Ed Doesn't Mind Sharing


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This time I dreamed of Kim riding my cock cowgirl style. Her tight pussy felt wonderful wrapped around me. She was bouncing, and I was bucking. I was about to cum, when I went for those perky tits. I couldn't reach them. It was if my hands were tied.

Why were my hands tied? Wait, this isn't a dream, my hands are tied. I woke suddenly to find Ed riding my cock. I was shocked, but his ass felt great, and I shot my load in him. He unloaded on my stomach at the same time. From the amount gathered there, it wasn't his first orgasm.

"Damn Rob, you're just as good as your dad."

Dad? Wait, what? Did he just say my dad fucked him?

I started struggling, and realized my feet were tied too. "Ed, what's going on here? Why am I tied up?"

He extricated himself from my cock. It was odd watching between his legs as that big thing exited his ass, then land on my belly with a plop.

"Why are you tied? Because I didn't think you would fuck me voluntarily."

"Probably not, since I'm not gay." I said with more than a little anger.

"Neither is your dad, but he likes a piece of my ass. Well, he use to, anyway."

"What are you talking about? Untie me."

"Not just yet."

Ed left and returned with a washcloth. He began cleaning my now limp cock. "Do you remember all those times we would be play video games in your room and our parents were playing cards at my house?" I nodded as I felt my cock stir under his ministrations. "Well, they weren't playing cards."

I must have looked confused, because Ed continued "When we were twelve, you were out of sodas at your house, so I went over to my house to get some." I actually remembered that, he was gone a long time.

"I heard noise upstairs and went to investigate. Our parents were all in bed together. Your dad was fucking my mom. I watched as he made her cum. She rolled away and then started licking your mom's pussy. Your dad then said 'It's your turn' and my dad got on his hands and knees in front of your dad.

"Imagine my surprise, when your dad slid that big cock of his right up my dad's ass. I must have made a noise, because they all turned and looked at me. My mom jumped up and ran over to me and said 'Ed, baby, go back and play with Rob. We're just playing an adult game. Run along.'

"I knew what sex was. I was twelve for god's sake. I had already started masturbating by then."

He was finished cleaning my cock, and was slowly stroking it. I had to admit, it felt good. I probably would have liked it more if I wasn't being forced to submit.

"You're saying our parents fucked each other?" I was still finding this hard to believe.

"Like bunnies. I started paying closer attention to them after that. They fucked all the time. Actually let me correct that. Your dad fucked them all the time. He fucked your mom, he fucked my mom, and he fucked my dad."

By this time I was hard again. Maybe the thought of my dad fucking his mom, or maybe because he was doing a good job of stroking it.

"Oh, looky here. Just like your dad. He could get hard again quickly too. He could fuck a long time like you do, too." With that he went down on me.

I found out then, that a cock doesn't care who's mouth it's in. Truth be told, Ed could suck start a Harley. Yes, I came in his mouth, and yes he swallowed every drop. I only wish I knew of this talent when we were kids.

He nursed on my cock til it went limp. Then I said "Ed, untie me, I have to pee." Instead of untying me, he left the room and returned with a plastic gallon milk jug with the top cut off. He held my cock to the edge of it and said "Let it fly."

I have never pissed with a guy holding my cock and I have never pissed when laying down. I certainly have never pissed while laying down and a guy holding my cock. Needless to say it took a while. Ed took my piss bucket and left closing the door behind him.

I lay there thinking about what Ed had told me. If it was true, my parents are big time swingers. I never would have guessed. His mom still spends a lot of time with them. They are relatively young, so I assume they are still sexually active.

But, what about my dad fucking Ed? He didn't explain that. All this was going through my head as I fell asleep. When I started dreaming about a blowjob, I awoke to find Ed feasting on my cock.

When he noticed I was awake, he said "Good, you're awake. All the better for this." He rose and straddled me, slowly working my cock deep in his ass. "Mmm ..feels just like your dad."

That reminded me of the questions I had earlier. "You say dad fucked you. When?"

He rose and fell on me a couple more times before answering "Lots of times. Remember that first time we came here after we graduated? That summer before we started at the university, we spent every weekend here."

"Yeah, I remember, we had some great times that summer." His ass was doing wonders on my cock. It was even tighter than Kim's pussy.

