Exchange Students


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When he was apparently done, she squeezed out the few remaining drops so that they fell into her opened mouth.

She then pushed herself away from the wall and laid back for a bit, relaxing in the blissfully satisfying feeling of post-orgasm, as well as enjoying the taste of Michael's cum. She was surprised to find that she actually liked it. It was saltier than she thought it would be. She hadn't really been expecting that. She hadn't thought it would be salty at all. She wondered if it was something to do with his diet and that perhaps each boy's cum tastes different. In any case, she did like its thick texture, and simply the fact that it was a boy's cum, that she was taking it in the most personal, receptive, and honorable way, in her mouth. She swished the globs around and around in her mouth for awhile, and then swallowed them down, which wasn't really that easy as they were pretty thick globs. She coughed a bit, and vowed next time to have a glass of water handy.

She also liked it's smell. It had a nice fresh, fruity smell. That also surprised her. She lay there breathing in deeply the lovely manly aromatic cologne, but eventually realized that her face must be quite a mess. She wondered what it must look like. She considered studying her face in the mirror but then realized that she would only be seeing his face, and she was frankly more interested in seeing what it would like on her own face rather than on his.


She panicked . It was her phone. What if it's her parents!? Imagine talking to your mother, or even your father, with a boy's cum on your face. Of course, it wouldn't really be on her face, but in all intent and purposes, or at least from the perspective of her parents, it would still be on her face. It would be a bit awkward to talk to daddy with cum dripping down your face, although rather fetchingly naughty as well. She grinned as she got up from the floor, feeling a little stiff from the awkward position. She did use her panties to wipe at least some of the cum away, from her eyes, as she reached for the phone by the bed.

Just as she was bringing the phone to her ear it dawned on her that she would not be answering it as Marcia. She would be answering it as Michael! She wondered if she should just hang up before she said anything, or actually he said anything, but if it was her parents they would just call back, and they would then get worried if nobody answered, particularly as they would know full well that they had dialed the correct number (her phone number was on their speed dial). Well, she would just have to pretend that he was some guy visiting Marcia, and that she, Marcia, had momentarily stepped out. This would be difficult to later explain ("Who was he? Why haven't we met him? Why don't you invite him over the next time we visit?"). But, at the moment, she felt she no real choice.

She asked tentatively, "Hello?"

"Hi, hello, is this Marcia? It's me, Michael."

Whoa! It was a tremendous relief that it wasn't her parents, but this was weird, and weird on a number of levels. She was not only listening to her own voice asking to speak to her, but she knew it was Michael, and she was standing there by her bed with a lot of his cum still on her face, dripping down her cheek and off her chin. She asked, quite tentatively, "What's wrong? Is there something wrong?" He better not be calling to ask about a tampon.

Michael also found it rather odd to hear his own voice on the other end, and to realize that he was, at the moment, absentmindedly fondling Marcia's breast as he spoke to her. "Yea, um, I got kind of a problem here," he confessed.

Marcia was suddenly swept away by a rush of panic. "Michael, why are you calling? Is there something wrong? Did you hurt it? Is something broken? You're not in the hospital are you?"

"No, no, no, nothing like that," he reassured her, recalling that he had almost done precisely that.

Thank goodness for that, she thought. "What is it?"

"It's just that, well, you know, um, I'll need to go to campus tomorrow and, well, I don't think......I was just thinking."

She wondered why he just didn't tell her. "What is it?" she interrupted.

"Well, your hair. I think it's all kind of messed up and I can't get it fixed."

'Gee,' she thought, 'What a surprise. Why can't guys take care of things?' But, perhaps she really shouldn't be so judgmental. He didn't have any experience with hairdos. And, at least he called her rather than showing up looking a mess. She had felt that he shouldn't call her unless it was a real emergency, and this did qualify. There was no way she would want him to go to campus tomorrow with her hair all messed up.

Much as she didn't want to see herself, she would have to fix his hair herself. "Okay," she said, quite reluctantly, "come on over and I'll fix it. You'll need to have curlers put in tonight."

