Equalizer Pt. 02: Alpha Strike


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Just then, his phone rang, and he answered it. "Hey, Ian. What's going on?"

He listened for a few seconds, then, "Ok, putting you on speaker. What have you got for us?"

"Hi Tabby," Ian said. "I did some digging on Curtis Stevens, and you aren't going to like this."

"What's going on, Ian?" I asked, now even more worried.

"Well, after he returned from India, he started rising through the ranks really fast," Ian answered. "He became a junior partner in New York, in just under six months. The people above him just... disappeared."

"If it isn't a Vetala, he has something working for him," Deck confirmed. "Either way, it's bad news. Still no help?"

Ian sighed audibly over the phone. "I wish we could, brother. Unless we can confirm that he's using supernatural help, we can't interfere."

"I get it," Deck said, sighing himself. "Kind of like the Prime Directive in Star Trek, right?"

"I thought that was just 'put things back the way you found them,'" Ian joked, and I had to smile at his humor. "But seriously, if you can confirm it and give me a ring, I'll be there in a couple minutes."

"I hope we have a couple minutes, if it is what you think it is," I said, before Deck could respond.

"What she said," my boyfriend agreed.

"If it is, I'll break every speed record imaginable, and bring backup with me," Ian promised.

"You're a bud, man," Deck said, smiling. "Thanks for the heads-up about the douchebag, too."

"You're welcome," he replied. "Tabby, you be careful too. You are both in danger."

"I will, hon. Thank you," I replied, smiling.


Deck ended the call, and we spent the rest of the day doing laundry. We also caught up on the news, gathered up the two weeks' worth of mail from our P.O. Box, and tried to relax as best we could.

It sure wasn't easy, knowing that Curtis and his... thing could pull up at any moment. Deck figured we had until sunset. I hoped he was right!


After we finished the laundry, I packed some clothes into my duffel. Then we got ready to put on a show. I didn't want to do it, but it was the only plan I could think up. I needed Curtis to think he was winning. One thing I'd learned about douchebags like him: When they think they're winning, they get arrogant and overconfident. Narcissists are like that.

Also, the Vetala, or whatever it was, would think it just had to kill a mortal. I had to bank on the possibility that it didn't know my true nature. Hell, until two weeks ago, I didn't even know my true nature, for certain, anyway. Never give up the element of surprise.

Yeah, this was going to be hard. The worst part was, I was going to enjoy it. If Tabby and I survived this mess, that is. What can I say? I like seeing the bad guys get what's coming to them. Curtis was the bad guy, so yeah. Don't care what shape or color the bad guys come in, assholes are assholes.

It was a little past 2100 hrs. when I saw the black Infiniti pull up on the monitor. After the shit with Gordy boy, I'd installed a nice hidden security camera on the front porch, with a good one-hundred eighty degree rotation to it. It could see a good distance down the street in both directions. I could also control it manually, and zoom in or out. I don't believe in taking chances, when it comes to the safety of those I love. I put on my leather jacket, holstered my Colt on my belt under the back, and let out a sigh.

"Showtime, sweetheart," I said, looking over to where Tabby watched TV. She looked at me pensively, shut off the reality show, nodded once, and started shouting.

"Don't go, baby! Please! I love you!" she shouted, getting into her role.

"Don't you get it?" I shouted back. "You're still hung up on Curtis! When you called out his name while I was fucking you, I knew for sure! You sure as hell don't love me!"

"Yes I do, baby! Please let me make it up to you! I promise I'll do anything!" She shouted back, as I walked out the front door with my duffel bag. She followed me outside, but knew better than to look at the black car sitting down the street a ways. I glanced at it out of the corner of my eye, and then wheeled around on Tabby.

"Tell you what," I said, loudly enough for the people in the Infiniti to hear. "When you finally get over your ex, let me know! For now, I'm outta here!"

"I'm sorry, baby!" Tabby pled, and I saw real tears streaming down her face. "I'm so sorry! Please don't go!" Then she fell to her knees, holding her face. It took everything I had to turn around, open the door to my Camaro, and throw my duffel onto the passenger seat. Then I turned and looked down at her.

"Goodbye, Tabby!" I shouted clearly, entered my car, slammed the door, hooked my seatbelt, started it up, and backed out of there. I drove for two blocks, took the next right, and then took the right after that. Then I circled back around to where the alley opened up onto the side street.

As I entered the alleyway, I saw a flicker of something in my peripheral vision. Then I did several things in rapid succession. I slammed on the brakes, pulled my handbrake, shut off the engine as I unhooked my seatbelt, and went out the door in a roll. I drew the pistol with my right hand and the bayonet with my left, rolling into a kneeling position. I scanned around, my adrenaline pumping.

The world slowed down again, and I saw it... her. She was gorgeous, dressed in a nice business suit with skirt, but she ran towards me barefoot. Her dark skin indicated her East Indian heritage. I knew it was a ruse, though. She was a Vetala. I was a few houses down from ours, but I knew the bark of the .45 would carry through the neighborhood. So I went with the bayonet, moving faster than I'd ever moved before.