Ed kept working his ass on my stiff cock. "That first weekend while you were fishing, I told him I thought I might be bi like my dad. He pulled out that big prick of his and said 'Suck it', just like that. Mmm Rob you fuck good like him."

I realized I was raising my hips in time with his efforts. I stopped. He could fuck himself with my cock, but I wasn't going to fuck him.

He didn't stop riding me, but continued saying "I went down on my knees right there and then and sucked him. I blew him twice before you got back from fishing. My ass is good, ain't it Rob. You like it too, just like your dad."

I wasn't going to give him the satisfaction of answering that.

"After we went to bed, I waited for you to fall asleep, then went to the other bedroom. I wanted to swallow another load of his sweet cum. He had other plans. That night he fucked me for the first time. Every weekend that summer, we found time to fuck. Come on Rob. Fuck me like your dad. I know you like it. Your cock is as hard as steel."

He was right, I was very hard. If I were fucking a girls ass, I would really be into it. I had never fucked a girl in the ass. They are afraid of my cock.

"If you will fuck me, I will tell you the rest," He had just told me my dad fucked him all summer, what more could there be? Well I had to find out. I started thrusting up to meet him.

"AAhh.. yeah, like that." He moaned.

I closed my eyes and thought of Kim. Yes that's what I needed. I was fucking Kim. Her pussy is like a tight, warm, wet, velvet glove, caressing my cock. After a couple of minutes, I felt something on my stomach. I opened my eyes to see Ed's cum dribbling out of his little dick. He was cumming on my cock.

"Don't stop Rob, I'll cum again. Your dad always made me cum twice too."

He did cum a second time, when he felt me unload inside him.

"You got what you wanted. Now tell me the rest." I said as he cleaned me.

"Your dad and I fucked every chance we got. That is. when he wasn't fucking my mom or your mom. It went on right up until I married Kim. Then he just stopped. He cut me off for some reason. I need his big cock in me. Your's is just like his. I guess my family is just addicted to your family's cocks."

He finished cleaning me, then started to suck it again. "I don't think I'm gonna get hard again for a while." I told him

"I've been wanting to blow you since that first time we jerked off together. I'm gonna enjoy this while it's available."

Damn I wish I had known that then, I would have loved a cum junky available to me.

He licked and sucked all around down there, before saying "Later I will tell you about my dad." Then he left again.

The next time I awoke, it was early morning, and my bladder was about to burst. "ED!! I need to pee!"

He brought in the piss bucket, and a cup of coffee. He tried to bend my rock hard cock to the bucket, but it wasn't cooperating. "Well this ain't gonna work." He said. So he went down on me. I have always enjoyed an early morning quickie, especially blow jobs, and Ed could definetly blow.

When I unloaded and went limp, he tried the bucket again. This time it worked.

I sipped coffee through a straw when he offered it. I remembered last night, "You said you wanted to tell me something about your father?"

"Yes. Well, you probably didn't know that my father was rather cold and cruel. He put on a good front when people were around, but at home he was an evil bastard. I guess it was a bad case of 'little dick syndrome' or something. Yeah, I got my little dick from him. Anyway, one night I heard him yelling at mom. That wasn't unusual, but he said something that caught my attention. 'What do you mean you're pregnant?' I snuck over to their bedroom door, which was slightly ajar. I didn't hear what she said, but I got there just in time to see him slap her hard. I had seen him slap her before, but never that hard. She hit the floor in a heap. Then he said 'Well, it's definitely not mine, I haven't fucked you in at least a year. It must be his, and I ain't gonna let you have his bastard kid.' Then he kicked her in the stomach. He told her if she had his damn kid, your dad would spend all his spare time with her and not with him. Then he kicked her again."

I suddenly felt a surge of sympathy for Ed. He had been carrying this around for almost fourteen years. "I'm sorry Ed, I didn't know. Why didn't you say something?"

"That's not the end of the story. I'll tell you more later." He left me there stewing over what he had said. All this time, I had thought we had perfect home lives, now I find out about all these secrets. I must have been totally oblivious not to have any idea about all this.

