she said sweetly. "Eating your cummies without a fuss. Mommy's so proud."

Steve thought he would die of humiliation. Still, as Amanda's finger returned to his mouth with another batch of pre-cum, he obediently opened his mouth and sucked it clean again without being told to.

Amanda's pussy felt like it was about to burst. She couldn't believe how far they'd gotten in a single day. As she looked into his vulnerable eyes and fed him a particularly large glob of pre-cum she wondered how long it would be before she had him swallowing another man's seed. A pulsing throb radiated from between her legs at the thought. With his pouty lips and doe-like eyes, he was going to make the prettiest little cock sucker.

First, though, Amanda need to use his mouth for herself.

"Alright, pumpkin," she said, sitting him up and swinging his legs to the ground. "Time to get up. Mommy has one more thing to take care of."

Steve stood up, wincing as his bottom briefly came into contact with Amanda's thigh. Straining his neck around, he tried to look at his bottom, but all he could see were the edges. Even those were dark red, though.

Amanda stood up and stretched before hiking her dress up to her waist, revealing a pair of lacy panties that matched her cream-colored shoes. She kicked the shoes off and pulled the lacy garment down her legs, letting them pool on the ground around her feet. Stepping out of them, she moved towards Steve and grabbed the rope behind his back. Using it as a leash, she pulled him over to his bed before untying his wrists.

Groaning with relief, Steve pulled his arms in front of him and tried to rub the ache out of his strained muscles. He hadn't even realized how much they hurt.

"Lay down on your back," Amanda ordered him, her voice a sultry murmur. "It's time mommy got her reward for being such a good caretaker."

Steve swallowed, his mouth suddenly dry as he eased himself down onto his mattress. He winced as his abused bum brushed across his bed. He doubted he'd be sitting comfortably any time today. He winced again. Or tomorrow, for that matter.

Settling down, Steve looked at her uncertainly.

Amanda closed her eyes and stretched a hand out to her pussy, her fingers drawing the most delicious tingles from her aching clit as she ran little circles around it.

When her eyes opened back up, there was a hunger in them that sent a nervous thrill through Steve's tummy. His mommy was aroused beyond reason, and she was going to use him to satisfy her desires.

Stepping toward the bed, Amanda kneeled up so that her knee was by Steve's head. Bracing herself with a hand against the wall, she swung her other leg over the top of him so that she straddled his shoulders and could look down into his eyes.

Steve's eyes were locked onto her pussy, though. Reaching down, she spread her engorged lips for him to take a better look.

"Are you ready to worship your mommy's pussy?" she asked as she thrust her hips forward and brought them down to hover over his mouth.

"Yes, mommy," he moaned, the scent of her filling his senses.

Amanda shivered as his hot breath tickled her sensitive skin and lowered her pussy to touch his lips.

His tongue immediately darted up and started to delve between the folds of her sex. Amanda gasped, one of her hands reaching down to grab him by the hair while the other sought her breast. She kneaded the responsive flesh through the fabric of her dress and started to grind down harder onto Steve's face.

Between sharp inhales and low moans, Amanda gave him instructions for eating her out. Run your tongue around the top. Suck on my clit. Tease the entrance of my pussy. Put your tongue in as far as it will go.

Steve obeyed the directions as best he could, and slowly Amanda's breathing became heavier. Her eyes closed as the waves of pleasure began to wash through her, drawing her nearer to her climax.

"Yeah, little one," she groaned. "That's it. Just a little more. Suck on mommy's clit. Lick it hard. Oh! Make mommy cum!"

Amanda's hips started to shake, the tremors slowly working their way up to her shoulders as she arched her back before a massive shudder wracked through her body. She took a breast in either hand and gripped her nipples through the thin material of her dress, her pussy grinding down hard onto Steve's face and covering him with her wetness as her orgasm washed over her.

