Drug Makes her Addicted to Semen Ch. 01

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Chemical makes women physically addicted to semen.
5.9k words

Part 1 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 01/09/2018
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Drug Chemical Makes People Addicted to Particular Man's Semen, Ch. 1

"Steve, you're here," Dr. Phelps said. "Come on in, I've finally got it finished." Dr. Phelps led Steve from the outer room of his laboratory into the main room, where a multitude of test tubes, hoses and beakers filled with mysterious liquids smoked and bubbled.

"Thanks for agreeing to let me have a few samples of this stuff, Dr." Steve offered. "But I'm a little hazy on exactly why you're letting me...I mean, I know I saved your life last year when I pulled you out of that burning lab on Kettle Street, but this seems like a big favour you're doing me...a chemical to make a woman physically dependent on your semen? C'mon, it sounds like a fairy tale."

"Ok Steve, I'll confide in you here because I know you're trustworthy," the Dr. said. "You know that mid-sized third world nation Eldaria, right? Well, after the horrible race wars they've had, much of the population was decimated, and the winning tribe used to be the minority. They've got to repopulate their nation, but most of the remaining women are from the opposing tribe. The UN is administering the reconstruction, so mass rapes are out of the question for repopulation purposes, thank God. The leaders of the winning tribe have reached out to me, knowing of my work, and so I've tweaked a little recipe for them to get their women to be more...cooperative...shall we say, but I'd like to test it out before I send it to them. Steve, I would like you to test it out for me on some women and report to me about its results!"

"Geez, doc, you've got your man!" Steve laughed with a big smile on his face. "Just tell me how it works and what to expect."

"Ok, ok Steve..." the doctor explained. "All right, once injected into a woman's bloodstream, this chemical will immediately begin to go to work. It only takes a very little to have incredibly powerful and permanent effects."

"Yeah, go on..." Steve urged.

"Boy, a horny one, aren't you?" laughed the doctor. "Ok. Well, after injection, the chemical will do several things. After about 5 minutes, it will take effect, so you've got to be sure the woman is in a private place with you, and only you, or things will be difficult. Part of the chemical will race down to the woman's vaginal area and induce an extremely powerful sexual need. Steve, I'm talking irresistible here. I don't care if the woman's a nun, a virgin, married, or has otherwise sworn complete abstinence. She's going to be compelled to need sex with the first available man she sees, assuming she's not a lesbian, so make sure that man is you and not some other guy. That's why you've got to be private with her."

"Ok, you've got me hooked so far doc," Steve smiled.

"And trust me, she'll be hooked too Steve," the doctor continued, "and she won't have any choice but to need you to strip down and see to her compelling need immediately. But it will be more than just the desire for sex. The chemical will cause her to want, no, need semen injected into her. It will cause a deep rooted and irresistible fascination with the thought of a man planting his seed in her, so she won't make you wear a condom, in fact, she'd rip it off you if you tried to wear one. The second thing the chemical will do is race to her brain. This part of the compound is the part that makes the woman's need for your particular semen's chemical signature permanent, like a cocaine addiction. After the first available man inseminates her, and again, make sure that's you Steve, the drug's chemicals in her uterus will seize some of the semen and absorb it right into her bloodstream. It will cause it to race to the addiction center of her brain and embed it right in there. Her brain will quickly develop a compelling, unthinking, unquestioning need and addiction for your sperm. This will only work for the specific chemical signature of the semen of the man who's just inseminated her though Steve, so she won't be addicted to any other man's semen. She'll be compelled to have a dose every other day or so, so don't go and leave town anytime soon!"

"Wow, doc, I'm totally ready for this!" Steve almost shouted. "Can I take a sample today?"

"Yes Steve, but a couple of other things you should know first. After practically jumping on you and having you come inside her, the chemical will cause the woman to pass out asleep while it does its work. After about 5 minutes, she'll awaken with the 'need for your seed' so to speak. This is why you need to be somewhere safe and private with her, ok?"

"Sure thing, doc," Steve agreed.

"And aside from the compelling dependency on your semen, the chemical will also make her body highly fertile and receptive to your particular seed. I'd even think that you'd get her pregnant even if she was on the pill!"

"I'm sold, doc, but one thing's been bugging me," Steve said. "You talk of injecting the chemical into a woman's bloodstream. How in blazes do I do that? Walk up to her with a needle and grab her arm? I don't want to end up in jail!"