I saw the look of surprise in her red eyes, and then she stopped dead. She held up her hand, and I stopped my headlong charge.

"Stop!" she said softly, a look of surprise on her face. "He said you were mortal."

"You mean I'm not?" I asked, raising my eyebrow and smirking. "What's your name, Vetala?"

"I am Singrani," she answered, inclining her head. "You are Declan Shepard."

"Yep, that's me," I confirmed for her. "So, are you trying to kill me, or what?"

"No," she shook her head. "He breached the contract. He told me you were mortal. He lied."

"You mean Curtis Stevens?" I asked, unnecessarily.

"Yes. Him," she confirmed again. "He will pay for this betrayal."

"Tell ya what," I smiled. "We go in together. Will that be a problem for you?"

"No. It will not be a problem. I welcome honor in battle. Let us go," she replied and bowed.

"Ok, get in the car," I said, motioning for her to get in the passenger side. "I'm not leaving it here."

She shrugged and opened the passenger door as I opened mine.

We drove back to the house, and she exited as I did. "Say what you have to say to him, but then he is mine," she stated in a professional voice.

"No problem," I shrugged, and gave her a smile. To my surprise, she smiled back.

"Did he tell you anything about the situation?" I asked, as we started walking toward the front door.

"He stated that he wishes to take your woman for himself," she replied. "He said that she was once his, and he would reclaim her from you."

"Well, he's in for a very rude awakening," I said and grinned.

"Indeed, since he will awaken in Hell," Singrani replied with a grim nod.

"You're a professional, as am I," I said as we reached the door. "My primary mission is to keep Tabby safe. Is that a problem for you?"

"No," she said simply. "She was never my target. Only you, Sidhe."

"My name is Deck, and I'm a half-blood," I corrected her.

"You are still Sidhe," she said, shaking her head. "You are not a mortal, therefore he lied to me. Our contract is void, and he must pay with gold or his soul."

"Ok, but when you kill him, don't do it here," I said, looking her in the eyes. "I'm asking you to do it elsewhere, away from mortal eyes."

"Very well. I understand. You do not wish your woman to witness what I will do to him," she responded, nodding once with a smile. "Thank you for giving me a reason to take his life. He is not a fit contractor for my skills."

"You're welcome," I said back. "Can you wait for two minutes before coming in?"

"I will do as you ask, but no longer," she nodded. "Why do you wish to speak to him? He is vermin."

"I just want to mess with him a bit," I shrugged. Again surprising me, she chuckled silently.

"Very well. Say what you must to him. But after that, he belongs to me," she nodded again, inclining her head in agreement.

"You have my word. He's all yours once I say what I have to say," I agreed, holding out my hand. She shook hands with me and smiled again.

I opened the door and stepped inside, closing it behind me.


I couldn't help the hurt in my chest, as the man I love drove away. I knew it was all pretend, but it still hurt. I kept my composure as much as possible, but it was hard! I ignored Curtis' car and walked into the house, closing the door behind me. I sat and sobbed on the couch, even though I hoped he'd be back after dealing with the asshole's assistant.

I love Deck, and I trust him with my heart. But I still worried about him, and said a quick prayer that he'd be all right. Less than five minutes later, the doorbell chimed. I knew who it was, but I still had a part to play. I wiped the tears from my cheeks, then went and answered the door.

"Curtis!" I acted surprised, my jaw falling open. "What are you doing here?"

"I actually came to apologize to you and Deck, for how I acted last week," he lied. "I couldn't help seeing your argument in the driveway, though. May I come in?"

"Sure," I replied, giving him as big a smile as possible, which wasn't much. I stepped aside and he entered the house. As soon as I closed the door, he gave me a hug. It was hard to keep from puking all over his sorry ass, but somehow I managed. Lucky for me, he mistook my nausea for heartbreak.

"It's ok, Tabby. I'm here now," he said in his best "good guy" voice. It was the voice that said "I'm your knight in shining armor and will always love you." If I didn't know better already, I might have fallen for it. What an asshole!

Instead of calling him on his bullshit, I decided to put my faith in God and Deck to get the job done. I just had to stall him for a minute.

He sat with me on my couch, and I grabbed a tissue and blew my nose. Then I closed my eyes and took a few deep, shuddering breaths.

"Are you ok, babe?" Curtis asked after a moment.

"No, Curtis. I'm not ok," I replied, my voice as sad as I could make it. I still heard a touch of anger in my tone, though. "My boyfriend just walked out on me, because I was thinking of you while he fucked me, earlier!" Take that, you lying shithead! His eyes lit up when I said that.

"Well, if you still have feelings for me, maybe we can talk about them," he nodded graciously. "But if you need more time, I'll give you all that you need. I know things ended badly for us, but I've changed. No pressure, Tabby."

Oh, he was smooth! He was even smoother now than he was when we first met, back when. He hadn't changed for dick!