Ed came back with a plate of scrambled eggs. As he fed them to me, I tried to think of some comforting words. Something that would make him feel better, and untie me. I don't mind being a sex toy, I would prefer to be a toy for a woman though, and I wouldn't need to be tied up for that.

"You could have told me. I'm your best friend, you can tell me anything."

"Sure Rob, when we were thirteen, I could have told you I wanted to suck your cock, and you would have been totally supportive." He said with more than a hint of sarcasm.

"Actually I would not only have been supportive, I would have let you. I was hornier than a billy goat marching band." I said trying to ease the tension.

"I appreciate that Rob. Next time I'll know." He looked down at my limp cock for a second then grasped it. "It really is a thing of beauty. I can see why Kim enjoys it so much." He rubbed it a minute then turned and left.

So far he had told me my parents were swingers, his dad was bi and abusive, my dad fucked anything that had a pulse including Ed, his mom got pregnant by my dad, and he wanted to blow me since we were kids. I was going to need a lot of therapy after this. I wonder what else he has in store for me.

When he came in again I pleaded with him "Ed, please buddy, let me go. We can work this out, I promise. Kim and I will be there for you, you know that. We're working on that baby you want too. You've got a lot going for you now."

He studied me for a moment then said "Kim's pregnant. She thinks I don't know. Since we started trying, I've been keeping track of her periods. I think it happened that first weekend you fucked her. She probably didn't know for a couple of weeks, but after that, she's been fucking you because she wants to. I guess it's not surprising that a member of my family would be addicted to your family's cock."

I hope he thought the surprised look on my face was caused by finding out that Kim is pregnant. When in fact it was caused by finding out he knew, and didn't stop me from fucking her.

"Ok, then I guess you don't need my services any longer. I can live with that."

"That's not quite accurate." He said as he bent down and took me into his mouth again. My cock did what was expected, and got rock hard. He mounted me easily and started riding me. "You still haven't heard the whole story."

Just then behind Ed I saw a shadow pass over the open door. Then his mom was in the doorway. She seemed shocked to see her son riding his friend's cock. I furrowed my brow and gave her a little shake of my head. I needed him to tell me the rest.

"The night dad kicked mom is the night he left. He didn't exactly leave. Mmm move your hips Rob I want to enjoy this. Yeah like that. Anyway, Mom called your house, and your parents took her to the hospital."

I glanced at the door, and his mom was listening intently. Then I saw Kim behind her.

"Dad acted so casual about it. Like it's an everyday occurrence to kick your wife. He turned on the radio, for god's sake. How cold was that? Come on Rob, put some feeling into it."

"Finish the story first, then I will fuck you as hard as you want."

He stopped moving on me and looked disgusted for a second. "Ok, but I want a good fucking from you. So that's when I notice the song on the radio 'Maxwell's Silver Hammer' by the Beatles. As the song goes "When he turned his back on the boy, He creeped up from behind. Bang bang Eddies silver hammer came down upon his head. Bang bang Eddies silver hammer made sure he was dead" to misquote the Beatles."

SHIT!! Ed killed his own dad. Up until right then, I hadn't been scared about being tied up. Now I realized I was tied up with a killer riding my cock.

He must have read my expression "It's ok Rob, you're safe for now. I put Dad and my bike in the car and drove it up to Shepard's ridge, and rode my bike back.

"When anyone asked, I said Dad was mad and left. Two days later, I drove Dad and the car into the lake over by the dam where it's really deep, then hitchhiked home."

He paused to let all that sink in. Then he said "Rob... You're going soft in me. Come on fuck me." He started moving on me again, but as you can imagine, my heart wasn't in it.

"Ed, buddy, you've got to let me go." I pleaded again.

"Ok Rob. Give me a good fucking, and agree to my terms, and I will let you go."

"Terms? What terms?"

"I guess l'm like my like my father. I don't mind sharing. You can fuck Kim all you want, as long as you fuck me too. Unlike my father, I don't care how many times you get her pregnant, as long as you still fuck me."

"You want to share Kim with me? That is your terms?"

"I prefer to think of it as sharing you with Kim, but whatever. It's like the circle of life. Your dad fucked my parents, now you get to fuck me and my wife. Kind of poetic, don't you think? Of course if you don't agree, I'm afraid, after I'm through riding your wonderful cock, you might find yourself visiting dad at the bottom of the Lake."