"Of course not, Steve, and that's why I've got this little device for you" the doctor said. He pulled out a small box and opened it up, taking out a large ring with a bulbous head on it. "This little baby is from my contacts in the secret service. See the tiny button on the bottom of the ring's loop?" the doctor said. "Try pressing that."

Steve took the ring and pressed the button. The top of the ring flipped open and a little needle popped out.

"Just jab that into a woman's arm or something after you fill the little chamber beside the needle with the chemical and the ring will do the rest!" the doctor smiled.

"Ok doc, I suppose I could find a time to do that...I guess she'll notice the jab, though?" Steve asked.

"Naturally, Steve, which is why you need to figure something out to smoothly, but quickly, transition to somewhere private with her" Dr. Phelps said. "I can't do it all for you, my friend!"

"Ok, no problem, I'll think of something" Steve replied. Dr. Phelps shoved 5 packets into Steve's hand beside the ring.

"Five??" Steve asked.

"Well you know us scientists," the doctor quipped. "We like to have a significant sample size to judge the effects of experiments. Over the next couple of weeks, find five likely women to use this on and see how it goes, you know, if they differ in their responses, and how, etc."

"Ok doc, I'll be a scientist with this, completely professional!" Steve winked.

"Steve, one warning about this..." the doctor urged. "You might think it sounds like a dream come true to have women addicted to your semen...but I'll warn you, it might not lead you to a place you really want to be, ok? Be careful of what you wish for...you just might get it!"

"Understood, doc, I hear you...but I'm still trying this out! My best friend Max is actually having a big party at his house this Friday. That might be just the place to start with this!" and with that, Steve left the lab.

That Friday evening, across town, a beautiful Latina woman stood in front of her full length mirror, adjusting a tight, strappy red dress around her slim, hourglass figure.

"I don't know, Juan, I don't think I should go to this party without you," she drawled in her smoky Mexican accent. "It doesn't feel right."

Her husband looked at her from their bed, coughing up a storm "Don't worry, Maria, I'd be coming with you if I didn't catch this flu, you know that. Go ahead and have a good time, we haven't had an easy few months with these kids and our rent being raised."

"Well...ok, I'll be with my friends, we probably won't even stay very long" Maria assured her husband.

Half an hour later, their doorbell rang. Maria opened the door to let her friends Jessica and Lori in. Jessica's smiling face was surrounded by bouncy brown curls, while Lori's long, straight hair was almost as red as Maria's dress.

"Buenas Noches, amigas!" Maria greeted her friends.

Soon the three were racing along in Lori's car towards Max's party.

"Too bad your husband isn't coming," Jessica said to Maria.

"Si, he's really not feeling well. He's been under a lot of pressure lately, and now he's got the flu..."

"Are you two still trying for another baby?" Lori asked.

"Si, but to tell you the truth, I think Juan's, you know, swimmers, might not be very strong anymore. We've been trying for a couple of years now, and nada."

"Don't worry, it can happen anytime," Jessica assured her.

Later that night, Steve found himself enjoying Max's party, tipping a bottle of beer up to his mouth and dancing with the throng of people on Max's porch.

"Great night for this!" Steve shouted at his buddy over the noise of the music and people.

"Yep..." Max shouted back. "Thanks for helping with the setup."

Steve glanced around the porch, his eyes falling on a cluster of beautiful women dancing in a group.

"Who are they?" he yelled at his pal.

"Ahh, Lori is really hot, but a bit of a drama queen. Jessica is nice, but watch out for her mood swings. Maria is really pretty, but she's married. I think her husband's sick or something. They all work at my office building. Why don't you ask Lori to dance?"

Steve's gaze was fixed on the fiery Latina though. The way she moved her body to the music, her hips seemed to undulate as if they were disconnected from her waist. Her long, dark hair cascaded down her back and rippled in time with the floating movements of the woman's hips. Steve was hooked.

"Yeah, maybe," he shouted back to his pal. He started to think about how he might try to get this stunning woman alone.

After dancing for awhile, Maria pulled her two friends close, "Maybe we should just go soon," she said. "I'm not really into this without my husband...I'm sort of tired. Where's the washroom?"