Curlers? He didn't like the sound of that. But, in a matter such as this, she was clearly the boss. "Yea, okay, I guess you're right. Where do you live?" He hoped it wasn't far, although he wasn't really sure what difference that would make.

"Actually, I think we might be living in the same apartment complex. I'm in Building 12, apartment B16."

Michael wondered how she knew they were in the same complex. But, perhaps the professor had told her and, frankly, it wasn't too surprising. His closest friends lived here as well. "Sure, okay, I'll, um, I'll be right over."

"No, no, um, come over in about a half hour or so. I need to....pick things up. It's pretty messy here."

"Sure, sure," he thought. Girls are funny about that. They have to get the apartment all clean before someone comes over.

Marcia's apartment did not in fact require any cleaning, with the exception, of course, of the dildo on the floor. However, she did want time to clean off his face. Michael's face all covered with cum was certainly worse than the strange stain her friend had left on her dress. Marcia figured it would be best to take another shower. She was again a little sweaty after all of that play, and it's possible that he would be able to detect the smell of any cum she happened to miss. It was, after all, his own cum. He might be particularly good at detecting that. And, besides, she would feel rather uncomfortable around him if she knew there was even the possibility of there being any trace of it left. Her face flushed red just thinking about that. She then wondered whether, once he got his body back, would he realize that she had jerked him off twice the night before? Is there some way of telling that?

"Okay," she said, with considerable apprehension, "see you in a half hour."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

After he hung up Michael got dressed. He decided to just put on Marcia's original outfit and bring over some of the clothes the professor had purchased. He put them in a Kroger paper shopping bag. She might have a useful, and certainly relevant, opinion about these additional outfits. Girls can be pretty particular about their clothes and he wouldn't want to show up on campus in an outfit that she would subsequently find embarrassing. It was difficult to fit all of the dresses, blouses, and brassieres into the bag, but he managed to stuff most of them in. He didn't include the many panties. Somehow he felt that would be a bit too personal and, well, he did want to keep them. He waited only a little bit to give her time to clean, and then put on a baseball cap and took off. He decided he really couldn't wait the full half hour.

Marcia did live in the same complex but her apartment was almost clear on the other side. On the way there he saw one of his good friends, Jimmy, Jimmy Funkhauser. Jim was in fact a pretty good friend of his and, like him, was not at all experienced with girls. It was a sad fact they often shared. Jim was especially pessimistic about ever getting a girl friend. Whereas Michael was pretty good looking and in really good shape, Jimmy was your typical nerdy looking guy: short, freckled, pimpled, thin, and with glasses. Plus, he was just basically very self-conscious and apprehensive around girls. This was in part why they were such good friends. Michael had the looks to attract a girl, but he shared Jimmy's self-consciousness. Michael realized that he could do Jimmy a really big favor.

Jim was trying to fix a spoke on his bike. He didn't own a car so used a bike a lot. It even had a basket on the front. Michael walked up to him.

"Hi, aren't you Jimmy Funkhauser?"

"What? Yea? Yea." He was a little taken aback. Who was this incredibly pretty girl and why did she want to speak to him? It wasn't surprising that she knew him, but it wasn't too often that a pretty girl initiated a conversation with him.

"I thought so. I thought so. I'm." Michael hesitated, realizing that there was no way he should give Marcia's real name. "I'm Sandra, Sandra Dee, um, Dean, Sandra Dean."

Jim got up from his bike, held out his hand, and said, "Hello, I'm Jim," and then cursed himself. She already knew his name.

"I know that, silly." Michael shook his hand. It was pretty darned interesting being on this side of the interaction, watching how his friend so clumsily addressed a pretty girl. He was obviously feeling pretty darned intimidated by her. "What'cha doing?"

"Fixing this bike. Spoke is a bit off."

"Ohhhh," he feigned interest. "Are you really good at mechanical things?"

"No, no, not really, just bikes, I guess."

"Well, I can't do anything with my hands."

"Yea, well." He didn't know what to say next.

"Well, actually" Michael, as Sandra, added, "I can do some things pretty darned good with my hands," smiling suggestively.

Jim's faced turned red. He doubted that she meant what he inferred, and he hoped she wouldn't notice his reddening face. But, thinking about that made his face even redder. It was pretty dark though.

