Extenuating Circumstances Ch. 01A


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And even more frighteningly, her public humiliation seemed like gasoline to the fire of her arousal, increasing it even further as the women watched her getting eaten out by her across-the-street neighbor old enough to be her grandfather.

Neal Meyer's voice caught her attention as he said over the loud speaker, "OK, we're down to the last three couples. Girls, this is your chance to show us what you got," he said as the next song, Suzanne recognizing the Ying Yang Twins' "Salt Shaker," began to play.

For good or bad, her attention being diverted has prevented her from orgasming, and as she climbed off of Henry's face, she felt more aroused than ever remembering.

She and the other two girls began to weave between the three men, the more a triangle as the moved around the small space. The other two women began to undulate seductively to the song, strutting like strippers at a bachelor party as the crowd screamed its encouragement.

Then she saw the girls look at her once more and Suzanne had a sudden clarity of recognition. The two girls had not been looking at her in disdain for what was happening to her from Henry, but in as a threat to them for the game.

The women held looks of pure competitiveness as she heard Cheryl Price mutter to her, "You're going down!"

Feeling slightly more at ease due to them seeing her as competition and not as a slut, Suzanne once again got into the spirit of the game. The music stirred within her, and soon she too began to move her body, dancing provocatively like the two other girls.

The crowd went wild to the lewd movement of the three women as the song continued to play. Suzanne smiled at their response. If there was anything she was good at, it was dancing. She had grown up and been taught by one of the best dancers she knew, her sister Jennifer, who was now considered one of the best strippers on the west coast, offered a sizeable contract to a large company.

And her sister's lessons paid off, as Suzanne became the sole focus of not only the crowd around them, but the three men they were circling, each of them paying more attention to her than their own partners.

Although Cassie was a pretty blonde, she was wearing a one-piece suit that did not suit her body, and Suzanne began to understand her husband's wish for her to dress in something else this year. Cassie was only a few years younger than Suzanne and more used to dancing in a club scene, but she did not have the agile smooth-yet-seductive motion Suzanne had, all due to Jen's tutelage—it was one of the few times Suzanne thought it paid off to have a stripper sister.

Cheryl Price was an extreme platinum blonde and a semi-famous fashion model. She traveled all over the world and had been on the cover of several high profile magazines. Cheryl was not afraid to show or move her body and knew many of the moves Suzanne did, making her believe stripping on a stage was not so different than being a runway model. The silver-blonde haired woman was wearing a black bikini which contrasted well with her tanned body, and as Suzanne watched, the woman began jiggling her ass to the song as the crowd cheered her on. Suzanne instantly realized she was the bigger competition.

Although the games were won through which couple had the most points, there was something to be said about crowd favoritism. The energy of the crowd could feed you on to victory or boo you to last place.

Not to be outdone by Cheryl, Suzanne began to move precisely as her sister had taught her, swaying her hips as she strutted exaggeratedly between the men. Without thinking about it she moved her hands over her body as her sister had instructed, squeezing her breasts to the cheers of all the men and even most of the women watching on the sidelines.

In her head she could hear the echo of her sister's voice, "Keep everything fluid and never leave your hands sitting still, move them over your body, swing your hips. When people are dancing before a crowd they often only focus on one body part. A good dancer doesn't move just her arms, nor her ass, or her hips, her legs, her shoulders, or her hair—a good dancer is moving them all together. Basically, if you have a joint, bend it," she had told her joyfully as her and Suzanne practiced in Jen and Dan's garage in Oregon one visit.

Suzanne had not heard from her sister in weeks and wondered what she might be up to, whether she and Dan had saved up enough money for their wedding and what news she had in terms of her being offered a sizeable contract. Although she had a desire to quite stripping, she had called her sister due to the large amount being offered to her, and Suzanne had not heard the final decision. Knowing her sister, no news was bad news, so she had a feeling the wedding was still on hold, but hoped for the best between the two of them, making a mental note to call her big sister soon as she focused upon her own situation.