"Sure," Lori shouted back to her, "maybe just a little longer and we'll go, ok? One of the washrooms is inside, past all the people dancing in the living room, up the stairs, second door on the right."

Steve saw the stunning Latina move up the stairs towards the washroom. He thought he had his opportunity. Positioning himself near the bottom of the stairs, he danced by himself as the crowded room gyrated to the music.

When he saw the Latina begin to descend the long staircase, he moved up the stairs, popping the little button on the base of his ring. As he was just passing the woman, he pretended to slip, falling into her and pushing her up against the wall.

"OUCH!" Maria yelled, grasping her left arm with her right hand.

"Oh my gosh, I'm sorry!" Steve said, deftly hiding the ring among the fingers of his hand. "Are you OK?"

"I...I think I'm bleeding a bit..." Maria stammered, looking down at her sleeveless arm, a red trickle running down it.

Steve held up his left wrist, showing the large metal cufflinks he had worn for just this eventuality.

"Damn cufflinks, I'm really sorry. Hey, you know what? I'm best pals with Max, who's throwing this bash," Steve said to her. "I know he's got some rubbing alcohol and band-aids up in his cabinet here. Come on, follow me and I'll fix this up for you."

"O...Ok...," Maria stuttered, feeling a little woozy. Light headed, she let Steve lead her up the stairs into a guest room. Steve shut the door and turned the lock. He went into the adjoining bathroom and came back with rubbing alcohol. Maria had taken a seat on the double bed.

"Just let me rub this on the cut and it'll feel better, m'kay?" Steve reassured her.

"O...okay" Maria said groggily. Her eyes were beginning to glaze over.

After a quick cotton swab and band aid, Steve looked into Maria's eyes. They were definitely glassy, as if the woman wasn't sure where she was.

Maria sat on the bed, feeling groggy. What was happening to her, she wondered? [Maybe I drank too much], she thought...[doesn't usually hit me like this, though...]

Suddenly she felt an intense heat beginning to build up in her loins. It started out slowly, then moved faster and faster, spreading through her belly, into her hips. The lips of her womanhood began to swell, her clitoris engorging seemingly upon its own volition. With a will if its own, her vagina seemed to begin to feel a gnawing pang, to swell and become extremely sensitive, to drench itself when before there had been no stimulation. Maria had never felt anything like it before, not even when she was so turned on she jumped her husband. Her panties began to get soaked, and she vaguely wondered if she was ruining her host's bedsheets. Her sensitivity skyrocketed so that she thought she could feel the very outlines of the folds in the sheets underneath her. Her vagina started to feel like an empty cavern, a deep hole, a bottomless pit that needed filling. Her blood itself began to boil, spreading the heat through her whole body until it felt like the top of her head was on fire. The heat in her head threatened to strangle her conscious thought. Her blood began to itch, and she fidgeted, first running her hands up and down her upper arms, then twisting her hips where she sat on the bed, then almost squirming her whole body. She felt like she couldn't sit still. The emptiness threatened to spread to her whole torso unless she quickly got something to fill it up...to fill her up. Her vagina started to ache for something to fill it. What's more, she started to feel an uncontrollable urge, not only to be filled, but to have a man spend himself within her...to take and absorb his masculine essence into her very being. She wanted...no, she needed...

Steve was looking at the door, making sure the lock was secure, and the loud beat of the music and people dancing and shouting floated up the stairs to his ears. He was sure no one would bother them. He turned around to look at this Latina goddess sitting on the bed and was surprised by her gaze. Whereas before, her glance was glassy eyed and bleary, now, it was crystal clear and hungry. Maria was looking at Steve like a hawk might regard a mouse. Her hands were running over her stomach and thigh.

"Are you ok? Does the cut feel better?" Steve asked. It was like Maria never even heard the question.

"P...Please..." she stammered. "I...I need..."

"Yes?" Steve asked, not really daring to believe that the chemical was actually working.

"I...I need you...to..." Maria stuttered..."come here..." Part of her mind started to question what she was doing. [What do you mean, you need him to "come here?" He's a stranger! What are you even doing here?] But it was too late. The longer she sat there, with the chemical coursing through her veins, the more tightly it had her.

"I...I need you...to..." Maria looked longingly at Steve "...take your clothes off..."