"Thanks, hon," I said. "I'll need a little time, you know. I still have feelings for you, but Deck was my whole world." Ugh, I hated lying like that, but I needed to keep him talking. He already had his case prepped, too. He had his arguments down, just like he always did in court, or during contract negotiations.

"I'll give you all the time you need, girl," he said, conciliatorily. "I still have feelings for you too, you know. I was a dick, back then. I promise you, I've changed for the better." Then he used his most impressive "gotta love me" smile. I almost puked again, but caught myself.

"I bet you have," I said and smiled back. Then I heard the door open.

"Oh, Lucy! I'm home!" Deck said in his Desi Arnaz impression.

Oh shit! Curtis' expression was priceless! I couldn't help grinning as his head whipped around to see my honey stride into the room. Deck had the biggest shit eating grin ever on his face, too.

"Sorry, Curtis. Oops, not sorry, actually. But yeah, you've just been punked," Deck said and snickered. I couldn't help snickering along with him.

"But... But... This isn't possible!" Curtis sputtered. Then he snarled. "Singrani should have ended you!"

He pulled a gun from the back of his belt, and stood up quickly, aiming it at Deck's chest. I gasped in shock. My boyfriend just smiled.

"I just took care of your Vetala," Deck said, smirking. "What makes you think that little peashooter will do any better against me?"

"How?" Curtis asked, anger and confusion in his voice. "How the hell did you beat her?"

"Well," Deck said, checking his watch. "You told her that she was facing a mortal, but she figured out the truth. Won't be seeing ya, and definitely wouldn't want to be ya."

Then the door opened again, and a shadowy flash swept through the room. Two seconds later, the door slammed shut. I looked at Deck in surprise, but he just grinned as he walked towards me. He took me in his arms and kissed me lovingly.

"I told you not to worry," he said, and I laughed as I kissed him back.


We sat on the couch and caught our collective breath. I somehow knew that we'd never see or hear from Curtis Stevens again, for the rest of our lives. Then Tabby, leaning back into me as I sat lengthwise on the couch, asked her most pressing question.

"So, how the hell did you survive that thing?" Tabby shook her head in disbelief.

"Well," I started. Deep subject, I know. "She saw that I wasn't the mere mortal that Curtis said I was, and the Vetala hate liars. He held her contract, but all Vetala service is based on truth. Lying to a Vetala while under contract is a capital offense."

"But he didn't know!" Tabby said in surprise. She turned her head to look me in the eyes, shock apparent in hers.

"Doesn't matter," I shrugged. "Vetala aren't the nicest creatures in the world, but they take their honor very seriously. They believe that their employers need to adhere to their code, or the contract becomes null and void."

"Wow," she said, shaking her head and smirking. "So it didn't matter at all, that Curtis didn't know he was lying?"

"Not to Singrani," I replied, smirking back. "Maybe if he wasn't such an asshole to her, she might have been able to let it slide. She said that he was an asshole, though. Well, not quite that term, but I got her drift."

Then Tabby shuddered against me, and snuggled as close as she could. "So Curtis is really..." she said in a small voice, not able to finish the question.

"Probably," I replied softly, holding her in my arms.

"Good," she said quietly and nodded. "The asshole deserved it."

"In some cases, I might disagree with you," I said and hugged her tighter. "On this one, we're in full agreement."

"You sure you don't want to get your degree in Law, baby?" Tabby chuckled. "You just sounded like an attorney."

"No, baby," I replied, kissing her full sweet lips. "I'll leave the courtroom battles to you. Besides, I like what I do, already."

"I like what you do, too," she said, reaching up and stroking my face. "Now, will you please take me to bed? We've had a busy day, and I need someone to hold me tonight. Are you that someone, Mr. Declan Liam Donal Shepard?"

"Definitely, Ms. Tabitha Celestine Williams," I replied, and she smiled before kissing me sweetly.

I picked her up and carried her to our bedroom. When I set her down, she undressed while I did the same. Once we were both naked, we climbed into bed together, and I held her close as we fell asleep.

Tomorrow was a new day, and we'd face it together.

The End of Part 2


Well, that ends Part 2 of Equalizer. Part 3 will have to wait a bit, as the day job and my family take precedence over writing. In the next part, there will be at least one wedding, and the return of another character that's been MIA for quite a while. I'm considering making this an ongoing series, spanning more than two different categories. What can I say? Writing Deck and Tabby is a lot of fun, especially since my wife is helping to tell the tale. :)

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grey228grey2288 months ago

You've lost me, when you made your protagonist into capeshit.

WL73WL7312 months ago

Reread this, and I’m waiting for the next installment (hint!). Both here and SOL.

A good story line. Let’s see more of it!

NickCaveNickCaveover 1 year ago

Goddammit!! Another story that I get all hooked into and then realize the author is never going to finish it, or continue it after getting my hopes up. Oh well...

JohnD46JohnD46almost 2 years ago

Love it. I look forward to more. Thank you

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Okay, well that was a retcon/shoehorn into another universe.

It's toobad Irondragon is gone. The site needs more solid black women white men romances that aren't 90% sex.

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