To her satisfaction, her sister's lessons were paying off, as all the men were cheering her on, causing Chery to glare at her in distaste. The woman may have had the looks and potential for dancing seductively, but she had not had one of the best pole dancers in the country as her tutor.

There was something to be said about moving your body as a stripper versus a runway model. One was selling—or at least giving the promise—of sex, while the other was more about the fashion itself than the model. And from the reaction of the men around her, she was definitely the favorite.

Swaying to the seductive music to the cheers of the men both sitting and in the crowd, Suzanne could not help but feel a certain empowering rush go through her knowing it was her being cheered for, not the high paid model strutting behind her nor the cute little teeny-bopper in front of her.

She was also keenly aware the music had been playing for a while, knowing it would be stopping soon and mentally preparing herself to get on the closest man's shoulders—the urge to win overcoming her consternation on whether she was in front or behind the closest man. Glancing at the other women, she saw Cheryl and Cassie were more interested in outdoing each other dancing, trying to steal the attention away from her instead of paying attention to the game.

Thanks to her sister's help, dancing seductively was almost natural as walking, so she could focus on both, so when the music stopped, Suzanne was ready, immediately hopping upon Tim's shoulders.

Cheryl's long experience modeling also had allowed her to move seductively by habit and also seemed to have been waiting for the music to stop, as she hastily followed Suzanne's motions and climbed upon Henry's back.

Cassie's lack of experience was her downfall, as she had unfortunately been too interested in dancing, resulting with her being too far away from James to reach him in time before Suzanne and Cheryl were seated. As such, she was disqualified, along with Tim who looked longingly at Suzanne as she climbed off him to allow him to step away from the gaming area. The disappointment was obvious on his face and Suzanne felt a flush deep in her stomach knowing he was less upset at being taken out of the game than losing the chance to grope her.

Tim and Cassie would get the five points for being in third place, so now it was down to Cheryl and Suzanne.

Having won one game and placed second in the last two games, Suzanne knew regardless of whether she finished first or second, her and Henry would be in the lead; however, Henry's enthusiasm was infectious, and she was now determined to win, even at the expense of her own pride.

The music began playing loudly over the cheers of the crowd as her and Cheryl once again began moving seductively around the two men, weaving in a figure eight pattern. Both James and Henry were obviously enjoying the two attractive, scantily clad women dancing around them, almost as if they were getting their own personal lap dances, and the crowd cheered even louder as Cheryl began shaking her ass wildly, semi-twerking to the song.

Not to be outdone, Suzanne began to do the same, both girl's asses jiggling wildly as the crowd cheered them on.

But twerking was more a stripper thing than a runway model, and it soon became obvious to Suzanne that Cheryl was more concerned with out-dancing her than paying attention to the game, making the same mistake as Cassie in the last round, so when the song suddenly stopped, Suzanne was ready.

Cheryl had just dropped down to her haunches to shake her ass, so was unprepared when Suzanne literally leaped upon James's face, heedless of her impropriety.

As her crotch slammed into his face and the crowd cheered, Suzanne gasped as James wasted no time jamming his tongue into the wedge of her crotch. Suzanne had forgotten her suit was wedged into her slit, having paid more attention to the game than her suit, and her mind suddenly went blank, shorting out like an electric fuse at the licentious probing of the black man's tongue, working his way between the exposed folds of her flesh.

As the crowd cheered and applauded enthusiastically, Suzanne remained straddled upon James' face in a sexual stupor, her body relishing the obscene invasion of her neighbor's mouth.

She heard Neal announce her and Henry the winners and she clenched her fists behind James' head.

To the crowd, it looked like she was clenching her fists in victory, but Suzanne knew the vulgar truth as she involuntarily thrusted her hips forward, her pent up orgasm finally releasing at the sudden penetration of James Price's tongue forcing its way past the cloth of her bikini to taste her now oozing pussy.

Suzanne could only gasped as the man's powerful tongue moved aside her suit, his oral flesh impaling her pussy. With sudden clarity she realized his tongue was further inside her than Henry's cock had been earlier when grinding together during the balloon game.