"What?" Steve asked, "Well, if you insist..." but before he could undo his first shirt button, Maria was upon him. She leaped at him, yanking his shirt open and causing broken buttons to fly in every direction. Struggling his shirt off caused Steve's arms to be tied up for a minute, while Maria attacked his pants, ripping open his belt and yanking pants and underwear both down to his ankles. Steve was so stunned by the effects of the chemical that he wasn't even ready to go yet!

After Maria had yanked his pants down to his ankles and noticed that he was not yet ready to mate, she was upon him, sucking his cock into her mouth and giving him all she had, rolling the head of his penis around her tongue and gently drawing her head back and forwards, being utterly compelled to bring him to attention. [What am I doing?] Part of her thought from the shadows of her mind. [I don't even give my husband blowjobs!]

Steve was fully at attention now and ready to go. His cock felt like a telephone pole in this goddess's mouth, Steve being stimulated by the sight of her long, dark hair bouncing rhythmically as her head gyrated with abandon into his hips. As much as Steve wanted to allow this woman to continue and spend his seed down her throat, he knew that for best effects, the chemical should take his seed from her uterus. He gently placed a hand on either side of her head and withdrew himself from her mouth, a quiet popping sound followed by a long line of saliva that ran down Maria's chest. She quickly stood up, her vagina feeling that ache of emptiness that threatened to consume her now. She took Steve by the arms and pulled him over to the bed, not even bothering to remove her slinky red dress. As she lay back on the bed, she pulled Steve down on top of her, but her hands slithered down to pull her dress up to her waist. She tugged her panties down to her knees, Steve doing the rest by taking them all the way off. Her red high heel shoes he left in place.

Maria grabbed Steve's head and pulled him up to hers, giving him a long, deep kiss and wrapping her arms around his neck. Steve couldn't believe his success so far with this chemical. He was glad he found the perfect place to bring this woman. He vaguely wondered what would have happened if she had gone off with another man after being injected with the chemical. His rock hard cock found the opening of her abdomen, and he lay the tip there for a minute, enjoying the feeling of the smouldering hot labia that wrapped themselves around his tip.

"Ahhhh..." Maria cooed into his ear, closing her eyes and clearly enjoying the feeling, as if cool water were being thrown on a hot fire. "Ahhhhhrrrrrrgh..." she continued, wanting more. She thrust her hips down, forcing Steve's cock to pop through the opening to her vagina. Steve eagerly responded by thrusting forward, slowly burrowing himself deeper into this beautiful, married woman. He inched up higher on the bed, to give himself more room to move back and forth, and began to rhythmically pump Maria in and out, slowly probing the depths of her body.

Steve felt like food to a starving person to Maria. She reached both hands down to Steve's ass and each hand grabbed a cheek, pulling him deeper into herself. Deeper, deeper, and when Steve withdrew, she pushed him back in, trying to push his whole body into her. The chemical truly had her now, causing her to burn with the desire to be filled, and to make him spend himself inside her.

Steve was in heaven, feeling the warm, wet tunnel of the sexy Latina close around his shaft in pulsing waves. He continued to pump her, more and more vigorously, enjoying the feel of his pelvis running up against the soft fold of the lady's upper pubic area. He propped himself up partly on his elbows so as to give his upper body a little curl, a hunch he could use to thrust with more strength into the petite woman's body. Not too high off the bed...Steve also liked the feeling of his chest riding the dark woman's ample breasts as he rode her, in and out. Lifting himself a little higher, he raised one hand up to pull down the front of Maria's dress, opening up her breasts to the air. As Steve dropped back down on Maria, their chests connected skin to skin, helping to join the two in an incredibly intimate connection.

Maria's body felt like it was on fire. Her blood continued to race hot through her, clouding her thinking and turning her body into one large sensory input sponge.

[What am I doing?] One last part of her mind tried to ask, [My husband...he's home in bed...and I'm getting fucked by this stranger! Juan and I are even trying to have a baby...but I need...I need...]

Steve increased the pace of his thrusts. Maria was giving off short, very sexy little grunts in time with his pumping "Ahh...ahh...ahh..." The volume of these, too, picked up as the two joined in a more and more frantic rhythm. Maria was compelled to wrap her legs around Steve's torso, all the better to try to hold him tight to her and make sure he released everything he had inside her. Her shapely legs clamped together behind his back, causing her hips to twist upwards even more, leading Steve to pump even deeper into her body. "Ahh...ahh...ahh..."