That's when I saw his mom raise the frying pan. Clang. Ed caught it on the back of his head. Out cold, face down on my chest.

"Silver hammer indeed. Meet mommies silver skillet."

Kim untied me, and Ed's mom removed him from my cock. "You're built just like your father." She observed with a hint of lust.

"So I've been told."


That all happened three years ago. They found the car just where Ed said it would be. There was a skeleton in it, with a large hole in it's skull.

Ed wasn't able to stand trial, seems his mom hit him a little too hard. He is institutionalized. They tell us he just sits all day humming a Beatles song and playing with his little dick.

Kim got an annulment, we're together now, and she's pregnant with our second son.

Ed's mom sold her house and the cabin, and moved in with my parents. We don't see them much.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Love how small the wife was and her getting broken in by a friend with a huge cock. I can’t help but think if her husband had been able to make her orgasm he could have gotten her pregnant. But he was twisted by his childhood experience so he was doomed to a messed up life. I do like the twists. As the family bull he should have had access to all the women but especially Kim.

oldtwitoldtwitalmost 4 years ago

Great way to write a sex story, full of good descriptions and characters, and what a great plot with a twist.

26thNC26thNCabout 5 years ago
Not LW

This shot belongs anywhere but.in LW. One of the ten worst ever.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
5 Good read HEY ANNONY

hope you die a slow death while thinking about your dead ex wife who fucked over 100 men!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

A disgusting account of self love! The author thinks he has a dig bick, lol

One star....

MitchFraellMitchFraellover 8 years ago

Unusual, perverse and diverting at the same time. Definitely not a run of the mill LW story. 4* for the effort and let's see if you can follow it.

HGriffinHGriffinover 8 years ago

Loved the Rob and Kim interaction. I personally find male/male sex revolting so that part was very disappointing. But to each their own. I liked the end, Ed should have died. Glad Kim & Rob ended together, nice love story there.

Keep trying, just because everyone doesn't think it is the best story on the site don't give up. I know that bad reviews hurt, I'v had my share, but fuck the bastards, most of them couldn't write a sentence let alone a decent story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

Holy Molee !

I didn't see that coming . Very creative plot . You get 3*s . Wow , I'm just flabbergasted ( I finally get to use that word in a sentence ,lol)!! Thanks Cutter man .


AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
good LW story?

you think this is erotic? I guess it takes all kind to make the world go around.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

The only thing missing was that Ed's mum should have fucked him too.

rjordanrjordanover 8 years ago
Really twisted

and original. 5*

BobNbobbiBobNbobbiover 8 years ago
At a loss . . .

. . . no stars because I have no rational basis for rating this crazy story. I think it took two or three days to finish it because it was so F'd Up. Even really good drugs don't quite go deep enough into the psyche to explain how bizarre this story is. Author managed a way through a universe I am not at all acquainted with.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Post this crap in GAY MALE!

Not really a surprising twist. Maybe a slight twist that both Ed's Mother and his wife were there, but Ed being a murderer wasn't a surprise. But the gay aspect trumps everything and this didn't belong here.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Very original, but too twisted and emotionless to be good.

Gave you credit for the originality. Maybe apply that wit and imagination to a more interesting and gripping story? This was just a stupid perverted jamboree. And, lose the big cock = incredible sex cliche'. That's just too predictable to be interesting. I just wish it was true.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
5 for effort and content

Good LW story good sex!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

Refreshing twist to the LW pages!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
piece of trash

normal fare for loving wives anymore

seacoastcoupleseacoastcoupleover 8 years ago
Sexy and a little creepy too. :)

This fine little post travelled nicely from erotic spousal sharing evolving then into the resolution of an unsolved mystery with some incestous undertones. Somewhat surprisingly the characters were well developed resulting in a plausible if not fantastic conclusion. This was a fun read. I look forward to exploring your prior posts and those yet to come.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

You could have added 'Gay' in tags and that could have saved us lots of guys from reading this piece of shit.

Ray RobertsRay Robertsover 8 years ago
Good & then Bad

Hey I rather liked the tempo of the story, always something else to add to the hits, but a really poor ending made me wish I had passed this over.

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