The crowd was still cheering, believe her to be relishing the win as the reason for staying on James' face, but the cold truth was her unable to get enough of the feeling of her pussy and James' tongue inside her.

Finally common sense made its way through her lust-clouded mind, and it was with reluctance Suzanne finally climbed off her neighbor, seeing the huge grin on his face as he stood up.

To her surprise, he bent over and whispered in her ear, saying, "Let's finish this later, only without the barrier of your suit."

Then Suzanne let out a loud squeal as James—heedless of anybody watching—reached between her legs, his finger sliding easily past the edge of material wedged in her slit, briefly entering her pussy before he turned and walked away from her.

Suzanne's mind was a blank, not even noticing when Henry came over to her with a big smile, giving her a big hug in congratulations. She was at a loss of words, unable to thank him, more focused upon the residual feeling of James' finger having entered her shamefully eager pussy.

"Well done dear, we have a smashing lead," Henry told her, giving her a big hug.

It was the hug that brought her back to the present, but her mind was still in a lust-filled haze. As her partner and elderly neighbor held her against him, Suzanne could not help but notice the sensation of Henry's pelvis against her, her body flushing at the undeniable feeling of his semi-hard erection pressing against the 'V' of her crotch.

Suzanne looked over his shoulder in fear of anybody noticing their close embrace, suddenly seeing David coming towards them, waving and smiling.

Suzanne's eyes abruptly flew open in surprise as Henry's hand slid down and cupped her ass! But it was not his bravado and audacity that surprised her so much than the fact his hand had slid BENEATH her suit, his palm squeezing her bare ass.

Even though Henry knew David was almost next to them, he pulled her even tighter against him, driving his erection even further into her crotch.

Suzanne gasped as her mind flashed back to the balloon popping contest when Henry's cock had practically impaled her, the thin material of their suits being the only thing preventing her from committing all-out adultery.

Then she had thought his eagerness had been part of the game, allowing the lewd behavior to continue under the pretext of popping the balloon. Suzanne had even believed his apology to David had been for the lewd behavior.

But she realized she had been wrong, amazed when Henry whispered in her ear, "You know, if you had your heels on you would be the perfect height for me to take you right here and now," he hissed into her ear, her eyes opening in astonishment before he finally released her and turned to David.

Suzanne was in shock, from both her post-orgasmic euphoria as well as Henry's lewd comment and actions. Abstractly she looked down at her husband, seeing him grinning like a Cheshire cat as he praised her performance during the game.

Suzanne harrumphed in disgust, and seeing David's puzzled expression, told him, "You would not believe the groping that goes on in that game!"

She expected concern, maybe even a little outrage from her husband, possibly a little worry over his wife having been taken advantage of her in such a situation.

The last thing she expected was David to suddenly burst out laughing, telling her it was all in good fun.

Suzanne looked at her husband in shock, actually upset. Her husband had never behaved like this before, uncaring that other men would take any type of liberty towards her. He had never been one to shrug off any slight towards her, at times being so hot-headed he had demanded an apology from the man in question.

She wondered if his attitude was once more some male domination ego bullshit thing. Was her husband attempting to strut his 'e-peen ego' by proving he had not only a beautiful wife, but could allow another man to hit on her and showing his self-confidence of her returning to him? It was as if he were proverbially rubbing the men's faces in the fact, saying, 'Look at my wife, feel free to see what a fine piece of ass she is, but you'll have to swallow your pride in the end when it's me she comes home to, crippled or not.'


Suzanne sipped her glass of wine and thought of her husband's attitude and how his injuries that summer had contributed to this moment. She shifted on her barstool, once again looking across the lounge for him, seeing the booth he had occupied filled with another group of men. For a moment she thought he may have left in disgust, finally coming to his senses at his wife prostituting herself, but then she saw he had moved over two tables. She then remembered him going to the bathroom earlier when the bartender has refilled her glass, realizing his seat must have been taken by the time he returned.