Michael could see Jimmy's face reddening. He wondered if he was going too far, too fast, but he really didn't have much time. Marcia would probably be upset about him arriving late, although it would at least give her more time to pick things up. "Jimmy, can I show you something?"

"What? Show me something?" He wondered if she wanted to show him something from the shopping bag.

Michael held the bag behind his back and slowly turned Marcia's breasts left and right. He had seen girls do that before, and he had found it pretty darned enticing. And, it was clear that Jimmy did as well. He was desperately trying not to look at his, her, tits, but they were like hypnotic watches, going left and right, left and right, before his eyes.

"Yea, over here, come over here with me." Michael reached out, took Jimmy by the hand, and led him over to a place behind one of the apartments, where it was particularly private and dark.

"What's over here?" Jim asked, feeling quite perplexed by this, but certainly enjoying the fact that this girl was holding his hand. He wondered if she had found some interesting moth or something. He did like insects.

"Here," the girl said, when she reached a nicely secluded spot. She let go of his hand, dropped the bag, turned to him and, looking into his eyes, smiling, she began to unbutton her blouse.

Jim, to say the least, was dumfounded, speechless. It did not make sense. There was no good reason that a girl would want to unbutton her blouse for him. Heck, he didn't even know this girl. But, why would he question it? Why would he raise any objection or concern? He might be a nerd but he wasn't stupid. He was not about to say or do anything that might undermine this moment, that might deter this girl from finishing what she was apparently doing.

Jim glanced left, right, and behind to be sure that they were indeed alone, nor in any apparent sight of anyone, although he didn't study his surroundings for long. He did not want to take his eyes off what was much more interesting right in front of him. As each button came undone his cock seemed to grow bigger and bigger in his pants.

Michael could see how much pleasure he was providing his friend, and he felt reaffirmed that he was doing the right thing. He opened up Marcia's blouse to show his friend her two lovely white bubbies, tucked away in their plain white brassiere.

Jim felt like a boy in a candy store, seeing before his eyes two very, very large coconut cakes. He just loved those as a kid and still did today, but these soft white mounds were of course even more tempting and lovely to behold. He was actually feasting his eyes on a girl's set of big round white boobs! They were still in their brassiere, of course, but that did not diminish their appeal. On the contrary, it also had its own special appeal, as he was seeing them in a state of undress, enclosed within a girl's personal undergarments.

"Feel them," she said softly.


"You heard me, silly," she replied. "Reach underneath and feel me up."

Jim thought his cock might explode in his pants. He certainly knew that if he touched those big soft tits his dick was likely to shoot off. He was going to get his first feel of a girl's tits, and these were even really nice ones on a pretty girl. He couldn't believe his luck. It was like he had won some sort of raffle. Of course, he hadn't, but there was simply no way he was going to question this.

He reached out with both hands and slipped them underneath, up and under the pretty girl's brassiere, to grasp firmly in his hands her two soft round bubbies. He had never felt anything so wonderful before. They were so squishy, so sexy, so exciting. He felt them around and around, covering every possible inch, groping around like a starving man in the dark who was suddenly provided with two wonderfully tasty melons.

Michael had to smile, although he hoped it would look like a smile of pleasure rather than amusement. He now understood more fully how it would feel for a woman to be groped and mauled by an inexperienced boy. Yet, he had to admit, it did still feel kind of good. He closed his eyes, finding that the more he saw the hands as belonging to his friend, the more odd the experience felt in his mind. In his body, her body, it did actually feel rather nice. He tried to imagine that it was Marcia's hands groping him. He couldn't really get to that point in his imagination, but it did help to try.

Michael did particularly like it when he reached her nipples. He could even feel them stretching out with excitement and arousal at his touch, his squeezing, his pinching.

Jim particularly liked it when he reached her nipples. He could even feel them stretching out with excitement and arousal at his touch, his squeezing, his pinching. He pushed up her brassiere farther to not only feel them, but to look at them as well.

They popped out like two balloons reaching the surface of the water. He was mesmerized by their sight; their lily whiteness standing out in the darkness, reflecting the light of the moon. And, those nipples! They were so pointy, so perky, so suckably tempting. His dick was so swollen, so stiff, in his briefs.

