Extending the MILF List Ch. 07


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"Uh, uh, you fuck Annie good!" Annie moaned, her words interlaced with the satisfied rumble of her climax, bucking as she orgasmed.

"Oh my god." Lydia whispered as Annie continued to come in front of her. Curiously, she had a hand stroking her own neck, as though Annie's collar teased her.

I found and pinched a nipple. Annie lurched to the side. I found the other nipple and as she slammed down on me, I pinched it, hard. She cried out and her whole body became completely tense. She sat up and leaned back onto my chest. My cock slid out of her.

Now I wanted to fuck her. Playtime was over.

I pushed her forward and she stood, wobbling on unsteady legs. When I stood up, she understood immediately. She turned her back to me, moved a chair out of the way and bent over the table. My slacks crumbled down my legs and I stood before Lydia Favors with my hard, slick cock constrained by the waistband of my briefs. I pulled them down and out of the way, to my knees. I shuffled around the corner and lifted up the back of Annie's dress.

Beside us Mrs. Favors watched, wide eyes, unmoving. Her tongue constantly licked her lips. She could see between us. When I flipped Annie's skirt up over her slender ass, revealing the garter straps running down her thighs, Mrs. Favors hissed. My bare cock bobbed between us, a dousing rod looking for a pool of pleasure.

I pulled Annie back a bit and she widened her stance. I fingered her oozing pussy and she dropped her head between her elbows. When I touched her pussy with the head of my cock a zap of energy sparked between us. I pushed. Annie pushed. My cock penetrated her, sliding into her channel, smoothed by her excitement and taut with her intensity. I grasped her hips and fit her down onto my cock, pulling her hard back against my body. My cock ran into her like the proverbial train into the tunnel. This was not just a cigar we were sharing. Deep in her, I ground us together.

Annie squealed.

"Cooooocccckkkk!" She said distinctly.

"Oh my word!" Lydia Favors whispered. "I don't believe this is happening right on my kitchen table!" She watched our coupling, drink suspended in the air. She panted but not as hard as Annie, or as loudly.

I ignored Mrs. Favors for a moment, concentrating on fucking Annie. I began to slap against her ass, her skirt flipped up over her back. The garter belt and straps framed her pussy.

Laura screamed again from upstairs. Then she squealed high and long before it choked off in a guttural grunt.

Annie was puffing before me, muttering in Chinese, still with her elbows under her. Then she felt me increasing my force and she lay down, turning her face to Lydia. Her hot tits puddled on the cool table.

My orgasm arrived like a cloudburst, flooding out of me into Annie's pulsing jade garden. I came and came, grinding against her as the climax roared through me. Little by little, it receded.

"Oh my." Laura said from the stairs.

I pulled out of Annie, glancing at Lydia. She was slack mouthed, staring at the scene an arm's length away from her.

I pulled up my pants, fighting not to stagger; if I had, I surely would have fallen ungracefully on my face. Once I got my greedy little prick tucked away, I looked at Laura.

"On the table. Time to taste you."

She came down the stairs. As she approached, I could smell her arousal and the tangy, sharp mixture of male and female cum. Glistening lines decorated both of her inner thighs; what had D. Debra called them? Racing stripes? Laura walked a little funny. If there was cum in her puss I was going to have to beat her and I was worried Mrs. Favors was not quite ready for that. Not yet.

I made Annie stand up. She wobbled, her eyes glazed. I pulled her back into me and she leaned against me like a sleeping horse. I sat her down on my chair.

I looked at Lydia. "Do you think your son came in her?" I asked. Lydia fought to focus her eyes on me. She did not respond.

I looked at Laura. "Did he come in you?" I asked.

Laura shook her head soberly. "He came in my ass." She mumbled.

That was why the blond was walking weird. I looked quickly back at Lydia to see her reaction. Her eyes were blinking. I think she should have eaten some pizza before drinking all that scotch. "Your son fucked her ass." I said. "That is usually extra but she was his so..." I shrugged. "On the table, Annie is going to taste you to see if he left anything for us."

"Oh no. Not that." Lydia whispered.

Laura squeezed between Annie and the table. For a moment the two women rubbed together, Annie's open blouse allowed her to wipe her tits across Laura's midriff. Laura's breasts, thrummed Annie across the neck and shoulders. After a moment of this, Laura giggled and hitched her ass up on the table. She spread her knees. Lydia fixed her eyes on the two women in her kitchen.