Scanning the rest of the lounge, she was intently aware of all the men around her, staring at her blatantly, their attention drawn to her when she had moved on the barstool. Her change in position meant they were now getting a different view of her body, some finally seeing her bare back, others her gartered stocking-covered legs. She could almost feel the physical sensation of their eyes roaming across her.

The five business men who had arrived earlier caught her attention, being directly in front of her, and Suzanne blushed as they raised their glasses in a silent toast to her.

She smiled at them, at first believing they were merely toasting an attractive women, until she realized they were all looking lower upon her body. In sudden distress she realized she had opened her legs for balance when turning upon the tall barstool, and wearing such a short dress gave them an unobstructed view of her lace-covered crotch!

In complete humiliation—as well an unbridled small thrill of excitement—Suzanne turned back around, hearing the unmistakable groans of the men she had inadvertently flashed.

Taking a large sip of wine for courage, Suzanne realized she was noticeably tipsy, but she needed the liquid courage to get through the night, she knew as she continued to reminisce, wondering how she could have been so naïve back then.


The final yard game—the games being split between pool and yard venues—was called 'Shave the Balloon.'

Suzanne was also familiar with this game. Whipped cream was applied to an over-inflated balloon held in their partner's mouth, while the female partner took a disposable razor and 'shaved' the balloon. The person who shaved off all of the whipped cream—or the last with an intact balloon--was the winner.

The game was harder than it sounded, as the slightest bit of pressure would cause the razor to pop the balloon. In addition, held only by the tied nub in their partner's mouth, the balloon tended to flop around, so some finesse was required to use the razor to also keep it still. It was a fine balance between applying enough pressure to stabilize the balloon, while being able to scrape off the whipped cream.

Once again she found herself standing beside Henry as Angeline Meyers gave out the instructions for the game.

It came as no surprise to her when Henry placed his arm around her waist, but what she did not expect was his hand to move down and cup her ass cheek!

Out of the corner of her eye, Suzanne saw several of the men—James Price, Raimon Aponte, and John Walls in particular—watching her, their lecherous grins approval of her partner's bold move. Although Suzanne was humiliated at Henry's overt touch, she once again attributed his fondling to the male domination games going on. Besides, she reasoned, it would only cause a scene and embarrass herself further if she said something and made a scene.

Then she saw David watching her, the smile on his face speaking louder than words at his approval of Henry's hand upon her ass. Giving her a silent nod, he turned his chair and moved closer to Angeline, who was talking through the loud speaker.

"This year's game is similar to past years; however, we have also added a time factor to the game. As many of you recall, the last three years people took an inordinate amount of time shaving their balloons, letting other people more in the spirit of the game pop their balloons and winning by default than through any skill. We decided a winner will only be declared if all the whipped cream is shaved off the balloon to force everybody to participate. In the event of everybody's balloon popping before removing the whipped cream, we will move into a second round, the rules of which we will announce if such a thing happens, so as to keep the mystery," she laughed, along with a few other people in the crowd. "So I ask that everybody remain in their seats until a winner is declared. If you have whipped cream splattered on you, please do NOT wipe it off and instead, leave it on," she laughed. "The second round will involve such possibilities," she grinned.

Glancing around again at the group of men watching her, Suzanne saw James say something, to which all the men laughed. Although she did not know what he said, Suzanne immediately felt her body blush in response, knowing it undoubtedly had something to do with her and her orgasm from his oral ministrations.

And then it was time for the game to begin, her attention pulled away from the leering men.

Balloons and razors were handed out to each team and then Neal and Angeline began covering the balloons with a half-inched thick layer of whipped cream. Once completed, David blew the whistle and the game was underway.

Within the first couple seconds several balloons popped, the over-enthusiastic partners becoming splattered with whipped cream to the happy cheers of the crowd.

Once again Angeline reminded the losers to not clean off the whipped cream other than from their eyes so they could watch the game.

Suzanne only had about a quarter of their balloon cleaned when it suddenly popped. She squealed in surprise as whipped cream splattered her chest and face, as it did to Henry, both of them laughing as they too turned to watch the remaining contestants continue.