"Can I? Um, can I? You know." He couldn't bring himself to say it. It just seemed too forward, too dirty to put it into words.

Michael opened his eyes and responded gaily, "You want to kiss them? To suck them? Why of course, silly, that's what a girl's titties are for!" He kind of liked being the girl he would personally like to have met. He wondered when this was all done whether he and Jim could in fact trade places using Marcia's body. He recalled when they were much younger they had traded back and forth dirty magazines they had managed to steal or find, and at times even purchased. He kind of doubted though that Marcia would agree to have her body traded back and forth between two guys.

"But," he, or she, added, "you have to take your cock out. I want to see how big and manly you are." He giggled at his silliness, but his giggling just sounded like a silly girl giggling with delight.

"Yea, sure," Jim gladly replied. That was more than a fair bargain, although he didn't really consider his cock to be particularly big, and he was a bit worried that she would be disappointed once she saw it. But, she really wouldn't then laugh at him, would she?

He glanced around again, now feeling a bit more concerned about being outdoors. It was one thing to have her with her tits out, it was quite another to have his cock out. But, he couldn't see much of anything in the darkness. There were scattered persons walking around, but the two of them were well hidden behind a couple of bushes, and there was little reason for anyone to walk back where they were. He quickly unzipped his slacks and reached into his briefs.

It was a little difficult for him to extract his stiff cock through the narrow slit of his briefs. He actually never even used the flap when he peed. He would just pull the waistband down. That seemed easier. But, he didn't want to do that here, being a bit concerned about his pants and briefs actually falling down. What if somebody did discover them? He would have to take off running, and he could hardly do that with his briefs and slacks around his ankles. He did eventually manage to extract it, and it popped out into the cool evening air like a jack-in-the-box springing into action.

"Oh my goodness, Jimmy," she said. "He's every big as I thought he would be! You must really scare the girls with this one."

Jim was shocked. There was no way he was really, actually, big, was he? He had certainly seen many a picture of a man's erection in porno pictures and movies he saw on-line, and he rarely found one as small as him. But, then, maybe it's because in the movies they are all pretty much actors, and they would probably prefer guys who were especially big. Porno movies did tend to favor large breasted girls. Maybe they favored big dick guys as well. And, this girl has to have seen quite a few of them herself. She was obviously not shy when it came to sex. He was feeling pretty darned good about himself, but he feigned modesty. "Well, no, no, not really."

She placed a hand on his chest, and while looking at his cock she replied, "Oh don't be so modest. I've, um, I've seen quite a few." He was about to say, 'licked and sucked quite a few,' but then it would have been difficult not to also lick and suck Jim's, and he really felt that would be going too far. In fact, he could not bring himself to touch Jim's cock. That just didn't seem right, and he doubted that it would feel right. How could he really look Jim in the face again after he had jerked him off?

But, still, he did feel somewhat oddly attracted to it. He did feel an urge to touch it. He wondered if Marcia's physiology, her hormones, were beginning to penetrate, permeate, his mind, his feelings. He looked away. It was a little too confusing. "Oh, I just can't even look at it anymore! It's so scary! It looks all angry and mean and everything."

Michael lifted up Marcia's skirt. "Here," he said, holding her skirt up with his left hand, using his right to take hold of Jim's hand and bring it underneath, to her panties. "Play with me while you play with yourself. That will be so much fun!"

She was indeed right about that, Jim thought. It would be even more fun and make more sense if she played with him while he played with her, but this was hardly sucking the hind tit, so to speak. In fact, he did just that, leaning forward to suck on one of her nipples while he slid his fingers under her panties, to her cunnie, stroking his cock with his other hand.

It was awkward for Jim. He had never tried to slip his fingers under a girl's panties before, and he was even having to do it with his left hand. He quickly changed hands. He didn't normally jerk off with his left hand, but the more important task at hand was the girl's pussy, and he certainly wanted to devote much of his effort and attention to that, for his sake as much as for hers. This was his first time with a girl. He did want to make a good first impression and, besides, it wouldn't take much to bring himself off.