Annie got one hand on each of Laura's spread knees. After staring at the woman's pussy, She pulled Laura to the edge of the table and kissed and licked her. Laura leaned back on her two hands, her tight skirt was pushed up over her waist by her open legs. Her breasts wavered behind the ghostly black of the blouse. Suddenly she bucked. Annie's hand gripped her thighs, then snaked under them up to grip Laura's ass. Holding tightly to the blond's ass cheeks, Annie licked and sucked her pussy. Laura's knees twitched, trying to close on Annie's shoulders but Annie moved closer, pushing Laura's legs wider.

After a few minutes of this, during which Laura came several times in small measure, I tapped Annie on the shoulder several times. She sat up, her head rolling on her shoulders.


"Just pussy." Annie grunted.

I nodded, looking with satisfaction at Laura. I was not at all sure they would succeed in perpetuating this little play. "Did he really fuck your ass?" I asked, trying to imagine his odd cock penetrating an ass. I couldn't.

Laura nodded.

This time Lydia comprehended and gasped.

I helped Laura off the table. She got our coats.

"Mrs. Favors, I apologize for Annie. She can be insistent sometimes. I had planned to do her while we waited. I sort of promised and as you can guess, she rather enjoys an appreciative audience." The red-haired woman blushed but her eyes never left mine. "I thank you for your forbearance."

She smiled vacantly. "Forbearance? There is not a word you hear everyday." She managed to weave in her chair.

"We'll just be going now. I expect we will not meet again. You have a fine son there. You should be proud. Remember, I always pay my debts."

She smiled vaguely again. I shouldered on my coat and led the two women out to the car. The snow was thicker, heavier and the muffled silence of it seemed to infect us all. I sat for a minute letting the car warm up. It had gotten colder. The girls did not speak for a moment. Then Laura leaned over the seat, she was in the back.

"My god, Sonny, that was hot. What happens next?" She asked.

Now this seemed like a bold question but I took it as I hoped she felt it, she was just curious. I put the car in gear and drove towards her house. I felt her leaning over the seat waiting for an answer but I ignored her. When we got to her house, I turned to look at her. "Go inside. Go to sleep. Do whatever Sean wants you to do."

She nodded and left us.

After she left, Annie and I sat in the warm car, the snow blurring the windshield. Annie made no move to get out of the car. I was confused till I remembered it was her car.

Finally she said in her clipped English voice. "That was interesting. Have you done that for the others?"

I looked at her and she was looking out the window. I nodded. "After a fashion, sort of. They, I think they have all been shown to be willing to fuck when the time was right."

My phone rang at that moment. I answered it. It was Sean Favors. "Goddamn, Sonny, that was, that was unbelievable! Mom, she, god, she's smashed. She, she was so angry she grounded me for a week. Again. Some more. She said, she said you fucked someone while you waited? Did you or was she exaggerating?"

I chuckled. "Annie's idea. She, she insisted. I think she likes fucking in front of strangers." I thought about that. "Or anyone for that matter." I glanced at Annie but she sat staring out at the falling snow, hands in her lap.

"What next? What should I do next? I mean, god, Sonny, I never thought Mom would let me fuck a woman right in the house, not while she was listening down stairs." Sean hesitated. "I bet you could hear everything! Shit I didn't bother to shut the door!"

"We heard. Your Mom knew you were going to fuck her. That was the point."

"My god, I knew it, I knew you could figure this out, from what Chris tells me you are a fucking genius when it comes to MILFs."

"I hope to branch out later." I said.

"So? What's the next move? I mean, the point is getting her to fuck me, right? You are still planning on fucking my mother and getting her to...to...to fuck me? Right?"

"Yes. Listen, Sean. You did good tonight but now you have to get caught boning Mrs. Wills as often as you can. The best thing is for you to walk in the house with Mrs. Wills and fuck her, like you assume its okay. Now, if you know your mom will be home, call me so I can be on the way. I, I think this will work."

"What? What are you going to do?"

"Oh, and make sure Laura is always wearing the collar, the gold one she had on tonight. Right? Make sure she has it on when you fuck her. I told her to do whatever you wanted. Whenever and wherever. You can be out a few times..."