"Oh, god," she moaned, her hips shaking in the aftershock of such exquisite pleasure. Steve's tongue continued to work feverishly on her most sensitive bits.

"Easy, sweetheart," Amanda said, her breath coming in deep gulps. "Gently, now."

Steve eased up, his tongue continuing to move but less aggressively now as he traced it up and down the length of her delicious lips, drawing more shudders from Amanda.

"Very good, little one," she said with a sigh as she pulled her hips up away from his eager mouth.

Amanda looked down at him, her face a picture of bliss as she inspected him. The wetness on his face went from the top of his nose all the way down to his chin.

She smiled. "Did you enjoy eating mommy's juicy pussy, sweetheart?"

"Yes, mommy," he said demurely. And it was true. He really did like the way he'd been able to bring her so much pleasure. It made him feel like he'd finally been able reciprocate some of the more enjoyable treatment she'd subjected him to.

"I'm glad to hear it," she said with a laugh. "Now, I think you've probably earned a reward tonight, regardless of your little slip up earlier."

Steve's cock jumped at the thought. God, he'd never wanted to cum so badly in his entire life.

Swinging her leg back over him, Amanda knelt by his waist, her body angled up towards his face as her hand took a firm hold around the base of his cock.

"In fact," she said as she leaned down over the top of his lap, "I think you earned something really special."

Steve gasped as the tip of his cock disappeared into her warm mouth. Her tongue started to circle around his head and he wondered in the back of his mind if anything could feel so good it could kill you.

Her head bobbed down to take his full length in her mouth and that concern vanished along with every other thought in his head.

Amanda was enjoying herself immensely as she teased his poor cock. It was so hard she was surprised she couldn't feel it vibrating. Still, even when this erect she could barely feel it touch the back of her throat when she pressed her mouth hard against his pelvis.

Steve's hands grabbed desperately at the bed as he struggled not to interfere, but the sensations were so intense he couldn't even see straight.

Sitting back up, Amanda took his slippery cock in her hands and started to give it long, slow strokes with her hand as she leaned down to put her eyes in front of his.

"Are you going to be a good boy and clean up all of your cummies after mommy makes you feel good?"

Steve's cock jumped at her words, the perverse thought only working to heighten his arousal.

"Oh, yes, mommy," he moaned, his hips starting to hump up into her hand. "Please, mommy. Please, can I cum? I need to cum so bad! Please let me cum."

"What a good boy, remembering to ask permission this time," Amanda said with devious smile, her strokes becoming longer and faster as she began to milk his cock in earnest. "Of course, sweetheart. Cum for me. Give mommy all your little cummies."

Steve's breath started to come in ragged gasps, his hands shaking and sweet little moans escaping from his lips.

"Oh, oh, oh," Steve whined as his hips began to buck wildly and thick, ropey white cum erupted from his cock in a spectacular series of ejaculations. Amanda managed to catch quite a bit of it in her hand, though some of it spilled onto his tummy. Amanda watched his balls tighten so hard they looked as though they might disappear right up into him before his entire body went limp.

Breathing hard, Steve's suddenly sleepy eyes peeked open at her.

"Oh, thank you, mommy," Steve said in a groaning sigh. "Thank you so much. Oh my god."

Amanda didn't answer, instead leaning down and planting a kiss on his lips again. Her tongue played with his for a moment before pulling back and being replaced with her cum-covered fingers.

"Are you ready to be good for mommy?" she asked expectantly.

Steve's nose scrunched up at the thought now that he was no longer so desperate to cum, but the sting in his bottom was a powerful reminder of what he could expect if he disobeyed her again.

With obvious reluctance, Steve opened his mouth and laid his tongue down flat.

"Good boy," she cooed as her fingers started to deposit the gooey load into his mouth. She scraped her fingers against his tongue to get the bulk of it off before having him suck each individual finger clean. The look on his face made it clear that he found the act distasteful, but Amanda ignored him as she reached back down and scooped up another handful of the sticky liquid.