"Mom grounded me."

"Ignore her, make her furious and then shrug and bring Laura home and bone her there. Tell Laura to pout if your mom insists she leave, tell her to say she'll tell Sonny everything."

"What will she tell you?"

"Don't worry about it, just fuck Mrs. Wills every chance you get."

"Gladly. I love your fucking plans!"

He said a mouthful. "And don't forget the collar, ever. Okay?" I hung up. I looked over at Mrs. Kingston.

Annie fingered her collar. "What is this?" She asked.

"That means you are mine." I said softly. "It is my hold on you. If you take it off, I have no hold. If you put it on, you want me to use you. I have one for all the others."

"Laura, she loves that, doesn't she? Being handed around like that."

I nodded, then realized it was dark and Annie wasn't looking at me. "Yes. I think she does."

Annie looked at me then. The odd light from the Wills yard light made her face look like a cubist image. "I want something. Do you know what I want. From you, I mean."

I felt a little lurch. Annie had been utterly compliant, undemanding, willing and eager to be handed around as we liked, after the initial misconception about her role in the MILF list. I had a sick realization that I had given little thought to what she wanted, beyond her initial statement that she liked being surprised in her own bed. Sammy and Chris had provided that, the rest was interpolation on my part and the conviction that Sid wanted me to be using his wife to balance with my mom riding his cock and Alissa being his counsel.

I realized I had not answered her question and had little belief that it was a rhetorical question. "I, no, Annie, I don't know what you want from me. Are you dissatisfied?" My natural insecurity showed clearly in the last phrase. We all compensate as we must. Pussy always seems to help mine.

She smiled a light smile, airy and unconcerned, when she spoke, she ignored my gaff. "I want to spend the night with you. Tawny is here. That is her car. She is sleeping with Chris now. I want to wake up with you."

I didn't know what to say.

She turned to me. "Nothing will be different tomorrow. I, I just want the feeling of a man beside me who, when he wishes, gets between my legs and enters me, as he likes, when he likes. I want to be there, beside you for your use." She whimpered a little. "I miss sleeping with someone who fucks me as he wishes. I, my husband in China, he may have been a shit and foolish as a bird with no feathers but he used me often, for himself, till the fear took away his bird and his shame divided us against each other. I miss that, the casual conjunction of bodies and the pleasure of being wakened from sleep with a prick between my legs. I want to spend the night in your bed." She turned her face towards me. "You can use me as you like. I want to be there to be used, you can fuck me as you like. Okay?"

I found it charming she felt the need to be explicit. "Yes." I said immediately. This elegant woman seemed unbelievably attractive and I wanted to have her like a lover.

"Come in. I want to wash and prepare myself for you. We will go to your house."

"Hurry, the snow is getting really deep."

She smiled that wan smile again, like she was remembering some distant past.

We went inside and she took half an hour upstairs while I waited. I spent the time reliving the day I spent watching my mother fucked on their table by Sid Kingston. I had a pang of longing for my own mother and her plush, welcoming body. I was glad Annie wished to come home with me.

She appeared, a vision, dressed absolutely to the nines, with her hair fluffed and coiffed, makeup, eye shadow, and a beautiful dark blue velvet dress that hugged her body, elegant, not hooker chic. Her legs were sheathed in black hose below the knee-length dress, with black boots. A bright silver belt highlighted her waist and her slender hips. Curiously, it matched the glittering collar around her neck. God, she looked good, sensuous as the night. She got her coat and I walked her to the car, opened the door and she got in.

"I got us reservations at the Base Camp. It is only a few blocks from your house, we can walk there if we must. I want to buy you dinner." Annie said softly.

"I held up my hand. "Nope. If this is going to be a date, I want to buy. I can. Alissa has contributed so my funds are finally sufficient."

"Enough to buy five collars for your MILFs?"

I nodded and started the car and drove carefully in the deepening snow to the Base Camp. We went into the place. They informed us they were closing early and sending everyone home. We were one of a dozen occupied tables. We sat down, ordered a nice bottle of wine. No one cared to check my ID and I did not offer. Annie attracted the wait staff and they eyed her like she was a princess, particularly after she opened her mouth and spoke the King's English and not our flat local accent. She glowed in the light of their admiration.

We chatted, like we had only just met, like she was a married woman out on the town with me and somehow at ease with the lust in my eyes, in my every word and action. She acted blissfully unaware, or confidently entitled, I could not tell which. Our two steaks arrived and we ate in an easy silence.

When we finished, she asked if we could walk home but I insisted we put her car in the barn because leaving it out interfered with plowing once the snow stopped. Best avoid the risk. Once the car was parked, she insisted that we walk out in the frosted world. She took hold of my arm and we strode down the invisible sidewalk, leaving footprints like streaks in the snow as we shuffled along. Under a street light, she pulled me around in front of her and looked up at me, pitching her head back so her black hair, spangled with snow fell away from her face and her full lips shone in the fluttering light.

I kissed her. Her lips were alive. I was thinking that this woman had bent over a stranger's kitchen table so I could fuck her and here she was kissing me like a lover, clinging to me like I held her future in my hands. One cold hand combed through her wet, cold hair and an errant finger touched her neck and she flinched. I felt the collar around her neck and felt the deeply personal implication.

Anne broke the kiss and looked up at me, sagging a little, letting me hold her weight, propping her up as the snow fell on her face

"Use me." She whispered. "I feel, I feel this time is short when we will be like this. I, have have been three years hidden away here and I feel that I am reborn, regenerated and you, you have consummated that in me. For now, I want to be your woman, to have you demand of me all that you want so I can give it to you." Her voice was harsh with lurid desire. "Tell me you want me. Tell me what you want of me so I can savor a future when you take me."

This woman seemed so different from the one bent over the table. She seemed caught in a net of longing, desiring something and I felt inclined to give it to her. I kissed her again. "I want your ass." I said. "This snow will last a day or two. It is the weekend. I want you naked in my bed and I want to do to you all the things I can do to a woman."

Her hot breath spewed a column of steam into the air.

"I want to strip you naked and lay you down, get between your legs and push my hard cock inside your body. I want to feel your oozing desire as I press into you. I want to feel your open legs and your mouth on mine as I sink down, filling you up with my desire, piercing your body with my hard cock."

Annie shivered, a great shudder conveyed clearly even through her long winter coat. "Whatever you wish," she hissed, "I will do." She grunted a little Chinese grunt. "I will enjoy it. That's the miracle, the pleasure you give me when you take me. I am breathless with anticipation."

For a long moment we looked at each other and then we turned and walked the few blocks back to the house. I'd left the garage door open. We went in there, stamping and brushing the snow off of each other then adjourned inside.

I went up to shower after turning on the gas fire. She rummaged in the kitchen. It was only eight o'clock. Too early to go to bed but that was all I was thinking of; Annie on her back. Honestly, I was tempted to call Alissa and lure her over but I decided that Annie just wanted me to herself.

We sat before the fire, the back curtains open, showing the air filled with snow in the shafts of the street lights. We drank hot buttered rum and necked like we were newly discovering our mutual, shared lust. Slowly, I began to unfasten her clothing.

The dress unzipped down the back. She shivered when I kissed her bare skin. Her body vibrated with need. I felt her desire for me so sharply I could not breathe. It cloyed about me, drawing me to her body. She lay forward onto the couch and I unhooked her bra. The dress flowed off her shoulders but clung to her arms. I had to reach around her and pull the sleeves by the wrists to undrape her. She turned onto her back. I worked the dress off her hips and down her legs and off. I puzzled over her boots till she had to show me where the zipper was. I pulled them off of her little feet, sheathed in the black stockings. She lay back onto the couch, naked but for the little corset covering her middle and the straps that hooked to the stockings, long black lines down her hips and ass to her thighs. Her breasts glinted in the flickering light of the fire, we had left off all the other lights.

"In me. I want you inside of me." She whispered. "Take off your clothing. I want you naked. God, how I want you." This articulate, confident woman seemed utterly different than the morose, demanding woman I had known before. I did as she asked. Taking my time removing shirt, slacks and all, I had dressed well after showering. I undid my clothing till I stood nude before her. She rose to one elbow and grasped my cock with one hand and drew me close.

She licked the head and for an awful moment, I thought I would spew onto her face. She sucked the end of my cock into her heated mouth and I felt the cool air of her breath mushrooming over my body. My cock sank deeper and the tension drove my orgasm back into its cavern where it lurked, waiting.
